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NAKBA : Erinnern verboten !

Mercredi, 11 mai 2011 - 17h54

Mittwoch 11. Mai 2011


Deutschland wird niemals wirklich seine faschistische Vergangenheit bewältigt haben, bis es seine bedingungslose Unterstützung für den völkermordenden und rassistischen Staat Israel aufgibt, bis es aufhört, die Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit derjenigen, die diesen Staat kritisieren, zu unterdrücken, und bis es auf die Stürmer-ähnliche Diffamierung, der diese Kritiker ausgesetzt werden, verzichtet.
Raymond Deane, Komponist, Schattenblick


Lord Dubs

Baron Alf Dubs, of Battersea in the London Borough of Wandsworth
222 palästinensische Kinder in israelischen Gefängnissen
„Ich halte diese Demütigungen nicht für Recht“

Following a visit to the Occupied Palestinian Territory in April 2011, Lord Dubs raised the issue of Palestinian child detainees in the UK Parliament on 4 May 2011.

My Lords, I recently visited the West Bank; it was my first time there. Of course any solution must acquire security for Israel, but also dignity, self-respect and justice for the Palestinians.

As part of the visit I went to see the Israeli military courts in Ofer. I believe that the way in which these courts operate is an obstacle to achieving a just peace in the region. We went to see how children are treated by this system of military justice. Approximately 700 Palestinian children are prosecuted every year in these courts, and at the end of January this year some 222 were in jail. In the court we visited we saw a 14 year-old and a 15-year-old, one of them in tears, both looking absolutely bewildered. What shocked me as much as anything was to see that these young persons-children-had chains or shackles around their ankles while sitting in court. They were also handcuffed as they went into court. Although the handcuffs were taken off while they were in court, they were put on again as they left the court.

When being interogated these young people do not have the security of video recordings, lawyers or parents present. In fact, if parents want to visit, their permission might take 60 days to come through, by which time the young person might have served his or her sentence.

The court proceedings are in Hebrew, with translations of a doubtful quality. The verdicts are mostly based on uncorroborated confession evidence. The evidence against one young person that we saw was of throwing stones at an Israeli armoured vehicle, for which he is likely to get 60 days in custody.

I do not believe that this process of humiliation represents justice. I believe that the way in which these young people are treated is in itself an obstacle to the achievement by Israel of a peaceful relationship with the Palestinian people. I think that the Israelis should apply proper standards of human rights to the way in which they treat them.

Defence for Children International - Palestine Section, 11. Mai 2011. Siehe auch A report on the situation facing Palestinian children detained in the Israeli military court system, 31. Januar 2011. T:I:S, 11. Mai 2011

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Ilan Pappé

No, Israel is definitely not a democracy

No, Israel is definitely not a democracy. A country that occupies another people for more than 40 years and disallow them the most elementary civic and human rights cannot be a democracy. A country that pursues a discriminatory policy against a fifth of its Palestinian citizens inside the 67 borders cannot be a democracy.

In fact Israel is, what we use to call in political science a herrenvolk democracy, its democracy only for the masters. The fact that you allow people to participate in the formal side of democracy, namely to vote or to be elected, is useless and meaningless if you don’t give them any share in the common good or in the common resources of the State, or if you discriminate against them despite the fact that you allow them to participate in the elections.

On almost every level from official legislation through governmental practices, and social and cultural attitudes, Israel is only a democracy for one group, one ethnic group, that given the space that Israel now controls, is not even a majority group anymore, so I think that you’ll find it very hard to use any known definition of democracy which will be applicable for the Israeli case.

Frank Barat: An Interview with Ilan Pappé. Why Israel is Not a Democracy. CounterPunch, 1.-3. April 2011

T:I:S, 21. April 2011

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Erinnern verboten

Staatlich bezuschußte Organisationen in Israel riskieren künftig eine Geldstrafe, wenn sie den palästinensischen Gedenktag der Vertreibung begehen. Die Knesset billigte das sogenannte Nakba-Gesetz mit 37 zu 25 Stimmen, erfuhr die katholische Nachrichtenagentur KNA aus der israelischen Presse. Siehe auch Palestine News Network. Organisationen, die am israelischen Unabhängigkeitstag an das Schicksal der Palästinenser erinnern oder entsprechende Aktionen unterstützen, droht eine Rückforderung erhaltener staatlicher Zuwendungen in dreifacher Höhe.

Betroffen von dem neuen Gesetz sind unter anderem arabische Städte in Israel, die in der Vergangenheit Gedenkfeiern an die Nakba organisiert oder zugelassen haben. Auch israelische Organisationen wie Zochrot (Erinnern) versuchen, jüdischen Israelis das Schicksal der Palästinenser seit 1948 näherzubringen.

Ein weiteres verabschiedetes Gesetz erlaubt künftig kleinen Städten, Zuzügler nach einer Prüfung abzulehnen. Das Gesetz gilt für Gemeinden im Negev und in Galiläa mit maximal 400 Familien. Zureisenden kann demnach die Wohnsitznahme verwehrt werden, wenn sie nach Ansicht eines Komitees nicht in das Gemeinschaftsgefüge passen.

T:I:S, 23. März 2011. Ähnliches betreiben Massakerstaatsanhänger in Deutschland, siehe „Der Versuch, die Nakba-Ausstellung in Freiburg im Breisgau zu verbieten, bescherte ihr ungewöhnlich viele Besucher“ unter Schuß nach hinten; und „Düsseldorf kuscht, weil ein Verhaltensgestörter pfeift“, Der Fall Michael Szentei-Heise.

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