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Languages - International
« Syria : media sensationalism, distortions and lies »
14 septembre 2013============================================
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"Scott Lucas, Professor of American Studies at Britain’s Birmingham University and a specialist on North Africa, the Middle East and Iran, (...) -
Sinai crisis heightens tension between Egypt president and army chief
24 mai 2013============================================
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Last week’s kidnapping of seven soldiers in Sinai – and Egypt’s response to ongoing crisis – has aggravated tensions between (...) -
US Political Impotence in the Middle East
23 mai 2013============================================
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Limitations of US military power became quite obvious in later years.
By Ramzy Baroud
In an article published May 15, 2013, American historical social (...) -
8 mars 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Restriction of movement
Video : 19 years after massacre at Tomb of the (...) -
Israeli soldier posts Instagram image of Palestinian child in crosshairs of rifle
19 février 2013============================================
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Israeli soldier posts Instagram image of Palestinian child in crosshairs of rifle Military investigates Mor Ostrovski, 20, as row grows over spate of (...) -
BDS Victory : EDOM’s Chairman promises to resign and divest shares
10 février 2013============================================
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Posted on February 8, 2013 by Tom Anderson and Therezia Cooper | Leave a comment
Jimmy Russo, the Company Chairman of EDOM, has told Corporate Watch that (...) -
9 février 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Threats to non-Jewish history and religion
Occupation bulldozers demolish ancient Islamic (...) -
Plusieurs articles sur menaces de frappes israélo-US
28 janvier 2013============================================
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Source : ICH (International Clearing House)
Israeli Officials Confirm Blast at Iranian Nuclear Facility
By Yoel Goldman
Report cites intelligence sources who say Iran hasn’t evacuated area around Fordo (...) -
The Sea and the River
14 décembre 2012« Verba volant scripta manent » (les paroles s’envolent, les écrits restent)
Uri Avnery atténue quelque peu le caractère péremptoire de ce dicton, devenu proverbe séculaire, en énumérant, citations à l’appui, quelques exemples de discours contenant des passages qui, d’une (...) -
Video zur Direct Action am 4.10.2012 gegen das Benefizkonzert in Berlin zugunsten des « Jüdischen » Nationalfonds
8 octobre 2012============================================
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Hier das Video zur Direct Action am 4.10.2012 gegen das Benefizkonzert in Berlin zugunsten des « Jüdischen » Nationalfonds (besser : KKL-Kolonialfonds). In dem Video ist auf (...) -
24 juillet 2012============================================
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Land. property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
Israel orders demolition of 8 Palestinian villages, claims need for IDF training land
Haaretz 23 July by Amira Hass — ...The residents of the targeted (...) -
19 juillet 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Restriction of movement
Palestinian cemetery destroyed for new TAU dorms, shopping center Pal. Chron. 17 July by Patrick O. Strickland, Tel Aviv (...) -
27 juin 2012============================================
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A notoriously racist rabbi who once called on Israel to slaughter a million Palestinian civilians has been appointed to head a supervisory committee for Magen David Adom (MDA) – Israel’s equivalent of the (...) -
« Russia prepares army for Syrian deployment »
18 juin 2012============================================
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By Clara Weiss
« Information Clearing House » —" Given the worsening crisis in Syria, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper reported that the Russian army is apparently being prepared for a mission in Syria. Citing (...) -
Israeli officials may have less to fear coming to UK but uncomfortable questions remain
3 juin 2012============================================
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By Ben White
A selection of Independent views
Despite a change in the universal jurisdiction legislation last year, Israeli officials and military officers are still not visiting Britain for fear of arrest on war (...) -
Israeli Prison Service Refusing to Transfer Her to Hospital Despite Immediate Risk of Death
21 mars 2012============================================
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“To all the free and loyal Palestinian people, I direct my words to you—while I and all my brothers and sisters in the occupier’s prisons are on hunger strike, we call on you to continue your (...) -
Israel medics complicit with abuse of prisoners : study
7 novembre 2011=============================================
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AFP- Jerusalem,
Israeli medics are complicit in the ill-treatment and abuse of Palestinian prisoners, in breach of the Hippocratic oath, two Israeli rights groups said in a report published on Thursday.
The report (...) -
Les mots, première dérive, premier combat
17 juin 2011==========================================
Au commencement était le verbe. A l’arrivée aussi.
La parole accompagne et épouse la vie dans son entier. Toutes les évolutions, toutes les transformations sociales et politiques passent par la parole et reviennent vers elle, (...) -
Prosíme nepodporujte apartheid, rasismus a okupaci !
8 avril 2011==========================================
Otevřený dopis izraelských občanů české vládě
Prosíme nepodporujte apartheid, rasismus a okupaci
Jsme skupina izraelských občanů, kteří jsou hluboce znepokojeni naší vládou a její politikou rasismu, (...) -
« nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu back to jail »
13 mai 2010===================================================
JERUSALEM — Israel’s top court has ordered nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu back to jail for three months after he refused to do community service in west Jerusalem for fear of harassment.
After having already served 18 (...) -
U.S. warns Russia against sale of advanced missiles to Iran
24 décembre 2008
By News Agencies
United States officials said Monday they want answers from Russia on whether it is selling advanced surface-to-air missiles to Iran.
The U.S. insists such a move could threaten American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A (...) -
Le Droit de se défendre ! (ndlr)
24 décembre 2008Russia denies supplying Iran with missiles capable of repelling Israeli air strike
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent and News Agencies
Russia reassured Israel on Sunday that it stands by its commitment not to supply Iran with advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles despite an Iranian (...) -
Les Anglais..........en ont et savent toucher où ça fait mal ! bravo ! (ndlr)
21 décembre 2008Source : The Independent - Saturday, 20 December 2008
Britain has been accused of anti-Semitism by a hardline Israeli MP because Britons are to be warned against buying property in settlements in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. An advisory, to be posted on the Foreign Office website, (...) -
Les Nations Unies ont recensé 290 attaques par des groupes de colons !
21 décembre 2008UN : 290 settler-related attacks on Palestinians by November Date : 19 / 12 / 2008 Time : 09:46
Bethlehem - Ma’an - The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Friday that settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank increased this (...) -
Dignity an Gaza : “Wir sind wieder da !”
15 décembre 2008Am Dienstag, dem 9. Dezember, hat das Schiff « Dignity » der Free-Gaza-Bewegung erfolgreich die israelische Blockade durchbrochen, zum vierten Mal seit August. Es kam, um Solidarität mit den Menschen unter der illegalen und inhumanen Belagerung auszudrücken und um Medizin und Babynahrung nach (...)
Today in Palestine !
11 décembre 2008Subject : [PACUSA]
Israeli Wall Fuels Migration
Palestinians With Economic, Social Services Ties to Jewish State Are Integrating Neighborhoods That Won’t Be Blocked by Barrier. JERUSALEM—Samih Bashir, a Palestinian lawyer, plans to move early next year to a large house with two (...) -
Des colons sionistes revendiquent une base militaire abandonnée en Cisjordanie
17 juillet 2008Plus de cent colons sionistes, certains armés, ont installé un campement dans une base militaire abandonnée dans la ville cisjordanienne de Beit Sahour, lundi 14/07/08 en soirée, dans ce qui pourrait bien être l’installation d’une nouvelle implantation illégale.
« Nous sommes ici (...) -
« Death to the Arabs ! »
30 mars 2008TOMORROW WILL BE the 32nd anniversary of the first « Day of the Land » - one of the defining events in the history of Israel.
I remember the day well. I was at Ben Gurion airport, on the way to a secret meeting in London with Said Hamami, Yasser Arafat’s emissary, when someone told me : (...) -
Gangsterly state
15 février 2008Is there a real difference between a criminal state and a criminal individual ?
Is there a difference between classical gangsters and armed robbers who hold-up people and steal their money at gunpoint, and a state, which claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East and a light upon the (...) -
No holidays in Europe for Israeli war criminals. URGENT !
7 décembre 2007Message transmis par le reseau des femmes en noir....
Israeli minister of Internal security and, previously, boss of the Israeli Security Services (ISS) Avi Dichter, is a courageous man, at least as long as he was dealing with the interrogation of hand-cough Palestinian detainees. A man with (...) -
Bachar El Hassad : un type adulte et responsable
5 octobre 2007Bachar El-Assad qui a accordé hier une interview à la BBC dans un anglais plus riche que celui de Tzipi Livni - qui a justement récité, elle, encore un discours devant l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies - s’est révélé au téléspectateur israélien comme un président mesuré, (...)
Open Letter to Ms. Sally Hunt, General Secretary of the University and College Union
1er octobre 2007Dear Ms. Hunt,
We have received with dismay, although not entirely with surprise, your letter of September 28, 2007 to members of the delegation of Palestinian academic trade union members informing them of the decision by the University and College Union’s leadership to cancel their (...) -
Gaza : One and a Half Million People Collectively Punished
24 septembre 2007Gaza is a strip of land of less than 400 square kilometres in which 1.5 million people live as prisoners due to the closure and the consequential economic isolation imposed unilaterally and illegally by the Israeli authorities. Gaza is a cage from which very few manage to escape or enter : (...)
Overstretched US cuts aid to Israel
14 août 2007America has been forced to withhold funding from its key ally in the Middle East amid the strain of paying for its expensive military campaign in Iraq.
Washington had promised Israel a substantial increase in its financial support to bolster it against Iran.
But US officials decided to amend (...) -
Shin Bet security service bars Gazan from studying overseas
11 août 2007La « diplomatie » allemande va-t’elle se laisser, une fois de plus, ridiculiser par le Shin Bet ? Monsieur Steinmeier, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères de RFA sera-t’il encore et toujours « perdant-perdant » lors de chaque tractation avec Israël ? affaire à suivre ! (...)
Crocodile Tears
16 juin 2007Some months ago, I described this situation as a sociological experiment set up by Israel, the United States and the European Union. The population of the Gaza Strip as guinea pigs.
Citizens of Israel in support of the proposal for a UNISON Economic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
6 juin 2007We Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel strongly support the proposalfor UNISON to implement an economic and cultural boycott of Israel.
We commend this proposal, especially in the wake of the historic decision by the Architects for Peace and Justice in Palestine and the Congress of South (...) -
Weapons used in attack in Zahedan, Iran come from U.S.
19 février 2007TEHRAN, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) — Explosive devices and arsenals used in a terrorist attack in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan on Wednesday came from the United States, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.
Relevant documents, photographs and film footage, which (...) -
29 janvier 2007Last Saturday’s Guardian magazine (27th January) in its feature on ’Brits abroad’, ran a section on living in Israel which you can read online (,,1998282,00.html).
Some points you may wish to raise (email )
1) (...) -
The Valentines Day period is one of Agrexco UK’s busiest times as the company deals with large amounts of fresh flowers from Israel and the settlements. Join our mass picket of the Carmel-Agrexco depot on the 10th (...) -
Today in Palestine !
9 janvier 2007Acties en oproepen
Vanaf 10-1 : Zet Palestina op de kaart bij bezoek aan de vakantiebeurs
20-1 Amsterdam : Nieuwjaarsbijeenkomst Stop de Oorlog
28-1 Amsterdam : Ilan Pappe Berichten (...) -
8 janvier 2007Das Problem der palästinensischen Führung bei ihrem Bemühen, Millionen Menschen in den besetzten Gebieten ein wenig Erleichterung von ihrem kollektiven Leiden zu verschaffen, ist Sache einiger weniger Worten. Etwa so, wie wenn ein unartiges Kind nur „Entschuldigung" zu sagen braucht, um (...)
Aperçu de victoires du BDS en 2016
7. Januar 2017Source : BDS Kampagne
Übersicht der BDS-Erfolge 2016
Israels Repressionskrieg vermochte das anhaltende Anwachsen der BDS-Bewegung für palästinensische Rechte nicht zu stoppen
A campaigner in the West Bank puts up a poster in support of a campaign during Ramadan encouraging people to boycott (...) -
TV-Bericht: Tumulte im Europa-Parlament
16. Juni 2015============================================
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Streit um TTIP-Resolution: Abstimmung im Europa-Parlament vertagt
Protest gegen TTIP vor dem EU-Parlament in Straßburg
Monatelang hat das (...) -
Protest gegen TTIP im Europäischen Parlament
16. Juni 2015============================================
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Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Umweltinstituts,
Am Mittwoch hätte das EU-Parlament nach monatelanger Vorarbeit über die Resolution zu TTIP (...) -
Offener Brief an Graf Lambsdorff (ndlr)
27. Januar 2015============================================
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Sehr geehrter Graf Lambsdorff,
können Sie mir sagen, ob, und warum, deutsche Europa-Abgeordente im Europa-Parlament, besonders liberale, (...) -
Neue Infos aus Israel+Palästina
18. Februar 2014============================================
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Durch den Hinweis von EU Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz auf die Wasserverteilung in Israel und Palästina ist eines der Hauptprobleme wieder in (...) -
12. Februar 2014============================================
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die Danske Bank, die in Dänemark und Norwegen 5 Millionen Kunden hat, zieht sich von ihren Geschäftsbeziehungen zur israelischen Hapoalim-Bank (...) -
Das IKRK spricht Klartext : Deutliche Worte zum Palästinakonflikt
16. Januar 2014Par delà le devoir de réserve et la neutralité, il y a l’indignation suprême qui, bousculant les habitudes, dit la vérité, toute la vérité, rien que la vérité.
Merci Monsieur Woker d’avoir ouvert la voie.
Le Comité de rédaction
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Enttäuscht von „Oslo“ ?
23. September 2013============================================
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Vor wenigen Tagen jährte sich der Jahrestag des Abschlusses der sogenannten Oslo-Vereinbarungen zum 20. Mal und zahlreich sind jene, die sich angesichts der (...) -
Brief an die Außenminister der Union warnt vor Rücknahme eines EU-Beschlusses
18. September 2013============================================
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Wolfgang Ischinger im Gespräch mit Gabi Wuttke
Die Palästinenser dürften nicht von der EU entmutigt werden, verlangt Wolfgang Ischinger, Chef (...) -
The Palestinian BDS National Committee calls for freezing “Knesset” membership in Inter-Parliamentary Union in Light of Racist Laws
10. Juli 2013============================================
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The (...) -
Die EU und Israel wollen gemeinsam ländliche Regionen im jüdischen Staat aufwerten.
1. März 2013============================================
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EU und Israel: Ausbau der Landregionen (...) -
Die Kennzeichnung israelischer Siedlungsprodukte in Läden ist sofort umsetzbar
30. Januar 2013============================================
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Pax christi und EAPPI-Netzwerk übergeben Unterschriftenlisten an das Auswärtige Amt
Mit der Übergabe gesammelter Unterschriften bekräftigt pax christi heute gemeinsam mit dem EAPPI-Netzwerk (Freiwillige aus dem (...) -
SPD-Wald auf geraubtem Land
22. Dezember 2012============================================
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SPD-Wald auf geraubtem Land
An den SPD-Vorstand und Fraktion, liebe Genossinnen und Genossen,
wie wir durch eine Mitteilung der israelischen Botschaft vom 11.12.2012: „Die Botschaft freut sich daher besonders (...) -
Lettre ouverte de Martin Forberg au SPD
21. Dezember 2012============================================
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An den[Parteivorstand der SPD Willy-Brandt-Haus[ Wilhelmstraße 141 10963 Berlin
Unterstützt die SPD die „Judaisierung“ der Negev-Wüste?
Mit großer Enttäuschung hat die "Jüdische Stimme für gerechten (...) -
20. Dezember 2012============================================
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Abbas zu Ban: Bringt die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge aus Syrien nach Hause!
Am Mittwoch forderte Präsident Mahmoud Abbas den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen Ban Ki-moon auf, den palästinensischen Flüchtlingen (...) -
„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
26. September 2012============================================
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UN: Die Tür zum Frieden könnte geschlossen werden
Der UN-Generalsekretär Ban-Ki-moon erklärte am heutigen Dienstag, dass die Tür für eine sinnvolle 2-Staaten-Lösung und für den gesamten israelisch-palästinensischen (...) -
Treffen der blockfreien Staaten in Teheran: Hoffnung und Triumph für die ganze Menschheit
30. August 2012============================================
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Luz María De Stéfano Zuloaga de Lenkait, Juristin und Diplomatin a.D., 40670 Meerbusch, Tel. 02159-1664
Kommentar in Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) vom 27.8.: „Teherans Triumph" von Hubert Wetzel
Treffen der (...) -
Bitte unterzeichnen!!!!
7. August 2012============================================
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Wichtige Petition gegen ein neues Wirtschaftsabkommen, das die israelische gegenüber der palästinensischen Wirtschaft sträflichst stärken soll.
Die Petition gibt es mittlerweile auch auf Deutsch, richtet sich an (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E:
24. Juli 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
Ägypten erlaubt Einreise von Palästinensern
Palästinenser können künftig wieder ohne ein Visum nach Ägypten einreisen. (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E:
11. Juli 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E:
7. Juli 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
25. Juni 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
Netanjahu droht Hamas
Netanjahu hat mit harten Gegenmaßnahmen gedroht, sollte die Hamas einen (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E:
22. Juni 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
Hamas zu Waffenruhe bereit
Hamas hat sich zu einer Waffenruhe bereiterklärt. Die al-Kassam-Brigaden, der bewaffnete Arm der (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
20. Juni 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
13. Juni 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E:
8. Juni 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E:
31. Mai 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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Umfrage: Deutsche finden Israel „aggressiv“
24. Mai 2012============================================
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Einer aktuellen Umfrage zufolge sind 70 Prozent der Deutschen der Ansicht, Israel verfolge seine Interessen ohne Rücksicht auf andere Völker. 59 Prozent der Deutschen beurteilen Israel als „aggressiv“. Das (...) -
Das israelische Verbrechen in Palästina geht weiter
10. Mai 2012============================================
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Wieder müssen wir ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf Israels Verbrechen gegen das palästinensische Volk im Gazastreifen richten. Besonders nach der militärischen Aggression 2008/2009. Jetzt steht die Entscheidung Israels an, die (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
2. Mai 2012============================================
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„Palästina braucht Freunde ... genauso wie die Olivenbäume die Sonne brauchen...“
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Fayyad fordert Rotes Kreuz zur Unterstützung der Häftlinge auf
30. April 2012============================================
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Ministerpräsident Salam Fayyad rief am Sonntag das Internationale Komitee des Roten Kreuzes auf (ICRC), um Druck auf Israel auszuüben, die Forderungen der streikenden Palästinensischen Gefangenen zu erfüllen.
Während (...) -
Israel hofft auf ein Nachlassen der Aufmerksamkeit
26. April 2012============================================
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Wir müssen Sie wieder einmal auf die unerträgliche Situation palästinensischer politischer Gefangener hinweisen, die illegal in israelischer Haft sind. Israel verschärft ständig die schon rechtlose Situation und (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
24. April 2012============================================
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Immer mehr Palästinenser treten in den Hungerstreik
Immer mehr palästinensische Häftlinge in israelischen Gefängnissen nehmen an einem Massen-Hungerstreik teil. Die israelische Gefängnisbehörde teilte am Montag mit, (...) -
Palästina Heute
16. April 2012============================================
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Siedler fällen 150 Olivenbäume bei Ramallah
Am heutigen Montag fällten jüdische Siedler 150 Olivenbäume des Dorfes Beitillu, westlich von Ramallah, so örtliche Vertreter.
Siedler der illegalen Siedlung Nhaliel, die (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
15. April 2012============================================
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1600 Gefangene beginnen am Dienstag mit dem Hungerstreik
Rund 1600 palästinensische Häftlinge in Israels Gefängnissen wollen am kommenden Dienstag einen Hungerstreik mit offenem Ende beginnen, um für eine Überprüfung (...) -
Israel muss für seine Verbrechen zur Verantwortung gezogen werden
8. April 2012============================================
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Freunde Palästinas:
Wir bedauern sehr, dass wir sie wieder und wieder über Übergriffe Israels auf palästinensische Zivilisten informieren müssen. Die Besatzungsmacht ging heute wieder gegen Protestzüge in den besetzten (...) -
PALÄSTINA – HEUTE 31.03.2012:
1. April 2012============================================
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Palästinenser stirbt bei Protest gegen Siedlungspolitik
Abbas drängt Araber, zur Realisierung der Beiruter Friedensinitiativ
Siedler „übernehmen“ Gebäude in Hebron
Siedler erweitern illegalen (...) -
Streit um das Wasser - Apartheid im nahen Osten
19. März 2012Traduction d’un extrait du tout récent et excellent rapport de Jean Glavany, ex chef de cabinet de François Mitterand de 81 à 88, ex Ministre de l’agriculture et élu PS du Sud-Ouest.
Michel Flament
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PALÄSTINA – HEUTE 15.03.2012
16. März 2012============================================
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FREUNDE PALESTINAS Israelisches Militär und Siedler planieren Farmland
Protestmarsch zur Unterstützung der Hungerstreikenden Hana Shalabi unterdrückt
Mutter mit Kleinkind an Kontrollpunkt in Hebron festgenommen (...) -
Bei 16 israelischen Luftangriffen starben bis Samstag mindestens 14 Palästinenser
10. März 2012============================================
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Zahl der ermordeten Palästinenser steigt auf 14
Bei 16 israelischen Luftangriffen starben bis Samstag mindestens 14 Palästinenser. Weitere 18 Menschen wurden nach Angaben des medizinischen Notdienstes in Gaza-Stadt zum (...) -
Israel mordet mindestens 11 Palästinenser bei israelischen Luftangriffen
10. März 2012Nouvel assassinat en toute impunité par un Etat en situation permanente de violation du Droit international et des Conventions de Genève depuis 64 ans. Les gouvernements qui se rendent coupables de ces actes et qui se succèdent depuis 1947 sont élus par une partie majoritaire de la population (...)
27. Februar 2012============================================
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Besatzungssoldaten morden in Qalandia
Nach der Ermordung Ramiyehs eskalierten die Unruhen in al-Ram
9. Tag im Hungerstreik
Angriffe israelische Soldaten auf Demonstranten
Israel raubt Land bei Salfit
[mehr (...) -
PALÄSTINA – HEUTE 26.01.2012:
26. Januar 2012============================================
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Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 7:18 PM To: Palästina Heute
Subject: Israel greift Ziele im Gazastreifen an / EU besorgt über israelische Siedlungen
= Verhandlungen in Amman gescheitert
= Palästina drängt auf Votum (...) -
• PALÄSTINA – HEUTE 07.01.2012:
8. Januar 2012============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Treffen in Amman blieb ergebnislos
Abbas: Israel muss seinen Verpflichtungen nachkommen
Abbas droht mit „neuen Maßnahmen“
Palästinenser weisen israelischen Bürgermeisterbesuch in Ostjerusalem zurück (...) -
Unterstützen Sie unsere Arbeit:
10. Dezember 2011=============================================
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Mitglied werden: -
• PALÄSTINA – HEUTE 09.12.2011:
9. Dezember 2011=============================================
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Freunde Palästinas
Israels Luftwaffe ermordete 2 Palästinenser und verwundete andere
PLO bekräftigt die Unmöglichkeit einer Wiederbelebung der Verhandlungen
Siedler beschießen Schafhirten
Israel sperrt (...) -
Leider etwas spät, aber zumindest zur Kenntnis!
21. November 2011============================================
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Israelisches Militär zerstört die Versorgung mit sauberer Energie für 390 Palästinenser
10. November 2011, EAPPI-Advocacy, der Verantwortliche (
Zusammenfassung der Ereignisse
Das (...) -
PALÄSTINA – HEUTE 19.11.2011:
20. November 2011============================================
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Israel eignet sich palästinensisches Gebiet für Siedlung an Reporter ohne Grenzen ist besorgt über die Verhaftung von Journalisten Israelischer Botschafter ins französische Außenministerium zitiert Spieler von (...) -
PALÄSTINA – HEUTE (Information)
13. November 2011============================================
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Abbas: Auflösung der Autonomiebehörden steht nicht zur Debatte
Weitere Versuch Arafats Ölzweig zu zerbrechen
US-Beauftragter für den Nahen Osten gibt Amt auf
UNESCO wünscht sich deutsche Unternehmen als Partner
mehr (...) -
Freimütigkeit des Tages: Obama-Sarkozy-Plausch
9. November 2011============================================
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"Ich kann ihn nicht ausstehen. Er ist ein Lügner«, so beschrieb der französische Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy am Rande des G-20-Gipfeltreffens in Cannes in einem privaten Gespräch mit seinem US-Amtskollegen Barack Obama (...) -
Israel gegen den Rest der Welt
8. November 2011============================================
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Pressemitteilung: 7. November 2011
Als Jüdische Stimme für Frieden im Nahen Osten protestieren wir gegen die Ablehnung der deutschen Regierung, Palästina als Mitgliedstaat der UNESCO aufzunehmen und verurteilen in (...) -
ISRAEL+PALÄSTINA – Kommentare und Informationen
7. November 2011=============================================
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•Uri Avnery, „Haltet mich zurück!“ – Warum es keinen Iran-Krieg geben wird! – “Es ist eine alte israelische Taktik, so zu handeln, als wären wir verrückt. („Der Boss ist (...) -
Unesco nimmt Palästina als Vollmitglied auf
31. Oktober 2011=============================================
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Paris - Ungeachtet von Warnungen aus den USA hat die UN-Organisation für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur Palästina als Vollmitglied aufgenommen.
In der Generalkonferenz in Paris stimmte die große Mehrheit der (...) -
UN: Vertreibung von Palästinensern innerhalb zweier Monate verdreifacht
17. Oktober 2011=============================================
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Laut Beobachtungen der UN über Vertreibungen von Palästinensern in der West Bank, werde Israel „mehr und mehr effizienter“; die Anzahl vertriebener Palästinenser im September hat sich im Vergleich zum Juli (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
10. Oktober 2011=============================================
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Spannungen nach Wandalismus auf einem Friedhof
Israels Bulldozer planieren weiter
Jüdische Siedler griffen bei Nablus palästinensische Bauern an Palästinensische Botschaft in Dominikanischer Republik
mehr (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E – 02.10.2011
3. Oktober 2011=============================================
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· : Über 3500 palästinensische Gefangene im Hungerstreik
Verschärfung der Haftbedingungen lenkt von den Siedleraktivitäten ab
Clinton: Palästinenser sollen Gespräche wieder aufnehmen
Verhandlungen (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E
1. Oktober 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
· Arabische Liga verurteilt Israels Umgang mit Gefangenen
3 Palästinenser leiden nach Angriff unter Erstickungsanfällen
Israel greift im Gazastreifen und im Raum Jenin an
Palästinensische Häftlinge im (...) -
Siedlungsbau in Jerusalem Merkel wirft Israel Provokation vor
1. Oktober 2011=============================================
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Kanzlerin Merkel, Israels Premierminister Netanjahu (Archivbild):
Deutliche Kritik aus Berlin
Mit ungewohnt scharfen Worten hat die Bundeskanzlerin Israels Politik kritisiert. In einem Telefonat mit Regierungschef (...) -
· P A L Ä S T I N A - H E U T E — 27.09.2011
28. September 2011La solidarité de la société civile européenne est indispensable pour faire obstacle aux projets démentiels du gouvernement israélien et c’est la raison pour laquelle nous publierons de plus en plus, sur notre site européen, les articles que les structures des autres pays de l’UE (...)
Die Rückkehr der Generäle
21. August 2011=============================================
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SEIT BEGINN des Konfliktes haben sich die Extremisten beider Seiten gegenseitig immer wieder in die Hände gespielt. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen ihnen war immer wirksamer als die Bande zwischen den entsprechenden (...) -
Israel intensiviert die Verletzungen internationalen Rechts
14. August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Wie schon so oft an dieser Stelle, möchten wir Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die immer weiter zunehmenden Spannungen in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten und Ostjerusalems lenken.
Auf die ungestört andauernde Politik (...) -
Die UNO, das Völkerrecht und die Zukunft Palästinas.
3. August 2011On comprend mieux la crainte d’Israël et la potentialité d’un veto contournable. Michel Flament - Coordinateur
Bis zu 11000 Palästinenser in Israel inhaftiert. Angehörige fordern Besuchsrecht
29. Juli 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Von Eva Bartlett, IPS
Seit 1995 versammeln sich jeden Montag Palästinenserinnen aus dem Gazastreifen vor dem Sitz des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) in Gaza-Stadt, um gegen ein von Israel verhängtes (...) -
Palästina: die jüngste Nation der Welt
23. Juli 2011===============================================
From: Alice Jay - Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,
In vier Tagen versammelt sich der UNO-Sicherheitsrat und die Welt hat die einmalige Gelegenheit, eine neue Initiative anzunehmen, die eine entscheidende Wende bei den (...) -
Aufruf zur sofortigen Verhängung eines umfassenden militärischen Embargos gegen Israel!
18. Juli 2011==============================================
Während der Arabische Frühling für Freiheit, Demokratie und soziale Gerechtigkeit die Kollaboration der Regierungen der Welt mit den autokratischen und unterdrückerischen arabischen Regimen aufgedeckt hat, setzen viele Staaten und Firmen ihren (...) -
Das Schein-Heilige Land
13. Juli 2011==============================================
Einmal mehr hat der jüdische Staat sein wahres Gesicht gezeigt. Friedliche Palästina-Reisende, meist im Rentenalter, wurden von Israel vor ihrem Abflug selektiert, d. h. man übersandte schwarze Listen an die Fluggesellschaften, um die daran zu (...) -
Pyrrhus-Sieg Israels
11. Juli 2011===========================================
Von Peter Wolter Auf den ersten Bick sieht es so aus, als habe Israel erfolgreich die jüngsten Proteste gegen seine Palästina-Politik abgeblockt: Die zehn Schiffe der zweiten Gaza-Flottille stecken weiter in Griechenland fest, und von (...) -
Protestkundgebung Gaza-Flottille, Mo. 4.Juli, 18:00 Uhr - Berlin, Brandenburger Tor
3. Juli 2011============================================
Freie Fahrt für die „Free-Gaza“ Flottille II!
Schluss mit der völkerrechtswidrigen Blockade von Gaza!
Protestkundgebung 4.7.2011, 18:00 Uhr Berlin, Pariser Platz/Brandenburger Tor
Am 27. Juni sollten die zehn Schiffe der Flottille mit (...) -
Offener Brief an die Bundesregierung: Freie Fahrt nach Gaza für die FreedomFlottille
29. Juni 2011===========================================
Deutscher Koordinationskreis Palästina Israel, KoPI Email: Web: &
Berlin, 29.06.2011
Offener Brief an Frau Dr. Angela Merkel, Bundeskanzlerin und an Herrn Dr. Guido Westerwelle, (...) -
Neue Infos aus Israel+Palästina
20. Juni 2011==============================================
Mit herzlichen Grüssen HERZLICHEN GLÜCKWUNSCH – zum 70. von Erhardt Arendt – Palästina Portal Ludwig Watzal “Pardon, nicht das Informationsportal über Palästina, sondern dessen verantwortlicher Betreiber und Redakteur, (...) -
Freiheitsflotilla II wird nach Gaza fahren -
20. Juni 2011=============================================
Pressemitteilung der Internationalen Koalition der Freiheitsflotilla II vom 17.06.
Pressemitteilung: Die (...) -
Besatzungssoldaten ermorden 20 palästinensische Demonstranten am Naksa-Tag
6. Juni 2011=============================================
Israelische Besatzungssoldaten haben am Sonntag Schusswaffen gegen Demonstranten auf den Golanhöhen an der Grenze zu Syrien eingesetzt, 20 Menschen kamen dabei ums Leben, mindestens 325 weitere erlitten Verletzungen.
Eine Armeesprecherin der (...) -
«Propaganda, Tatsachenverdrehungen, Heuchelei»
26. Mai 2011============================================
Benjamin Netanyahus Rede vor dem US-Kongress hat in Israel teils zu heftigen Reaktionen geführt. Der israelische Ministerpräsident wird von links und rechts kritisiert – aus unterschiedlichen Gründen.
Der US-Kongress lag am (...) -
23. Mai 2011===========================================
•Reuven Moskowitz, Stimme gegen die Ungerechtigkeit - Kirchentag 2011 – Karfreitagsgedanken - Was muss noch passieren, damit die demokratisch und friedensorientierten Staaten verstehen, das die Sache des Friedens nicht in den Händen (...) -
Gedenken an 63 Jahre Al-Nakba ? die Katastrophe (I)
15. Mai 2011=============================================
Die Erinnerung an den diesjährigen Tag der Katastrophe ? am 15. Mai ? jährt sich zum 63ten Mal und erinnert uns an den langen Kampf der Palästinenser um Gerechtigkeit und Würde. 1948 wurden mehr als 750.000 Palästinenser in einem Akt brutalster (...) -
„ Arabische Jugendorganisationen planen einen Marsch in die palästinensischen Gebiete“
13. Mai 2011=========================================
Von Juliane Schumacher, Kairo
Junge Ägypter, die an den Protesten gegen das Mubarak-Regime teilgenommen haben, zeigen sich solidarisch mit den Palästinensern. Am 15. Mai wollen sie gemeinsam mit weiteren Sympathisanten in den Autonomiegebieten gegen (...) -
Ein neuer Bericht der israelischen Reservistenorganisation Breaking the Silence
11. Mai 2011============================================
Betreff: Die Besatzung des Gebiete: Zeugenaussagen israelischer Soldaten 2000-2010. Ein neuer Bericht der israelischen Reservistenorganisation Breaking the Silence
Sehr geehrte Damen& Herren, liebe Freunde& Kollegen,
ab Morgen (Donnerstag, (...) -
NAKBA : Erinnern verboten !
11. Mai 2011============================================
Deutschland wird niemals wirklich seine faschistische Vergangenheit bewältigt haben, bis es seine bedingungslose Unterstützung für den völkermordenden und rassistischen Staat Israel aufgibt, bis es aufhört, die Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit derjenigen, (...) -
Neue Informationen aus Israel+Palästina.
8. Mai 2011===============================================
Es ist kaum zu glauben, wie unsere Bundeskanzlerin hinsichtlich Israel und Palästina in ihrer Bewertung und Einstellung mehr und mehr agiert.
Z.B.: anstatt alles zu tun, um auf die Versöhung der beiden Parteien in Palästina positiv und (...) -
Albert Einstein, Hanna Arendt, u.a.: Brief an New York Times, 4.
23. April 2011===========================================
Dezember 1948
Anlässlich des Besuchs von Menachim Begin in den USA haben jüdische Intellektuelle, einschließlich Albert Einstein und Hanna Arendt und Siedney Hookvon, einen Brief an die New York Times geschrieben, der am 4.12.1948 (...) -
Ein Richter unter Druck
18. April 2011==============================================
Goldstones merkwürdige Wendungen Es war eine merkwürdige Volte, die der südafrikanische Richter Richard Goldstone in der letzten Woche geschlagen hat. Wenn er den nach ihm benannten Bericht über den Gazakrieg vor zwei Jahren heute noch einmal (...) -
„Vittorio war nie so lebendig wie jetzt“
18. April 2011============================================
Muss man sterben, um ein Held zu werden, um auf die Titelseite der Zeitung zu kommen, dass die Zuschauer den Fernseher sogar mit nach draussen nehmen, oder muss man sterben, um menschlich zu bleiben?
Ich erinnere mich an den Vittorio an Weihnachten (...) -
Nakba-Ausstellung in Aachen, am Sa., 7.5.2011
16. April 2011===========================================
Hier zu den jüngsten Auseinandersetzungen über die anstehende
Nakba-Ausstellung in Aachen, die am Sa., 7.5., um 15Uhr im Haus der Evangelischen Kirche, Frère-Roger-Str. 8-10, eröffnet wird.
Bereits jetzt wird wieder alles versucht, um die (...) -
In Gaza geht das Morden weiter, aber die Medien schweigen!
11. April 2011==========================================
Infos dazu unten
Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 11:12:01 +0200 Von: „Edith Lutz“
Goldstones schändliche 180 Grad -Wende
10. April 2011==========================================
„Wenn ich damals gewusst hätte, was ich heute weiß, wäre der Goldstone-Bericht ein anderes Dokument geworden.“ So wird Richter Richard Goldstones viel diskutierte op-ed in der Washington Post eröffnet. Ich habe das starke Gefühl, dass der (...) -
„Willkommen in Palästina“ 8.-16. Juli 2011
7. April 2011=============================================
Liebe Leute,
unten ist eine Beschreibung des Projekts „Willkommen in Palästina“ sowie eine Liste der einladenden palästinensischen Initiativen und Gruppen.
Anbei ist ein zweiseitiges Flugblatt (PDF), das den vollständigen Text der (...) -
4. April 2011==========================================
Am 22. März 2011 griff die israelische Armee ein Wohngebiet im Al-Shejaija Viertel östlich von Gaza City an. Vier Tage nach der Ermordung von zwei Kindern in Johr Al-Dik, tötete die israelische Armee wieder Zivilisten, darunter zwei weitere Kinder. (...) -
Neue Infos aus Israel+Palästina
14. März 2011=============================================
• Uri Avnery, Die falsche Seite -
“Israel wird von den Siedlern beherrscht, die geistig den Kreuzfahrern des 12. Jahrhunderts gleichen. Fundamentalistische religiöse Parteien, die sich nicht allzu sehr von (...) -
USA verhindern UNO-Resolution gegen Israel
19. Februar 2011=============================================
Die USA haben am Freitagabend mit ihrem Veto eine Resolution des UNO-Sicherheitsrates gegen Israel betreffend seine Siedlungspolitik in den Palästinensergebieten verhindert. Die 14 anderen Sicherheitsratsmitglieder stimmten für die Resolution.
Der (...) -
Empört Euch! Ein Aufruf, der die Welt bewegt!
10. Februar 2011==============================================
Mit eindringlichen Worten ruft Stéphane Hessel zum friedlichen Widerstand gegen die Ungerechtigkeit in unserer Gesellschaft auf. Gegen die Diktatur des Finanzkapitalismus, gegen die Unterdrückung von Minderheiten, gegen die ökologische Zerstörung (...) -
Es gab nie ein leeres Land
23. Januar 2011=============================================
Der Historiker Ilan Pappe spricht über seine entschiedene Abkehr von einer akademischen Karrriere in Israel sowie über die Nähe zwischen Rassismus und Biologismus Der Freitag: In Deutschland hört man zuweilen, am radikalsten deutsch seien die (...) -
Widerstandskämpfer Stéphane Hessel
22. Januar 2011==============================================
Immer wieder entsetzt darüber, was Palästinas Bevölkerung angetan wird
Das kleine Heft, welches seit Wochen Frankreich aufwühlt, wohl auch zur rechten Zeit erscheint, in einer Zeit allgemeiner Orientierungslosigkeit und dem Unvermögen der (...) -
Stoppt die deutschen Waffenlieferungen nach Israel !
20. Januar 2011=============================================
Israel hat schon 4 U-Boote der Dolphin-Klasse von Deutschland bekommen
Die ersten beiden U-Boote wurden 1991 von Deutschland an Israel geschenkt zu je 225 Millionen € = 550 Millionen €
Das dritte U-Boot wurde zur Hälfte geschenkt. (...) -
16. Januar 2011=============================================
Abu Yazen ist nervös, er hat lange nicht geschlafen. Dass das alles so groß werden würde, so schnell gehen, das hat er nicht geahnt. Er heißt auch gar nicht Abu Yazen, aber seinen richtigen Namen angeben, das geht nicht mehr.
Zu groß ist die (...) -
Weihnachten in Gaza (Vera Macht)
26. Dezember 2010================================================
La force de ce témoignage, sa simplicité d’expression, le degré de réalisme (et de réalité) ressenti mériterait une subtile traduction et constituerait un apport précieux à cette mémoire que les Palestiniens sont en droit de revendiquer, (...) -
Palästina Heute
12. Dezember 2010================================================
Clinton frustriert über Nahost-Politik
Der Stillstand bei den jüngsten Nahost-Friedensgesprächen hat bei US-Aussenministerin Hillary Clinton Spuren hinterlassen. In einer Rede vor aussenpolitischen Experten in Washington zeigte sie sich (...) -
Freie Ausreise für Mordechai Vanunu
4. Dezember 2010================================================
International Association Of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (Deutsche Sektion)
International League for Human Rights (AEDH&FIDH Deutsche Sektion)
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (Deutsche Sektion)
Freie Ausreise (...) -
Beteiligung der Deutschen Bahn an dem israelischen Schnellbahnprojekt
3. Dezember 2010==============================================
Die Deutsche Bahn beteiligt sich mit ihrem Tochterunternehmen DB International an einem der größten Infrastrukturprojekte Israels. Sie ist für die Elektrifizierung der Schnellbahnstrecke Tel Aviv – Jerusalem zuständig, deren Streckenverlauf (...) -
„Versprechen zum größten Teil nicht eingehalten“
3. Dezember 2010================================================
Israel wollte die Blockade des Gazastreifens lockern – geschehen ist aber kaum etwas. Ein Gespräch mit Robert Lindner
Interview: Gitta Düperthal
Robert Lindner arbeitet für die Entwicklungsorganisation Oxfam, die mit Hilfs- und (...) -
„Boykott ist Schritt in richtige Richtung“
2. Dezember 2010================================================
Israel braucht ein starkes Signal gegen seine Besatzungspolitik. EU sollte politischen Wandel fordern. Ein Gespräch mit Ilan Pappe
Interview: Rolf-Henning Hintze
Ilan Pappe ist israelischer Historiker und Professor an der Universität Exeter in (...) -
Trois vaches israéliennes blessées et une étable endommagée
21. November 2010================================================
Dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, un missile palestinien envoyé dans la partie ouest du désert du Neguev, a blessé trois vaches israéliennes et endommagé une étable.
En réaction, l’aviation israélienne a procédé à des bombardements (...) -
STADT VERTREIBT die AUSSTELLUNG + Offener Brief von Günter Schenk
5. November 2010================================================
Von: Dr. Gabi Weber []
„(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und sich aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen ungehindert zu (...) -
Israels Griff nach Land und dessen Kolonisierung
31. Oktober 2010================================================
Wir schreiben Euch heute, um Eure Aufmerksamkeit auf Israels neueste, einseitige Maßnahmen in Ostjerusalem zu lenken. Am Donnerstag, dem 14. Oktober 2010, beschloss die Besatzungsmacht Israel, 240 neue Siedlungshäuser in den illegalen (...) -
Aprés l’ „Ariernachweis“ va-t’on subir le „Judennachweis“ ?
30. Oktober 2010================================================
Henryk M. Broder hat für den Tagesspiegel herausgefunden: Edith Lutz, Passagierin der „Irene“, dem jüdischen Schiff, das vor Gaza von der israelischen Kriegsmarine gekapert wurde, bekenne sich als Jüdin, doch nach (...) -
P A L Ä S T I N A H E U T E:
25. Oktober 2010================================================
Bischöfe im Nahen Osten fordern Ende der Besatzung
USA und Israel verletzen Rechte der Palästinenser
Netanjahu: Gründung eines unabhängigen Palästinenserstaates ist unmöglich
Israel warnt vor Alleingang bei (...) -
„Die OECD-Tourismuskonferenz ist in Jerusalem am falschen Ort“
21. Oktober 2010================================================
Die OECD-Tourismuskonferenz ist in Jerusalem am falschen Ort
Zur heute beginnenden Tourismuskonferenz der OECU in Jerusalem erklärt die menschenrechtspolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE, Annette Groth:
Die ehemalige Direktorin der (...) -
Même en Allemagne on parle de notre „Regionalrat“
16. Oktober 2010================================================
" Wollte der Vorsitzende des elsässischen Regionalrats, Philippe Richert, sich gleichermaßen für die Palästinenser wie für die Israelis einsetzen, so müßte er 6 000 bis 11 000 Transparente von dieser Größe
Auf dem Transparent wird die (...) -
Das Wort Israels ist nichts wert, aber auch garnichts!
13. Oktober 2010================================================
13/10/2010 tags: Rassismus, Arroganz, Jerusalem, Firas Maraghy, Israel lügt, 12.10.2010, PRESSEERKLAERUNG, Arbel, „Registration and Civil Status Department“von urs1798
.Firas Maraghy und Wiebke Diehl, Jerusalem, den 12.10.2010 (...) -
5. Oktober 2010================================================
Video: Besatzungssoldaten verhöhnt gefesselte Palästinenserin
Ein israelischer Fernsehsender berichtet von einem Video, dass vermutlich einen Soldaten der israelischen Besatzungsarmee zeigt, der eine gefesselte Palästinenserin (...) -
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Medaille für Mordechai Vanunu
5. Oktober 2010================================================
Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte e.V. Greifswalder Straße 4, D-10405 Berlin,
Presseerklärung vom 04. 10. 2010
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Medaille für Mordechai Vanunu
Verleihung am Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010 um 11 (...) -
Liga protestiert gegen Einreiseverbot nach Israel
30. September 2010===================================================
Am 28.09.2010 wurde der Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Mairead Maguire aus Irland am Flughafen Ben Gurion die Einreise nach Israel verweigert. Sie ist Trägerin des Friedensnobelpreises sowie der Carl-von-Ossietzky-Medaille (1976), die von der (...) -
Ein Jüdisches Schiff nach Gaza verlässt den Hafen von Zypern
27. September 2010===================================================
Ein Schiff, organisiert von jüdischen Gruppen weltweit und beladen mit Hilfsgütern für die Bevölkerung Gazas, hat den Hafen von Zypern heute am 26. September 2010 um 13.30 Uhr Ortszeit verlassen.
Das Schiff mit dem Namen Irene (Frieden) (...) -
UN-Menschenrechtsrat legt Untersuchungsbericht vor Angriff auf Gaza-Flotte: Verstoß gegen internationales Recht bestätigt
24. September 2010===================================================
Die IPPNW begrüßt den Bericht des UN-Menschenrechtsausschusses zu dem israelischen Angriff auf die FreeGaza-Flotte Ende Mai diesen Jahres. „Wir fordern die Bundesregierung auf, sich dafür einzusetzen, dass die im Bericht aufgezählten (...) -
Britische Gewerkschaft boykottiert Israel
16. September 2010===================================================
London (dpa) - Aus Solidarität mit den Palästinensern hat der größte britische Gewerkschaftsverband seine Mitglieder zum Boykott israelischer Waren aufgerufen.
Supermärkte und andere Einzelhändler sollten keine Waren aus «illegalen» (...) -
En direct d’un citoyen allemand à Gaza
2. September 2010===================================================
From: Dr. Gabriele Weber Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 10:23 AM To: Verborgene_Empfaenger: Subject: Live aus Gaza
„DIE LIPPEN LACHEN UND DAS HERZ WEINT“ (Palästinensische Mutter im Gaza-Streifen)
Liebe Alle,
seit Samstag (...) -
UBS: Keine Spenden für Palästina
29. August 2010===================================================
29/08/2010 07:39:00 Editor
Schriftgrösse: Die UBS, der schwärzeste Fleck auf der schweizer Bankenweste, verweigert jetzt Zahlungen an palästinensische Hilfsorganisationen.
Eine Kundin die der Urgence Palestine-Vaud einen Spende (...) -
Rapport très complet du professeur Norman Paech sur l’attaque de la flotille le 31/05/2010
3. August 2010===================================================
The raid on the Free Gaza Flotilla on 31 May 2010 Opinion on international law by Prof. em. Dr. Norman Paech University of Hamburg I. The facts The raid by the Israeli army on the Free Gaza Flotilla in the early morning of 31 May 2010 aroused (...) -
Geplante Tourismus-Konferenz 2010 der OECD in Jerusalem
1. August 2010===================================================
Dies hab ich soeben an die dt. Vertretung bei der OECD in Berlin versandt:
Sehr geehrte deutsche Vertreter bei der OECD,
mit Bestürzung erfahre ich von der beabsichtigten diesjährigen Tourismus-Konferenz der Mitgliedsstaaten der OECD in (...) -
Dr. Thomas de Maizière hat heute den in Frankfurt/Main ansässigen Verein „Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation“ (IHH) verboten.
12. Juli 2010===================================================
Bundesinnenminister Dr. de Maizière verbietet Hamas‑Spendenverein
Bundesinnenminister Dr. Thomas de Maizière hat heute den in Frankfurt/Main ansässigen Verein „Internationale Humanitäre Hilfsorganisation“ (IHH) verboten. (...) -
1. Juni 2010===================================================
Die Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte protestiert gegen den todbringenden Piratenakt der israelischen Streitkräfte gegen die Schiffe der Free Gaza Flotille!
Die Liga fordert die Bundesregierung auf, von der israelischen Regierung (...) -
Quo vadis Israel ? Israel opts for state piratery on high seas
31. Mai 2010===================================================
Email Web Botschafter Yoram Ben-Zeev
Ihre Exzellenz, Botschafter Yoram Ben-Zeev,
die Welt wird nicht vergessen, was Israel heute Nacht der Menschlichkeit angetan hat. Wie wird Ihr Staat dies je gutmachen können? (...) -
Freie Fahrt für die Schiffe nach Gaza! Kein Kidnapping !
28. Mai 2010===================================================
Freedom-Flottille am Wochenende in den Küstengewässern vor Gaza Bündnis fordert
Die deutsche Delegation auf der „Challenger“ wird heute auf offener See im Mittelmeer auf die anderen Schiffe der Gaza-Freedom-Flottille stoßen, um (...) -
Neues von den Schiffen nach Gaza.
26. Mai 2010===================================================
26.05.2010 / Ausland / Seite 2
*Gaza-Hilfe verspätet sich*
*Schiffe sollen Freitag Palästinenser erreichen. Schriftsteller Mankell beteiligt sich an Solidaritätsaktion*
Rund 600 Passagiere aus 50 (...) -
Il suffit qu’un seul pays refuse qu’Israël rejoigne l’OCDE pour que.................
29. April 2010===================================================
Heino von Meyer OECD Berlin Centre Schumannstr. 10
10117 Berlin
24. April 2010
Sehr geehrter Herr von Meyer,
Die Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) plant, im Mai 2010 über Israels Antrag für eine (...) -
Mise en garde à l’OCDE
26. April 2010===================================================
Heino von Meyer OECD Berlin Centre Schumannstr. 10
10117 Berlin
24. April 2010 Sehr geehrter Herr von Meyer,
Die Organisation für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) plant, im Mai 2010 über Israels Antrag für eine (...) -
Ausgewählte Lesestücke
17. März 2010===================================================
Palästina: US-Bürger von israelischen Soldaten schwer verletzt Die Demonstranten von Bil’in bleiben trotz massivem Einsatz von Gimmigeschossen durch die israelische Armee standhaft Wie an jeden Freitag so demonstrierten die (...) -
Madame Merkel „la dame du laisser-faire“ pourvu que ce soit israélien ! (ndlr)
2. März 2010===================================================
Teva ( Israel) will Ratiopharm nach Übernahme aufwerten
Teva will Ratiopharm nach Übernahme aufwerten Ulm soll Europazentrale für den weltgrößten Generikahersteller werden / Zwei weitere Bieter im Rennen
Der Bieterwettbewerb um den rund 3 (...) -
Die Schleimspur der Unterwürfigkeit zieht sich durch alle Parteien
24. Februar 2010===================================================
Kommentar des Monats Februar 2010
Es war einmal ein Staat, der gründete sich von Beginn an auf mystifizierende Unwahrheiten und ethnische Vertreibung. Als neue israelische Historiker - und hier ist insbesondere Prof. Ilan Pappe zu nennen - (...) -
Deutschland ist mitverantwortlich für den Teufelskreis der Gewalt im Nahen Osten“
8. Februar 2010===================================================
Von Arn Strohmeyer
Die Aktivisten von ausländischen Friedens- und Menschrechtsgruppen werden nach einem Beschluss der israelischen Regierung in Zukunft Probleme haben, Visa für eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in den besetzten Gebieten zu (...) -
Sa reponse dans le Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung.
1. Februar 2010===================================================
Eine jüdische Bürgerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland antwortet auf die unverschämte „Einladung“ des Staatspräsident Peres (ja, genau jenes Peres, Erfinder der illegalen Siedlerkolonien,
Organisator der israelischen Atombombe (...) -
Bezugnehmend auf die Website von „Kosher in Europa“
26. Januar 2010===================================================
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Bezugnehmend auf die Website von „Kosher in Europa“
möchte ich als Kunde Ihrer Läden gerne wissen, woher die in Ihrem Angebot befindlichen Früchte (...) -
Neuen Infos aus Israel+Palästina
16. Januar 2010===================================================
Besonders hinweisen und um Beachtung bitten möchte ich für den Aufuf und Prostest gegen die gemeinsame Sitzung des deutschen und israelischen Kabinetts am 18.1.2010 in Berlin am Ende der Ende der Mail.
In der Anlage finden Sie einen (...) -
Protestkundgebung vor dem Bundeskanzleramt
11. Januar 2010===================================================
Protestkundgebung 18.01.2010 – 11:00 bis 13:00 Uhr
Vor dem Bundeskanzleramt (genaue Ortsangabe ab Dienstagabend, 12.01.10)
Am 18.01.2010 wird in Berlin eine gemeinsame Sitzung der deutschen und der israelischen Regierung stattfinden. (...) -
Vor 20 Tagen wurde der Koordinator der palästinensischen Anti-Apartheid-Mauerkampagne Jamal Juma gefangen genommen
6. Januar 2010===================================================
Liebe Nahost-Interessierte,
vor 20 Tagen wurde der Koordinator der palästinensischen Anti-Apartheid-Mauerkampagne Jamal Juma gefangen genommen und ist seither in Haft. Im Juni 2009 als Referent auf unserer Nahost-Tagung in Bad Boll zeigte (...) -
In Israel wurde der Raketenabwehrschild der NATO geschmiedet und der Krieg gegen den Iran geprobt
29. November 2009===================================================
„Das ist das perfekteste Abwehrsystem gegen anfliegende Raketen, das wir jemals irgendwo auf der Welt installiert haben.“
Die Entfernung zwischen Tel Aviv und Teheran beträgt 993 Meilen (1.598 km); die Reichweite des US-Radars (...) -
BOYCOTT: Brita GmbH en cause
29. Oktober 2009===================================================
Presse und Information
Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
Luxemburg, den 29. Oktober 2009
Schlussanträge des Generalanwalts in der Rechtssache C-386/08
Brita GmbH / Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Hafen
Nach (...) -
Rüstungsgeschäft mit Israel ?
28. Oktober 2009===================================================
IPPNW und die pax christi Nahostkommission appellieren an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel die israelische Forderung nach zwei deutschen Kriegsschiffen unverzüglich abzulehnen.
„Diese Anfrage verträgt sich nicht mit dem im schwarz-gelben (...) -
„Wir warnen vor Kriegsdrohungen Israels gegen Iran“
4. August 2009===================================================
Erklärung aus der Friedensbewegung
Der Konflikt muss und kann mit zivilen Mitteln gelöst werden
In deutschen und internationalen Medien häufen sich die Meldungen über Manöver des israelischen Militärs zur Vorbereitung militärischer Angriffe (...) -
Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte – FIDH Deutschland
23. April 2009===================================================
Am Freitag,17. April 2009, wurde das Mitglied des Popular Committee of Bil’in (Bürgerkomitee von Bil’in), Bassem Ibrahim Abu Rahmeh (29 Jahre) auf der wöchentlichen gewaltfreien Freitagsdemonstration gegen die Mauer von der (...) -
Anmerkungen zur Ahmadinedschad-Rede in Genf
22. April 2009===================================================
"...Following World War II, they resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless on the pretext of Jewish sufferings. And they sent migrants from Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world in order to establish (...) -
Die „Demokratie“ verlässt ihre Kinder ! "
5. April 2009===================================================
Betreff: Der Hausarrest von Samieh Jabbarin in Palaestina
Von: Samieh Jabbarin Liebe Genossinnen und Genosse in Deutschland, Es muss zuerst erwaehnt sein, dass Eure solidarische Briefe mir viel Kraft gegeben haben und mir viel (...) -
Israel braucht Hamas
19. Januar 2009Das zionistische Projekt benötigt eine feindliche Umwelt, um die Fiktion einer Existenzbedrohung zu nähren. Mit dem Überfall auf Gaza macht Tel Aviv zugleich erste Annäherungen von sunnitischen arabischen Staaten zunicht.
Von Knut Mellenthin
»Kann Israel seinen Angriff auf Gaza überleben?« (...) -
Lettre ouverte d’un citoyen allemand à Angela Merkel , Chancelière de la RFA
3. Januar 2009Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin
was, so fragen mich meine Freunde in Straßburg, jüdische Freundinnen und nichtjüdische, fragen mich auch wildfremde Menschen, denen ich mich als Deutscher zu erkennen gebe, ist in die Deutsche Bundeskanzlerin gefahren, das letzte Kolonialregime unserer (...) -
Neue Restriktionen der Bewegungsfreiheit für medizinisches Personal auf der Westbank
9. November 2008==============================================
Seit Sonntag, den 2.11. 08 sind neue israelische Armee-Richtlinien in Kraft : sie fordern, dass palästinensisches medizinisches Personal aus der Westbank, das in Jerusalemer Krankenhäusern arbeitet, nur durch den Qalandia-Kontrollpunkt bei (...) -
Die List der Vernunft
14. September 2008IM GESPRäCH III Der israelische Schriftsteller Uri Avnery über einen genetisch bedingten Optimismus, der ihn auch zu seinem 85. Geburtstag nicht verlässt
FREITAG: Was könnte europäische Politik dafür tun, um den israelisch-palästinensischen Gesprächen über den toten Punkt zu helfen?
URI (...) -
Israel schneidet den Gazastreifen von der Westbank ab – (Teile und herrsche !)
14. September 2008Israel unternimmt einseitige Schritte, um eine neue Realität der Trennung zwischen der palästinensischen Bevölkerung im Gazastreifen und derjenigen in der Westbank, zu institutionalisieren, stellt die Menschenrechtsgruppe B’tselem in einem neuen Bericht fest, der am 10.9 veröffentlicht (...)
Ende einer Odyssee
7. September 2008Nachdem ich nun vor einigen Tage aus dem Gefängnis, in das ich nach meiner Reise nach Gaza musste, entlassen wurde, möchte ich Euch zusammenfassend einige Notizen schicken.
Erstens, der Versuch der Bewegung Free Gaza, die israelische Belagerung zu durchbrechen, wurde durch unerwartet guten (...) -
Verwaltungshaft von Salwa Salah und Sara Siureh
15. August 2008================================
Salwa Salah wurde am 10. November 1991 geboren. Am 5. Juni 2008 gegen 2 Uhr morgens saßen die 16-jährige und ihre Familie in ihrem Haus in Bethlehem, als sie plötzlich ein lautes Klopfen an der Tür hörten. Salwas Mutter öffnete und sah sich Soldaten und dem (...) -
Caterpillar- Mode
27. Juli 2008Israel möchte gern weiter behaupten, dass es nicht das erste Land ist, das Nuklearwaffen in den Nahen Osten eingeführt hat, aber es kann dies nicht von einer anderen Massenzerstörungswaffe behaupten, dem Bulldozer. Die Behauptung, dass der Terror nun eine neue Waffe adoptiert habe, eine (...)
Wer ist Täter? Wer sind die Täter?
27. Juli 2008Im Juni 2008 ereignete sich bei einer der gewaltfreien Demonstrationen gegen die Mauer im Dorf Nihilin, westlich von Ramallah, ein Zwischenfall, der weltweit Aufsehen erregte: Ein Dorfbewohner mit auf dem Rücken gefesselten Händen und verbundenen Augen wird von einem Offizier festgehalten, (...)
Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas – Judentum ist universal
1. Juni 2008Abraham Burg ist der Schnorrer des israelischen Establishments. Obwohl er der Reihe nach ein prominenter Führer der Labour-Partei war, der Vorsitzende der Zionistischen Weltorganisation und Knessetsprecher, äußert er regelmäßig seine Meinungen, die nicht mit jenen seiner Landsleute (...)
Wir können nicht feiern
13. Mai 2008Rund um die Welt gibt es Feiern zum 60. Jahrestag der Gründung Israels.
Aber dieses Jahr sind es auch 60 Jahre, dass 750 000 Palästinenser brutal aus ihrer Heimat vertrieben wurden. Sie nennen es Nakbah, Katastrophe. Auf Grund dieser Geschichte und dem schlimmer werdenden Konflikt in der (...) -
Zwei offener Briefe an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin
22. April 2008Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin,
schon oft habe ich, 1940 geboren und von meinen Eltern zu Gerechtigkeit, Pflichterfüllung und Nächstenliebe erzogen, an Sie geschrieben. Ich weiß nicht, in welchem Vorzimmer meine Briefe abgefangen, verworfen oder beiseite gelegt wurden. Meine Motivation war (...) -
Sippenhaft für Palästinenser „Nazimethoden“ des israelischen Geheimdienstes verurteilt
16. April 2008Der israelische Inlandsgeheimdienst Shin Bet hat eingestanden, Ehefrauen, Mütter oder Kinder von eingekerkerten Palästinensern gefangengenommen zu haben, um diese zu Geständnissen zu erpressen. Auch sind Familienmitglieder gezwungen worden, den »rauhen Verhören« der beschuldigten Männer (...)
KRIEGSKOSTEN * Militärisch ist der Waffengang der USA in Irak nicht zu gewinnen - und er ist auch längst nicht mehr zu bezahlen
1. April 2008Selbst hohe US-Militärs räumen längst ein, dass die Koalitionstruppen auf den beiden wichtigsten Schauplätzen des Weltkriegs gegen den Terror - im Irak und in Afghanistan - ein Desaster erleben. Sie haben zwei Regime mit Gewalt vertrieben und dafür einen Krieg am Hals, dessen Ende nicht (...)
Mit Freunden wie diesen
30. März 2008Gideon Levy, 23.3.08
Die enorme Unterstützung für Israel, die in diesen Tagen gezeigt wird, ist schon fast peinlich. Die Parade hoher Gäste und der herzliche Empfang, den israelische Staatsmänner im Ausland erhalten, war so schon länger nicht mehr gesehen worden. Wer ist nicht alles in (...) -
Deutsche Akademiker: „Israel nicht mehr blind unterstützen“
20. Februar 2008NETANJA (inn)
- Eine Gruppe deutscher Akademiker hat die Bundesregierung aufgefordert, die „im Holocaust wurzelnde blinde Unterstützung für Israel“ zu beenden. Die vier Wissenschaftler nahmen am Montag an einem Diskussionsabend in der israelischen Küstenstadt Netanja teil. Sie (...) -
Offener Brief an die Frau Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angelika Merkel am 31.Jan.2008
31. Januar 2008Hommage de repentis à de nouveaux bourreaux !
A l’occasion du 60ème anniversaire de l’Etat d’Israël, les membres du gouvernement allemand se rendront en mars 2008 en Israël pour „fëter“ cet évènement en oubliant ce que ce nouvel Etat colonialiste a fait et fait (...) -
Die Diskriminierung der schwarzen Juden
23. Dezember 2007Einwanderer aus Äthiopien haben es in Israel nicht leicht, sich zu integrieren. Schon in manchen Kindergärten gibt es eigene Gruppen für schwarze Kinder. Jetzt spricht auch das Kabinett über Diskriminierung und Rassismus - und will handeln. Von Jörg Bremer
JERUSALEM, im Dezember. Die (...) -
Israel-Palästina: Das Rote Kreuz fordert Nahost-Aktion
16. Dezember 2007Die besetzten palästinensischen Gebiete: Würde verweigert
Das Internationale Komitee des Roten Kreuzes (ICRC) hat zu einer unmittelbaren politischen Aktion aufgerufen, um die „ernste Krise“ in der Westbank und im Gazastreifen unter Kontrolle zu bekommen.
Das Statement war eine (...) -
Gaza, Ramallah: Auseinandergerissen im selben Land
2. Dezember 2007„Mami, was ist das? Wir sind doch in Ramallah, nicht in Gaza!!“ Das war Luais Reaktion auf das donnernde Geräusch vor einigen Tagen. Es war so stark, dass wir sekundenlang dachten, es wäre eine Schallbombe.
Ja, seit 30. Juni sind wir in Ramallah. An dem Tag ohne Rückkehrerlaubnis (...) -
Meine persönlichen Erfahrungen mit der israelischen Besatzung
2. Dezember 2007Als Israel 1967 die Westbank besetzte, war ich neun Jahre alt. Das bedeutet, dass ich in den vergangenen 34 Jahren in der „israelischen Ära“ lebe oder, um es genauer zu sagen, unter der entmenschlichenden militärischen Besatzung. Drei Jahre bevor ich geboren wurde, wurden drei (...)
Geh und sieh dir selbst die Wahrheit an – ich hab es getan
29. Oktober 2007Ich hatte die Debatten auf diesen Seiten mit einer Mischung von Interesse und Unglaubwürdigkeit verfolgt. Ich frage mich, wie viele von denen, die Tom Hickey und Dereck Summerfield des Antisemitismus angeklagt haben, tatsächlich die Westbank und den Gazastreifen besucht haben, um selbst die (...)
Fortschreitende ethnische Säuberung
1. Oktober 2007Die Bühne für die ethnische Säuberung der Palästinenser ist in den besetzten Gebieten vorbereitet worden und die ethnische Säuberung macht Fortschritte. Im Augenblick ist dies das wesentliche Projekt im Staat Israel. Für eine unparteiische Person mittlerer Intelligenz müsste eine Fahrt durch (...)
9. August 2007Der amerikanische Computerexperte Neal Krawetz hat auf der »BlackHat-Konferenz« für Computersicherheit, die bis Freitag in Las Vegas stattfand, Beweise dafür vorgelegt, daß sogenannte Al-Qaida- Videos in der Regel digital manipuliert wurden. Urheber sei die Firma IntelCenter, die dem Pentagon (...)
Meine Mutter liegt im Sterben – und ich darf die Grenze nicht überschreiten
23. Juli 2007Meine Mutter erlebt ihre letzten Augenblicke und ich kann die Grenze nicht überschreiten. Mein Mutter liegt im Krankenhaus. Sie ist schwer krank. Sie wurde vor drei Tagen im Krankenhaus aufgenommen und ich kann sie nicht erreichen.
Ich habe gerade eine 45tägige Vortragsreise in den USA hinter (...) -
USA beschlagnahmen Spenden für palästinensische Kinder Bank-Raub gegen Friedensarbeit
16. Juli 2007Unangenehme Nachrichten von der Bank erhält die pensionierte Lehrerin Helga Dieter aus Frankfurt am Main vermutlich nicht jeden Tag. Eine, die sich gleich auf den stolzen Betrag von 8.000 US-Dollar bezog und hinter der letztlich das US-Finanzministerium steckte, sicherlich noch nie. Die (...)
Brief der Frauen in Schwarz, Wien, an Ihre österreichische Kollegin
5. Juli 2007FRAUEN IN SCHWARZ (WIEN) Kirchengasse 24/19, 1070 Wien
Frau Bundesministerin Dr. Ursula Plassnik BM für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten Minoritenplatz 8 1014 Wien 5. Juli 2007
Sehr geehrte Frau Bundesministerin!
Wir sind zutiefst (...) -
„Blair ist einseitig festgelegt“
1. Juli 2007Harald Moritz Bock, Mitgründer der Deutsch-Arabischen Gesellschaft, fürchtet, dass Tony Blair als Nahostgesandter scheitert. Blair soll den Friedensprozess in Nahost wiederbeleben. Ist er der Richtige?
Ich befürchte, nein. Blair ist einseitig festgelegt. Als britischer Premier hätte (...) -
Die USA bereiten sich weiterhin auf einen Waffengang gegen Iran vor
24. Juni 2007Unter dem Titel »Naher und Mittlerer Osten. Krieg-Besatzung-Widerstand« erscheint dieser Tage im Bonner Pahl-Rugenstein-Verlag ein von Nick Brauns und Dimitri Tsalos herausgegebener Band zu politischen Problemen der Region (209 S., brosch., 16,90 Euro, ISBN 978-3-89144-385-9). Zum ersten Mal (...)
Israels Spione enttarnt
22. Juni 2007Das Geheimdienstarchiv des palästinensischen Präsidenten Mahmud Abbas ist offensichtlich komplett und unversehrt in die Hände der Hamas gefallen. Die palästinensische Organisation wertet die Daten zur Zeit detailliert aus. Die mit Israel und mit den USA kollaborierende Fatah-Führung habe bei (...)
16. Juni 2007Gesendet: Freitag, 15. Juni 2007 00:18
An: Angela Merkel
Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin, sehr geehrter Herr Minister Steinmeier, die Katastrophe war vorhersehbar! Die Einheitsregierung hat keine Unterstützung erfahren. Ihre Minister haben vergeblich als Bittsteller bei den europäischen (...) -
Hanija in die Schweiz eingeladen
22. Mai 2007Die Gesellschaft Schweiz-Palästina (GSP) hat den palästinensischen Regierungschef Ismail Hanija zu einem Besuch eingeladen. Der Besuch Hanijas in der Schweiz wäre der erste eines Hamas-Führers in Europa. Aufgrund der aktuellen Ereignisse im Gazastreifen dürfte sich der für Anfang Juni geplante (...)
Verfassungsschutz beschäftigt sich mit einigen deutschen Bischöfen
2. Mai 2007(München)
FOCUS: Verfassungsschutz registriert Israel-kritische Äußerungen deutscher Bischöfe
München. Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) hat die Kritik deutscher Bischöfe am Umgang Israels mit Palästinensern in der (...) -
Ohne Grenzen
28. März 2007ES IST unglaublich! In den palästinensischen Schulbüchern gibt es nicht die Spur einer Grünen Linie! Sie erkennen die Existenz Israels nicht einmal in den Grenzen von 1967 an! Sie sagen, die „zionistische Banden“ haben das Land von den Arabern gestohlen. So vergiften sie den (...)
LutheranerInnen fordern Ende der israelischen Besetzung in Palästina
28. März 2007LWB-Rat fordert internationale Gemeinschaft auf, mit neuer palästinensischer Regierung zusammenzuarbeiten
Lund (Schweden)/Genf, 26. März 2007 (LWI) – Der Rat des Lutherischen Weltbundes (LWB) hat die internationale Gemeinschaft aufgefordert, Schritte zu unternehmen, um die (...) -
Israelisches Parlament: etwa 1000 medizinische Experimente jährlich an arabischen oder palästinensischen Gefangenen
19. Februar 2007Israel führt medizinische Experimente an Häftlingen durch PLC Mitglied, Issa Qaraqea teilte mit, dass die Gefängnisverwaltung der israelischen Besatzung an den palästinensischen Häftlingen medizinische Experimente in den Haftanstalten durchführt.
In einer Erklärung legte Qaraqea offen, das (...) -
„...Von deutschem Boden darf nie wieder Krieg ausgehen!...“
11. Februar 2007Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Merkel,
ich beschuldige Sie und Ihren Außen-, sowie Verteidigungsminister, ohne Not unser Land, knapp 60 Jahre nach Ende des schrecklichsten aller selbst verschuldeten Kriege der Neuzeit, erneut in einen Krieg geführt zu haben.
Glauben Sie mir bitte: ich bin nicht (...) -
Um Gaza ist es still geworden
19. Januar 2007Ein Genozid schwappt gerade über die Menschen im Gazastreifen, während die, die dies aus der Nähe und Ferne beobachten, sich in Schweigen hüllen. Etwa 1,4 Millionen Menschen, meistens Kinder, leben zusammengepfercht in einem der am dichtesten bewohnten Region der Erde, ohne Bewegungsfreiheit, (...)
Was wirst du jetzt tun, Israel?
30. Dezember 2006Wenn man niemanden mehr beschuldigen kann, was wird Israel dann tun?
Jetzt, wo drei kleine Jungs von Mördern getötet worden sind und ein Hamasrichter aus seinem Wagen gezogen und ermordet wurde, wirst du dich vielleicht freuen? Die Palästinenser unterwerfen sich endlich deinen Plänen, denkst (...) -
Zehn Regeln, damit der »Krieg gegen Terrorismus« noch lange währt
25. Dezember 2006 23.12.2006 / Rat & Tat / Seite 14 Aus Leserbriefen an die Redaktion
Zehn Regeln
1. Man folge dem angeblich »göttlichen Auftrag«: aller Welt Freiheit und Demokratie zu bringen, vielleicht auch noch »Land zu erlösen« und global das Böse - den (...) -
„Wir wollen Frieden“
16. Dezember 2006Über die Anerkennung der Besatzungsmacht Israel, die Probleme der Hamas bei der Bildung einer palästinensischen Regierung der nationalen Einheit und die Einmischung der CIA
Margi Chaled Meschaal ist der politische Chef der Hamas-Bewegung, die bei den ersten freien und demokratischen Wahlen in (...) -
„Israel und die USA verhindern den Frieden mit den Palästinensern.“
8. Dezember 2006„Israel und die USA verhindern den Frieden mit den Palästinensern“ Das schreibt der frühere US-Präsident Jimmy Carter in seinem gerade in den USA erschienenen Buch „Palästina: Frieden statt Apartheid“.
Carter bemängelt hauptsächlich die Weigerung Israels, das 1967 (...) -
Die Checkpoint-Generation
3. Dezember 2006Vor fast einem Monat wurde ein junger Palästinenser ins Beilinson-Krankenhaus gebracht. Soldaten an einem Checkpoint nördlich Nablus hatten am 4.November auf ihn geschossen. Haitem Yassin, 25, ist zwar bei Bewusstsein, aber er ist immer noch an das Beatmungsgerät angeschlossen. In den (...)
27. November 2006Die Kindergärtnerin liegt blutend auf einer Tragbahre. Der Minibus parkt am Straßenrand. Irgendwo von links schießen Kanonen Granaten ab. Die Kinder liegen alle neben einander auf dem Boden. So beschreibt eines der Kinder den Morgen, als sie zu ihrem Kindergarten nach Beit Lahia fuhren und (...)
Ein Abend in Jounieh
27. November 2006WÄHREND des 1. Libanonkrieges besuchte ich Jounieh, eine Stadt etwa 20km nördlich von Beirut. In jener Zeit war sie der Hafen für die Streitkräfte der Christen. Es war ein aufregender Abend.
Obwohl im nahen Beirut der Krieg wütete, war Jounieh voll ausgelassenem Leben. Die christliche Elite (...) -
Nicht in meinem Namen
19. November 2006Der Gaza-Streifen war schon ein Gefängnis, in dem es kaum Luft zum Atmen gab, als Israels Armee vor einem Jahr abzog. Jetzt aber durchsieben große und kleine Stahlsplitter die Luft, brennt den Menschen der Boden unter den Füßen, schreien die Verwundeten und Verschütteten um Hilfe - und es gibt (...)
„Iran muss beginnen, Angst zu haben“
14. November 2006Die Lage im Nahen Osten spitzt sich zu, die Äußerungen des israelischen Regierungschefs, der am Montag die „lahme Ente“ Bush besucht, machen die Situation nicht besser
Die USA haben eine Verurteilung Israels wegen des Artilleriebeschusses in Beit Hanoun, bei dem 19 Menschen, (...) -
Bodenproben beweisen, dass Israel beim Angriff auf den Libanon Uranbomben eingesetzt hat
30. Oktober 2006Es ist ein ungeheuerlicher Verdacht, den der renommierte britische Journalist Robert Fisk in der Samstagsausgabe (28. Oktober 2006) des Independent ausspricht: „Hat Israel w‰hrend des 34-t‰gigen Angriffs auf den S¸dlibanon in diesem Sommer eine geheime und neuartige Uranwaffe (...)
»Israel hat nicht mehr Rechte als Nordkorea«
30. Oktober 2006Die USA vertreten in der Frage atomarer Bewaffnung eine Doppelmoral.
* Mairead Corrigan-Maguire aus Nordirland ist die Tante dreier Kinder, die 1976 durch ein Fluchtfahrzeug von Attentätern erfaßt und getötet wurden. Sie gründete daraufhin die »Community of the Peace People«
Seit 30 Jahren (...) -
„Viele Juden schämen sich Israels“
28. Oktober 2006Britischer Politologe wirft Israel Verbrechen vor Moderation: Christoph Heinemann Der anglikanische Friedensaktivist Paul Oesterreicher ist der Ansicht, dass es den Deutschen aus „sehr verständlichen Gründen“ schwer fällt, Israels Politik zu kritisieren. Man habe Angst vor dem (...)
Israelische Professorin verlässt aus Protest gegen die „Sicherheitsmauer“ Israel.
28. Oktober 2006Die prominente, linke israelische Akademikerin und Autorin Tanya Reinhard plant als Prof. Emeritus die Tel Aviver Universität aus Protest gegen die Politik ihrer Regierung gegenüber dem palästinensischen Problem zu verlassen. Prof. Reinhart, die vor kurzem eine öffentliche Vorlesung an der (...)
Eine massive militärische Aktion im Gazastreifen als „realistische Option“ nicht ausgeschlossen."
27. Oktober 2006„Kölner Stadt Anzeiger“, Nachricht auf Seite 10 des politischen Teils:
„Botschafter Israels: Offensive in Gaza denkbar“
Es geht dann weiter: "Der israelische Botschafter in Deutschland, Shimon Stein, hat eine massive militärische Aktion im Gazastreifen als (...) -
Zu Wasser, zu Lande und in der Luft - Die deutsch-israelische Rüstungskooperation
16. Oktober 2006Die israelische Luftwaffe bombardierte Ziele im Libanon. Die israelische Armee rückte in libanesische Ortschaften und Städte ein, die sie für Hisbollah-Hochburgen hielt. Die israelische Marine blockierte das Land zur See. Bei all diesen Operationen kam Militärtechnik “Made in (...)
Was sie sagt
14. Oktober 2006(ISM-Aktivistin beschreibt das Leben der Kinder in Palästina unter israelischer Militärbesatzung)
Sie sagte: geht nach draußen zum Spielen, aber werft keinen Ball in die Nähe von Soldaten.
Wenn ein Jeep vorbeifährt, schaut auf den Boden Und hebt keine Steine auf - auch nicht fürs Hüpfspiel. (...) -
Operation Frieden für die Weinkellerei
3. Oktober 2006Wie nennt man eine Friedensverweigerung, die für einen Krieg verantwortlich zu machen ist? Wie muss man einen Staat nennen, der nicht einmal bereit ist, mit dem Oberhaupt eines Staates am Verhandlungstisch zusammen zu sitzen, der öffentlich einen klaren Friedensvorschlag macht. Falls es noch (...)
Stoppt den Krieg gegen den Iran!
2. Oktober 2006In den USA gibt es eine regelrechte Flut von Warnungen, daß die Regierung Bush/Cheney einen Militärschlag gegen den Iran - möglicherweise noch vor den Kongreßwahlen im November - vorbereitet.
„Sobald ich das Permit habe, komme ich zu dir zurück.“
17. September 2006„Sobald ich das Permit habe, komme ich zu dir zurück. Das nächste Mal lasse ich Papa alleine reisen. Ich möchte bei dir bleiben.“ Luai erzählt mir das immer, wenn ich mit ihm spreche. Er wartet unruhig auf die Erlaubnis, nach Hause kommen zu können. Er ist zwischen Nablus, Amman, (...)
Über Streubomben
10. September 2006S. ist Reservesoldat in einem Artilleriebataillon und er fühlt sich nicht wohl bei dem Gedanken, was er während des 2. Libanonkriegs getan hat. Er feuerte Granaten ab, manchmal eine pro Minute. Er und seine Kameraden feuerten 200 Granaten in einer Nacht ab und in andern Nächten (...)
Die Kriegsverbrechen im Libanon müssen vom Internationalen Strafgerichtshof verurteilt werden!
8. September 2006Dieser Aufruf soll in Europa und weltweit zur nterschrift verbreitet werden. Er ist in aller Schärfe, ohne Zeitverzug und ohne jede Einschränkung gegen all jene Personen aus Politik und Militär gerichtet, die seit Jahrzehnten in Kriegsverbrechen, Rechtsbrüchen und Schändungen aller Art in (...)
La plupart des médias se sont bien gardés d’informer les Allemands de l’existence et du contenu de cette lettre
30. August 2006The German version is followed by the English version German version: English version : [Übersetzung aus dem Persischen]
Im Namen des (...) -
"Ursache und Wirkungen“ nicht verwechseln
7. August 2006Bei uns hört man in letzter Zeit im Kontext des Libanonkrieges, man solle doch ja nicht „Ursache und Wirkung verwechseln“- es war vor allem Angela Merkel, die diesen guten Ratschlag gab. Und nun plappern dies viele Leute nach z.B. der CDU-Politiker Gerster im DLF. Auch H. (...)
Tag 22
5. August 2006Ingrid Rumpf Birnenweg 2 72793 Pfullingen Tel.: 07121/78556 Fax: 07121/490113
Hier die Nachrichten von unserer Partnerorganisation The National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Traing (NISCVT)/Bait Atfal Assumoud vom Tag 22:
Der Teufelskreis der Gewalt geht (...) -
Tag 20
4. August Ingrid Rumpf Birnenweg 2 72793 Pfullingen Tel.: 07121/78556 Fax: 07121/490113
Hier die Nachrichten von unserer Partnerorganisation vom Tag 20. Tag 21 und 22 folgen morgen. Ca. 4000 libanesische Familien, das entspricht etwa 25.000 Menschen, haben inwischen (...) -
Même dans son domaine de prédilection: les services secrets, Israël a perdu la face
30. Juli 2006Vorhut der Invasoren
Kollaborateure des israelischen Geheimdienstes in Libanon übermittelten Zieldaten an Bomber
Jürgen Cain Külbel
Libanesische Sicherheitskräfte haben 53 Personen verhaftet, »die mit dem Feind paktierten und ihm Informationen über spätere Ziele von Kampfjets und (...) -
Volk denkt anders als Regierung
26. Juli 2006Nach einer Forsa-Umfrage finden drei von vier Deutschen, „das Vorgehen Israels im Nahen Osten“ nicht angemessen. Der Wert ist weniger aufschlussreich als der Umstand, dass nach der Angemessenheit des Vorgehens von Hamas, Hisbollah, des Iran oder Syriens gar nicht erst gefragt (...)
" Offener Brief "an den deutschen Aussenminister
24. Juli 2006Sehr geehrter Herr Minister Steinmeier,
es hieß, gestern abend im Radio, Sie seien aufgebrochen zu einer schwierigen Mission, nach Tel-Aviv, zu Gesprächen mit Ihrem israelischen Gegenpart...
es hieß, heute morgen im gleichen Sender, dem Deutschlandfunk, Sie führten Gespräche, mit Ihrem (...) -
Bitte Helft ! ! !
22. Juli
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, von unserer Partnerorganisation im Libanon haben wir gehört, dass sie sich mit etlichen anderen NGOs und zivilgesellschaftlichen Gruppen im Libanon zusammengeschlossen hat, um die Opfer und Flüchtlinge der israelischen Angriffe mit dem Nötigtsen (...) -
Brutalitäten im Gelobten Land
19. Juli 2006Es fehlen die Worte.
Gewöhnliche Ausdrücke passen nicht, um den Horror zu beschreiben, den Israel täglich begeht und seit Jahren gegen die Palästinenser begangen hat . Die Tragödie von Gaza ist hundert mal beschrieben worden, wie all die Tragödien von 1948, von Qibiya, Sabra und Shatila, von (...) -
No comments
17. Juli 2006Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 2:17 AM
Subject: Nuklearkrieg gegen Iran geplant: Codewort „Shock and Awe“
Anlaesslich des offenbar bevorstehenden Nuklearkrieges gegen Iran habe ich ein paar Links auf meine Wolfgang Webseite gestellt (am Ende the Nie mehr Krieg Abschnittes). Diese (...) -
13. Juli 2006AUSSCHNITT: Im Shifakrankenhaus sagte Dr. al-Saqaa, die meisten Leichen, die in die Einrichtung gebracht werden, waren auseinandergerissen und völlig verbrannt.
„Sogar die Körper der Verletzten sind fast völlig verbrannt. Sie sind auf eine hässliche Weise, die wir noch nie gesehen (...) -
Israel - Weltmeister der Verletzungen gegen VN-Resolutionen!
6. Juli 2006Israel ist der Weltmeister der Verletzungen gegen VN-Resolutionen.
Hier einige Resolutionen Israel betreffend von 1955-1992:
The United Nations Security Council:
Resolution 106: „. . . ’condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid“. Resolution 111: „. . . (...) -
No comments ! ! ! !
2. Juli 2006Leider hat Shraga Elam Recht ! Er ist israelischer Staatsbürger und er hat größten Grund zur Sorge, wie jemals die Rechnung für die Untaten seines Staates beglichen werden kann. Es könnte auch ein Tag kommen, an dem das deutsche Volk für die Mittäterschaft seiner Politiker zur Veantwortung (...)
»Israel kennt keine Gleichheit«
2. Juli 2006Gespräch mit Jonathan Cook. Über den jüdischen demokratischen Staat, der seine palästinensischen Bürger diskrimiert, die Neuerfindung der Besatzung, die absehbare Kassam-Intifada und die notwendige Überwindung des Zionismus
Jonathan Cook ist der erste ausländische Korrespondent mit Sitz in der (...) -
Klick, klick, klick- zwei Tote pro Nacht
26. Juni 200626.06.2006 / Ausland / Seite 3 Zum Inhalt dieser Ausgabe |
Klick, klick, klick- zwei Tote pro Nacht Ehemaliger Kommandant der israelischen Marine berichtet von Kriegsverbrechen im Gazastreifen Akiva Eldar *
Kapitän T. war der Kommandant eines mit Waffen ausgerüsteten (...) -
Offener Brief an den Vorstand
21. Juni 2006De trés nombreux citoyens allemands et européens envoient une lettre ouverte à plusieurs syndicats allemands ainsi qu’à de nombreux organismes issus des milieux scientifiques de RFA
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
in Deutschland kann es niemandem unbekannt geblieben sein, welche Folgen (...) -
Protest gegen die Massaker an palästinensischen Zivilisten
10. Juni 2006Seit Wochen bestraft die israelische Regierung die Palästinenser für die in einem demokratischen Prozess getroffene Wahl ihrer Parlamentarier, indem sie u.a. Auslandskonten sperrt, Verkehrswege blockiert und die Wirtschaft vollends zum Erliegen bringt. Die Europäische Union und ganz besonders (...)
Unilateral geht nicht mehr, usw..................
2. Juni 200601.06.2006 / Ausland / Seite 3 Zum Inhalt dieser Ausgabe |
Rainer Rupp
Widerstand gegen US-Außenpolitik wächst: Peking und Moskau zeigen sich zunehmend selbstbewußt. Globales Kräfteverhältnis verschiebt sich - zuungunsten Washingtons Rainer Rupp
Unilateral geht nicht mehr
Sieht sich weiter (...) -
Hamas-Boykott ein Verbrechen
31. Mai 2006» Abgeordnete der Linken ziehen Bilanz nach Israel/Palästina-Reise
Die Boykottpolitik der deutschen Bundesregierung und der Europäischen Union gegenüber der palästinensischen Hamas-Regierung hat zu einer humanitären Katastrophe in den von Israel besetzten Gebieten geführt und muß dringend (...) -
„Der Hamas-Boykott ist schädlich“
31. Mai 2006die tageszeitung - 27.5.2006
EU und USA haben einen Boykott gegen die Hamas-Regierung verhängt. Doch damit trifft der Westen nur die palästinensische Bevölkerung - und stärkt die Hamas sogar noch, so Norman Paech, Abgeordneter der Linkspartei
taz: Herr Paech, Sie kommen gerade von einem (...) -
Nicht ohne meine Tochter
15. Mai 2006Wir trafen uns das erste Mal im Winter 1998 in Bethlehem. Damals war Etaf Alyam aus der Administrativhaft entlassen worden, nachdem sie eine 10jährige Gefängnisstrafe ( für eine in einem Auto angebrachte Sprengladung ) abgesessen hatte. Sie war die lokale Heldin: ihr 40-tägiger Hungerstreik (...)
Das Flüchtlingsproblem ist zentral im Nahost-Konflikt
14. Mai 200613.05.2006 /
Gespräch mit Nihad Boqai, Peter Hansen, Michael Fischbach und Ilan Pappe. Über die seit 58 Jahren anhaltende Vertreibung von Millionen Palästinensern, das Recht auf Rückkehr und Entschädigung sowie »israelische Kollateralopfer« / von Sabine Matthes Zu unseren Gesprächspartnern: (...) -
»Auch der UN-Sicherheitsrat ist an Verträge gebunden«
11. Mai 2006Das Verhalten des Iran rechtfertigt aus juristischer Sicht keine Sanktionen. Völkerrecht garantiert Atomforschung. Norman Paech ist außenpolitischer Sprecher der Linksfraktion und Mitglied des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Bundestags Die US-Führung beschwört nahezu täglich die Bedrohung der (...)
Geh heim, Mofaz!
7. Mai 2006Ehud Olmert muss schnell handeln: er muss noch einen geeigneten Posten für den abgehenden Verteidigungsminister finden. Sonst könnte Shaul Mofaz auch die Israel-Preis-Feier am Unabhängigkeitstag streichen wie er den traditionellen Empfang seines Ministeriums gestrichen hat - natürlich in (...)
Französische Nichtregierungsorganisationen verweigern eine Alibi-Rolle
6. Mai 2006Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
bitte schließen Sie sich unbedingt den französischen ONGs an. Die wachsende Not in den Palästinensergebieten drängt zu großer Eile.
Die Regierungen Europas versuchen, sich ihrer Verantwortung zu entziehen bei Missbrauch von NGOs. Wer eine soziale Explosion, (...) -
Feierliche erklärung zum Tag des doppelten Gedenkens
30. April 2006Feierliche Erklärung zum 58. Jahrestag der Staatsgründung Israels.
Am 14 Mai wird von Menschen in- und außerhalb Israels der Staatsgründung Israels am 14. Mai 1948 und seiner Aufnahme in die Völkergemeinschaft gedacht. Mit der Anerkennung hatte der junge Staat die Erfüllung einiger (...) -
Im Terrorsumpf
25. April 200619.04.2006 / Ausland / Seite 7
Libanon: Der Westen schweigt weiter zum Attentatskomplott gegen Hisbollah-Chef Nasrallah
Von Jürgen Cain Külbel
Die Akteure im weltweiten «Kampf gegen den Terror schwiegen auch in den vergangenen Tagen ob die UNO in New York, ob Washington oder Brüssel. Für (...) -
„Affaire HARIRI“ on commence à comprendre le silence !
22. April 200611.04.2006 / Interview / Seite 2
»Es gibt keinen Beweis für die syrische Spur«
Recherchen zum Mordfall Hariri und neue Erkenntnisse über US-amerikanische oder israelische Drahtzieher. Ein Gespräch mit Jürgen Cain Külbel
Jürgen Cain Külbel hat in der DDR Kriminalistik studiert und in (...) -
Weiterer Verlauf : GENUG ist GENUG
18. April 2006I. Diese Dokumentation wirft noch andere schwerwiegende Fragen auf.
Warum geschieht diesen Menschen dieses unglaubliche, unbeschreibliche Leid durch die israelische Regierung und durch israelisches Militär? (Und ich habe längst nicht alles aufgelistet.!!) Warum wird ihnen ein normales Leben in (...) -
„Die Bäume gingen hin..“
16. April 2006Es wird gesagt, dass ein Politiker an die nächsten Wahlen denkt, ein Staatsmann aber an die nächste Generation
HEUTE WURDE Ehud Olmert der Ministerpräsident von Israel. Er ist nicht mehr nur der „stellvertretende Ministerpräsident“, sondern ein wirklicher Ministerpräsident. (...) -
16. April 2006Was muss geschehen sein, wenn eine langjährige Friedensaktivistin, mit zahlreichen Freunden auf beiden Seiten, in Israel und in Palästina, dies in die Welt schreit? Sie, Inhaberin des Bundesverdienstkreuzes, hat lange gezögert, nun aber, nachdem jüdische Stimmen in und außerhalb Israels (...)
Sumud* gegen Apartheid
15. April 2006Dies ist - allgemein gesagt - eine schlimme Situation. Es ist der politische Augenblick, auf den hin alle israelischen Regierungen - alle :Labour, Likud und nationale Einheit - seit vier Jahrzehnten der Besatzung gearbeitet haben: der letzte Vorstoß zu einem erweiterten Israel, der Todesstoß (...)
Aufruf an Europa
12. April 2006Wir, israelische Patrioten, die wir uns Sorgen über die Zukunft unseres Staates machen, rufen Sie, die Führer der Europäischen Union hiermit auf : Beenden Sie die Blockade der palästinensischen Regierung! Bringen Sie nicht ein ganzes Volk in Hungersnot, (...)
Israelischer Politiker fordert Tötung Uri Avnerys
29. März 2006Unerwünschter Frieden freace - 20.03.2006
Baruch Marzel, Gründer und Vorsitzender der rechten israelischen Partei „Nationale Jüdische Front“ (Chayil), hat einem Bericht der israelischen Haaretz vom Montag zufolge die Tötung des (...) -
Anstiftung zum Mord
27. März 2006Bei einer Wahlversammlung rief der Führer der „Jüdisch- Nationalen-Front“-Liste, Baruch Marzal, die israelische Armee dazu auf, Uri Avnery zu töten - dies wurde vom Haaretz-Reporter Nadav Shragai ( rechter Flügel) am 21. März in Haaretz berichtet. Die Geschichte wurde auch in (...)
Feierlicher Aufruf an alle Europa-Abgeordneten
12. März 2006Sehr geehrte Damen, sehr geehrte Herren,
in ganz Europa ist, trotz der wenigen von den Medien über dieses Drama verbreiteten Informationen, der Zorn, die Aufruhr und die hilflose Trauer der Bürger und der zivilgesellschaftlichen Vereinigungen wahrnehmbar. In ihrer aller Namen wenden wir uns (...) -
Offener Brief an die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
8. März 2006Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin,
ich wende mich in vierfacher Hinsicht an Sie:
als französischer Bürger;
als europäischer Bürger;
als Bewohner dieser schönen elsässischen Region, über die sich unsere beiden Länder so lange uneins waren und inzwischen ein Symbol der Versöhnung zwischen (...) -
Ein Krieg zwischen Religionen? Um Himmels willen, nein!
21. Februar 2006EINER UNSERER früheren Generalstabschefs, der verstorbene Rafael („Raful“) Eitan, der nicht gerade eine Leuchte war, fragte einmal einen ausländischen Gast: „Sind Sie Jude oder Christ?“ „Ich bin Atheist!“ antwortete dieser. „Ok, ok,“ reagierte (...)
Une leçon de démocratie
2. Februar 2006Le ministre délégué aux affaires étrangères Allemand, M. Erler: “La victoire de Hamas met en danger le procès de paix au Proche-Orient” -
Günter Schenk donne au Ministre une leçon de démocratie
Le ministre délégué au ministère des affaires étrangères allemand, Monsieur Gernot (...) -
²Offener Brief an Frau Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angelika Merkel, im Anschluss an ihren Israel-Besuch
2. Februar 2006Sehr geehrte Frau Bundeskanzlerin,
gerade kommen Sie von einer anstrengenden Reise in das „alte Palästina“ zurück. Vieles, was ich über Ihr Auftreten dort gelesen habe, musste sicher so sein - diplomacie oblige - jedoch, Ihre eindeutige Aussage betreffend der Hilfsgelder (...) -
Wir wollen unser Volk und unsere Prinzipien nicht für ausländische Hilfe verkaufen
2. Februar 2006Wir Palästinenser stimmten für Hamas, weil wir uns weigern, unsere Rechte aufzugeben.
Aber wir sind bereit, einen gerechten Frieden zu machen.
Es ist weithin bekannt, dass die Palästinenser zu den politisiertesten und am besten ausgebildetsten Völkern der Welt gehören. Als sie letzten (...) -
Mossad arbeitet mit deutschen Pässen
18. Januar 2006 ERSTELLT 13.01.06, 11:05h, AKTUALISIERT 13.01.06, 11:13h Frankfurt/Main -
Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) unterstützt nach ddp-Informationen den israelischen Geheimdienst Mossad bei (...) -
IDF teilt die Westbank in Kantone
16. Januar 2006Amira Hass, Haaretz
Seit einem Monat - seit der 2. Woche im Dezember 2005 - trennt das israelische Militär (IDF) den nördlichen Teil der Westbank von den andern Teilen ab und verbietet den Bewohnern nach Ramallah und südlicher zu reisen.
Dieses Verbot gilt etwa 800 000 Menschen, Bewohnern (...) -
Aoun erhebt Vorwürfe gegen Khaddam
16. Januar 2006Der christliche Oppositionsführer Michel Aoun wirft dem syrischen Ex-Vizepräsidenten Abdul Halim Khaddam die Verwicklung in mehrere Morde vor
Die Wahrheit, die man nicht hört ( oder liest
10. Januar 2006Wie sieht die Situation vor Ort in Palästina aus? Die israelische Narrative, die weiter die internationalen Medien beherrscht, präsentiert ein Bild, das nichts mit der Realität zu tun hat.
Der Gazarückzug wurde als der Beginn eines Friedensprozesses propagiert; ein großer Rückzug durch (...) -
Mehlis J + 12
27. Dezember 2005Un pas en avant, deux pas en arrière. Cette tactique qui finit par brouiller les cartes est bien dans le style de la politique des petits pas et, la diplomatie aidant, s’effaceront de nos neurones les tristes épisodes de cette mascarade de justice au cours de laquelle on a lancé des (...)
Solidarität mit der syrischen Bevölkerung
17. Dezember 2005Die Parteitage der Linkspartei. PDS 3. Tagung des 9. Parteitags 10. und 11. Dezember 2005, Dresden
Beschluss der 3. Tagung des 9. Parteitages der Linkspartei.PDS Seit dem Herbst 2004 ist die US-Regierung bemüht, Syrien international zu isolieren. Mit einer Medienkampagne sollen die (...) -
Komplott aufgeflogen
19. November 2005Schwere Vorwürfe gegen UN-Kommission: Berliner Oberstaatsanwalt Mehlis soll inhaftiertem Terroristen zehn Millionen Dollar für Beschuldigungen gegen Syrien geboten haben Versucht die UN-Untersuchungskommission zur Aufklärung der Ermordung des ehemaligen libanesischen Ministerpräsidenten Rafik (...)
Verschlossene Augen
13. November 2005Leserbriefe, SZ. vom 10. November, S. 4
Wir verschliessen die Augen vor der afrikanischen Katastrophe an unseren Grenzen. Schon lange frage ich mich, welcher Teufel uns eigentlich reitet, so selbstvergessen zu handeln. Der Kontinent Afrika und seine Menschen ist sicher die Spitze des Eisbergs (...) -
Keine Kontrolle über den Abzugfinger (oder Über Terror und Gegenterror ER)
23. Oktober 200519.10.05
Am 27. August 2001 hatte das israelische Militär die Möglichkeit, Abu Ali Mustafa, Generalsekretär der Volksfront für die Befreiung Palästinas, zu ermorden - und es handelte. Die Antwort: Mitglieder der Organisation ermordeten den Minister Rehavam Ze’evi. Am 14. Januar 2002 (...) -
Friedenskarawane in Damaskus
27. August 2005:
Liebe Freunde und Mitstreiter für den Frieden,
Vorab ein kurzer Überblick über die Formalitäten bei der Ein-bzw. Ausreise der Karawane in Nahost und über das Programm in Damaskus.
In der Türkei gelang die Einreise der 165 Teilnehmer, ein Bus, über 30 Autos ohne grössere Probleme. Dann (...) -
Ein neues Konzept von Bürgeraktion
27. August 2005Von Michel Flament, Koordinator
Vom 2. August 2005 und vom 5. Juli bis zum 1. August 2005, dem Berichtszeitraum für die Reise der Karawane des Rechts wurden mehr als 380 Communiques, Presseartikel oder Agenturdepeschen aus folgenden Ländern registriert: Frankreich, Italien, Spanien, (...) -
Was würde Deine Mutter dazu sagen?
22. August 2005Sous forme de lettre, Guenther, Caravanier allemand, nous fait, dans sa langue maternelle,le récit de son voyage militant pour la défense du Droit
Schämt ihr euch nicht?
9. Mai 2005Der PKW hielt für einen Augenblick. Eine ältere Dame steckte ihren Kopf aus dem Fenster und schrie: „Schämt ihr euch nicht? Heute ist Holocaust-Tag. Und ihr demonstriert für die Araber?!“ Die Ursache für ihren Zorn war eine große Gruppe von Demonstranten gegenüber dem (...)
Warum sind sie Kollaborateure?
10. April 2005Das folgende Paradox wundert mich immer wieder.
Warum unterstützt der größte Teil der Israelis die Besatzung? (wörtlich übersetzt: Warum sind sie Kollaborateure der Besatzung ?) Die meisten von ihnen sind überhaupt nicht begeistert vom Siedlungsunternehmen. Man hört sie oft sagen: „Ich (...) -
Offener Brief des World Council of Churches (WCC)
6. April 2005Genf, Schweiz 31. März 2005
Offener Brief über den Status von Jerusalem
Peter Weiderud, Direktor der Kommission für Internationale Angelegenheiten des Ökum. Rates der Kirchen.
Der Weltrat der Kirchen ist sehr besorgt über Aktionen der israelischen Regierung, die das Abkommen über einen (...) -
„Sharon hat seine Ziele nicht geändert“
5. April 2005Gespräch mit Felicia Langer.
Über das Oslo-Abkommen zwischen Israel und Palästina, den Friedensprozeß in Nahost nach der Konferenz von Sharm el Sheikh und die Strategie der israelischen Regierung -
Rede von Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Israel
18. März 2005Gewalt gegen Frauen
Danke, dass Sie mich zu diesem Tag hierher eingeladen haben. Es ist immer eine Ehre und eine Freude, hier unter Ihnen zu sein Doch hätten Sie diesmal nicht besser eine palästinensische Frau an meiner Stelle einladen sollen? Denn die Frauen, die in meinem Land noch mehr (...) -
Palestina heute 15/03/2005
15. März 2005Gaza/Ramallah/Nablus- Laut Olmert wurde der Verlauf der Sperrmauer um Jerusalem am Sonntagabend von der Ministerkommission beschlossen, zu der neben Olmert auch Verteidigungsminister Shaul Mofaz, Innenminister Ofir Pines, Wohnungsbauminister Yitzhak Herzog und der Minister für Innere (...)
Eine Karawane für Palästina - Eine Karawane für Menschenrechte - 2005
10. März 2005website: - e-mail:
Wir, Frauen und Männer mit unterschiedlichem kulturellen und sozialen und Hintergrund, die wir uns bewusst sind, dass wir alle der einen Menschheit angehören, rufen zu einer internationalen Aktion für (...) -
Auruf an sämtliche europäische Gewerkschaften
9. März 2005Freitag, den 14 Januar 2005
Der Strasburger Aufruf vom 12. Juni 2004 erhielt die Zustimmung mehrerer hunderter Vereinigungen, Organisationen und Stiftungen, sowie verschiedener Persönlichkeiten, welche sich für eine gerechte Lösung des Israel-Palestina Konfliktes einsetzen.
In den Reihen der (...) -
Komm bete mit uns und dann erzähl uns.....!"
3. März 2005Von Amira Hass
„Sechs Tage lang war ich in einem Hotel - im Beer-Sheva-Gefängnishotel. Jeden Tag konnte ich duschen, hatte gutes Essen, Snacks, Fernsehen, Obst, normale Kleidung“, erzählte D. ein junger Palästinenser aus Ramallah. Er war 40 Tage lang verhaftet und verhört worden, (...) -
Lettre d’un citoyen allemand au Président de la RFA
11. Februar 2005Sehr geehrter Herr Bundespräsident,
ganze Passagen Ihrer Rede vor der Knesset haben nicht nur mich schockiert. Können Sie wirklich glauben, Staatsraison erlaube Ihnen, tausende von Ehrenmenschen, Bürgern unseres Staates, die sich aus sehr gutem Grund, und nach intimer Information erlauben, (...) -
Scandaleux comportement de représentants de l’Etat d’Israël sur le territoire de l’Union européenne
11. Februar 2005Ceci s’est passé voici un mois. Nous avons protesté au niveau diplomatique, sans l’ombre d’une réponse. Nous avons relancé notre demande d’explication, en vain.
L’affaire sera désormais portée au plan international et à la connaissance de l’ensemble de nos réseaux.
Ci-aprés, lettre envoyée à l’Ambassadeur d’Israël en France par les trois français victimes de cette intolérable atteinte à leur dignité et de par la même à leur pays.
„L’incident“ ayant eu lieu en Allemagne, c’est un citoyen allemand qui a traduit la lettre afin de la faire parvenir au réseau allemand de défense des Droits de l’Homme ainsi qu’aux plus hautes autorités allemandes.
Vous trouverez également ce texte intégral, dans sa version d’origine (en français) sur notre site. -
Réaction rapide à la situation à Haïfa
2. Februar 2005Sehr geehrter Herr Bundespräsident Köhler,
Bitte folgen Sie beigefügtem Hilferuf von Yosi Mizrahi von der jüdisch-israelischen Initiative „Emergency Public Committee against the Demolitions in Halisa“ .
Bei diesen Hauszerstörungen ist auch der palästinensische Künstler Abed Abdi (...) -
Intervention urgente concernant situation à Haïfa
1. Februar 2005Le Président de la République Fédérale étant aujourd’hui à
Haïfa, pouvez-vous envoyer des mails afin qu’il intervienne dans cette dramatique affaire. -
Die IDF untersucht die Sache
15. Januar 2005Vier Kinder liegen nun im Shifa-Krankenhaus in Gaza. Jedes von ihnen verlor beide Beine - die Hälfte des menschlichen Körpers. Drei von ihnen sind bei Bewusstsein, eines wird beatmet. Zu Hause in Beit Lahia im nördlichen Gazastreifen trauern die Eltern um ihre toten Brüder. Am ersten Tag des (...)
Von Khan Yunis aus kann man keine Siedler sehen
9. Januar 2005Von Khan Yunis aus kann man keine Siedler sehen
Gideon Levy, 9.1.05 (Haaretz)
Von Khan Younis aus könnte man denken, dass der Trennungsplan bereits stattgefunden hat; denn von hier sieht man keine Siedler und Siedlungen. Wenn in der Westbank von jedem palästinensischen Haus aus rote Dächer (...) -
Welches Israel unterstützt Ihr?
9. Januar 2005Welches Israel unterstützt Ihr?
Ein Brief an Europäer von Yuval Halperin
Wenige Male besuchte ich Europa, und ich weiß nicht viel von Euren Realitäten. In letzter Zeit wird Europa jedoch in Israel in einem einzigen Zusammenhang immer häufiger erwähnt: Antisemitismus. Die israelische Presse (...) -
Offener Brief an den Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Israel
9. Januar 2005Offener Brief an den Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Israel
Sehr geehrte Exzellenz, lieber Genosse, sehr geehrter Herr Botschafter Dressler,
ich las Ihren in meiner israelischen Lieblingszeitung Haaretz veroeffentlichen Artikel - eine Art Conclusio Ihrer vierjaehrigen Taetigkeit (...) -
Das Olga-Dokument
4. Januar 2005Im vergangenen Sommer haben sich israelische antikolonialistische Aktivisten und Intellektuelle zusammengesetzt, um in einem grundlegenden Dokument festzuhalten, was zur friedlichen und gerechten Lösung des Konflikts aus ihrer Sicht notwendig wäre. Das Treffen fand in Givat Olga statt, daher (...)
Blairs Kranz
27. Dezember 2004„Der merkwürdige Vorfall ist das Bellen des Hundes“, bemerkte Sherlock Holmes. „Aber der Hund bellte doch gar nicht!“ erwiderte Dr. Watson. „Genau das ist der merkwürdige Vorfall!“
Uri Avnery, 25.12.04
Der merkwürdige Vorfall dieser Woche betrifft den Kranz (...) -
Offener Brief an Frau Angelika Merkel, Vorsitzende der CDU Deutschland und Abgeordente des Deutschen Bundestages
16. Dezember 2004Offener Brief an Frau Angelika Merkel, Vorsitzende der CDU Deutschland und Abgeordente des Deutschen Bundestages
Sehr geehrte Frau Merkel,
seit einigen Jahren faellt es mir auf: Sie, aufgewachsen in einem christlichen Pfarrhaus, meinen, Israel zu verteidigen, wenn Sie israelische (...) -
Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident, Sehr geehrter Herr Premier Minister, Diesen Brief schreiben wir zu einem der dunkelsten Zeitpunkten im Konflikt zwischen dem Staat Israel und dem Volk Palestinas. Täglich werden Bürger (...) -
Für eine Reform der IDF als moralisches Rückgrat des israelischen Staates.
27. November 2004Es kann hier geschehen
Haaretz, 22.11.04 (ohne Name des Verfassers)
Vor sechs Monaten hatten aus der Armee entlassene Soldaten eine Ausstellung eröffnet, die sie „Das Schweigen brechen“ nannten. In ihr gaben sie Zeugnis ab über schwere Brutalitäten gegen Palästinenser, wie sie (...) -
Uri AVNERY : „ Gib Kredit“
27. November 2004„Gib mir Kredit!“
Uri Avnery, 27.11.04
„Gib mir Kredit!“ rief der neue israelische Ministerpräsident Levi Eshkol in die Labourparteiversammlung im Februar 1965 und wandte sich dabei an David Ben Gurion. Vom ersten Augenblick an, in dem Ben Gurion sein Amt (...) -
Die allgemeine Foederation der Gewerkschaften Palestinas (PGFTU) appeliert an die Solidarität der europäischen Zivilgesellschaft
25. November 2004Die allgemeine Foederation der Gewerkschaften Palestinas (PGFTU) appeliert an die Solidarität der europäischen Zivilgesellschaft.
Die „Koordinierung des Strasburger Aufrufs“ (mehr als 700 nicht-staatliche Organisationen aus 22 Länder der Europa-Union), deren Ziel es ist, in enger (...) -
Article de:
31. Oktober 2004Erlaubnis zum Leben?
ISM Bericht
Ich bin nun in Hebron und plane, die letzten zwei Monate meines Aufenthaltes hier zu sein. Wir arbeiten an Plänen, wie man den Bau der Annexionsmauer hier im Süden verhindern kann. Die Dörfler hier im Süden haben wenig Erfahrung, in Massen zivilen Widerstand (...) -
23. Oktober 2004Aufruf an Israelische Soldaten, Kriegsverbrechen zu stoppen
Wir, deutsche Friedens- und Menschenrechtsaktivisten, rufen israelische Soldaten auf, alles in ihrer Macht stehende zu tun, um Kriegsverbrechen gegen Palästinenser zu stoppen und mitzuhelfen, nach Wegen für einen gerechten Frieden zu (...) -
17. Oktober 2004An alle Unterzeichner des Aufrufs
Straßburger Appell für einen gerechten und dauerhaften Frieden
12. Oktober 2004Straßburger Appell für einen gerechten und dauerhaften Frieden zwischen Palästinensern und Israelis
Mauer und Besatzung:
Verbrechen gegen das palästinensische Volk,
Sackgasse für die israelische Gesellschaft -
Rede von Michel Flament in Stuttgart, 25. sept 2004
10. Oktober 2004Rede von Michel Flament, Coordination de l’Appel de Strasbourg, auf der Kundgebung am Samstag, 25. September 2004, in Stuttgart anlässlich des vierten Jahrestag der palästinensischen Intifada
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn, liebe Freunde,
unsere Anwesenheit heute, in Stuttgart, an ihrer (...) -
6 Fragen an deutsche Parlementarier
4. Juni 2006Devant le manque de courage des politiques interpellés à répondre à ces 6 questions, nous remettons ce questionnaire, plus que jamais d’actualité, en première ligne.
60 Jahre nach Deir Yassin
13. April 2008Als 10Jähriger, der in Johannesburg aufwuchs, feierte ich vor 60 Jahre die Geburt Israels. Ich akzeptierte zweifellos die dramatischen Berichte der sog. selbstverteidigenden Aktionen gegen die arabische Gewalt, um den jüdischen Staat zu sichern…. Als ich mich später im Freiheitskampf (...)
Aperçu de victoires du BDS en 2016
FORUM PALESTINA - nouvelles du 7 au 13/06/2015
14 giugno 2015C’est bien volontiers que nous relayons des informations que nous ont fait parvenir nos partenaires italiens dans leur si belle langue.
Comité de rédaction
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I documenti inseriti in questa settimana - ( 25-31 Maggio 2014 )
2 giugno 2014============================================
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per visionarli CLICCA QUI : (...) -
I documenti inseriti in questa settimana - ( 16 Febbraio - 22 Febbraio 2014 )
23 febbraio 2014============================================
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www. Roma 2 marzo: presentazione del libro di Silvia Todeschini «Perchè amo questo popolo»
Clicca sotto per visionare la locandina (...) -
I documenti inseriti in questa settimana
17 febbraio 2014De nos correspondants et partenaires italiens.
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per visionarli CLICCA QUI 15 Febbraio 2014 (...) -
I documenti inseriti in questa settimana
19 gennaio 2014============================================
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per visionarli CLICCA QUI 18 Gennaio 2014 Il ruolo di Sharon e i suoi eredi di Cinzia (...) -
I documenti inseriti in questa settimana ( 6 Gennaio - 11 Gennaio 2014 )
12 gennaio 2014============================================
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I documenti inseriti in questa settimana ( 6 Gennaio - 11 Gennaio 2014 ) per visionarli CLICCA QUI (...) -
Forum Palestina
15 dicembre 2013============================================
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I documenti inseriti in questa settimana ( 8 Dicembre - 14 Dicembre 2013 )
per visionarli CLICCA QUI (...) -
Période du 23 au 30 novembre 2012
2 dicembre 2012============================================
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I documenti inseriti in questa settimana ( 23 Novembre - 30 Novembre 2012 ) per visionarli CLICCA QUI
ed inoltre
A fianco del popolo palestinese contro la (...) -
Musica come resistenza: l’orchestra palestinese
13 agosto 2012============================================
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27 febbraio 2012============================================
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Période du 19 Febbraio / 25 Febbraio 2012
25 Febbraio 2012
Aggiornamento dal gruppo di sostegno Khader Adnan
Giovane palestinese ucciso alle porte di Gerusalemme, tensione a Hebron di Michele Giorgio (...) -
13 febbraio 2012============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Riflessioni sul rapporto del Capo della Missione degli osservatori della Lega Araba in Siria di Gustavo Pasquali
SIRIA. Guerra mediatica (2°Puntata) di Marinella Correggia (...) -
29 gennaio 2012============================================
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( 22/28 Gennaio 2012 )
28 Gennaio 2012
MINORI PALESTINESI in carcere per un sasso di Marta Fortunato
Esercito israeliano negligente nel proteggere scolari palestinesi da (...) -
I muri di Roma dicono: Netanyahu persona non gradita!
13 giugno 2011============================================
Sabato 18 guigno 2011
Migliaia di manifesti sono comparsi sui muri e nelle strade della capitale in occasione della visita a Roma del premier israeliano
CLICCA QUI (...) -
L’ordine di Bibi: «pugno di ferro» contro la Flotilla
1 giugno 2011=========================================
di Michele Giorgio *
Netanhyahu, incassato l’appoggio di Obama, si prepara a violare ancora una volta ogni legge internazionale.
Aumenta la tensione con l’avvicinarsi del giorno, non ancora annunciato ufficialmente, della partenza per (...) -
Milano. Mobilitazioni contro la kermesse israeliana a Piazza Duomo
31 maggio 2011=============================================
Giovedi 2 giugno riunione nazionale. Martedi 7 giugno presidio e conferenza stampa
Dal 12 al 23 giugno a Milano si terrà “Israele che non ti aspetti”, una kermesse sulla tecnologia israeliana promossa dalle stesse autorità di Tel Aviv (...) -
Solidarietà con i palestinesi. Basta con la complicità dell’Italia con la politica israeliana
16 maggio 2011============================================
Lunedì 16 maggio ore 17.30 manifestazione a Roma in Piazza San Marco
Il diritto al ritorno e l’autodeterminazione del popolo palestinese non possono continuare ad essere negati da Israele e dalle istituzioni internazionali.
Migliaia di (...) -
5 maggio 2011============================================
Le adesioni alla manifestazione nazionale del 14 maggio
Con l’approssimarsi della manifestazione nazionale del 14 maggio, vogliamo rivolgere un appello a tutte le associazioni, le forze politiche e le personalità che hanno aderito al progetto (...) -
24 dicembre 2007Ramallah, Palestina, Domenica 23 dicembre, ore 16,00 «Questa mattina, mentre si udivano spari di mitragliatrice e dopo un defatigante viaggio (segnaliamo la maniacale attenzione che la polizia aeroportuale israeliana ha riservato soprattutto a Maria Grazia Ardizzone), la delegazione di (...)
Carovana per la Palestina - Carovana del Diritto
5 gennaio 2005Noi, donne ed nomini provenienti da tuttti gli ambienti culturali e sociali, coscienti di appartenere ad una sola comunità umana, lanciamo una chiamata per un’azione internazionale per il rispetto del diritto e della dignità. In particolare, per cio’ che riguarda la Palestina, (...)
La Federazione generale dei sindacati palestinesi > (PGFTU) lancia un
5 dicembre 2004La Federazione generale dei sindacati palestinesi > (PGFTU) lancia un appello alla solidarieta delle Società civile europee.
Coordinamento dell’appello di Strasburgo. (più > di 700 ONGS di 22 paesi dell’Unione europea) fra cui l’obiettivo, in stretto partenariato con (...)
FORUM PALESTINA - nouvelles du 7 au 13/06/2015
State of Palestine - Palestine Liberation Organization
18 March 2015============================================
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State of Palestine Palestine Liberation Organization Negotiations Affairs Departmen
Statement by PLO Executive Committee Member
Dr Saeb Erekat: (...) -
“French president’s Holocaust day speech presages crackdown on Palestine supporters”
28 January 2015============================================
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Submitted by Ali Abunimah
France’s President François Hollande addresses a Paris ceremony commemorating the seventieth anniversary of the (...) -
28 January 2015============================================
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Violence / Raids / Clashes / Arrests
Israeli forces shoot, injure Palestinian teen near Joseph’s Tomb
NABLUS (Ma‘an) 27 Jan (...) -
Germany to spend 115 million Euros on Israel warships deal
17 December 2014German Chancellor Angela Merkel said during her visit to Israel in 2008 that Germany has a special responsibility toward Israel because of the Holocaust and that Israel’s security is part of ’the German state’s consciousness’Germany will spend up to 115 million Euros on (...)
Israel operates a regime of control and violence across East Jerusalem.
16 December 2014Israel operates a regime of control and violence across East Jerusalem. The Israeli army, police and settlers all play their part in the daily aggression against Palestinians, whose very existence in East Jerusalem is becoming increasingly precarious.
But this large-scale violence goes (...) -
Disengagement? Israel’s interests in Gaza are stronger than ever
13 December 2014Disengagement? Israel’s interests in Gaza are stronger than ever There is something ironic and self-contradictory about the Israeli Right’s plans for managing the conflict instead of solving it: Israel doesn’t have a real interest in truly disconnecting from Gaza. And Gaza (...)
PA to ’limit’ relations with Israel following Abu Ein death
11 December 2014RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat told Ma’an Thursday that the Palestinian leadership had decided to “limit” relations with Israel by halting security coordination.
Erekat said Israel was completely responsible for the death of Palestinian (...) -
12 November 2014============================================
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Violence / Clashes
Palestinian shot dead by Israeli forces in al-‘Arrub
HEBRON (Ma’an) 11 Nov — A young Palestinian was shot (...) -
3 September 2014============================================
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Violence / Raids / Clashes / Illegal arrests
Israeli forces shoot, critically injure Jerusalem teen
JERUSALEM (Ma‘an) 1 Sept — A (...) -
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (22 - 28 May 2014)
30 May 2014============================================
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Salfit- Israeli forces confiscate lands in Kafr al-Deek village- Reuters
Israeli forces continue systematic attacks against Palestinian (...) -
BBC News website editor strikes again for Israel
19 May 2014============================================
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BBC News website Middle East Editor : Raffi Berg
By Nureddin Sabir
Editor, Redress Information & Analysis
The BBC News website’s (...) -
Targeted killing could become a game for all
25 April 2014============================================
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By Stuart Littlewood
Secret mafia-like cabals are systematically wrecking our planet to feed their greed. They do so with impunity and without (...) -
Israeli theft of Palestinian rights
8 April 2014============================================
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The reality behind the Israeli-Palestinian talks
There was a mad scramble by Washington last week to prevent the seemingly inevitable: an (...) -
Australian TV dares to show the real Israeli occupation Editor
16 March 2014============================================
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Australian TV dares to show the real Israeli occupation Editor
Jonathan Cook writes:
I never thought I would see it. A mainstream TV programme, this one (...) -
UK’s William Hague and Israeli crimes
30 January 2014============================================
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JANUARY 29, 2014
UK’s William Hague and Israeli crimes
EDITOR British pro-Israel Foreign Secretary Hague Hague, sworn enemy of criminal impunity, (...) -
An open letter to Stephen Harper, agent of colonialism, injustice and hypocrisy
24 January 2014============================================
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Benjamin Netanyahu and Stephen Harper. (Photo: SEAN KILPATRICK / THE (...) -
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (02- 08 January 2014)
21 January 2014============================================
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Israeli forces detain 4 Palestinian children at the entrance of Halhoul town, north of Hebron
Israeli forces continue systematic attacks against (...) -
When will Palestinians clear the decks for action?
19 January 2014============================================
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EDITOR Manuel Hassassian Let’s shine a light into the International Criminal Court’s dusty corners
By Stuart Littlewood
I watched Palestinian (...) -
Ten things we’ve learned about opposition to academic boycott
16 January 2014============================================
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(Wissam Nassar / Maan Images) Submitted by Steven Salaita
Palestinian students protest outside their school in the occupied West Bank village (...) -
Senior Israeli politician warns the growing boycott is serious
12 January 2014============================================
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One by one, Israeli officials are facing up to the inevitability of Abraham Lincoln’s utterance ”You can fool some of the people all the time, (...) -
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (02- 08 January 2014)
12 January 2014============================================
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Nablus – Israeli forces arrest Palestinian young man near “Kedumim” settlement
Israeli forces continue systematic attacks (...) -
Volgograd and the Conquest of Eurasia - Has the House of Saud seen its Stalingrad?
5 January 2014Géopolitique - Ouverture de la boîte de Pandore ?
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Volgograd and the Conquest of Eurasia: Has the House of Saud seen its Stalingrad?
The (...) -
Israel strikes Gaza after border shootings, 2 dead in violence
25 December 2013============================================
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GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli air forces launched airstrikes across the Gaza Strip, killing a 3-year-old Palestinian child and injuring (...) -
Mandela, par Visualizing Impact
15 December 2013============================================
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Israeli admits shooting at Palestinian children on TV game show
24 November 2013============================================
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Source : MAAN By Alex Shams
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An Israeli soldier admitted that she shot and killed unknown numbers of (...) -
Why Israel has no “better friend” than Italy
22 November 2013============================================
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Stephanie Westbrook*
The prime minister of Italy Enrico Letta embraces Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta embraces (...) -
Concerned He May be Tortured, Israeli Forces Arrest Patient while Heading to Israeli Hospital for Medical Treatment
19 November 2013TERRORISME ISRAELIEN (ndlr)
UK Zionists scramble to defend Israel
13 November 2013============================================
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BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists
By Stuart Littlewood
Of course, it wasn’t going to be long before the Board of Deputies of British (...) -
Why France Sank an Iran Nuke Deal
12 November 2013============================================
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Saudis and Israelis wanted to sink the negotiated deal on Iran’s nuclear program, so the French launched the diplomatic torpedo to take it (...) -
Netanyahu’s nauseating parody of himself
12 November 2013============================================
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Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his warmongering compatriots are incensed at the prospect of a deal between Iran and the Western (...) -
Making Le Pen seem leftist
1 November 2013============================================
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Israel is today at the extreme right end of the political spectrum and is being distanced from the family of enlightened nations.
By Zeev (...) -
Israeli warplanes struck a Syrian air defense base
1 November 2013============================================
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Israeli warplanes struck a Syrian air defense base near the port city of Latakia on Thursday, US official have confirmed to (...) -
The Inevitability of the U.S. - Saudi Rift
31 October 2013============================================
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By Wayne Madsen A number of seasoned observers of Middle Eastern affairs agree that U.S. - Saudi relations are at their lowest ebb since U.S. (...) -
“Expulsion and Revulsion in Israel”
18 October 2013============================================
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Follow TomDispatch on Twitter @TomDispatch. In case you hadn’t noticed, Israel has been in the news a lot lately. After all, Israeli Prime Minister (...) -
13 October 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
Silence of the lambs: A Palestinian hamlet on the brink of destruction
Haaretz 11 Oct (...) -
Killjoy was here: Netanyahu at the UN
6 October 2013============================================
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By Uri Avnery
Binyamin Netanyahu aroused my pity. From my 10 years of membership in the Knesset I know how unpleasant it (...) -
Israel’s “men of God” pray for failure of peace talks
5 October 2013============================================
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Israel’s rabbis, the advocates and guardians of Judaism, are asking God to prevent peace from descending on the Holy Land.
The Israeli (...) -
Trois articles fort intéressants (ndlr)
4 October 2013============================================
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Analysis || Court rejection of Israeli nationality highlights flaws of Jewish democracy
The distinction between citizenship and nationality ostensibly (...) -
30 September 2013============================================
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Apartheid, Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
Israel increases rate of home demolitions as peace talks chug along
In (...) -
How the EU directly funds settlements in occupied territory
29 September 2013============================================
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The EU knowingly and purposefully provides substantial direct financial assistance to settlements in occupied territory (...) -
Human rights
23 September 2013============================================
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The title of my contribution to this conference is taken from paragraph three of the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It (...) -
“A War for Israel”
11 September 2013============================================
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If there was ever any doubt about the purpose of intervention in Syria, it has been dispelled as hoards of lobbyists from AIPAC, the American Israel Public (...) -
10 September 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing IOF soldiers burn down ancient olive trees, break gate of monastery
BETHLEHEM (PIC) 8 (...) -
Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
7 September 2013============================================
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Consortiumnews Independent Investigative Journalism Since 1995 Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
September 6, 2013
Exclusive: Despite the Obama (...) -
5 September 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
Israeli forces demolish Jericho home, assault residents
JERICHO (Ma‘an) 2 Sept (...) -
The Arab Turmoil: Where Do We Stand ?
8 August 2013============================================
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As costly as it has been, one thing is for sure, the old Middle East paradig is unlikely to be resurrected. As costly as it has been, one thing (...) -
Pictures the Israel brand-builders would rather you not see
5 August 2013============================================
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This is the view of Tel Aviv the Israeli tourism authorities and image-branding machine would rather you not see. It is southern Tel Aviv, home (...) -
The International Campaign to Protect Palestinian Residency in Jerusalem (Jerusalemites Campaign)
31 July 2013============================================
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Palestinian Right to Jerusalem Only Valid for 10 Years
Israel implements new policy, issuing Jerusalem IDs with 10-year expiration dates (...) -
17 July 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Restriction of movement
NGO: Israel set to approve another 1,000 settler (...) -
Al-Sissi orders destruction for all tunnels to Gaza Strip.
17 July 2013Le geste de trop !
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CAIRO, (PIC)— The General Command of Egyptian Armed Forces have ordered the demolition of all tunnels (...) -
Suspected war criminal Doron Almog cancels UK visit despite offer of immunity by UK Government
2 July 2013============================================
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Ref: 70/2013 Date: 2 July 2013 Time: 09:40 GMT
On 26 June 2013, suspected Israeli war criminal Major General Doron Almog (retired) was (...) -
Victory! United Methodist Conferences, representing thousands of churches, vote to Divest!
27 June 2013============================================
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by Kathryn Johnson, Interim Director
June 25th, 2013
Big news! United Methodist annual (regional) conferences in New England, Minnesota, (...) -
26 June 2013============================================
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Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Restriction of movement
Bedouin relocation plan wins slim Knesset (...) -
Israel cracks down on American travel to West Bank by requiring tourists to obtain military permit
28 May 2013============================================
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By Alex Kane
Israeli authorities have implemented another way to impede free access to the occupied Palestinian territories for American travelers. (...) -
Israel again rebuffs peace with the Arab world
11 May 2013============================================
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Washington’s reputation as an “honest broker” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in tatters after four years of indulging Israeli Prime (...) -
Religious persecution and Israeli exceptionalism
10 May 2013============================================
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By Stuart Littlewood
It’s hilarious.
I’m still rolling on the floor laughing my socks off at a report by the US Commission on (...) -
Israel navy shoots, injures Gaza fisherman
1 May 2013============================================
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Israel navy shoots, injures Gaza fisherman Published today (updated) 01/05/2013
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli naval forces shot and (...) -
Jamal Ismail Faris Baker- The Fisherman’s Narrative “I can only give false assurances to my children”
1 May 2013var addthis_config = “data_track_addressbar”:true;
Today, 1 May 2013, marks the International Labour Day, which commemorates peoples right to work, along with their protection of human rights in the work place. However, as the rest of the world celebrates this day, the situation of (...) -
Gaza Siege: Is There an End?
1 May 2013var addthis_config = “data_track_addressbar”:true;
By Ebaa Rezek While writing is probably not my favourite activity, having to meet a deadline in a place like Gaza makes it a virtual nightmare. I am feeling apprehensive as I am writing this now: rushing my thoughts, mistyping (...) -
Lettre ouverte à Mr Robert H. Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process
7 April 2013============================================
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Four human rights organisations based in the Gaza Strip, along with the Palestinian NGO Network, have issued a letter to Mr Robert H. Serry, UN (...) -
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
5 April 2013============================================
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Times are changing. Something that once felt far out of reach for U.S. academic institutions is now getting frequent enough that sometimes (...) -
PRESS RELEASE (important communiqué NDLR)
4 April 2013============================================
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In light of ongoing violations, Palestine must join the ICC
PCHR urges President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian leadership to follow through (...) -
“Vidéo du jour. Ô toi qui a trop de sang sur la conscience...La blonde s’est confiée à nos confrères de Russia Today”
3 April 2013Délitement progressif d’une apparente entité régionale artificielle
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"La blonde s’est confiée à nos confrères (...) -
Obama vs Netanyahu – the next round
19 March 2013Dernier round: OK ou KO ?
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By Alan Hart
Recently, US historian Rashid Khalidi published an article in the New York Times (...) -
18 March 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Judaization
New apartments will complicate Jerusalem issue
11 March 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Apartheid / Restrictions on movement
Jerusalem’s Begin Expressway plan angers Arab neighborhood (...) -
Israel: 65 years of war crimes
11 March 2013============================================
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The green light for Zionism’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine
I find myself wondering how many of our present-day leaders, President Barack (...) -
4 March 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid
Israel to delay settlement starts for Obama trip
AFP 2 Mar — (...) -
“Open letter to US Secretary of State Kerry”
3 March 2013============================================
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From Alan Hart
"Dear Secretary of State,
I have a question for you.
Before you arrived in Turkey, its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told a United (...) -
France-Qatar tensions rise over Mali war, Tunisia
1 March 2013============================================
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By Jean Shaoul
Tensions between France and Qatar are rising, with accusations that the petro-monarchy is financing and arming separatists and (...) -
Israeli Licence to Cheney-Linked Energy Firm on Golan Heights Raises Eyebrows
25 February 2013============================================
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In a potential new source of contention between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (...) -
Ireland’s elite abets Israel’s crimes
19 February 2013============================================
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BLOGS » Submitted by david on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 18:12
Way back in 1979, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn became the first female minister in an Irish (...) -
15 February 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Danger to non-Jewish history and archaeology
Rising from ruins SEBASTIA, West Bank (...) -
Hamas puts Hebrew on the curriculum for the first time in 20 years
14 February 2013============================================
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In a crowded classroom in Gaza City, hands shoot in the air when teacher Moussa Ziara asks for a volunteer to come to the blackboard. The chosen (...) -
Traitors in US Congress setting the pace again
14 February 2013============================================
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By Alan Hart
Those who want to see and hear how the traitors in the US Congress read from the Zionist lobby’s script should click here. (...) -
Israel’s southern man and his cosmopolitan ghetto
13 February 2013============================================
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Making sense of Yair Lapid and the Israeli centre
By Neve Gordon
Former anchorman and middle-class darling Yair Lapid stunned the (...) -
PLO officials in Syria for talks on refugees
10 February 2013============================================
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var addthis_config = “data_track_addressbar”:true; Published today (updated) 10/02/2013 15:47
GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A high-level PLO delegation arrived in Damascus on Sunday to discuss (...) -
9 February 2013Trois articles dont le contenu se passe de commentaires.
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TODAY in PALESTINE (4/5 février)
7 February 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Threats to non-Jewish sites
Israeli bulldozers demolish residential shed north of (...) -
UFree Network condemns Israeli arrests of Palestinian MPs, call for urgent International action to release them
5 February 2013============================================
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The European Network to defend the rights of Palestinian prisoners (UFree Network) (...) -
2 February 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Threats to non-Jewish sites / Restriction of movement
Israel produces a film replacing Al-Aqsa Mosque with temple
IMEMC 30 Jan — In a film that was (...) -
Droit dans le Mur ! L’idée progresse (ndlr)
1 February 2013============================================
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"WRITE! for Justice, Human Rights, and International Law in Palestine Today, the New York Times has published a timely and important piece by Professor George Bisharat ’Why Palestine Should Take Israel to (...) -
Palestinians condemn EU for new conditions tying humanitarian aid to joint projects with “Jews and Arabs”
1 February 2013============================================
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Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Thu, 01/31/2013 - 00:57
Partners in war crimes: Handshake between EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (source)(European External Action (...) -
30 January 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Restriction of movement
Watch: Palestinian steadfastness honored in short animation “The Kite That Caught a Mountain”
EI 29 Jan — The Kite (...) -
‘Israel Doesn’t Know What Its Best Interests Are’
30 January 2013============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Shortly after the United Nations General Assembly voted in late November to upgrade the status of the Palestinians, the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that it would advance plans to (...) -
Activists re-erect tents at Bab al-Karamah
29 January 2013============================================
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JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Dozens of Palestinian activists entered a demolished protest village in northwest Jerusalem on Friday, starting to rebuild the al-Karamah (Dignity) encampment.
The tent village was (...) -
Saudi Arabia Sent Death Row Inmates to Fight in Syria in Lieu of Execution
28 January 2013============================================
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BRUT DE DECOFFRAGE(ndlr) Saudi Arabia Sent Death Row Inmates to Fight in Syria in Lieu of Execution
By (...) -
“Israel admits Ethiopian women were given [long-acting] birth control shots”
28 January 2013============================================
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Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 4:56:53 PM
Subject: “Israel admits Ethiopian women were given [long-acting] birth control shots” -
Initiative de la GUE/NGL pour la reconnaissance de l’Etat de Palestine
24 January 2013============================================
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To view the programme, click here. If you need help to access the European Parliament for this initiative, contact: or GUE/NGL Press Contacts: (...) -
23 January 2013============================================
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Threats to Islamic sites / Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid
More Israeli desecration of historic Islamic cemetery in Jerusalem
MEMO 21 Jan — Israel is continuing to desecrate (...) -
Israeli teachers paid for military recruitment
22 January 2013============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Israel is encouraging and financing a new form of patriotism by offering bonuses to high school teachers who succeed in motivating students to do their army service. The move has sparked a wave of criticism of the (...) -
18 January 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Threats to Islamic sites
Report: Israel approves 198 new settlement homes
TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma‘an) 16 Jan — Israel’s housing (...) -
Israeli forces shot youth in the back as he ran away, say Palestinians
16 January 2013============================================
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(Relatives of Samir Awad mourn his death at a hospital in Ramallah, to where his body was taken after the shooting.
A teenage boy was killed by Israeli soldiers on the separation barrier close to the West Bank village (...) -
15 January 2013============================================
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Official: Israeli forces kill man, wound another in Gaza
GAZA CITY (Ma‘an) 11 Jan — Israeli forces fired at the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, killing one man and injuring another, medics said. Gaza (...) -
Israeli Forces Kill Two Palestinian Civilians and Injure Third in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank
14 January 2013============================================
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PRESS RELEASE Ref: 02/2013 Date: 13 January 2013 Time: 12:41 GMT In Excessive Use of Force The Israeli forces killed two Palestinian civilians, one in the West Bank and the other one in the Gaza Strip, during (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces Raid the Village of Bab Al-Shams and Detain 130
14 January 2013Ceci est-il le premier acte apparent de la mise en oeuvre du plan E1 ? Dans l’affirmative, est-il également lle point de départ d’une troisième infifada ?
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Ramallah, 13 January 2013 - (...) -
Obama’s Big Egypt Test: Sinai
14 January 2013============================================
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Eric Trager - Eric Trager is the Next Generation Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
By Eric Trager The lawless desert on Israel’s border presents immediate risks — and possible (...) -
PM: Qatar may invest up to US$18 bln in Port Said, North Coast
11 January 2013============================================
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Al-Masry Al-Youm
Thu, 10/01/2013 - 18:04Qatar has proposed new investments in East Port Said and the North Coast that could be worth up to US$18 billion, Prime Minister Hesham Qandil said on Thursday.
There has not (...) -
“Welcome, Chuck”
11 January 2013============================================
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I FIND Chuck Hagel eminently likeable. I am not quite certain why.
Perhaps it’s his war record. He was decorated for valor in the Vietnam War (which I detested). He was a mere sergeant. Since I was a mere (...) -
10 January 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Judaization
Peace Now: Israeli govt secretly approved settler outpost
BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) 8 Jan — After the Israeli government gave official (...) -
NZ fund excludes three companies profiting from occupation
9 January 2013============================================
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Alternative Information Center (AIC) The New Zealand Superannuation Fund announced Wednesday that it has excluded three companies from its $20 billion investment portfolio on responsible investment grounds. The (...) -
L’Egypte exsangue ? (ndlr)
9 January 2013============================================
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Officials tout big plans for development in the Suez Canal
Noha Moustafa10/2012
Ahmed Shaker
As Egypt struggles to emerge from a period of deep financial uncertainty, government officials are looking towards the (...) -
US patriots vs Zionist lobby
4 January 2013============================================
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By Jamal Kanj
The Zionist lobby is flexing its muscle against Barack Obama’s potential nominee secretary of defence.
The frontrunner, Chuck Hagel, is co-chairman of the president’s Foreign (...) -
2 January 2013============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Restriction of movement / Judaization
Palestinian home demolished in East Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (WAFA) 1 Jan – Workers from the Israeli West Jerusalem (...) -
“Grim Prospects for the Middle East in 2013”
2 January 2013============================================
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By Patrick Seale*
The coming year is unlikely to be a happy one for the tormented Middle East. Although some dictators have fallen and many Arabs are now demanding their rights, there is no escaping the fact that the (...) -
Fascist Israeli forces detain released prisoners in Beit Ummar
2 January 2013============================================
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Fascist Israeli forces kidnapped four Palestinians in the West Bank overnight Wednesday, including three released prisoners.
Yousef Abu Maria, (...) -
“The conspiracy to thwart Palestinian freedom hopes”
1 January 2013============================================
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By Stuart Littlewood
This Christmas the Palestinian embassy in London sent out a particularly pathetic message.
Headed “Palestine mulling ICC if UN takes no action on settlements”, it warned that if the UN (...) -
Liban, Syrie, le Général Aoun s’exprime (vidéo)
1 January 2013============================================
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30 December 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
Israel to seize hundreds of dunums of West Bank land
JERUSALEM (WAFA) 29 Dec – The Israeli authorities Friday issued a number of notices to seize 456 (...) -
Hypothetical Q & A with Barack Obama
29 December 2012Alan Hart a fait un rêve !
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An off-the-record New Year conversation with President Obama
Question: Mr President, I’d like to begin this conversation with a quote from a recent (...) -
29 December 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Judaization / Restriction of movement
Official: Israel demands 52,500 shekels to delay home demolitions
NABLUS (Ma‘an) 26 Dec — Israel’s (...) -
Elections Committee bars MK Zoabi from elections
23 December 2012============================================
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Alternative Information Center (AIC) By a vote of 19 to 9 with one abstention, Israel’s Central Elections Committee Wednesday disqualified Member of Knesset (MK) Hanin Zoabi from running for Knesset in the (...) -
22 December 2012============================================
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please note that the list may not appear every day for a while because of circumstances beyond our control
Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Restriction of movement
Aid agencies (...) -
J Street Pushes Back on Neocon Bid to “Swift Boat” Chuck Hagel Nomination as Defense Secretary
22 December 2012Petite lueur d’espoir si OBAMA impose son choix.
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J Street Pushes Back on Neocon Bid to “Swift Boat” Chuck Hagel Nomination as Defense Secretary
The Obama-hating neocon right (...) -
20 December 2012============================================
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Israel moves to further seal off Jerusalem from West Bank
CSM 19 Dec — Israeli officials today approved plans for 2,612 new homes to be built on Givat HaMatos, or Airplane Hill, which is set to become the first (...) -
Extreme Right-Wing MKs Attempt to Ban Palestinian Arab Political Parties from Upcoming Elections
19 December 2012============================================
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Actions Align with Mossawa Center Predictions for the Next Knesset
17 December, 2012 Haifa--- On Sunday, December 9, 2012, Likud MK Ofir Akunis submitted a request to the Central Elections Committee (CEC) to ban (...) -
Noam Chomsky: US Intellectual Class Is Morally Degenerate
19 December 2012============================================
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Democrats and Republicans alike embrace torture and assassination policies that are an attack on 800 years of civil law.
By Noam Chomsky and Eric Bailey
December 17, 2012 “Information Clearing House” - (...) -
17 December 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Restriction of movement
Israel expansion threatens threatens West Bank Bedouin
Khan al-Ahmar, occupied Palestinian territories (Al Jazeera) 15 (...) -
L’armée israélienne d’occupation pille, de nuit, 3 ONGs à Ramallah (ndlr)
12 December 2012Ravager, saccager, voler, détruire: ronde infernale d’une bande de pillards en uniforme regroupés sous la maintenant très célèbre, ridicule et fallacieuse appellation de “Tsahal”.
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Dr. Erekat: Window closing on two-state solution and US involvement in peace process (The Hill)
11 December 2012============================================
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Palestine Liberation Organization Negotiations Affairs Department December 10, 2012 Dr. Erekat: Window closing on two-state solution and US involvement in peace process (The Hill)
Dear all, Please find below the (...) -
Did Israel fire chemical weapons on Gaza last month?
6 December 2012============================================
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Human Rights
Rami Almeghari The Electronic Intifada Gaza Strip 5 December 2012
Hassan Doghmosh suffers severe burns after his Gaza City neighborhood was bombed last month. (Anne Paq / (...) -
3 December 2012============================================
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Settlements / Land Theft & Destruction / Ethnic Cleansing / Restriction of Movement / Apartheid & Occupation
Effective annexation: Israel now stamping passports of West Bank visitors “Judea and Samaria (...) -
Netanyahu: Israel will build everywhere
3 December 2012============================================
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JERUSALEM, Dec. 2 (UPI) — Israel will continue to build in Jerusalem and anywhere considered to be in its strategic interest, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in Jerusalem Sunday.
The West Bank city of (...) -
Le courage de ne pas être d’accord !
1 December 2012============================================
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UN General Assembly opens new chapter for Palestine
Brussels, 29th of November 2012.
Today the UN General Assembly voted to accept Palestine as non-member observer state by an overwhelming majority. Alexandra Thein, (...) -
Photo of dead baby in Gaza holds part of the ‘truth’
24 November 2012Sommé de justifier sa une du 15 novembre, la photographie du journaliste de la BBC pleurant son bébé mort sous les bombes israéliennes , le Washington Post assume son choix rédactionnel, en s’en tenant strictement aux faits. Et si cette mise au point nette, précise et imparable montrait (...)
Tunisian minister in Gaza, tells Israel to halt ’aggression’
17 November 2012Tunisian minister in Gaza, tells Israel to halt ’aggression’ Published today (updated) 17/11/2012 13:18 GAZA CITY (Reuters) — Tunisian Foreign Minister Rafik Abdesslem visited the Gaza Strip on Saturday and denounced Israeli attacks on the Palestinian enclave as unacceptable (...)
Top Ten Myths about Israeli Attack on Gaza
17 November 2012============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Top Ten Myths about Israeli Attack on Gaza
Posted on 11/17/2012 by Juan Cole
1. Israeli hawks represent themselves as engaged in a ‘peace process’ with the Palestinians in which Hamas refuses to join. In (...) -
Egypt condemns Israel’s air strikes on Gaza as ’aggression against humanity’
16 November 2012============================================
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President Mohamed Morsi faces pressure to take tougher stance as Egyptians protest against continuing Israeli military operation
The Egyptian president, Mohamed Morsi, has denounced the Israeli assault on the Gaza (...) -
IOF Continue the Offensive on the Gaza Strip: Civilian Deaths Rise to 10, Including 6 Children, and 253 Others, Including 62 Children, Wounded
16 November 2012============================================
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Date: 16 November 2012
Time: 11:00 GMT
IOF Continue the Offensive on the Gaza Strip:
Civilian Deaths Rise to 10, Including 6 Children, and 253 Others, Including 62 Children, Wounded
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) (...) -
Sabra and Shatila, 30 Years Later:Israeli Impunity from International Law
14 November 2012============================================
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ALAIN GRESHG worked as the editor of the monthly, left-wing French newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique from 1995 and until 2005, and in 2008 held the post of Assistant Director at the same paper. He currently heads the (...) -
Army of the people or army of the empire?
13 November 2012============================================
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Enlisting in the IDF is not acceptable in the eyes of the vast majority of Arabs in Israel. But what raised their ire in particular this time was the attempt to drive a wedge between the different communities. By Oudeh (...) -
Father Hanna slams attempts to recruit Christian Arabs in Israeli army
13 November 2012============================================
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(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Father Attallah Hanna, the archbishop of Sebastia in Jerusalem, strongly denounced the Israeli army for its attempts to recruit Christian Palestinians from the 1948 occupied lands.
Father (...) -
17 October 2012============================================
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Land Theft & Destruction / Ethnic Cleansing / Restriction of Movement / Apartheid & Occupation / Refugees IOF deprives entire village of olive harvesting
Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have denied access (...) -
Religious leaders ask Congress to condition Israel military aid on human rights compliance
11 October 2012============================================
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PC(USA)’s Parsons, others see ‘troubling,consistent pattern of disregard’ by Israel government for U.S. policies
Presbyterian News Service
Jerry L. Van Marter
Fifteen religious leaders (...) -
Occupied Lives: No child should have to go through this
10 October 2012============================================
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Nassim and Bisan Al-Maqousi sustained shrapnel wounds from the attack
On Sunday, 07 October 2012, at approximately 5.30pm, Israel’s forces launched 2 missiles targeting 2 men on a motorbike as (...) -
Renewed Israeli Escalation in the Gaza Strip
10 October 2012============================================
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PRESS RELEASE Renewed Israeli Escalation in the Gaza Strip: 1 Palestinian man killed and another wounded, along with 8 civilians, including 4 children and 1 woman
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) (...) -
Children Evicted From Five Gaza Schools Due To Israeli Bombardment
9 October 2012============================================
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Children Evicted From Five Gaza Schools Due To Israeli Bombardment Tuesday October 09, 2012 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News
The Palestinian Ministry of Education in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, (...) -
8 October 2012============================================
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Israeli soldiers prevent farmers from accessing land
HEBRON (Ma‘an) 6 Oct — Israeli soldiers prevented farmers from tending their land in Hebron on Saturday, medics said. Soldiers stopped over 50 farmers (...) -
6 October 2012============================================
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Land theft / Ethnic cleansing / Intolerance of religions other than Judaism
Occupation starts Judaizing names of Jerusalem’s streets
OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC) 4 Oct — The Zionist municipality controlling (...) -
Jerusalem Convent vandalized by settlers
3 October 2012============================================
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Suspected Israeli settlers have scrawled graffiti and religious insults on a monastery outside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City on Tuesday, in the latest of a series of attacks on non-Jewish sites. Photographs (...) -
29 September 2012============================================
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Israeli Violence / Raids / Illegal arrests
Report: ’More than 75,000 arrests made by army since Sep. 2000’
IMEMC 27 Sept — Former Political Prisoner, Palestinian Researcher, Abdul-Nasser Farawna, (...) -
Egypt’s Gaza Policy: Time for Change is Now
27 September 2012============================================
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By Ramzy Baroud
If the new Egyptian leadership thinks it is possible to achieve lasting reconciliation between rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah within the current political climate, it is likely to be (...) -
Occupied lives: Education under attack
26 September 2012============================================
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Shuhada Khuza’a is a secondary school that lies 500 meters from the border between Khan Yunis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and Israel. This school was established in 2002 and serves the entire (...) -
PA police arrest 3 Israeli soldiers in Nablus
26 September 2012Bien que datant de quelques jours, cette information mérite d’être mise en ligne
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Palestinian security forces detained the soldiers in Nablus.
NABLUS (Ma’an) — Palestinian (...) -
“Iran lawmaker accuses IAEA chief Yukiya Amano of collaborating with Israel”
25 September 2012============================================
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Sep 23, 2012 12:52 pm | Annie Robbins
"No surprise here. Javad Jahangirzadeh, a ranking member of the (...) -
Unprecedented cross-party call by Irish politicians for an end to the Israeli siege of Gaza
25 September 2012============================================
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80 Irish parliamentarians sign statement supporting ship, SV Estelle, now on its way to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza and call for immediate end to the siege
Press Release,
In an (...) -
23 September 2012Pendant que la plupart des médias français désinforment ou se taisent, les médias anglo-saxons (notamment) continuent de tenter de tenir l’opinion publique au courant des innombrables exactions commises quotidiennement par l’occupant israélien et ses complices.
La densité des (...) -
Occupied Lives: Nothing left to hope for
20 September 2012============================================
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Youssef Abu Mghasib
Youssef Abu Mghasib (38) owns 10 dunnums of farmland in Deir el Balah, in the central part of the Gaza Strip, just over 300 meters from the Gaza-Israeli border and (...) -
16 September 2012Chaque jour, dans cette rubrique anglo-saxonne l’interminable liste des exactions, destructions, pillages, arrestations arbitraires, humiliations d’un peuple par une “armée” d’occupation surarmée, perverse et hors-la-loi.
Imaginez !
Michel Flament
Coordinateur (...) -
14 September 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
PA officials: Israel to confiscate 675 dunums of Nablus land
NABLUS (Ma‘an) 12 Sept — Israeli authorities issued orders late Tuesday to confiscate (...) -
Land & Property Theft / Destruction / Apartheid / Refugees
12 September 2012============================================
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Occupation Confiscates 800 Dunums in Nablus Occupation authorities announced the confiscation of 800 Dunums (1 Dunum= 1000 square meters) of land belonging to Palestinian villagers, west of Nablus to make a road for the (...) -
“The March of Folly”
7 September 2012============================================
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NOTHING COULD be more scary than the thought that this duo – Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak – is in a position to start a war, the dimensions and outcome of which are incalculable.
It’s scary not (...) -
The News
5 September 2012============================================
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The Peoples Press - Powered By People - For People
Not For Profit - For Global Justice
“Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” - Albert Einstein (...) -
4 September 2012Par le pillage, les violations du droit international, le sadisme gouvernemental et militaire, l’occupant israélien poursuit inlassablement son oeuvre criminelle et l’opinion publique internationale ainsi que ses élus restent indifférents devant la souffrance d’un peuple qui, (...)
31 August 2012============================================
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Israeli PM to back report legalising settlements
Israel’s Prime Minister is intending to enact the Levy Report to legalise settlements in the occupied West Bank under Israeli law, Likud member of Knesset Danny (...) -
Israel to close Jerusalem crossing
30 August 2012============================================
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AFP- Israel plans to close a key checkpoint that allows Palestinians from an east Jerusalem neighbourhood access to the city centre.
The Association for Civil Rights (ACRI) said in a statement that it had sent (...) -
Relay of ICH-Newsletter
29 August 2012============================================
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The Peoples Press - Powered By People - For People
Not For Profit - For Global Justice
"The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for (...) -
Ex-soldiers admit to appalling violence against Palestinian children
28 August 2012============================================
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By Donald Macintyre
Hafez Rajabi was marked for life by his encounter with the men of the Israeli army’s Kfir Brigade five years ago this week. Sitting beneath the photograph of his late father, the slightly (...) -
US sends aircraft carrier back to Gulf to face Iran
26 August 2012============================================
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Kuwait Times - 24 August, 2012
The US Navy is cutting short home leave for the crew of one of its aircraft carriers and sending them back to the Middle East next week to counter any threat from Iran, according to (...) -
Israel, Egypt in talks over Sinai campaign
22 August 2012============================================
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Published today 19:48
EL-ARISH, Egypt (Ma’an) — Israel and Egypt are negotiating over allowing increased forces into the Sinai, after Israeli officials complained about the buildup of armor in the region. (...) -
Israel’s secret Iran meeting between security officials and Rabbi who wants to ‘annihilate’ Arabs
22 August 2012============================================
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by Joe Catron on August 21, 2012 47
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
Senior Israeli officials including National Security Advisor Ya’akov Amidror and Interior Minister Eli Yishai held what the Algemeiner calls a “secret (...) -
The Palestinian resistance hero Samir Kuntar narrowly escaped being lynched in Tunisia
19 August 2012============================================
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The resistance hero, Samir Kuntar, who was imprisoned in Israel for 30 years on false charges and later released as part of a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hizbullah, narrowly escaped being lynched by a group of (...) -
Palestinian Camps in Lebanon: The Displaced Guests of a Refugee Host
17 August 2012============================================
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By: Robert Abdallah Published Monday, August 13, 2012
We are now nearing the end of the month of Ramadan. The faces of the residents of the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp cannot belie their weariness.
Their lips, dry (...) -
Report: EU adds Modiin to settlement exports list
15 August 2012============================================
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TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma’an) — The European Union has added the Modi’in-Maccabim-Reut municipality to a list of settlements whose products can not receive tax breaks, Israeli media reported Tuesday. (...) -
Can Morsi break the military’s hold on Egypt?
15 August 2012============================================
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As the president fires the country’s powerful military leadership, we ask if this marks the end of a power struggle.
Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s president, has only been in power for two months but he seems to (...) -
Un plan de paix iranien pour la Syrie
15 August 2012============================================
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According to Qods Online, citing the informed sources, this proposal, which has been prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was discussed during the recent gathering [Tehran’s summit on Syrian crisis], about (...) -
When war criminals walk free
14 August 2012============================================
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Cast Lead, an operation that caused the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians, is ending on a weak note, as only three indictments have been issued.
Rayya Abu Hajjaj and her adult daughter Majda Abu Hajjaj were shot (...) -
IDF soldier sentenced to 45 days for death of mother, daughter in Gaza war
12 August 2012============================================
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IDF soldier sentenced to 45 days for death of mother, daughter in Gaza war Military advocate general reaches plea bargain in the most significant event mentioned in UN Goldstone Report; Givati soldier was accused of (...) -
Glory to the Egyptian Martyrs and Shame on Criminals
8 August 2012============================================
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08 August 2012
The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) condemns, in the strongest terms, the heinous crime committed by an armed group in Sinai on Sunday, 05 August 2012, the result of which 16 (...) -
Egypt’s Brotherhood says Mossad behind Sinai attack
8 August 2012============================================
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(Reuters) -
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood said on its website that the attack on a police station in Sinai on Sunday in (...) -
7 August 2012============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid
Documents: Israel used Waqf land to build settlements, separation fence
Haaretz 5 Aug by Akiva Eldar — Land belonging to the Waqf, (...) -
“Syria Arrests Turkish Army General in Aleppo”
7 August 2012============================================
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"The Syrian Army announced that it has recently apprehended a Turkish general who commanded the terrorists trying to seize control of Aleppo. According to an informed source in Syria, the Turkish general (...) -
CIA considers Israel the largest counterintelligence threat in the Middle East
2 August 2012============================================
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B]]y Adam Horowitz
The CIA considers Israel its No. 1 counterintelligence threat in the agency’s Near East Division, the group that oversees spying across the Middle East, according to current and former (...) -
Clashes as Israeli forces raid Nablus
1 August 2012p>============================================
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NABLUS (Ma’an) — Nineteen Palestinians were hospitalized in Nablus in the northern West Bank overnight after they inhaled large amounts of tear gas during clashes between young Palestinians and Israeli (...) -
31 July 2012============================================
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Land, property, resource theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing Israeli authorities encircle Qalqiliya land with fence
QALQILIYA (Ma‘an) 28 July – Israeli authorities have started to install a fence (...) -
IOF Kills a Palestinian Worker and Wounds another Three Workers at al-Zaeem Checkpoint east of Jerusalem
31 July 2012============================================
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The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the killing of a Palestinian worker and the wounding of another 3 by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) at al-Zaeem checkpoint in the east of occupied (...) -
The EU fails to uphold international law in its relations with Israel
26 July 2012Asservissement de ce qui devrait être un exemple d’une institution exemplaire où l’intérêt général et le respect du Droit prédomineraient en marge de tous les lobbies et influences, y compris les plus méprisables.
Le Comité de rédaction
============================================ (...) -
26 July 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid
How many settlers are there?
Settlement Watch E J’lem 24 July — In Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress in January, he quoted (...) -
EU refuses Israeli request to blacklist Hezbollah
25 July 2012============================================
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Israel blames Iran and Hezbollah for Burgas terror attack; Cypriot FM says that if there were tangible evidence that Hezbollah engaged in terror, EU would consider blacklisting the group
The European Union turned (...) -
Israeli Company Has FAA Permission to Fly Drones in U.S. Airspace!
23 July 2012Nous nous sommes abstenus de publier les photos d’un enfant de 2 ans prises, l’une de son vivant l’autre, quelque temps après, totalement déchiqueté par le projectile tiré par un drone israélien et ceci....en Palestine occupée bien entendu. Un jour ou l’autre, il faudra (...)
Those Damn Palestinians (....comme on les aime ! ndlr)
20 July 2012============================================
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By Sam Bahour Those damn Palestinians. They refuse to sit still. They just don’t get it. They are unable to fathom their reality. The more outrageous their situation becomes, the more human they become. When all (...) -
La France renonce à un important contrat de fourniture d’armes à Israël
20 July 2012L’EXEMPLE
Le Comité de rédaction
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France to cancel €400m arms deal with Israel
The French Ministry of (...) -
17 July 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Restriction of movementUprooting Palestinian trees — and lives / Amira Hass Haaretz 16 July — Residents of the Palestinian village (...) -
Torpedoing the Two State Solution – The Strategy of the Netanyahu Government
16 July 2012============================================
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Summary of 2011 in the Settlements, January 2012
Including: Israeli Government recognizes 11 new settlements by legalizing outposts
Main Findings
20% rise in construction starts in the settlements – at least (...) -
Palestinian women breaking into business
15 July 2012============================================
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RAMALLAH − From corner fruit stalls in Hebron to chic Ramallah ballet studios, Palestinian women are making their mark in business, some out of necessity and others looking to break the gender mould and pursue a (...) -
Church of England backs Palestine motion in spite of strong Israel lobby pressure
13 July 2012============================================
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Today the Church of England General Synod — the church’s legislative body — overwhelmingly voted in favor of a Private Members Motion (PMM) on Palestine/Israel, in spite of pressure from pro-Israel (...) -
Twenty Palestinian children, detained in Hasharon prison, launched on Tuesday June 12, an open hunger strike
13 July 2012============================================
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Twenty Palestinian children, detained in Hasharon prison, launched on Tuesday June 12, an open hunger strike protesting the harsh prison conditions and the prison administration’s neglect of their demands.
A (...) -
Occupied Lives: They killed my only child
11 July 2012Nouveau jeu vidéo israélien: tuer à distance d’un seul clic, grâce à un drone baladeur, un enfant assis sous un arbre. Suprême lâcheté d’un gouvernement criminel qui défie le monde depuis très exactement 66 ans.
Le Comité de rédaction
============================================ (...) -
11 July 2012============================================
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Land, property theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid / Restriction of movement
Pack up your homes, people, the IDF needs to hold a drill / Gideon Levy
Haaretz 6 July — When the army needs to (...) -
Palestinians reclaim streets despite PA police repression
9 July 2012Shaul Mofaz: un nom, une fois de plus, à retenir.
Le Comité de rédaction
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By Eoin O’Ceallaigh
Protests by Palestinians in Ramallah were met with swift, violent repression by Palestinian Authority forces.
(Issam (...) -
We’ve never been this close to making history.
7 July 2012============================================
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Last night, after years of engagement, a Presbyterian Church USA vote to divest from Caterpillar, Motorola and Hewlett-Packard lost by an extraordinary 2 votes—both abstentions. These companies were selected (...) -
Alexandra Thein: European Parliament expresses its concern for the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza
6 July 2012============================================
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Strasbourg, 5th July 2012 -
The European Parliament (EP) has passed a joint resolution on the EU policy on the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The EP expressed its deep concern for the developments in Area C, which (...) -
To day in Palestine
3 July 2012============================================
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Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid
Visualizing occupation: Distribution of water
972mag 2 July — Israel controls the access to water from the Jordan River to the (...) -
“Number of Palestinians affected has increased by 87%”
1 July 2012============================================
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Israeli demolitions
United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Richard Falk, warned Wednesday that the number of people displaced by the demolition of (...) -
26 June 2012============================================
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UNESCO is set to discuss the dangers facing Jerusalem’s eco-systems, a new UNRWA report elaborates the harm caused to water sources and flora throughout the West Bank, and environmental NGOs warn of the impending (...) -
To day in Palestine
23 June 2012============================================
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Map: Segregated roads: the infrastructure of apartheid
Hundreds protest plan to demolish Palestinian village [with video, photos] 972mag 22 June by (...) -
BDS roundup: Zakir Hussain cancels performances in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
22 June 2012============================================
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BDS roundup: Zakir Hussain cancels performances in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
In this week’s roundup of news from the global boycott, divestment and sanctions movement: Tabla maestro Zakir Hussain cancels his (...) -
Hunger striker’s administrative detention order renewed in violation of recent agreement
22 June 2012============================================
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Note: Following publication of this press release, Addameer lawyer Fares Ziad phoned after visiting Hadarim prison and confirmed that Hassan Safadi has re-launched his hunger strike and is currently being held in (...) -
"Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: “Break Syria into Pieces”
20 June 2012.
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A timely article in the Jerusalem Post last month brings to the forefront the unspoken objective of US foreign policy, namely the breaking up of Syria as a sovereign nation state —along ethnic and religious (...) -
Norway’s pension fund divests from Israel’s largest real estate firm
20 June 2012============================================
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Norway’s finance ministry has excluded Shikun & Binui from the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), the largest pension fund in Europe, over its construction of illegal Israeli colonies in East Jerusalem. (...) -
18 June 2012============================================
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Land theft / Ethnic cleansing / Suppression of Palestinian culture and history
Israeli authorities force Palestinian to demolish his house JERUSALEM (WAFA) 17 June — Israeli authorities Sunday forced a (...) -
18 June 2012============================================
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Plunder of Palestinian natural resources is ’corporate war crime’, manual explains
By Adri Nieuwhof — WhoProfits, a research project of the Coalition of Women for Peace, has documented corporate (...) -
UN: Israeli forces killed 2,300 in Gaza under blockade
18 June 2012============================================
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BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces have killed nearly 2,300 Palestinians and injured 7,700 in Gaza over the last five years, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Thursday.
Some 27 (...) -
To day in Palestine
14 June 2012============================================
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A Humanitarian Overview of the Occupied Palestinian Territories Over the years, OCHA has produced reports on the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).
These have been based on thematic (...) -
To day in Palestine
13 June 2012============================================
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Israel admits it revoked residency rights of quarter million Palestinians since 1967 Many of those prevented from returning were students or young professionals, working aboard to support their families. link to (...) -
12 June 2012============================================
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Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing / Apartheid
Officials call for action as Bethlehem villages run dry BETHLEHEM (Ma‘an) 11 June — Rural villages near Bethlehem are facing (...) -
Israel plans to move West Bank Bedouin
11 June 2012============================================
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Travellers on the busy four-lane highway that tumbles from the heights of Jerusalem, east to the Dead Sea, might have noticed through car windows the dilapidated Bedouin encampments of metal and plastic sheeting that (...) -
To day in Palestine
8 June 2012============================================
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Land Theft & Destruction / Refugees / Apartheid
France condemns Israeli settlement expansion France on Thursday condemned Israeli plans to expand a West Bank settlement by 300 homes and urged right-wing Prime (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
7 June 2012============================================
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Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
· IOF launched 10 air strikes on the Gaza Strip.
3 (...) -
Arizona State University Student Government Votes to Divest from Israel
6 June 2012============================================
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At the last Senate hearing of the year, the undergraduate student government at Arizona State University unanimously passed a bill demanding that ASU divest from and blacklist companies that continue to provide the (...) -
Grave concern for the lives of protracted hunger strikers, Mahmoud Sarsak and Akram Rikhawi
1 June 2012============================================
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Jaffa-Ramallah, 31 May 2012 – The health conditions of Mahmoud Sarsak, currently on his 74th day of hunger strike, and Akram Rikhawi, currently on his 50th day of hunger strike, are rapidly deteriorating.
Despite (...) -
A chacun(e) son opinion (ndlr)
1 June 2012============================================
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“The Salvador Option For Syria”
29 May 2012============================================
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US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate “Opposition Forces”
By Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
May 28, 2012 “Information Clearing House”
Modelled on US covert ops in Central America, the (...) -
“The Salvador Option in Beirut”
29 May 2012============================================
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By Trish Schuh
“The only prospect that holds hope for us is the carving up of Syria… It is our task to prepare for that prospect. All else is a purposeless waste of time.”
Zionist militant Zeév (...) -
Israeli companies win UN bids to reconstruct Gaza, angering Palestinians
27 May 2012C’est une véritable insulte aux victimes palestiniennes et à la Communauté internationale !
Après avoir massacré, détruit, pillé, ravagé et, en quelque sorte avoir transformé une partie de la zone de Gaza en champs de ruines, voici qu’Israël répond à des appels d’offres (...) -
Qatar’s ties with the Muslim Brotherhood affect entire region
21 May 2012============================================
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Ahmed Azem
The alliance between the Muslim Brotherhood and Qatar is becoming a noticeable factor in the reshaping of the Middle East. There are several striking aspects to this evolving and deepening relationship. (...) -
Thank the Quakers for Their Decision to Divest from Caterpillar!
17 May 2012===========================================
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Above: Click to learn about Caterpillar
Have you heard the wonderful news? After a roller coaster United Methodist divestment campaign ending in partial victory, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is so (...) -
Urgent statement
14 May 2012============================================
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The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) on the occasion of its international board meeting in Paris on May 12th 2012, strongly denounces the situation of Palestinian prisoners in Israel, who have been on (...) -
Israel still refusing to hospitalize long-term hunger strikers
13 May 2012============================================
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Palestinians pray next to pictures of prisoners held in Israeli jails during a protest in support of the prisoners on hunger strike, outside the Red Cross building in East Jerusalem on May 4. (Reuters/Ammar (...) -
Update: Situation of Long-Term Hunger Strikers Becomes Increasingly Urgent
10 May 2012============================================
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Ramallah, 10 May 2012 – Addameer lawyer Mona Neddaf visited four hunger strikers in Ramleh prison medical clinic today, including Thaer Halahleh, now on his 73rd day of hunger strike.
According to Ms. Neddaf, (...) -
Palestinian youth activists shut down UN in Ramallah in protest at the UN ignoring the hunger strikes
9 May 2012============================================
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His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon Secretary-General of the United Nations New York
Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
We, Palestinians for Dignity, represent a network of movements and individuals united in the struggle to achieve (...) -
Urgent Alert: Imminent Displacement Risk in the Jerusalem Periphery
8 May 2012============================================
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Palestinian residential structures in Area C of the the West Bank, east of Jerusalem, are under looming threat of immediate demolition.
Structures include EU-funded residential structures provided in response to (...) -
United Methodists Call for Boycott of “products made by Israeli companies operating in occupied Palestinian territories"
4 May 2012============================================
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Adopting the “Kairos Palestine” document, Methodists Elevate Palestinian Rights and Israel Divestment to Mainstream Prominence “Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of (...) -
Palestinian Political Prisoners Subject to Collective Punishment as Mass Hunger Strike Continues
3 May 2012La perversité des traitements infligés aux prisonniers n’a d’égal que le harcèlement barbare et ininterrompu d’un peuple spolié, depuis 65 ans, de ses espaces et de ses droits par un Etat hors la Loi et qui brave impunément la “communauté internationale” amorphe (...)
PCHR Calls upon the International Community to Intervene to Save Lives of Bilal Diab and Tha’er Halahla Who Have Been on Hunger Strike
3 May 2012============================================
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The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) is deeply concerned over the lives of two administrative detainees, Bilal Diab and Tha’er Halahla, who have been on hunger strike for 64 days. PCHR holds the Israeli (...) -
L’armée d’occupation planifie la destruction de 1400 oliviers à Wadi Qana
30 April 2012============================================
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The Israeli Army plans to force farmers from Deir Istiya, a village in the northern West Bank, to uproot 1400 olive trees in Wadi Qana by the first of may.
The village, together with international and Israeli (...) -
Events in Egypt more worrisome than Iran: Israeli FM Lieberman
23 April 2012============================================
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Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman recently sent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a document, reportedly suggesting that the Egyptian revolution could pose a greater strategic threat to Israel than Iran’s (...) -
G4S loses its contract with the European Parliament
18 April 2012============================================
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Share on facebookShare on printShare on emailShare on twitterMore Sharing ServicesThe European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP) is pleased to be able to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day by (...) -
Russia Planning Troops Deployment On Iran’s Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack
15 April 2012============================================
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By F. Michael Maloof
April 12, 2012 “Information Clearing House” --- WASHINGTON – The Russian military anticipates that an attack will occur on Iran by the summer and has developed an action plan to (...) -
Square begins to empty following day of Islamist protest
15 April 2012============================================
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Al-Masry Al-Youm
Thousands of protesters began to withdraw from Tahrir square Friday evening, after leaders announced the end of (...) -
Israeli activists will arrive tomorrow at Tel Aviv Airport to welcome international activists
15 April 2012============================================
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By Israeli activists
As citizens of Israel, we feel great respect and appreciation for our international who come to visit the West Bank and express solidarity with the Palestinian residents, living under occupation (...) -
Statement of the Middle East Quartet
12 April 2012============================================
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Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC April 11, 2012
The following statement was issued by the Middle East Quartet (United Nations, Russian Federation, United States, and European Union) on April 11, (...) -
A World Without UNRWA?
11 April 2012============================================
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By Randa Farah, AlterNet: April 7, 2012
With the world media focusing on the crisis in Syria, it has been forgotten that Syria is home to some 400,000 (...) -
7 April 2012=
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Outrage in Germany, Nobel Laureate Günter Grass has, once again told the truth about Israel being the greatest threat to world peace.
Günter Grass, Germany’s most famous living author and the 1999 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, sparked (...) -
When Europe Develops, and Israel Destroys
5 April 2012============================================
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By Charlotte Silver
RAMALLAH, Apr 3, 2012 (IPS) - The European Commission has released a document that lists projects it funded that were destroyed or damaged by the Israel Defence Forces between May 2001 and October (...) -
UNRWA deletes 169,000 Palestinian refugees from its records
5 April 2012============================================
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The organisation for Palestinian refugees and their right of return, Thabet, has expressed grave concern that the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has deleted 169,000 refugees from its records for 2011. Thabet (...) -
“We stand with you”: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters announces Palestine solidarity forum in Brazil
31 March 2012============================================
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Wissam Nassar / Maan Images Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 12:21
Roger Waters, British rock legend and co founder of the group Pink Floyd, visiting Israel’s separation wall surrounding the West (...) -
30 March 2012============================================
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The New Mandela MARWAN BARGHOUTI has spoken up. After a long silence, he has sent a message from prison.
In Israeli ears, this message does not sound pleasant. But for Palestinians, and for Arabs in general, it (...) -
Dying while waiting for medical supplies
29 March 2012============================================
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Akram Mones Abu Sefan and his son Ahmad in his home of Nuseirat refugee camp
Akram Mones Abu Sefan, 35, lives in Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip with his wife Mervat, 26, and his two young sons: Abed, 5, and (...) -
Violence des colons : un rapport européen enterré
28 March 2012============================================
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POUR LIRE LE RAPPORT EUROPEEN NON PUBLIE, veuillez cliquer sur l’image.
Disponible en document attaché ci dessus : une note que l’Union Européenne a choisi de ne pas publier, suite aux réserves émises par (...) -
Farmer injured in Nablus settler attack
26 March 2012============================================
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Farmer injured in Nablus settler attack
Published today 17:20
(MaanImages/file) NABLUS (Ma’an) — A farmer was injured on Monday after being attacked by settlers in the northern West Bank, a PA official (...) -
PCHR Condemns Incitement Campaign by Right-Wing Israeli Group against UAWC
26 March 2012============================================
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The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the incitement campaign waged by extremist right-wing Israeli groups against the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) aiming at libeling and (...) -
Parents: Gaza baby dies when respirator runs out of fuel as power cuts deepen
26 March 2012============================================
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GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — A Gaza man said Sunday his 5-month-old baby died after the generator powering his respirator ran out of fuel, the first known death linked to the territory’s energy crisis.
The baby, (...) -
Israel Supreme Court rejects compromise deal on West Bank settlement of Migron
25 March 2012============================================
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State requested to postpone the demolition of the outpost for three and a half years to allow the settlers to rebuild their homes on Hayekev Hill, which will then become part of the settlement of Kochav Yaakov.
By (...) -
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation
22 March 2012============================================
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March 2012
Position Paper:
Having successfully completed its two-year state-building plan, the Palestinian National Authority continues to confront the enormous challenges posed by the ongoing Israeli occupation while (...) -
Opinion d’un ex" British ambassador in Damascus"
18 March 2012============================================
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An Excerpt from:
Lord Wright of Richmond: My Lords, in the time available I propose to concentrate on Syria and the Middle (...) -
Comme disait le Général de Gaulle: “dominateur !”
13 March 2012============================================
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The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Translated and edited by Israel Shahak
The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904) and of Rabbi Fischmann (1947)
In his Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, Theodore Herzl, the founder of (...) -
On the Eighth of March: We Are All Hana Shalabi
8 March 2012============================================
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On the eighth of March, the world celebrates International Women’s Day, which was first observed as a popular event after 1977 when the United Nations General Assembly invited Member States to proclaim the eighth (...) -
Apartheid is a crime, not an analogy
7 March 2012============================================
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A boy hangs the Palestinian flag in front of Israeli soldiers during a demonstration against Israel’s illegal separation barrier in the West Bank
town of Beit Jala, near Bethlehem.(MaanImages/File) By Joe Catron (...) -
“Syria’s crisis is leading us to unlikely bedfellows”
22 February 2012============================================
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"By Peter Oborne 9:00PM GMT 18 Feb 2012
David Cameron and William Hague are at risk of (...) -
The end of the ‘two-state solution’ is the beginning of a more just future
20 February 2012============================================
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Even as I write this, the bulldozers have been busy throughout that one indivisible country known by the bifurcated term Israel/Palestine.
Palestinian homes, community centers, livestock pens and other (...) -
Gaza Is on the Brink of Health and Environmental Catastrophe Due to Power Outages and Lack of Fuel
16 February 2012============================================
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The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) is gravely concerned over the current power crisis in the Gaza Strip. The Gaza power plant stopped working yesterday as the fuel required for it operation ran out (...) -
Al-Khalil (Hebron), Palestine occupée et martyrisée
13 February 2012============================================
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Since the arrival of the Golani Brigade in Hebron on December 27th, international accompaniment organizations (Christian Peacemaker Teams, International Solidarity Movement, and others) have documented an increase in (...) -
Le summum de l’hypocrisie (ndlr)
13 February 2012============================================
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Bahrain’s King Says Assad Should Listen to His People (il ferait mieux de balayer d’abord devant sa porte NDLR)
Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa has called on Syrian President Bashar Assad to (...) -
Palestinian youth to France: “Stop financing the killing of our people”
4 February 2012============================================
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Two protests have been held today in Palestine to protest a French-Israeli military deal. A wide variety of youth organizations has organized the protests to oppose the French acquisition of $500 million worth of drones (...) -
Rétrospective d’une erreur monstrueuse aux conséquences tragiques(ndlr)
1 February 2012============================================
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WHO PULLED THE TRIGGER ON GADDAFI? us-libya-gaddafi-finalhours-idUSTRE79J5Q720111020
Among the many (...) -
Israel expanding south Hebron settlement
30 January 2012============================================
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Israeli soldiers stand guard, as the bulldozer clears the ground next to the Israeli settlement Karmel, south of the West Bank city of Hebron. (MaanImages/Mamoun Wazwaz, File)HEBRON (Ma’an) —
The Land (...) -
The Palestinian children – alone and bewildered – in Israel’s Al Jalame jail
25 January 2012============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Special report: Israel’s military justice system is accused of mistreating Palestinian children arrested for (...) -
“Europe Funding Illegal Israeli Lab”
25 January 2012============================================
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Des scientifiques anglais et autres personnalités ont protesté dans “The Independent” contre le financement à travers la commission européenne d’un projet scientifique coordonné par le Musée (...) -
Israel kidnaps two more Palestinian lawmakers
24 January 2012============================================
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Oslo, Norway — Jan. 24, 2012 Israel’s violent seizure and arrest this week of two senior members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) is a brazen violation of international law and the diplomatic (...) -
“Getting Rid of ‘Anti-Israel’ Presidents”
24 January 2012============================================
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Exclusive: Some staunch supporters of Israel believe that its interests are so compelling that they trump American self-governance, with one (...) -
Cabinet expected to extend law withholding citizenship from Palestinians who marry Israelis
22 January 2012============================================
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Cabinet expected to extend law withholding citizenship from Palestinians who marry Israelis
The cabinet today is expected to approve a one-year extension of the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, which prohibits (...) -
US Campaign to end the Israeli Occupation
20 January 2012============================================
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Join Us in Washington, D.C., March 2-6, to #OccupyAIPAC
Ever since the Occupy movement burst on to our political landscape last fall and reinjected energy into the movement to make government serve the 99 percent (...) -
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (12- 18 January 2012)
19 January 2012============================================
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Thursday, 19 January 2012 00:00
Israeli troops use force to disperse a peaceful demonstration in Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against (...) -
Egypt to revive old integration project with Libya and Sudan, says FM
17 January 2012============================================
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“Egypt Independent” Egypt is trying to revive an old integration project that links the country with Sudan and Libya, Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr has said.
The project known as the Golden Triangle, (...) -
Settlers ’chop down 100 olive trees’ in Nablus
17 January 2012============================================
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(MaanImages/Rami Swidan, File)
NABLUS (Ma’an) — Israeli settlers chopped down more than 100 olive trees belonging to Palestinians south of Nablus on Friday evening, a PA official said.
The group tore down (...) -
Iran nuclear: Ali Larijani accepts Turkey talks offer
15 January 2012=============================================
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Iran nuclear: Ali Larijani accepts Turkey talks offer Ali Larijani at news conference in Iranian embassy in Ankara - 12 January Correspondents say Ali Larijani is one of the most influential players in Iran’s (...) -
”… the Palestine question within a European context.” by Alain Gresh
8 January 2012=============================================
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Reflections on the Meaning of Palestine ”… the Palestine question within a European context.”
By Alain Gresh
This essay addresses the Palestine question within a European context. After reflecting (...) -
“US Troops going to Israel”
8 January 2012============================================
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"January 2, 2012 January 2, 2012. Jerusalem.
In one of the most blacked-out stories in America right now, the US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and (...) -
Obama Seeks to Distance U.S. from Israeli Attack
8 January 2012============================================
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Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service,
Washington - President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are engaged in intense maneuvering over Netanyahu’s aim of entangling the United States in an (...) -
Settlers, soldiers attack villagers near Nablus
8 January 2012============================================
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NABLUS (Ma’an) — Armed Jewish settlers and Israeli soldiers on Saturday attacked villagers in Nablus in the northern West Bank, Palestinian Authority officials said.
PA settlement affairs official Ghassan (...) -
Film: “Donor Opium” , submitted by Jalal Abukhater
31 December 2011La ravageuse hypocrisie de “donateurs” qui, comme certains états notamment, donnent d’une main pour reprendre de l’autre ou, pire encore, versent quelqu’obole destinée à la survie d’un peuple pendant qu’ils livrent des sous-marins à l’agresseur (...)
Hamas has agreed to join the Palestine Liberation Organization
23 December 2011============================================
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Published yesterday (updated) 23/12/2011 12:30 CAIRO (Ma’an) —
Hamas has agreed to join the Palestine Liberation Organization in a move intended to bolster Palestinian reconciliation, The Associated Press (...) -
ONU: 182 states back Palestine right to self-determination
22 December 2011=============================================
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The UN General Assembly adopted on Monday a draft resolution on the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, according to Palestinian ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour.
The resolution, says Mansour, was (...) -
Incoming EU president: Europe to block deals with Israel until peace process moves forward
19 December 2011Déclarations “fracassantes” du nouveau président ! quel gâchis !
Le Comité de rédaction
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Incoming president of the European Parliament Martin Schulz tells Haaretz the euro will not collapse, calls (...) -
Israel to Allow 600 Christians from Gaza to Travel to Bethlehem, If They’re Between 35 and 40
16 December 2011En résumé et en français: Israël autorise 600 chrétiens habitant Gaza à se rendre à Bethlehem pour les cérémonies de Noël..............à condition qu’ils aient entre....... 35 et 40 ans ! Nous avons cherché en vain dans les encyclopédies médicales le nom d’une maladie ou d’une (...)
Newt, Mitt, Bibi and Vladimir
16 December 2011============================================
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I have a simple motto when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
I love both Israelis and Palestinians, but God save me from some of their American friends — those who want to love them to death, (...) -
Within 24 Hours, Israeli Settlers and Extremists Set Two Mosques Ablaze in Separate Incidences
15 December 2011============================================
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The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns, in the strongest terms, the criminal arson attack on two mosques, one by Israeli extremists in West Jerusalem and another by Jewish settlers in Burqa village, (...) -
“Foreign spy drones in Iran’s possession to be put on display”
15 December 2011============================================
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TEHRAN –" Iran plans to put foreign spy drones it has in its possession on display in the near future, according to an informed source close to the Tehran Times.
National reporters and foreign ambassadors based (...) -
IOF Transform Shu’fat Checkpoint into International Crossing
12 December 2011=============================================
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In the Context of Efforts to Create Jewish Majority in Occupied East Jerusalem, IOF Transform Shu’fat Checkpoint into International Crossing
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns, in the (...) -
Israeli Air Strikes against Gaza, a Palestinian Civilian and His Child Killed and Other Members of the Family Wounded While Sleeping at Home
10 December 2011=============================================
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As a Result of Israeli Air Strikes against Gaza, a Palestinian Civilian and His Child Killed and Other Members of the Family Wounded While Sleeping at Home
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights strongly condemns the (...) -
Iran Airs Footage of Downed US Drone
9 December 2011============================================
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“Information Clearing House”
— Iran has released video footage of the most advanced US reconnaissance drone which was downed by the Iranian Army in the eastern part of the Islamic Republic earlier (...) -
Israel Faces $250 Million Slash in Aid
7 December 2011============================================
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AIPAC Keeps Quiet as Supercommittee Collapse Triggers Cuts
No Deal: The failure to reach a deficit deal means automatic across-the-board cuts. That includes aid to Israel.
By (...) -
IOF Conduct Wave of Arrests against Leaders and Members of Hamas and PFLP in the West Bank
7 December 2011Le Génie du mal comme unique obsession.
Le Comité de rédaction
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) are conducting a wave of arrests against political leaders, activists and members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the West (...) -
IOF Arrest two palestinian patients at Beit Hanoun Crossing
5 December 2011============================================
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The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the arrest of two Palestinian patients by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) while travelling via Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing to receive medical (...) -
In a letter to the French-Palestine Solidarity Association, French Foreign Minister Juppé slams Israel’s treatment of West Bank protest organizer, and its settlement policy.
5 December 2011============================================
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Alain Juppé, the French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, expressed his deep concern over the indictment and incarceration of Bassem Tamimi, a protest organizer from the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Tamimi (...) -
On the 64th Anniversary of UN Resolution 181 Lebanon’s Palestinians continue their descent
2 December 2011============================================
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by FRANKLIN LAMB Embassy of Palestine, Tripoli, Libya Every year on November 29, as part of International Day of Solidarity with the (...) -
’Germany approves subsidized sale of military submarine to Israel’
1 December 2011Les contribuables allemands apprécieront !
Le Comité de rédaction
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German official, speaking on condition of anonymity, says his country set aside $180 million to fund about a third of another Dolphin-type submarine. (...) -
Israeli Authorities Prevent Reparation of Major Lines Providing Electricity to the Gaza Strip for the Thirteenth Consecutive Day
30 November 2011============================================
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The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the prevention of technical crews from repairing one of the major lines that carry electricity from Israel to the Gaza Strip by Israeli authorities.
The line has (...) -
Egypt imports 21 tons of tear gas from the US, port staff refuses to sign for it
30 November 2011============================================
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Manar Ammar
Document of importation of tear gas.
CAIRO: The arrival of 7 and half tons of tear gas to Egypt’s Suez port created conflict after the responsible officials at the port refused to sign and accept (...) -
Unknown Snipers and Western Backed Regime Change: Death Squads in the Service of Western Intelligence
30 November 2011============================================
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Source: Information Clearing House
By Gearóid Ó Colmáin
November 29, 2011 "Information Clearing House" --- Unknown snipers played a pivotal role throughout the so-called “Arab Spring Revolutions” yet, (...) -
Vidéo sur découverte cache d’armes en Lybie
28 November 2011On oublie vite cet immense pays dont le sous-sol pétrolifère est également parsemé de caches d’armes de l’armée de Khadafi mais aussi dont le sol est jonché de dépôts d’armes et de munitions dans lesquels se sont largement servis tous les “passants” Il y en a tant (...)
Israel TV: Netanyahu stays Al-Aqsa bridge demolition
28 November 2011============================================
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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has postponed the demolition of a bridge providing access to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque due to regional pressure, Israeli media said Sunday.
The plan to tear down and (...) -
Settlers Stone Elderly Palestinian Lady
28 November 2011Cette information date d’un mois mais il en fut ainsi en maints endroits durant toute la période de la cueuillette. Tsahal et ses soldats blindés et haineux peuvent être fiers de leur courage et de leur domination face à un tel ennemi.
Le Comité de rédaction (...) -
Solennelle mise en garde (ndlr)
26 November 2011============================================
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Azhar Imam warns against Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem
Imam of Al-Azhar Sheik Ahmed al-Tayeb (MaanImages/HO)
CAIRO (Ma’an) — Egypt’s top Muslim cleric warned on Sunday that Israel’s (...) -
Emouvant témoignage d’une courageuse citoyenne égyptienne (ndlr)
24 November 2011============================================
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"ok... so let me tell you what i saw 2day in tahrir...
i was there from 3pm till 10pm.. all that time did not see one EKHWAN ( moslem brother) or SALAFI.. thousands of people from all ages, and genders.....
this time (...) -
The personal testimony of an ex-Israeli soldier
23 November 2011============================================
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Source: Emma Mancini for the Alternative Information Center (AIC)
A former Israeli soldier speaks of the violence he witnessed and perpetrated during his army service in Hebron. Now a member of Breaking the Silence (...) -
Saturday a new government is to be announced after a Cairo meeting between President Abbas and Hamas leader Khalid Mashaal.
21 November 2011============================================
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(Reuters/Mohamad Torokman)GAZA CITY (Ma’an)
Fatah leader Mohammad al-Nahhal said Saturday a new government is to be announced after a Cairo meeting between President Abbas and Hamas leader Khalid Mashaal. (...) -
19 November 2011=======================================
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PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2011. Reporters Without Borders is concerned by new round of Israeli arrests of Palestinian journalists in Jerusalem and the West Bank in the past few days, suggesting that a tougher (...) -
Netanyahu is less of a liar than past Israeli PMs, by Amira Hass
16 November 2011=======================================
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Merkel, Sarkozy and Obama, do not believe Netanyahu, but it seems that they and their governments are pissed off at him because he’s not as good a liar as his predecessors in the Prime Minister’s Office.
By (...) -
Palestinians clarify goal of “Freedom Rides” challenge to segregated Israeli buses
15 November 2011En direct des lieux de l’action en cours !
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Watch live streaming video from freedomriders at
There were worries from some Palestinian youth regarding the first press release of the Freedom Rides. (...) -
Eine Million Dollar für die ADL/ The dark side of the ADL
11 November 2011=============================================
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VOLKSWAGEN Eine Million Dollar für die ADL 10. November 2011 Spende des grössten europäischen Fahrzeugbauers gegen Antisemitismus, Rassismus und Bigotterie.
Der Automobilgigant Volkswagen hat beschlossen, der (...) -
Executive Summary of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine
10 November 2011============================================
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The Russell Tribunal on Palestine
Cape Town Session: Summary of findings, 7 November 2011
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) is an international citizen-based Tribunal of conscience created in response to the (...) -
“Report: Sarkozy Calls Netanyahu ’Liar’”
9 November 2011============================================
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“Accused of Telling the Truth”
“Microphones accidently left on after G20 meeting pick up private conversation between US, French presidents. Sarkozy admits he ’can’t stand’ Israeli (...) -
Captains and passengers were badly treated by Israelis
6 November 2011=============================================
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Greek captain of the Tahrir Giorgos Klontzas has confirmed the use of violence on him by the israeli soldiers during his interrogation in a interview he gave to He specifically reports that he was (...) -
Letter from Canadian Gaza Freedom activist in prison in Israel
6 November 2011=============================================
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I write to you from cell 9 of the Apartheid State of Israel
Dear sisters and brothers, friends and loved ones, I write to you from cell 9, block 59 Givon Prison near Ramla in Occupied Palestine. Although I was (...) -
Israel urged to identify arrested journalists
6 November 2011=============================================
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A press freedom group is urging Israel to disclose the names of journalists it has arrested from on board two boats bound for Gaza on Friday afternoon.
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists says it (...) -
How to punish a new UNESCO member and about attacking Iran
5 November 2011
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Never a dull moment in this crazy country... A week ago the Rabin Square was filled with another Social Protest demonstration; “from the tents to lobbying the Knesset” was the motto. The (...) -
Violation of Gazan Students’ Rights Must End Now
3 November 2011=============================================
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Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC)
The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights reiterates its condemnation of the blanket Israeli ban on travel for Gazan students who are admitted to study at Palestinian universities in (...) -
Israel to expedite settlement construction in response to Palestinian UNESCO membership
2 November 2011=============================================
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Netanyahu and “top ministers” decide to impose sanctions on Palestinian Authority after it was accepted to UN cultural body; 2,000 housing units to be built in major West Bank settlements. By Barak Ravid (...) -
War in Syria: Gamble for US
28 October 2011=============================================
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Notre source: Information clearing house
By Peoples Daily Online
Edited and Translated by People’s Daily Online - (
October 27, 2011 “Peoples Daily Online” — The U.S. State (...) -
BDS Victory: Alstom loses Saudi Haramain Railway contract worth $10B
28 October 2011=============================================
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Von: “Palestinian BDS National Committee” Gesendet: 27.10.2011 12:44:45 Betreff: BDS Victory: Alstom loses Saudi Haramain Railway contract worth $10B (...) -
Israel may lose German sub deal
26 October 2011=============================================
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s frustration over new east Jerusalem housing plans may jeopardize Israel’s chances of getting new Dolphin class submarine Germany is “reconsidering” its (...) -
IOF Continue Bulldozing Works to Construct the Annexation Wall and Isolate al-Walaja Village, Northwest of Bethlehem
25 October 2011=============================================
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For the fourth consecutive week, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have continued bulldozing activities and uprooting dozens of fruitful trees in al-Walaja village, northwest of Bethlehem to construct a new part of (...) -
Tears of Gaza
24 October 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Tears of Gaza by Vibeke Lokkeberg is a documentary film that should be watched by every American, to see how Israel spends our taxes.
Every European should watch (...) -
Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law in the OPT continued during the reporting period (13 – 19 October 2011)
20 October 2011Rapport complet en français dans quelques heures.
A call from Palestinian civil society on European universities, academics, students and people of conscience
20 October 2011=============================================
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The State of Israel practises a system of occupation, colonialism and apartheid over the Palestinian people, but it does not do so unaided. Israeli (...) -
Organize NOW to End Military Aid to Israël
18 October 2011!
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Above: Click to see our interactive map of cities where people are organizing to end military aid to Israel and sign up.
What a phenomenal political moment we are now experiencing! Despite growing police (...) -
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Fate of Palestinian Political Prisoners
18 October 2011=============================================
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Joint Press Release, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association and Al-Haq
Ramallah, 17 October 2011—
On 11 October 2011, the Israeli government and Hamas authorities concluded a deal whereby 1,027 (...) -
Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC),
14 October 2011=============================================
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Occupied Palestine, October 13
The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the largest Palestinian civil society coalition struggling for Palestinian rights, is proud to stand in (...) -
Two Days after Prisoner Exchange Deal is Announced, Palestinian Prisoners Remain Steadfast in their Hunger Strike
13 October 2011=============================================
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Ramallah, 13 October 2011 — As the world welcomed the conclusion of an extensive prisoner exchange deal between Israeli and Hamas authorities on 11 October, Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli prisons (...) -
Closure of Gaza Must Be Lifted as Shalit’s Pretext Diminished
13 October 2011=============================================
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The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) welcomes the prisoner swap deal between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), under which over a thousand Palestinian prisoners will (...) -
“nine countries in the Security Council were committed to supporting Palestine’s bid for membership in the UN.”
12 October 2011=============================================
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(REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman)BETHLEHEM (Ma’an)
Fatah central committee member Nabil Shaath said Monday that nine countries in the Security Council were committed to supporting Palestine’s bid for (...) -
“Protests Begin in the United States, Enfin”
11 October 2011===================================================
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The Arab Spring brought hope to the Middle East and North Africa. People took to the street to protest autocratic if not dictatorial rule, many using social networks with a prominent role for the young. In (...) -
Ban on Entering the West Bank Imposed on Addameer Board Member Abdullatif Ghaith
11 October 2011=============================================
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Ramallah, 11 October 2011 – Addameer expresses its utmost dismay at the imposition of a six-month ban on entry into the West Bank (as defined by Israel) on the Chairman of its Board of Directors, Abdullatif (...) -
Israel No. 1 in Violating Prisoners’ Rights, says Group
11 October 2011=============================================
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VIENNA, October 8, 2011 (WAFA) – “Israel is classified as the first country in the world that violates the international law and human rights resolutions of the Prisoners,” Friday said Friends of (...) -
The More Enemies, The More Honor
8 October 2011=============================================
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AN OLD photo from World War I shows a company of German soldiers getting on the train on their way to the front. On the wall of the car somebody had scribbled: “viel Feind, viel Ehr’” (“The more (...) -
New legislation fails to give Tzipi Livni protection from arrest
7 October 2011=============================================
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Yesterday, 6 October 2011, former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni visited the United Kingdom.
Ms. Livni was Foreign Minister during Israel’s 27 December 2008 – 18 January 2009 offensive on the Gaza (...) -
Speech by His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
7 October 2011=============================================
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Cliquez sur l’image. English version
Arabic version -
Update on the Palestinian Prisoners’ Campaign of Disobedience
3 October 2011=============================================
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Ramallah, 2 October 2011 –
On 27 September 2011, Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons announced the start of a campaign of disobedience to protest an escalating series of punitive measures taken (...) -
Blair to be Declared ’Persona Non Grata’
1 October 2011=============================================
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Tony Blair is losing his prestigious role as the Middle East’s Quartet envoy after Palestinians said they are considering declaring him ’persona non grata’.
By Press TV
September 30, 2011 (...) -
Motion des Verts et Résolution adoptée par le Parlement (ndlr)
1 October 2011=============================================
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to wind up the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 110(2) of the Rules of (...) -
Les exactions israéliennes se poursuivent à un rythme accéléré
30 September 2011=============================================
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Version détaillée en français dans quelques heures.
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
· A (...) -
Mass killing and humanitarian disaster in NATO siege of Sirte
30 September 2011=============================================
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Refugees from the Libyan coastal city of Sirte report that thousands have died as a result of relentless NATO bombardment and shelling by the the Western-backed “rebels.”
The two-week-old NATO siege of (...) -
“On the desert trail of Tony Blair’s millions”
30 September 2011content">
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"An explosive new TV documentary reveals the apparent conflict of interests that allows the former prime minister, now a Middle East peace envoy, to earn millions."
"A bit rich: Mr Blair has said (...) -
PCHR Director Raji Sourani Begins First Mission to United States in 11 years
29 September 2011=============================================
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Palestinian Centre for Human Rights PCHR NEWS
On 26 September, 2011, Raji Sourani, Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) began his first mission to the United States in 11 years. On 26 September, (...) -
The European Parliament recognises the legitimate demand of the Palestinians to become a member state of the United Nations
29 September 2011“The European Parliament recognises the legitimate demand of the Palestinians to become a member state of the United Nations.”
“To be effective, the establishment of a viable Palestinian state must be the outcome of a mutual and comprehensive peace agreement.”
“I (...) -
International star Natacha Atlas announces Israel boycott
29 September 2011=============================================
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by Ali Abunimah
International singer and songwriter Natacha Atlas has announced publicly that she is canceling a planned concert in Israel and will boycott the country “until this systemised apartheid is (...) -
Movement and access to the West Bank
28 September 2011=============================================
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UNITED NATIONS Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory Movement and access in the West Bank
Click on the map. Then, press CTRL and + to see (...) -
Palestinian Prisoners Announce Beginning of Campaign of Disobedience
28 September 2011=============================================
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Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association Calls for Solidarity with the Striking Prisoners
Ramallah, 27 September 2011 – Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons have announced the start of a (...) -
Erdogan: UN sanctions on Israel could aid Mideast peace process
28 September 2011=============================================
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In interview with TIME, Turkish Prime Minister says sanctions are promoted when dealing with Iran and Sudan, but taboo with regards to Israel. Tags: Israel Turkey Iran UN Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Sanctions imposed by the (...) -
A WONDERFUL SPEECH. A beautiful speech.
24 September 2011=============================================
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Abu Mazen’s Gamble
The language expressive and elegant. The arguments clear and convincing. The delivery flawless.
A work of art. The art of hypocrisy. Almost every statement in the passage concerning the (...) -
Robert Fisk: Why the Middle East will never be the same again
22 September 2011===================================================Tweet
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The Palestinians won’t achieve statehood, but they will consign the ’peace process’ to history.
After years of mistrust, the Palestinian move at UN indicates how far away a two-state solution is (...) -
US Ambassador: Support for Israel drives all US policies
20 September 2011=============================================
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While many Americans may believe that US policies are designed to address American needs, America’s new Ambassador to Israel explains that this is far from the case.
In a recent speech before the Jewish People (...) -
Israel violates UNSC resolutions: UNIFIL
17 September 2011=============================================
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The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) has accused Israel of regularly violating Security Council resolutions, Press TV has learnt.
Milos Strugar, UNIFIL’s political director, said on Friday that (...) -
U.S. Vetoing Palestinian State It Claims to Support
17 September 2011=============================================
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FRANCIS BOYLE, fboyle at
Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign and author of Palestine, Palestinians, and International Law, Boyle said today: (...) -
MRTI reports on engagement with companies doing business in Israel-Palestine
16 September 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus CONTACT: Bill Somplatsky-Jarman
Mission Responsibility Through Investment
At its meeting on September 9, the (...) -
Human Rights Organisations Call on International Community to Pursue Accountability at UN General Assembly
16 September 2011=============================================
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On Friday, 16 September 2011, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, Amnesty International, Al-Haq, and Al (...) -
PCHR Condemns Israeli Escalation against Fishermen in the Gaza Strip
14 September 2011=============================================
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PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Press Release
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns ongoing Israeli attacks targeting Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip, and expresses grave concern (...) -
Nationalist motive suspected in attack on street cleaners
14 September 2011=============================================
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Latest update 14.09.11 During the past two months, within a radius of three blocks there have been no less than 12 cases of malicious damage to vehicles.
By Oz Rosenber
Two Arab sanitation workers from East (...) -
Syria: Russia’s Arab Spring Dilemma
13 September 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
By Eric Walberg*
Muammar Al-Gaddafi’s demise is all but a done thing, carried out with a UN blessing, however dubious, and only belatedly opposed by Russia and China. Russian policy makers are now wondering if (...) -
Deltaport Action Increases Pressure Against Israeli Shipping
10 September 2011=============================================
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Israeli-owned ship picketed at Deltaport in response to blocking of aid flotilla to Gaza by Canadian Boat to Gaza/Boycott Israeli Apartheid Campaign
Palestinian solidarity activists are calling for actions against (...) -
An Urgent Call: For Transparency and Participation
8 September 2011=============================================
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At not more than 15 days from the UN General Assembly session on Palestine, during which the Palestinian official leadership will present an initiative on the Palestinian state to the world community, many pros and (...) -
UN’s Palmer Report: scandaleux document de désinformation" (ndlr)
6 September 2011Dans cette affaire nauséabonde ou perçent outrageusement les pressions, les interventions, les chantages exercés sur les signataires du rapport, il est indispensable de faire savoir que le grossier truquage des conclusions fait apparaître clairement que, toutes autres voies étant désormais (...)
Palmer/Uribe Report Whitewashes Israeli Crimes
5 September 2011=============================================
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Monday, 5 September 2011 For immediate release
Sadly the Palmer/Uribe Report on the 31 May 2010 Flotilla Incident, leaked to the New York Times on 1 September, is an expected whitewash of Israeli crimes. While it (...) -
Aide: Abbas to reveal political strategy ahead of UN bid
5 September 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Reuters contributed to this report.
President Mahmoud Abbas will deliver a speech in the coming days to outline the Palestinian political strategy ahead of the bid for full membership of the UN, presidential aide (...) -
Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza
5 September 2011=============================================
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Turkish officials tell Hurriyet Daily News that Turkish navy will strengthen presence in eastern Mediterranean Sea to stop Israeli ’bullying’.
The Turkish navy will significantly strengthen its presence in (...) -
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Proms disrupted by pro-Palestinian protest
2 September 2011=============================================
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BBC takes Israeli orchestra’s performance off air after ’sustained audience disturbance’ by pro-Palestinian campaigners
David Batty -, performance by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (...) -
Secret files: US officials aided Gaddafi
2 September 2011=============================================
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Al Jazeera uncovers evidence that influential Americans tried to help the now-deposed Libyan leader cling to power.
Jamal Elshayyal Last Modified: 31 Aug 2011 16:39
Al Jazeera news producer Jamal Elshayyal (...) -
Polish-Jewish sociologist compares West Bank separation fence to Warsaw Ghetto walls
1 September 2011=============================================
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Sygmunt Bauman says Israel ’terrified of peace’ and ’taking advantage of the Holocaust to legitimize unconscionable acts,’ in interview with Polish weekly ’Politika.’
By Roman (...) -
Crime and Punishment - an appeal from The Freedom Theatre
31 August 2011=============================================
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An appeal for moral and financial support following a new wave of harassments against The Freedom Theatre by the Israeli army
The Freedom Theatre in Jenin refugee camp was attacked by the Israeli army on the 27th (...) -
Israeli UN envoy: ’No chance’ of stopping Palestinian recognition
29 August 2011=============================================
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Published yesterday (updated) 28/08/2011 20:36 TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma’an) — The Israeli United Nations ambassador Ron Prosor has said in a cable to the foreign ministry that Israel stands “no (...) -
Addameer re-activates the case of Ayed Dudeen as a Prisoner at Risk following his return to administrative detention
28 August 2011=============================================
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[Ramallah, 25 August 2011]
Ayed Dudeen, a father of six from Hebron who in June was released from over three and a half years in the Israeli prisons without charge or trial, has today had another administrative (...) -
French giant Veolia cut down to size for abusing Palestinian rights
27 August 2011=============================================
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Maren Mantovani and Michael Deas /
The French corporation Veolia once appeared unassailable; today it is ailing. It is faced not only with the global economic crisis but also the growing impact of the boycott, (...) -
Tell the National Building Museum: Don’t Reward CAT’s Destruction in Palestine!
26 August 2011=============================================
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Around the world, Caterpillar has become a symbol of destruction wrought by Israeli occupation forces with its equipment against the Palestinian people. For years, the Israeli military has used Caterpillar bulldozers (...) -
UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza
25 August 2011=============================================
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No comments ! -
Foreign Relations Commission
25 August 2011=============================================
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Palestine Member State No. 194
On behalf of the Palestinian people, whose honorable struggle for the noble cause of freedom has been a source of inspiration to peoples around the world for (...) -
Fifty soldiers, militants killed in south Yemen
25 August 2011Pendant que l’opinion publique internationale est focalisée, par “médias aux ordres” interposés, sur la Lybie, la Syrie, dans les autes pays arabes, la révolution continue à gronder, à être combattue avec l’aide des pays complices d’Occident , d’Israël ou, (...)
Israeli army target The Freedom Theatre again
23 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Freedom Theatre Targeted Again
by: The Freedom Theatre date: 2011-08-22
After the Israeli army has targeted the theatre twice during the last month, arresting three of its members, today at approximately 02:00 in the (...) -
War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza’s Offshore Gas Fields
21 August 2011=============================================
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The military invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli Forces bears a direct relation to the control and ownership of strategic offshore gas reserves.
This is a war of conquest.
Discovered in 2000, there are extensive (...) -
Israel : 25,000 people attend protests rallies in Tel Aviv, Kyriat Shmona and Arabeh
21 August 2011=============================================
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par Efraim Davidi
Around 20,000 demonstrators participated in a silent march in Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest the high cost of living in Israel. The march, which featured the theme there is no individual (...) -
GAZA 6 killed in Israeli airstrike
18 August 2011=============================================
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Source : MA’AN Published today (updated) 18/08/2011 18:27
[MaanImages, File] GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — An Israeli airstrike killed six Palestinians Thursday evening in southern Gaza, medics said.
Gaza (...) -
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (11– 17 Aug. 2011)
18 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus Thursday, 18 August 2011 00:00
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) IOF killed two Palestinians, (...) -
Report: Israel Prime Minister ’snubs Clinton’ over Turkey apology
17 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Published today (updated) 17/08/2011 16:01
JERUSALEM (AFP) — Israel has rejected a US request to apologize to Turkey over its 2010 commando raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that killed nine Turkish activists, (...) -
EGYPT Sinai Simmers in Security Vacuum
17 August 2011=============================================
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By Adam Morrow and Khaled Mouss al-Omrani
CAIRO, Aug 17, 2011 (IPS) - Even before the recent revolution, Egypt’s strategic Sinai Peninsula - inhabited mostly by restive Bedouin tribesmen - had a reputation for (...) -
Experts: Brotherhood’s honeymoon with military council over
16 August 2011=============================================
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By Mohamed Gharib Tue, 16/08/2011 - 00:16
The recent Muslim Brotherhood statement demanding that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) refrain from interfering in how the constitution is drawn up by producing (...) -
Medics: 1 killed, 7 injured as Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza
16 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Published today (updated) 16/08/2011 10:17 GAZA CITY (Ma’an)
– One man was killed and seven others injured as Israeli warplanes struck targets in the central and southern Gaza Strip early Tuesday, (...) -
U.S. Senator seeks to cut aid to elite IDF units operating in West Bank and Gaza
16 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
By Barak Ravid
Senator Patrick Leahy claims Shayetet 13 unit, undercover Duvdevan unit, and the Israel Air Force Shaldag unit are involved in human rights violations in occupied territories.
U.S. Senator Patrick (...) -
Thousands of Palestinians flee refugee camp near Latakia, Syria - UNRWA
15 August 2011=============================================
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Submitted to Electronic Intifada by Ali Abunimah on Mon, 08/15/2011
Thousands of Palestinian refugees have fled their camp in the city of Latakia on Syria’s Mediterranean coast amid an assault in the area by (...) -
Israeli Persecution of Palestinian Children
15 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus By Stephen Lendman
August 14, 2011
Repeatedly in many ways, the real Israel belies the myth of a free, open, democratic state. In fact, the very notion is ludicrous even to growing numbers of fed up Israelis, voting (...) -
Israel’s “social justice revolution” extends to illegal mega-settlement of Ariel On 08.14.11
15 August 2011=============================================
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Source : Max Blemenstahl
On 08.14.11, By Max Blumenstahl
Rather than connecting occupation to social justice, Israel’s July 14 protest movement has endorsed a protest in the illegal West Bank settlement of (...) -
South Africa: Joburg airport goes into lockdown Israeli delegation’s arrival disrupted
14 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Report by BDS Working Group (SA)
Johannesburg’s international airport was put on red alert after its National Key Point status was activated this morning due to the expected arrival of a delegation from Israel. (...) -
Press release
11 August 2011=============================================
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PCHR Calls for Reconsideration of Decision to Make Amendments to the Executive Bill of Charitable Associations and Community Organizations Law No. 1/2000
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) call upon the (...) -
US Campaign to END the Israeli Occupation
10 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Four Ways to Express Your Outrage
Last week, the President and Congress narrowly avoided an unprecedented default on the U.S. debt by agreeing at the 11th hour to raise the debt-ceiling. But S&P still (...) -
9 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Ramallah, 9 August: Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association today received news that Ayed (...) -
U.S. convinces Saleh not to return to Yemen: report
9 August 2011=============================================
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DUBAI | Mon Aug 8, 2011 7:11am EDT
DUBAI (Reuters) - U.S. officials have convinced Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, convalescing in Saudi Arabia from an assassination attempt, not to return to his country, the (...) -
“What Is Rael?”
9 August 2011=============================================
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Dear South African friends, We are members of BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within [1], a group of Israeli students, professors, citizens, and residents who are active against our (...) -
Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law in the OPT continued during the reporting period (28 July – 03 August 2011
4 August 2011Version détaillée en français d’ici 48 h.
La rédaction
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Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
· (...) -
Activists’ demands to Israeli government : lower taxes, free education and end to privatization
3 August 2011=============================================
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mercredi 3 août 2011, par Efraim Davidi
After setting up joint protest headquarters on Tuesday, representatives of the 40 tent encampments scattered across Israel, students and youth groups released an agreement they (...) -
2 August 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Press Statement
The first major show of Indian art “Deconstructing India” is planned for Spring 2012 in the new wing of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art in Israel.
We, the undersigned artists, who have been (...) -
PA spokesman denies reports of negotiations with Israel
31 July 2011=============================================
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RAMALLAH (Ma’an) —
Palestinian Authority presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh on Friday denied Israeli media reports that Saeb Erekat and Shimon Peres had been meeting in an attempt to relaunch peace (...) -
What WaPo Won’t Tell You About CIA’s Yemen Drone Base
30 July 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
By Peter Hart
In a piece today, the Washington Post’s Greg Miller reports on a CIA base that will be used to conduct drone strikes in Yemen:
The agency is building a desert airstrip so that it can begin flying (...) -
Witnesses: Settlers set fire to olive trees in Burin
29 July 2011=============================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
Published today (updated) 29/07/2011 19:05 NABLUS (Ma’an)
Israeli settlers on Friday torched olive trees in Burin village, south of Nablus, and fired live ammunition at firefighters’ trucks trying to (...) -
Israel protesters occupy roof of Tel Aviv exchange
29 July 2011===================================================
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Published yesterday 20:51 Israelis protest against rising housing prices and social inequalities [AFP Jack Guez]JERUSALEM (AFP) — Dozens of demonstrators occupied the roof of the Tel Aviv stock exchange (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
28 July 2011==============================================
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Period 21 – 27 July 2011
· IOF continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.
A Palestinian civilian was wounded.
IOF arrested 8 Palestinian demonstrators.
· (...) -
Abbas: We are going to the UN
27 July 2011=====================================================
President Abbas says it is `too late` to return to peace talks
The PLO will in September approach the UN Security Council to seek full membership in the global body, President Mahmoud Abbas said Wednesday. (...) -
PCHR Succeeds in Ensuring Reparation for the Family of Mustafa al-Sawarka
27 July 2011===================================================
Follow @PalestinePlus
The Legal Aid Unit of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) has been able, following years of legal actions and intensive follow-up, to ensure reparation for the family of Mustafa Jihaini al-Sawarka, 35, (...) -
27 July 2011===================================================
QUARTERLY UPDATE ON PALESTINIAN PRISONERS Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (15 April 2011–15 July 2011)
Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli detention, (...) -
Le Centre culturel de Jénine à nouveau devasté
27 July 2011===================================================
From The Freedom Theatre Foundation, Jenin, Palestine 04.46 (gmt+2), July 27, 2011 Special Forces of the Israeli Army attacked The Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp at approximately 03:30 this morning. Ahmed Nasser Matahen, a night (...) -
“Norwegian Shooter Loves Israel”
26 July 2011===================================================
Report: By Israel National News
July 25, 2011 “Israel National News”
" — Anders Behring Breivik, the man being held for Friday’s shooting at an island off the coast of Norway, expressed anti-Islamic (...) -
Israel considering revoking Oslo Accords in response to UN bid
26 July 2011===================================================
Report:Published yesterday (updated) 25/07/2011 14:01 TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma’an)
Israel is considering revoking the Oslo Accords in response to Palestinians’ bid for membership of the United Nations in September, the (...) -
Israeli settlers from Brakha settlement confront Palestinian farmers during attack on Burin village
22 July 2011============================================
A group of Israeli settlers torched agricultural fields on Friday near the village of Burin in the West Bank city of Nablus.
“Some settlers from the Yizhar settlement adjacent to the village set fire to the area south of the village (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
21 July 2011=============================================
· A Palestinian worker was killed when Israeli warplanes bombarded a tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip.
· 9 Palestinians, including 6 civilians, were wounded by IOF in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
· Israeli warplanes (...) -
PCHR Condemns Israeli Navy’s Attack on Oliva Boat in Gaza Waters
21 July 2011=============================================
PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights Press Release
On Wednesday morning, 20 July 2011, the Israeli Navy attacked Palestinian fishing boats and the Oliva Boat, which monitors the situation at Gaza seashore.
According to investigations (...) -
20 July 2011============================================
Par Paul Levy*
As a human being of Jewish heritage, I feel deeply ashamed by what Israel is acting out in Gaza. I feel so shocked by the horror of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians that it has literally taken me a few weeks to sufficiently (...) -
An interview with Sheik Walid el-Saadi, the head of the Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy, from Zambia
20 July 2011===============================================
An interview with Sheik Walid el-Saadi, the head of the Africa to Gaza Aid Convoy, from Zambia
’Gaza or bust for Africa to Gaza convoy’
Pour voir l’interview en video :
The Africa to (...) -
Dignité on the last leg of voyage to Gaza
19 July 2011===============================================
Immediate Release
Small French ship carrying message that cannot be silenced
The Steering Committee of Freedom Flotilla II: Stay Human can confirm, that after anchoring in international waters overnight, the French-flagged ship Dignité / (...) -
“Israel Will Bomb Iran in September ”
17 July 2011=============================================
MJ Rosenberg Senior Foreign Policy Fellow, Media Matters Action Network
Former CIA Official: Israel Will Bomb Iran in September
Posted: 7/15/11 04:04 PM ET A (...) -
Congress and Its Colonialist Agenda
17 July 2011=========================================== by: Stephen Zunes, Truthout | News Analysis
Up until the mid-20th century, Western attitudes regarding national freedom essentially went like this: the independence of white (...) -
Addameer Condemns Israeli Denial of Entry to the Occupied Palestinian Territory to Hundreds of Internationals
13 July 2011=============================================
Ramallah, 13 July 2011
– Over the past few days, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association has been visiting some of the more than 80 internationals detained in Ramleh Prison after being arbitrarily denied entry to Israel, and (...) -
In Tahrir Square the anger is growing again. Where is the revolution the crowds fought for?
12 July 2011============================================
Mubarak may be gone, but the new order is floundering.
In Cairo, Robert Fisk finds fury returning as people still demand change
By Robert Fisk in Cairo
Tuesday, 12 July 2011 AP
Protesters on Tahrir Square yesterday
Something has gone badly (...) -
Irish Congress of Trade Unions Maintains Commitment to BDS and Moves Policy Forward
12 July 2011============================================
Campaigning in solidarity with the Palestinian people
Irish Congress of Trade Unions Maintains Commitment to BDS and Moves Policy Forward
At its Biennial Delegate Conference this week in Killarney the Irish (...) -
Marx, Bonaparte and the Egyptian Revolution: Another Friday in Tahrir Square
10 July 2011==============================================
Karl Marx’s 19th century political journalism holds up a lot better than do his general theories of capitalism, socialism and history. Indeed, the father of modern communism may well have nailed the nature of the 2011 revolution in Egypt (...) -
Free Gaza Movement Supports Call for Military Embargo on Israël
10 July 2011===============================================
(London, 10 July 2011)
The Free Gaza Movement welcomes, endorses, and supports the Palestinian Boycott National Committee (BNC) call for an immediate and comprehensive military embargo on Israel.
Freedom Flotilla II, and Israel’s (...) -
PCHR: exactions israéliennes du 30/06 au 6/07/2011
7 July 2011===============================================
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
· Two Palestinians were killed by an Israeli air strike in the central Gaza Strip. (...) -
A July Fourth Shame on the Founders
5 July 2011=============================================
By Ray McGovern
July 04, 2011 "Information Clearing House" — Yes, that was I standing before the U.S. Embassy in Athens on the eve of the July Fourth weekend holding the American flag in the distress mode — upside down.
Indignities (...) -
PCHR Condemns Dispersal of Hizb ut Tahrir’s Demonstrations in the West Bank
4 July 2011=============================================
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns measures taken by the government in Ramallah against activities organized by the Hizb ut Tahrir (the Islamic Liberation Party). PCHR also condemns the mistreatment of dozens of Palestinians (...) -
Statement of Support for the Gaza-Bound Freedom Flotilla
4 July 2011=============================================
July 4, 2011
We, Israeli organizations, Jews and Arabs, full-heartedly support Freedom Flotilla, aim of sailing to the Port of Gaza with the proclaimed goals of breaking through the sea and land siege and blockade of Gaza, which is a (...) -
Washington Okays Attack on Unarmed US Gaza Flotilla Ship
4 July 2011============================================
The Obama administration appears to have given a green light to an Israeli attack on an unarmed flotilla carrying peace and human rights activists - including a vessel with 50 Americans on board - bound for the besieged Gaza Strip. At a press (...) -
In a New Report PCHR Denounces Israel’s Systematic Violation of Palestinian Children’s Right to Education.
3 July 2011============================================
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) releases today a new report titled “Education Denied: Israel’s Systematic Violation of Palestinian Children’s Right to Education” which was prepared for the July 2011 High-Level (...) -
The Jewish Ayatollahs
1 July 2011==========================================
THE ARCHBISHOP of New York announces that any Catholic who rents out an apartment to a Jew commits a mortal sin and runs the risk of excommunication.
A protestant priest in Berlin decrees that a Christian who employs a Jew will be banished from (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
30 June 2011==============================================
Period 23 – 29 June 2011
· IOF continued to use force against peaceful protests in the West Bank.
A Palestinian civilian was wounded.
IOF arrested two human rights defenders and 6 Palestinian civilians.
· (...) -
“We Are Eager to Get to Gaza”, by Democracy Now!
29 June 2011==========================================
Source: Information Clearing House
Exclusive Report from Greece on U.S. Gaza Aid Flotilla
AMY GOODMAN: Amidst the uncertainty awaiting them at sea, flotilla passengers are now facing a new challenge, even before setting sail. The Greek government (...) -
UNESCO Sharply Condemns Israel
29 June 2011==============================================
UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee yesterday decided to call on Israel to stop immediately all archaeological excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem and not carry out its plan to demolish the temporary bridge to the Mughrabi Gate, linking (...) -
29 June 2011=============================================
Sheikh Raed Salah, one of the most prominent campaigners within Israel for Palestinian rights, has been arrested in London. The Sheikh was invited by PSC to speak at the launch of ’Building Peace and Justice in Jerusalem’ Campaign in (...) -
28 June 2011===========================================
Despite pressure and threats of violence, flotilla will sail
On Saturday, 25 June, the French boat, Dignity / Karama, left the port of l’ile Rousse in Corsica, France, to meet up with at least nine other (...) -
Flottille II - Sabotage d’un des navires
28 June 2011==========================================
Gaza flotilla
One of the ships due to participate in the Gaza flotilla was deliberately tampered with while it was docked in Greece’s Piraeus port, Gaza flotilla activists told Haaretz on Monday. The ship, due to carry Greek, Norwegian, and (...) -
“Anti-boycott” bill exposes hypocrisy and double standards
28 June 2011==========================================
"The “anti-boycott” bill is an assault on the freedom of expression and political association, an attempt to gag the opposition. It would greatly accelerate the process of Israel’s de-legitimation in the international arena. (...) -
PCHR Strongly Denounces Assaults by Local Media
27 June 2011===========================================
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) denounces the media assault by some local media, which claim that PCHR demanded the release of the Israeli soldier who is held by Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza.
On Monday morning, 27 June (...) -
Most important Jewish anti-occupation group needs your support
27 June 2011===========================================
Facing mounting legal costs, Anarchists against the Wall have issued an urgent plea for donations. This is why I think we should support them
Activists confront IDF soldiers in a joint protest (photo: activestills)
Anarchists Against The Wall is, (...) -
German Left Party Asks Government to Recognise Palestinian State
26 June 2011====================================
Die Linke, a German progressive political party, intends to ask the German government to recognize a Palestinian state.
This motion was sent to activists from Israel in partial response to the latter’s letter protesting Die Linke’s equation of (...) -
Prime Minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said Saturday that reconciliation is irreversible and a national necessity
26 June 2011============================================
Published today (updated) 26/06/2011 01:58 GAZA CITY (Ma’an)
Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh said Saturday that reconciliation is irreversible and a national necessity we well as a strategic option to unify the Palestinians.
While (...) -
Addameer Calls for End to Impunity for Torture of Palestinians
26 June 2011===========================================
Ramallah, 26 June 2011—As the rest of the world commemorates the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26 June 2011, Addameer prepares to appeal the sentence of yet another Palestinian convicted on the basis of a confession (...) -
26 June 2011============================================
Athens - Passengers on the U.S. Boat to Gaza, The Audacity of Hope, are asking Greek government officials to clarify whether the boat they are leasing is being blocked (...) -
Protesters in Bil’in Drive Bulldozer at the Wall
24 June 2011=============================================
Friday, 24 June 2011
Hundreds of protesters led by a bulldozer marched on the Wall in Bil’in today after the Israeli army began dismantling it earlier this week. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad ank MK Mohammed Barakah participated in (...) -
Aux militants, une cartographie bien pratique face aux sceptiques chroniques ou à ceux qui souhaitent “savoir” (ndlr)
24 June 2011==============================================
Electronic Intifada
Interactive map of Palestine villages destroyed in Nakba
by Ali Abunimah
The Electronic Intifada has produced this (...) -
“Israel Proves that Flotillas Work”
24 June 2011============================================
Israel’s announcement of authorization for construction materials for 1,200 homes and 18 schools in Gaza is the latest achievement by the Freedom Flotilla, scheduled to sail next week.
In the weeks leading up to the flotilla, Israel has taken (...) -
Conférence de presse tenue à Athènes
23 June 2011============================================
Avec nos remerciements à l’attachée de presse qui nous informe quasiment en temps réel
PRESS RELEASE “Sailing to Gaza” Athens, 23/6/2011
“Freedom Flotilla II – Stay (...) -
Israel High Court of Justice vacates verdict in Cast Lead Case: Appoints New Panel of Judges and Orders Case on behalf of 1,046 victims be Re-heard
23 June 2011============================================
On Wednesday, 15 June 2011, the Israeli High Court of Justice vacated (cancelled) a previous judgment dismissing a case brought by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, and litigated by Advocates Michael Sfard and Carmel Pomerantz, on behalf of (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
23 June 2011============================================
Et tout celà du 16 au 22 juin 2011, soit 7 jours
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
· (...) -
Syria: Internal Popular Demands, External Political Agendas
23 June 2011=============================================
Wednesday, 22 June 2011 06:26 Nassar Ibrahim, Alternative Information Center (AIC)
The Syrian people demand democratic change, but are western powers intervening to promote such a change? The context of Syrian policies supporting Arab (...) -
Israeli undercover agents boast of killing Palestinians on TV
23 June 2011===========================================
Published Sunday 19/06/2011 (updated) 20/06/2011 16:55 JERUSALEM (Ma’an) —
Undercover Israeli intelligence officers appeared on national television Saturday to talk about assassinating Palestinians in a program broadcast on (...) -
Israeli army begins dismantling the Wall in Bil’in
22 June 2011=========================================
Six years into the weekly protests and nearly four years after the high court declared the path of the Barrier illegal; the army began dismantling the Wall in the village of Bil’in. But even according to the new path 435 acres of village land (...) -
PCHR Is Concerned over the Running out of Medications and Contraction of Health services in the Gaza Strip
17 June 2011============================================
Ref: 54/2011
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) is deeply concerned over the cancellation of dozens of surgeries at hospitals in the Gaza Strip and postponement of others to unknown periods, due to the serious shortages in (...) -
Communiqué publié il y a quelques minutes à la suite de la conférence de presse tenue à Istambul (ndlr)
17 June 2011============================================
This is a rainbow coalition of human rights defenders. It does not only concern Muslims, but everyone, be they Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, secular or whatever. This is world citizenry (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
16 June 2011===========================================
A Palestinian died of wounds he had sustained during the wide scale Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip.
A Palestinian civilian was wounded by IOF in Salfit. An old Palestinian man was wounded by Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
IOF (...) -
Economic progress in the West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights continues to be stifled by restrictions imposed by Israel’s occupation
14 June 2011============================================
Economic progress in the West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights continues to be stifled by restrictions imposed by Israel’s occupation and its policy of separation, according to a new report by the International Labour Organisation.
An annual (...) -
Running out of Medications and Contraction of Health services in the Gaza Strip
13 June 2011============================================
Ref: 54/2011 Date: 13 June 2011 Time: 10:00 PCHR Is Concerned over the Running out of Medications and Contraction of Health services in the Gaza Strip The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) is deeply concerned over the cancellation of (...) -
13 June 2011============================================
Gaza City - 13 June 2011
“The Gaza blockade must end. Let’s end this vicious circle where the lack of opportunity leads to poverty and poverty breeds anger and radicalism.”
European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek (...) -
Gold, Oil, Africa and Why the West Wants Gadhafi Dead
13 June 2011===========================================
Ces dernières semaines, une série d’articles, plus ou moins confidentiels, a traité du problème fondamental que constitue la planche à dollars US et de l’état de quasi faillite dans lequel les Etats-Unis se trouvent. Il y a même été fait (...) -
Haaretz exclusive: Secret cables show Israel’s battle plan over Palestinian UN bid
12 June 2011============================================
Foreign Ministry documents outline instructions to envoys to thwart international recognition of Palestinian state.
By Barak Ravid Israel has started mobilizing its embassies for the battle against UN recognition of a Palestinian state in (...) -
Proclamation solennelle des organisateurs de la Flotille II
12 June 2011=============================================
June 12, 2011
Regarding statements of government officials in Israel (echoed by officials in other countries) about diplomatic initiatives to impede the “Freedom Flotilla II- Stay Human” mission to Gaza, Palestine, we (...) -
A Brown-haired Young Man
10 June 2011===========================================
Uri Avnery June 11, 2011
MY HERO of the year (for now) is a young brown-haired Palestinian refugee living in Syria called Hassan Hijazi.
He was one of hundreds of refugees who held the demonstration on the Syrian side of the Golan border (...) -
Co-rédigé par 5 anciens ambassadeurs européens en Iran: “Iran is not in breach of international law”
10 June 2011===========================================
This article was co-written by Richard Dalton and five other former ambassadors to Iran: Paul von Maltzahn (Germany), Steen Hohwü-Christensen (Sweden), Guillaume Metten (Belgium), François Nicoullaud (France) and Roberto Toscano (Italy) (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
9 June 2011Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
· A Palestinian civilian was wounded in the Gaza Strip · A Palestinian child was wounded in an attack launched jointly by IOF (...) -
Report: 14 Palestinians killed in Syria camp
7 June 2011==============================================
Published yesterday (updated) 07/06/2011 12:33 RAMALLAH (Ma’an)
Fourteen Palestinian refugees were reported killed and another 43 injured on Monday, a report from the Palestinian government’s WAFA news said.
The victims were part of (...) -
Israelis prepare to emigrate and Palestinians to Return ?
7 June 2011===========================================
The number of Israelis thinking of leaving Palestine is climbing rapidly according to researchers, while many more, with actual millennial roots but victims of ethnic cleansing, prepare to exercise their right of Return. Perhaps historians or (...) -
Procès d’Olivia Zémor le 17 juin à Paris
6 June 2011============================================
English text : (translated by Jonathan Daitch)
Dear Friends,
I have been summoned to appear alone before the Paris tribunal (17th Chambre Correctionnelle of the Palais de Justice of Paris) on Friday 17 June for having published, on our website, a (...) -
IOF Arrest a Number of PLC Members and Political Activists in the West Bank
3 June 2011============================================
In the past 48 hours, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have waged a campaign of arrests that targeted Palestinian political leaders and activists in the West Bank, including current and former members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) and (...) -
Russia ready to recognize Palestine
1 June 2011============================================
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has vowed to throw his weight behind recognition of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders.
“Every nation needs unity, or the more so the Palestinian people... (who are) striving to (...) -
Palestine cannot join the United Nations if the US vetoes its application
31 May 2011==============================================
Nous le savions mais il n’est pas inutile de le rappeller et de le marteler afin de soulever un vaste mouvement de protestation contre toute velleité de ce genre.
Soutenir l’insoutenable: les USA ne sont pas à un paradoxe près et leur (...) -
30 May 2011============================================
Grâce à la solidarité d’une correspondante en Turquie, nous avons pu recevoir le communiqué ci-joint. Déclaration qui a été faite lors de la conférence de presse qui s’est tenue ce matin sur le Mavi Marmara à Istambul.
Ce soir lundi une (...) -
PCHR Condemns Israeli Government’s Meeting in the Old City of Jerusalem
30 May 2011============================================
PCHR Condemns Israeli Government’s Meeting in the Old City of Jerusalem and Its Decision to Allocate Additional Amounts of Money to Create Jewish Demographic Majority in Occupied Jerusalem
In a blatant challenge to the international (...) -
Cameron drops Israel ’racist’ charity
27 May 2011===========================================
Stop the JNF Campaign: Media Release
Prime Minister David Cameron has quietly terminated his status as an Honorary Patron of the controversial Jewish National Fund (JNF). (...) -
“Netanyahu is the Main Obstacle to Peace”
26 May 2011=============================================
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech was warmly received by Democrats and Republicans in Congress on Tuesday.
According to ABC News, he received 29 standing ovations during his address—four more than President Obama (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
26 May 2011=============================================
· A Palestinian civilian was killed by IOF near the border in the central Gaza Strip.
A Palestinian civilian was wounded in the east of Khan Yunis in the south of the Gaza Strip.
· Two Palestinian boys sustained severe (...) -
Buzek on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy
25 May 2011==============================================
"I strongly welcome the “more for more” approach, as requested by the European Parliament. Greater political and financial support should be available for neighbourhood countries which undertake reforms with vigour and determination (...) -
Hundreds have just faced up to AIPAC...
24 May 2011============================================
together we can do more.
On Saturday we both spoke at the fantastic events of Move Over AIPAC, the spectacular outpouring of creativity and commitment organized by CODEPINK and 100 endorsing organizations, including the US Campaign and many (...) -
Egyptians expunge Mubarak’s legacy, one metro map at a time
24 May 2011=============================================
Egypt’s former president created a regime whose psychological hold may take longer to throw off than the physical one
From Saad Zaghloul station, named after the one-time Egyptian prime minister who led an uprising against the British in (...) -
“Italy upgrades Palestine’s diplomatic status”
23 May 2011==========================================
RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Italian President Giorgio Napolitano said Monday that Rome would upgrade Palestine’s representation to a full diplomatic mission.
During a visit to Bethlehem, Napolitano said the head of the mission would have (...) -
Violations du Droit international par “l’armée !!” d’occupation israélienne
21 May 2011============================================
On the 63rd Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Their Attacks in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)
· Two Palestinian children were killed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
The child who (...) -
Israel in a Strategic Dead End
21 May 2011===========================================
They are extraordinary scenes. Film shot on mobile phones captured the moment on Sunday when at least 1,000 Palestinian refugees marched across no-man’s land to one of the most heavily protected borders in the world, (...) -
Largest student union in Europe joins boycott of Israel
19 May 2011============================================
Posted on May 18, 2011 by James Haywood and Ashok Kumar
The University of London Union (ULU) has voted 10-1 to institute and campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) in support of Palestine.
The motion called for “thorough (...) -
Contrairement aux “informations” tendancieuses de la presse occidentale “aux ordres”
18 May 2011==========================================
Hamas, Fatah ready to form government
Published yesterday (updated) 17/05/2011 22:20 CAIRO (Ma’an)
Egypt on Tuesday announced that Hamas and Fatah have reached agreements on all issues discussed in Cairo, particularly the formation of a new (...) -
Condemns the Violent Dispersion of Peaceful Assembly in Hebron on the Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba
17 May 2011===========================================
Ref: 45/2011 Date: 16 May 2011 Time: 10:30 GMT
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the violent dispersion by Palestinian security services of a peaceful demonstration organized in Hebron on Sunday, 15 May 2011. The demonstration (...) -
IOF Kill Palestinian Child in Cold Blood in Occupied Jerusalem
16 May 2011==========================================
PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
In a new crime in the evening of the day before yesterday, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) killed in cold blood a Palestinian child in Silwan neighborhood in the south of the old town of occupied (...) -
Palestinian refugees demand right to return
15 May 2011============================================
A movement coming from social networks promised to raise its voice on May 15h and it is being called the third Palestinian Intifada. From a call made in social networks, Palestinian youth living in refugee camps in Arab countries has promised to (...) -
“The tide has turned in favor of the Assad government”
15 May 2011==============================================
From Damascus
As many of us observe the great Arab and Islamic awakening of 2011 in stunned amazement, as it rapidly spreads across the region, this observer agrees with those who declare, “ well it’s about time—Godspeed to (...) -
Syrie: pour essayer de mieux comprendre sans hurler avec les loups (ndlr)
12 May 2011=============================================
Syria and US Imperialism
by Sara Flounders When U.S. imperialism engages in an attack on any government or movement, it is essential that the workers’ and progressive political movements for change gather as much information as is (...) -
Appel de Rebuilding Alliance (USA)
11 May 2011==========================================
Dear Friend,
Starting Monday, my team and I will be walking the halls of Congress on behalf of a kindergarten in a Palestinian village struggling to assert its right to exist.
We will ask Senators and Congressmen to intervene to urge the Government (...) -
Témoignage et mise au point sur évènement maltraité par les médias occidentaux
9 May 2011=========================================
Al-Basrawy, is a neighborhood within Imababa, where police and undercover investigations personnel are scared to go into, because it has plenty of Sa3ayda (Upper-Egyptians), drug dealers, and ex-convicts. Back in the day (during the start of the (...) -
Tony Kushner was removed from honour list for his critical views on Israel after CUNY trustee lobbied against him
9 May 2011==========================================
Tony Kushner row deepens as supporters renounce honorary degrees Pulitzer-winner playwright was removed from honour list for his critical views on Israel after CUNY trustee lobbied against him
Paul Harris in New York
Source :,
Tony (...) -
Concluding Declaration of the Conference: A Joint Struggle for an End to the Occupation and Racism
8 May 2011=========================================
Sunday, 08 May 2011 12:04 Palestinian Left in Hebron, AIC, Tarabut-Hithabrut Towards ending Israeli occupation and the racist policies
Towards a strategy of joint solidarity work to support the struggle of the Palestinian people
1- The preparatory (...) -
Israeli Military Demolishes, Evacuates South Hebron Hills Village of Amniyr
8 May 2011===========================================
Sunday, 08 May 2011 06:06 Operation Dove, Christian Peacemakers Team On Friday, May 6, the Israeli military declared the area of Amniyr, a Palestinian village south of Yatta, a closed military zone and chased away the families who own the land, (...) -
Morderchai Vanunu demands to apply a recently passed law and revoke his Israeli citizenship.
7 May 2011============================================
The Israeli Committee for a Middle East Free of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms
Press release, May 7, 2011
Morderchai Vanunu demands to apply a recently passed law and revoke his Israeli citizenship. “I have no interest in Israeli (...) -
Addameer Demands Annulment of Ahmad Qatamish’s Administrative Detention Order
4 May 2011==========================================
Ramallah, 4 May 2011
– At 8:30 pm on 3 May 2011, the Israeli military authorities issued an administrative detention order against Ahmad Qatamish, the renowned Palestinian writer and political scientist, despite informing him and his lawyer (...) -
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ISM activists released after 48 hours without charge
4 May 2011===========================================
Source ISM
This afternoon (May 3) two British men and a Swedish woman were released after being held for 48 hours in an Israeli prison. The three activists who are with the International Solidarity Movement had (...) -
The legal tsunami is on its way
3 May 2011===========================================
The significance of a Palestinian state joining the UN is that, for the first time, it will be the Palestinians who will decide what the international legal framework is that is binding in their territory.
By Michael Sfard*
Israel’s cautious (...) -
Conférence: “A Joint Struggle for an End to the Israeli Occupation and Racism”
3 May 2011============================================
The first ever public political conference between Palestinian and Israeli social movements will be held this Saturday, 7 May, in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.
The conference, entitled A Joint Struggle for an End to the Israeli Occupation (...) -
Panic in the Houses of Congress and AIPAC ?
3 May 2011===========================================
Franklin Lamb
Beirut On April 13, 2011, more than a dozen Israel “First, last and always” US congressional leaders from both houses of Congress held an urgent conference call organized by the American Israel Public Affairs (...) -
First ever public political conference between Palestinian and Israeli social movements
1 May 2011============================================
The first ever public political conference between Palestinian and
Israeli social movements will be held this Saturday, 7 May, in the
occupied West Bank city of Hebron.
The conference, entitled A Joint Struggle for an End to the Israeli (...) -
U.S. Politicians Line Up to Castigate Palestinian Unity Deal
30 April 2011=============================================
Occasion exceptionnelle pour l’U.E. de prendre le relais, de mettre fin à son rôle de laquais et de jouer un rôle majeur dans la résolution du conflit.
Qu’en pense Mme Thatcher....euh!, pardon....Mme Merkel ? quoique, entre le fer et (...) -
PCHR Condemns Dispersion of Peaceful Assembly Using Force and Detention of Some Participants
29 April 2011===========================================
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the dispersion of a spontaneous peaceful assembly of dozens of Palestinian civilians and the detention of a number of these civilians by the Palestinian police yesterday.
According to (...) -
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (21 - 27 April 2011)
29 April 2011==============================================
Et tout cela en 7 jours
Civilian establishments bulldozed by IOF in the east of Gaza city on 21 April 2011 Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian (...) -
Palestinian security fire near Israeli patrol
27 April 2011===========================================
Published yesterday (updated) 26/04/2011 23:06 TULKAREM (Ma’an) — Palestinian national security forces fired toward Israeli military vehicles in the northern West Bank on Tuesday, Palestinian security sources said.
There were no reports (...) -
Urge US Embassy in Tel Aviv to issue Lubna Masarwa’s visa immediately
27 April 2011============================================
Dear Friends, Lubna Masarwa, Palestinian activist, is scheduled to speak at the Al-Awda conference in Anaheim, California this Saturday, April 30 but the US Embassy in Tel Aviv still hasn’t issue her visa.
Please write to urge them to (...) -
“More than half of all Egyptians would like to see the 1979 peace treaty with Israel annulled”
27 April 2011============================================
Only 36 percent of Egyptians are in favor of maintaining the treaty, according to U.S.-based polling company.
By The Associated Press
Tags: Israel news Egypt protests
More than half of all Egyptians would like to see the 1979 peace treaty with (...) -
Egypt’s revolution and the US: Mubarak’s fatal error
25 April 2011=============================================
The fall of Egypt’s leader and his political party is because he learned the wrong lessons from his patrons. Will Americans learn something from Egyptians, asks Eric Walberg
The Supreme Administrative Court order to disband the National (...) -
Israeli Occupation Forces Arrest Palestinian Writer Ahmad Qatamesh
25 April 2011=============================================
In the early hours of dawn on Thursday, 21 April 2011, a large force of Israeli soldiers and intelligence officers raided the home of the prominent Palestinian writer and academic Dr. Ahmad Qatamesh1 in Al-Bireh and arrested him.
An hour earlier, (...) -
Egypt oil ministers to be tried over Israël deal
25 April 2011=============================================
Published yesterday (updated) 24/04/2011 18:06
Sameh Fahmi and Mahmud Latif, two former Egyptian ministers, are to face trial for selling natural gas to Israel at a low price, judicial sources said on Saturday. [AFP/File]CAIRO (AFP) —
Two (...) -
“Call of Alternative Information Center to Global Social Movements”
24 April 2011============================================
Sunday, 24 April 2011 10:31 Alternative Information Center (AIC)
When politics loses its moral underpinnings and condones racism; when aggression and oppression become a daily occurrence in the name of self defense or religion; when peace (...) -
“Israel, not the only democracy, but the oldest dictatorship in the Middle East”. (ndlr)
24 April 2011=============================================
Marwan Bishara Israel’s resolute occupation of Palestinians in not just historic Palestine, but in the West Bank and Gaza Strip specifically, can be considered the oldest quasi-dictatorship in the Middle East, Bishara argues (...) -
Extrait du compte rendu trimestriel d’ADDAMEER sur les prisonniers palestiniens
24 April 2011==========================================
Extrait concernant relations avec le Parlement européen ( EUROPEAN UNION NEWS
On 22 February the EU-Israel Association Council held (...) -
Tahrir Square, Tel Aviv
23 April 2011============================================
April 23, 2011
AMRAM MITZNA is a nice guy. He is modest and radiates credibility. He reminds one of the late Lova Eliav, the Secretary General of the Labor party who quit the party in disgust. Like Eliav, he has a lot of practical achievements (...) -
Egyptian government to ease siege on Gaza
23 April 2011===========================================
CAIRO (Ma’an) — The Egyptian government will apply new procedures at the Rafah crossing on the Egypt-Gaza border to ease travel for residents of the besieged coastal enclave, officials said Thursday.
During a meeting in Cairo, (...) -
Il y a 63 ans déjà d’éminentes personnalités dénoncaient......(ndlr)
23 April 2011==========================================
New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed. A letter to The New York Times, published in the “Books” section (Page 12) of Saturday December 4, 1948by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook, (...) -
Clashes at israeli rally for Palestinian State
22 April 2011==========================================
Published yesterday (updated) 22/04/2011 10:05 TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma’an) —
Left-wing Israeli cultural leaders, including several Israel Prize laureates, were verbally accosted Thursday during a rally in support of an independent (...) -
Addameer Gravely Concerned about Arrest of Ahmad Qatamish
21 April 2011===========================================
At 2 a.m. on 21 April 2011, Ahmed Qatamish, a Palestinian writer and political scientist, was arrested by the Israeli Occupying Forces at his home in Ramallah.
Addameer is gravely concerned about Mr. Qatamish’s arrest, not only because it (...) -
Israeli troops enter Qalqiliya
21 April 2011==========================================
Israeli troops enter Qalqiliya
Published today (updated) 21/04/2011 05:08
— Israeli troops and army vehicles entered Qalqiliya noon Wednesday, with locals reporting that the army issued a group of men summons orders to the Israeli intelligence (...) -
PCHR Calls for Investigating Circumstances of Dearths of Two Wanted Persons and Third One’s Injury
20 April 2011===========================================
PCHR Calls for Investigating Circumstances of Dearths of Two Wanted Persons and Third One’s Injury in Armed Clash with Security Service in Nussairat Refugee Camp
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) calls upon the Attorney (...) -
The Palestinian Student Movement (Source AIC)
19 April 2011=============================================
Marta Fortunato for the Alternative Information Center (AIC)
The AIC spoke with the unity protestors in Bethlehem’s Manger Square. The youth movement has been camped in the spot since 15 March. Though numbers are growing smaller they (...) -
Egyptian Foreign Minister to visit West Bank
19 April 2011============================================
CAIRO (Ma’an) —
The Egyptian Foreign Minister was invited to visit the West Bank, the country’s ambassador to the Palestinian Authority Yaser Othman said Sunday, and will accept the invitation with arrangements to be made in the (...) -
Vittorio and Israel’s Attack on the Intellectual Intifada
18 April 2011By Lauren Booth*
My friend, Vik.
The killing of Vittorio (Vik) Arrigoni in Gaza this week follows (too) closely, the murder of pro-Palestinian peace activist Juliano Mer Khamis in the West Bank. Juliano, 52, was shot dead outside the Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp on the West Bank on (...) -
“Israel trying to thwart reconciliation ”
17 April 2011============================================
Source: Ma’an News Agency, RAMALLAH (Ma’an)
Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouti said Thursday that Israel was attempting to escalate violence in Gaza to thwart efforts toward reconciliation and to destroy infrastructure in Gaza.
After (...) -
The Settler State
15 April 2011===========================================
April, 16, 2011
THE OTHER day, the almighty General Security Service (Shabak, formerly Shin Bet) needed a new boss. It is a hugely important job, because no minister ever dares to contradict the advice of the Shabak chief in cabinet meetings. (...) -
Three co-authors of UN report reject Goldstone retraction remarks
15 April 2011============================================
Middle East Authors reject Goldstone retraction remarks Three co-authors of UN report criticising Israelis for targeting civilians in Gaza reject doubts about its conclusions. Last Modified: 14 Apr 2011 18:16 EmailPrintShareSend Feedback (...) -
Vittorio Arrigoni after Juliano Mer-Khamis, this is just too much. May they both rest in peace.
15 April 2011==========================================
A message from Mary Hughes Thompson, one of the activists on board the first boat into Gaza,. Vik was on that boat, and we are all devastated with this news. Greta
Message from Mary Hughes Thompson.
Throughout the day we prayed this (...) -
Does the BBC really believe the death of a Palestinian is worth less than rocket damage to an Israeli house?
15 April 2011==============================================
Since the beginning of 2011, Israel has killed 49 Palestinians in Gaza, seven of them children.
These were the grim figures as of 10th April, and with April only just beginning, worked out at a rough average of 14 dead Palestinians a month.
Yet, (...) -
Exactions, crimes de guerre de “l’armée” israélienne du 7 au 13/04/2011
14 April 2011===============================================
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (07 - 13 April 2011)
Goldstone report: Statement issued by members of UN mission on Gaza war Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the (...) -
Why Does Israel Have A Veto Over The Peace Process?
14 April 2011============================================
Why Does Israel Have A Veto Over The Peace Process? As I explained on a lecture tour of South Africa (Goldstone Land) from which I have just returned, the answer is in what happened behind closed doors at the Security Council in New York in the (...) -
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
13 April 2011============================================
Occupied Palestine, April 12 2011 –
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), a coalition representing a broad majority of Palestinian civil society, warmly salutes participants (...) -
Egypt stops building steel wall along Gaza
12 April 2011============================================
CAIRO, April 11 (UPI) — Egypt halted construction of an underground steel wall designed to stop weapons smuggling along its border with Gaza, Israeli defense officials said.
Construction of the 6.2-mile barrier was suspended after the ouster (...) -
“Recollections Of My Life”
10 April 2011===========================================
Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.
Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution.
" In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful..
For 40 years, or was it longer,I can’t remember, I did (...) -
Egyptians turn anger on army in Tahrir protest
10 April 2011============================================
Sat, 09/04/2011 - 16:02
Thousands of protesters turned their anger on the army on Saturday demanding that Egypt’s ruling military council hand power to civilians and pressing for former President Hosni Mubarak to be put on trial. The (...) -
Egyptian military warns troops not to join Friday protest
8 April 2011==========================================
By Ivan Watson and Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, CNN
April 7, 2011 — Updated 1455 GMT (2255 HKT)
•Egyptian military apparently issues warning in response to internet videos
•A video was posted by a man who says he was an air force officer (...) -
Saving Gaza
8 April 2011===========================================
Occupation End Notes:
Israel is again inflicting death and destruction using U.S.-supplied weapons against Palestinians in the besieged and occupied Gaza Strip, demonstrating the dramatic imbalance of power in this conflict. According to (...) -
Quakers to boycott products from Israeli settlements
8 April 2011===========================================
Quakers in Britain have agreed to boycott products from the Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The settlements are illegal under international law. Quakers consider that this boycott is a nonviolent move for peace for Israelis and Palestinians. (...) -
Between Israel And Gaza As Early As Tonight
8 April 2011============================================
Just to make the clusterflock complete the following news from BBC Newsfile crosses the tape: "The Ma’an News Agency website in Arabic at 1631 gmt on 7 April posts the following “urgent” caption: “[Ofi]
Gendelman [spokesman (...) -
BDS Blossoms Across U.S. on Palestinian Land Day!
7 April 2011===========================================
BDS Blossoms Across U.S. on Palestinian Land Day!
Congratulations to us! Last week’s Palestinian Land Day marked the largest global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) Day of Action to date. According to the fantastic new (...) -
Sudan accused Israel Wednesday of being behind an air strike against a car driving along the coast the night before
7 April 2011===========================================
KHARTOUM, Sudan – Sudan accused Israel Wednesday of being behind an air strike against a car driving along the coast the night before, in a case believed to involve weapons smuggling to militants in Gaza.
Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed Karti said (...) -
“Different crises” ou, en français: “L’establishment se fissure” (ndlr)
6 April 2011=============================================
Even without the political dimension, some say the connection between American Jews and Israel has diminished over the years. According to recent surveys, only 30 percent of American Jews feel deeply connected to Israel and follow what is going on, (...) -
Israel Demolishes Twice the Number of Palestinian Homes, Buildings in 2011
6 April 2011============================================
By Tania Kepler for the Alternative Information Center (AIC)
The United Nations reports a two-fold increase in the number of Palestinian homes and agricultural buildings destroyed by Israel this year, reported the United Nations Relief and Works (...) -
ElBaradei Threatens Israel over Gaza
6 April 2011==========================================
News Briefs
Reported: 16:39 PM - Apr/05/11
Follow Israel news briefs on and
Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei would go to war against Israel if Israel goes after terrorists in Gaza, according to an interview ElBaradei gave to the (...) -
Egypt FM : no special treatment for Israel
5 April 2011==============================================
CAIRO — Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil el-Araby said Israel upheld its peace agreement with Egypt but has yet to meet the Palestinians’ requests for peace.
El-Araby made the comment on Egyptian television Saturday night, Israel Radio (...) -
Abbas: No peace without national unity
5 April 2011===========================================
Espérons que la médiation de l’Egypte sera, cette fois-ci, active et ne donnera pas, à nouveau, lieu à d’interminables palabres permettant à l’occupant israélien de poursuivre sa conquête criminelle des territoires palestiniens. (...) -
“Report claims that Dahlan supplied Gaddafi with Israeli weapons .”
5 April 2011============================================
" Former Fatah leader Muhammad Dahlan was one of a number of Palestinians "involved in a deal to supply weapons from Israel to Muammar Gaddafi.
A report in the Algerian newspaper Al-Shuruq claims that the former Fatah leader Muhammad Dahlan was one (...) -
Israel’s demolitions of Palestinian homes hit record high
4 April 2011==========================================
Israel’s demolitions of Palestinian homes and buildings reached a record high in March for the third consecutive month, according to figures from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.
The UN Relief and Works Agency recorded 76 demolitions of (...) -
“Egypt is still Mubarakstan”
31 March 2011==============================================
Hosni Mubarak was only the visible tip of an iceberg of corruption – the state he created in his image remains
More than two months after the start of the popular uprising that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptians (...) -
An Open Letter to the Left on Libya
30 March 2011===========================================
Some have charged that the Libya action has a Neoconservative political odor. But the Neoconservatives hate the United Nations and wanted to destroy it. They went to war on Iraq despite the lack of UNSC authorization, in a way that clearly (...) -
Swiss President announces plans to break Gaza siege
28 March 2011============================================
Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey has announced her country is developing a project to open up all crossings to the Gaza Strip, which has been suffocating for the last five years from an Israeli blockade.
She also said if (...) -
“Who is annexing Whom? ”
26 March 2011=============================================
Uri Avnery March 26, 2011 IN A rare late-night session, the Knesset has finally adopted two obnoxious racist laws. Both are clearly directed against Israel’s Arab citizens, a fifth of the population.
The first makes it possible to annul (...) -
“I Wish You Egypt”
26 March 2011===========================================
I wish you Egypt!
I wish you empowerment to resist; to fight for social and economic justice; to win your real freedom and equal rights.
I wish you the will and skill to break out of your carefully concealed prison walls. See, in (...) -
UN investigator: Israel engaged in ethnic cleansing with settlement expansion
22 March 2011============================================
U.S. academic Richard Falk spoke to UN Human Rights Council as it prepared resolution condemning settlement building in East Jerusalem and West Bank.
By Reuters
Tags: Israel news
Israel’s expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem and (...) -
Israelian army kills 2 teenagers in Gaza
20 March 2011============================================
Published today (updated) 20/03/2011 15:30 GAZA CITY (Ma’an) —
The bodies of two Gaza teenagers were retrieved by Palestinian medics late Sunday morning, after being killed by Israeli fire some 12 hours earlier in the border area east (...) -
National Lawyers Guild urges UN Human Rights Council to refer Gaza war crimes to the International Criminal Court
20 March 2011============================================
The National Lawyers Guild (U.S.) strongly urges the Human Rights Council of the United Nations to pass a resolution supporting the referral of the Israeli siege, blockade, and war on Gaza to the International Criminal Court. Such a resolution would (...) -
Palestinian Stabs Five Israelis To Death, Including Baby, In West Bank Settlement
13 March 2011================================================
Israeli sources reported that an unknown assailant, presumed to be Palestinian, attacked a family of Israeli settlers in their house in Itamar settlement late Friday night. Israeli authorities have called the murder of the family, which (...) -
Bilan des exactions et crimes de guerre de l’armée israélienne en Palestine occupée durant la période du 3 au 9 mars 2011 (7 jours)
12 March 2011===========================================
Source: PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (03-09 Mar. 2011)
Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continued Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian (...) -
Egyptians demand secret police give up torture secrets
10 March 2011============================================
After driving out their president and prime minister, Egyptians want the truth about secret torture
The headquarters of the Egyptian State Security Services in Cairo is an impenetrable concrete fortress of thick walls and turrets, its main (...) -
Israel to Sue Bedouin Residents of Demolished Village for Demolition Costs
7 March 2011===========================================
Alternative Information Center (AIC)
Israel’s State Attorney’s Office is currently preparing a legal petition for more than NIS 1 million against the residents of El Araqib, a Bedouin village in the Negev Desert under increasing (...) -
Wrong Side
6 March 2011============================================
Uri Avnery
OF ALL the memorable phrases uttered by Barack Obama in the last two years, the one that stuck in my mind more than any other appeared in his historic speech in Cairo in the early days of his term. He warned the nations not to place (...) -
Déchaînement de l’armée israélienne et des colons en Palestine occupée durant période du 27/02 au 5/03/2011 (ndlr)
5 March 2011============================================
Saturday, 05 March 2011
Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ( 24 Feb. 02 Mar. 2011)
The Israelis Military aircrafts bombs the Palestinian citizen’s house ( Ahmed Abu Shrab) east of al-Bureij (...) -
Folk music legend Pete Seeger endorses boycott of Israel
3 March 2011=============================================
By The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) & Adalah-NY: The New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel
Folk music legend Pete Seeger has come out in support of the growing Palestinian movement for Boycott, Divestment, and (...) -
A father speaks for his son
27 February 2011=============================================
My son, Furkan, was killed in May by the Israeli military while attempting to deliver humanitarian aid by sea to the Gaza Strip. As he was just 19, he asked his mother and me for our permission to participate. Our decision will be with us for the (...) -
""How dare you," she said, according to the official. “You are the one who disappointed us. You haven’t made a single step to advance peace.”
26 February 2011============================================
Haaretz, 25.02.11 Merkel scolds Netanyahu for failing to make ’a single step to advance peace’
In a tense telephone call, PM tells German chancellor that he was disappointed by Germany’s vote at UN, but assures her he intends to (...) -
Israel attacks Gaza
24 February 2011=============================================
Israel launched an attack on Gaza on Wednesday 23rd, injuring thirteen Palestinians, including children. One person has since died.
This has since been followed up with air attacks.
Disgracefully the BBC website didn’t cover Israel’s (...) -
“CIA Spy” Davis Was Giving Nuclear Bomb Material to Al-Qaeda, says Report
23 February 2011===========================================
Source: Information Clearing House
London, Feb 20( ANI)— Double murder-accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) (...) -
Trés important article dans le premier quotidien égyptien
23 February 2011============================================
But one thing is clear. Any military even remotely accountable to an elected Egyptian civilian government will never again be allowed to collaborate in the siege on Gaza; in the rendition of CIA fingered “suspects” to (...) -
Palestinian Author Kept from Entering U.S. for “BDS” Speaking Tour
23 February 2011============================================
For Immediate Release Contact: Sarah Macaraeg,
Despite Obama Administration’s Promise to Not Engage in “Ideological Exclusion” Prevalent in Bush Era
Omar Barghouti, Leading Spokesperson of the Boycott, (...) -
Un avertissement de taille aux universités israéliennes
22 February 2011============================================
The following motion to Senate was made public today.
From: Joseph Hickey Date: Sat, Feb 19, 2011 Subject: Motion on uOttawa-uHaifa exchange program To: Diane Davidson Cc: allan.rock@uottawa.caThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. (...) -
Pendant que le Proche-Orient s’embrase, Israël multiplie ses crimes et exactions en Palestine occupée
21 February 2011==============================================
Le Comité de rédaction
Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (10 – 16 February 2011) (...) -
Bullying the Palestinians
19 February 2011============================================
MJ Rosenberg Last Modified: 18 Feb 2011 16:01 GMT It appears that US dealings with the Palestinians have entered a new phase: Bullying.
On Thursday, President Barack Obama telephoned Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, to urge him to (...) -
Army Breaks Into Home Of Jerusalem Palestinian MP
19 February 2011===========================================
by Saed Bannoura -
Undercover forces of the Israeli army broke on Wednesday into the home of Jerusalem Legislator, Ahmad Attoun, and detained his brother, Jihad, and his cousin. Attoun, as well other elected legislators and officials, is threatened (...) -
Israel : Anti-boycott bill approved
16 February 2011=============================================
par Davidi
Bill imposes fines on Israeli citizens who back, initiate boycotts against occupation
The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee approved a bill on Tuesday (February 15, 2011) that calls for heavy fines to be imposed on (...) -
Responding to the Worst Speech Ever
11 February 2011==============================================
It’s hard to exaggerate how bad Hosni Mubarak’s speech today was for Egypt.
In the extended runup to his remarks, every sign indicated that he planned to announce his resignation: the military’s announcement that it had taken (...) -
“Egypt: Exchanging a Dictator for a Torturer”
9 February 2011=============================================
Source: Clearing House (USA)
By James Ridgeway
As it now stands, the United States appears content to contemplate exchanging Hosni Mubarak for Egypt’s new Vice President, Omar Suleiman, the Egyptian spy master—that is, one dictator (...) -
“A Villa in the Jungle?”
5 February 2011============================================
February 5, 2011
WE ARE in the middle of a geological event. An earthquake of epoch-making dimensions is changing the landscape of our region. Mountains turn into valleys, islands emerge from the sea, volcanoes cover the land with lava. (...) -
Thomas Quasthoff, annulle ses 6 concerts en Israël.
5 February 2011==============================================
Something to celebrate.
Thomas Quasthoff, the internationally celebrated bass-baritone, has cancelled his visit to Israel where he was due to sing 6 concerts with the Israeli Philharmonic under Zubin Mehta, starting February 3rd.
As far as I (...) -
Egypt’s Blood is on Obama’s Hands
4 February 2011=============================================
By Mike Whitney
“Information Clearing House” —
The United States and Israel were caught off-guard by the size and ferocity of the demonstrations in Egypt, but they have since regained their balance and caught up to events. The (...) -
Situation établie à 5h52 ce matin (heure locale)
3 February 2011============================================
Bursts of heavy gunfire aimed at anti-government demonstrators in Cairo’s Tahrir [Liberation] Square, left at least five people dead and more than 800 wounded, according to reports from Egyptian television on Thursday.
“The real (...) -
Exactions d’une criminelle armée d’occupation (ndlr)
2 February 2011===============================================
Mieux que n’importe quel discours, le rapport ci-après qui ne concerne qu’une période de 7 jours, rend compte de l’incroyable nombre d’exactions de toutes sortes commises par une armée dans un pays occupé depuis des (...) -
Malgré la déconnexion de tous les moyens de communication par le pouvoir aux abois, l’information sera présente tout au long de cette journée capitale
1 February 2011=============================================
Egyptian protests are set to continue without the help of the internet [Gallo/Getty]
Egypt’s last working Internet service provider, the Noor Group, has been disconnected, a US Web monitoring company said, leaving the crisis-torn country (...) -
Situation à 16h20 heure locale ce dimanche
30 January 2011============================================
Egyptian air force fighter planes buzzed low over Cairo, helicopters hovered above and extra troop trucks appeared in a central square where protesters were demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s rule.
State television said that a (...) -
Itijah General Director Ameer Makhoul sentenced to 9 years in prison
30 January 2011=============================================
[RAMALLAH, 30 January 2011]
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association condemns the sentencing of human rights defender Ameer Makhoul to nine years in prison and one year suspended sentence.
The sentence was handed down on Sunday 30 (...) -
A son tour l’Irlande élève la mission diplomatique palestinienne au statut d’ambassade
27 January 2011=============================================
Israel’s Foreign Ministry reprimanded Ireland’s ambassador to Israel, Breifne O’Reilly, on Wednesday after the Irish government announced its decision to upgrade the Palestinian diplomatic mission in Dublin to the status of an (...) -
Le point hier soir avec déroulé, heure par heure, minute par minute ( ndlr)
26 January 2011=============================================
Indeed, we ought to be grateful for Internet, without which we could not know what is going on in the streets of Egypt today.
Apparently, Twitter has been blocked by TEData and Vodafone Egypt, so people on the street are not able to make use of (...) -
25 January 2011=============================================== ISRAEL’S REPORT ON THE MAVI MARMARA & THE PALESTINE PAPERS
Defending the indefensible: Israeli lies about the Mavi Marmara
On 23rd January 2011, Israel released a report justifying their violent attack on the aid flotilla on 31st (...) -
Palestinian MPs under expulsion order
25 January 2011==============================================
PRESS RELEASE Video link joins MEPs and Palestinian MPs under expulsion order Brussels - 21 January 2011
Members of the European Parliament and three Palestinian Legislators under an Israeli expulsion order will be joined via (...) -
This seemingly endless and ugly game of the peace process is now finally over
24 January 2011===============================================
• ◦Karma Nabulsi
◦◦Article history
It’s over. Given the shocking nature, extent and detail of these ghastly revelations from behind the closed doors of the Middle East peace process, the seemingly endless and ugly (...) -
20 January 2011=============================================
(15 October 2010–15 January 2011)
Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli detention, including: 207
Administrative detainees, including 4 women and 6 members of the Palestinian Legislative (...) -
Israeli Test on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay
17 January 2011============================================
This article is by William J. Broad, John Markoff and David E. Sanger.
The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear (...) -
L’onde de choc tunisienne atteint les pays arabes
16 January 2011============================================
Et si le mouvement tunisien inspirait d’autres Etats arabes ? C’est la question qui peut se poser dans l’éventualité d’un “printemps démocratique arabe”, et qui semble faire son chemin dans les têtes des (...) -
Israel dreading a democratic Arab world
16 January 2011=============================================
Saleh Naami in Gaza, Saturday 15 Jan 2011
The Israeli deputy PM expresses his concern over the democratisation of the Arab world, following the dissolution of the Tunisian leadership
The fall of Tunisia’s regime headed by Zine El Abidine (...) -
The US/Israeli Coup in Beirut
16 January 2011===========================================
By Mike Whitney
January 15, 2010 “Information Clearing House”
The United States and Israel have executed a stealth coup that has precipitated the collapse of Lebanon’s unity government.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (...) -
BDS Movement Victory: John Lewis Stops Stocking Ahava Products in Britain
16 January 2011===========================================
WASHINGTON - January 14
Ahava?s goods, processed on stolen Palestinian land, are becoming too hot to handle. Leading British retail business John Lewis is now refusing to stock this toxic brand. Canadian retailer The Bay has also confirmed that (...) -
ICCO reaffirms support for EI after meeting Dutch minister
15 January 2011=============================================
The Netherlands-based foundation ICCO issued the following press release on 13 January 2011 reaffirming its support for The Electronic Intifada, after a meeting between ICCO and Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal. In November, Rosenthal had (...) -
Innombrables exactions de l’armée israélienne entre le 30/12/2010 et le 5/01/2011
9 January 2011==============================================
IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.
IOF ordered the demolition of more Palestinian houses. Summary
Israeli violations of international (...) -
Israelis admit killing innocent civilian in bed
9 January 2011=============================================
January 08, 2011 Print Send to Friend HEBRON: Israeli army on Friday admitted killing a 67-year-old Palestinian man in his sleep in Hebron, calling the victim an “innocent civilian.” The army said it was a case of (...) -
The first martyr of 2011 and where we go from here
4 January 2011================================================
Dear friends:
We were devastated to hear the news of the first martyr in 2011 being none other than Jawaher, the sister of the martyr Bassem Abu Rahma from Bil’in. Jawaher fainted in yesterday’s demonstration but died apparently (...) -
The Drums of War Are Heard Again In Israel
4 January 2011================================================
By Ilan Pappe
The drums of war are heard again in Israel and they are sounded because once more Israel’s invincibility is in question. Despite the triumphant rhetoric in the various media commemorative reports, two years after ’Cast (...) -
A Short Anthology of Racism in Israel
4 January 2011================================================
December 29, 2010 was a record day for Israeli racism; and we’re just getting started.
By Niva Lanir
January 03, 2010 “Haaretz” —
Last Wednesday, December 29, a hullabaloo broke out at the entrance to the Yad Vashem (...) -
L’exception devenue la norme aux US(a)-Israël
3 January 2011================================================
Par Badia Benjelloun. Le nouveau patron du Mossad se déclare prêt à présenter des excuses (1) au gouvernement du Royaume Uni pour l’utilisation par ses services de passeports britanniques lors de l’assassinat du militant du (...) -
Holocaust survivors warn of stirrings of neo-fascism
2 January 2011================================================
Survivors of the Holocaust have warned of the first stirrings of neo-fascism in Israel following the emergence of a Right-wing campaign to cleanse Arabs from predominantly Jewish parts of the country. Until this month, the shadowy Lehava (...) -
Seattle buses to carry ads about ’Israel war crimes’ during Gaza War
30 December 2010================================================
By Haaretz Service A dozen Seattle buses to bear posters depicting Palestinian boy staring at demolished buildings under headline ’Israeli War Crimes: Your tax dollars at work.’
From December 27, a dozen Seattle buses will carry (...) -
Addameer Calls Attention to the 686 Gazans Detained in Israeli Prisons
29 December 2010================================================
Le Comité de rédaction
Ramallah, 28 December 2010
On the second anniversary of Israel’s offensive on the Gaza Strip (27 December 2008–18 January (...) -
Fatah suspends controversial strongman Dahlan
28 December 2010================================================
Mohamed Dahlan, the former Gaza strongman, seen here in 2005 and rumoured to be out of favour with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, has been suspended from Fatah’s leadership, the party said. Mohamed Dahlan, the former Gaza strongman (...) -
Two Years after the Massacre, a Demand for Justice
27 December 2010================================================
Besieged Gaza, Palestine
27. December.2010
We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on from Israel’s genocidal attack on our families, our houses, our roads, our factories and our schools, are saying enough (...) -
Appel en ce Noël 2010: Help Silwan Resident Adnan Gheith Stay in Jerusalem
25 December 2010================================================
I know the Occupation in and out - I lived under it my entire life, but even I cannot imagine being in Adnan Gheith’s position. I don’t want to believe that something like this is possible, and I want to do all I can to stop what (...) -
PSC Weekly update
23 December 2010================================================
� December 22nd 2010, Remembering Gaza 2 years on - Special edition
2 years after the war in Gaza the situation remains dire. This weeks update will focus on the siege of Gaza and the events (...) -
Israel fears UK moving towards recognising Palestinian state
23 December 2010================================================
The UK is preparing to confer diplomatic status on the Palestinian delegation in London for the first time, renewing fears in Israel that Europe is moving closer to recognising an independent Palestinian state.
The British Foreign Office (...) -
The U.S. gives Israel billions of dollars every year
20 December 2010================================================
Our tax dollars are being used to pay for:
’Israeli War Crimes’ signs to go on Metro buses DEC 27 2010 AD
Under (...) -
Israeli police attack South African delegation: Cosatu
20 December 2010================================================
By Sapa
A South African delegation to Palestine was attacked by Israeli police on Friday, the Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu) said.
“Members of a South African tripartite Alliance delegation currently visiting Palestine have been (...) -
L’ouverture de Marks & Spencer réveille les consciences égyptiennes (ndlr)
17 December 2010================================================
The boycott movement against Israeli products and services in Egypt is just over a decade old. Domestically, the movement is closely associated with the boycott of US goods and services, which began to gain momentum during the second Palestinian (...) -
A New Christmas Story: Bethlehem under Occupation
16 December 2010================================================
Media Brief December 2010 “Separating Bethlehem from Jerusalem and the rest of the world, will not bring peace." (Roman Catholic Patriarch Fouad Twal). In many ways Bethlehem has become the quintessential Palestinian city under (...) -
Remembering Israel’s war on Gaza: END THE SIEGE ON GAZA
16 December 2010================================================
Vigil outside the Israeli embassy in London 27 December 2010, 1-3pm to mark the second year of the start of Operation Cast Lead.
Between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, over 1400 Palestinians were killed by Israel in a brutal and illegal (...) -
Six Activists and a Writer Arrested at AIPAC Gala for Singing Flashmob Calling for End to US Military Aid to Israel
15 December 2010================================================
On Monday, December 13, when the American Israel Public Affairs Committee held its annual dinner in Oakland, a group of activists performed a flashmob inside the Marriott hotel to the tune of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the (...) -
Adidas considers withdrawing sponsorship of Jerusalem marathon
14 December 2010================================================
Yosi Eli, Maariv, December 10 2010 [Hebrew original here and at the bottom of this post]
The sports giant Adidas, which is sponsoring the Jerusalem International Marathon, requested clarifications from the Jerusalem Municipality about the (...) -
“Our lives became something we’d never dreamt”: The former Israeli soldiers who have testified against army abuses
12 December 2010================================================
Former Israeli soldiers who have testified against army abuses have for the first time given up their anonymity, to make their voices all the harder to ignore. Donald Macintyre gets an exclusive preview of a powerful new book (...) -
A General Overhaul
11 December 2010++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
December 11, 2010
THE JUDGE: “You are accused of murdering your wife and two children. How do you plead: Guilty or not guilty?”
The accused: “Your honor, I do not deal with the past. I think about the future!”
No, (...) -
Former European leaders: Sanction Israel over settlement building
11 December 2010================================================
26 former top EU officials, including ex EU chief Solana and former German President Richard von Weizsacker, urge world powers to confront Jerusalem over its refusal to obey international law.
By Akiva Eldar A group of 26 senior former (...) -
“Israel’s actions violate universal principles of human rights”
10 December 2010================================================
Alister Burt, the government’s minister for the Middle East, expressed concern over Israel’s repeated human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories and criticised the Israeli government for its policy of using (...) -
The returning issue of Palestine’s refugees
10 December 2010================================================
It’s 62 years since the UN passed a resolution on the rights of Palestinian refugees – rights Israel must recognise for peace
Saeb Erekat, Friday 10 December 2010 10.00 GMT Before his murder in 1948, Lord Folke (...) -
Appel de Women for peace
9 December 2010++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
CWP Update: New Report “All-Out War: Israel Against Democracy”
1. Comprehensive Report on Intensifying Political Persecution in Israel CWP published a new report today, titled “All-Out War: Israel Against (...) -
Defending Palestinian solidarity
8 December 2010================================================
The Electronic Intifada website is being attacked by zionist lobbies...article from its co-founder Ali Abubimah Defending Palestinian solidarity There has (...) -
The Charade of Israeli-Palestinian Talks
8 December 2010================================================
December 07, 2010
Washington’s pathetic capitulation to Israel while pleading for a meaningless three-month freeze on settlement expansion—excluding Arab East Jerusalem—should go down as one of the most humiliating moments in (...) -
Mavi Marmara is Returning !
7 December 2010================================================
Dear Sir / Madam
On 31st of May 2010, there was a brutal attack in international waters by the Israeli soldiers on the humanitarian aid flotilla that set sail as a collective conscience of the World in order to take humanitarian aid to (...) -
Another Dahlan coup ?
7 December 2010================================================
"A Palestinian leader close to Fatah has revealed new details of what has become known in the Fatah milieu as the “Dahlan case,” the incessant accusations against him for being the architect of a comprehensive plan to control Fatah (...) -
Abbas: Last resort — I’ll ask Israel to take over
5 December 2010================================================
. By MOHAMMED DARAGHMEH, Associated Press
RAMALLAH, West Bank – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has warned he may dissolve his self-rule government and ask Israel to resume full control of the West Bank if troubled peace (...) -
BDS France - déclaration de la “National lawyers guild”
4 December 2010================================================
National Lawyers Guild International Committee Demands an End to Persecution of French BDS Activists
Monday, November 29th marked UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People - while in France, it marked the trial of 12 (...) -
“Israeli bus firm: French partner cuts ties”
3 December 2010================================================
To view this article online, please go to,7340,L-3991028,00.html.
An Israeli company says pressure from pro-Palestinian groups has prompted a French multinational to drop out of a light rail project that cuts (...) -
War criminals not welcome - Oppose changes to universal jurisdiction
2 December 2010================================================
Dear all, The recently published Police Reform Bill includes proposals which, if passed, will make it much more difficult to obtain an arrest warrant for anyone accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Currently, for a magistrate (...) -
PSC Weekly update
25 November 2010================================================
� November 25th 201 Professor Richard Falk - The Israeli assault on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories - Wednesday 1st December, London
Professor Richard Falk (United Nations Special Rapporteur for Palestinian Human (...) -
“Boycott : Put more pressure on Israël to change”
24 November 2010================================================
As Israel increasingly ignores our government’s objections to the expansion of settlements, its primary concern is with placating its own right-wing parliamentary coalition. And why should Israel be concerned with the protests of the Obama (...) -
Might Is Right
24 November 2010================================================
"Information Clearing House" —
In my last column, Who Has The Crystal Ball, I questioned the existence of “the liberal media,” and I remarked that it would be interesting to know the manufacturer of the full body scanners (...) -
Lettre ouverte à Michel Platini et à l’UEFA
23 November 2010================================================
Besieged Gaza, Palestine
An Open letter from Besieged Gaza to Michel Platini and UEFA: Reverse Apartheid Israel’s Participation in European Competitive Football
We are writing as Palestinian footballers, coaches and athletes in the (...) -
German Rail Under Fire for Controversial Israeli Project
23 November 2010================================================
Shortcut Through the West Bank By Juliane von Mittelstaedt
Peace activists have strongly criticized a planned high-speed rail line in Israel that will cut through the West Bank and deprive Palestinian communities of land. A subsidiary of (...) -
“New details of Dahlan’s plan to control PA, replace Abbas unfolded”
22 November 2010================================================
GAZA, (PIC)— An informed official source from Fatah faction unveiled new developments about what became known as the “file of Mohamed Dahlan”, the US-backed strongman in Fatah, and his scheme to control the Palestinian (...) -
Scandaleuse complicité sous prétexte d’une simili-protection (ndlr)
22 November 2010================================================
[Note: According to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations, the International Court of Justice, and several United Nations resolutions, all Israeli (...) -
Economic Prison Zones
21 November 2010================================================
“LES DIABOLIQUES”....version très primaire pour avaleurs de couleuvres.
Michel Flament
(Sam Bahour is a Palestinian business management consultant living in (...) -
AIPAC Gets Down and Dirty in Pushback vs. Defamation Suit
20 November 2010===============================================
By Nathan Guttman
Published November 16, 2010, issue of November 26, 2010.
Washington — The espionage case against two senior officials of the pro-Israel lobby in Washington was dropped last year. But it has not been forgotten, and (...) -
Who’s Laughing ?
20 November 2010================================================
Pacifisme en peau de chagrin ! Avant d’être en berne ?
Michel Flament Coordinateur
November 20. 2010
“A DISASTER!” the courtiers of the King of Hanover cried, “Seven (...) -
Israeli Intelligence Suggests Exile of a Number of Prisoners
20 November 2010================================================
IMEMC & Agencies
Palestinian news agency, Ma’an reported on Thursday that Nizar Mahagneh, the lawyer of the Palestinian Prisoners Club was able to visit many Palestinian prisoners in interrogation centers in which they have been (...) -
Why America will come to regret the craven deal Obama is offering Netanyahu.
18 November 2010================================================
Israel’s Shabbos Goy
Those of us who keep an eye on the parties of God are avid students of the weekly Sabbath sermons of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. In these and other venues, usually broadcast, this elderly Sephardic ayatollah provides an (...) -
The Real Obama-Clinton Game Plan For Israel/Palestine?
17 November 2010===============================================
Soixante trois ans de torture d’un peuple pour en arriver là !
Terribles alternatives ! Terrifiante couardise !
Michel Flament, Coordinateur
November 16, 2010 "Information Clearing House" (...) -
Des heurts à l’occasion d’une manifestation de juifs fascistes à Umm El-Fahm
17 November 2010================================================
Des heurts ont opposé mercredi la police à des manifestants Palestiniens à Umm El-Fahm, une ville arabe dans le nord d’Israël, en prélude à une manifestation de militants fascistes juifs.
Plusieurs centaines de policiers ont été déployés (...) -
From Jerusalem to Safed – Racism is on the march!
14 November 2010================================================
For the second time within a month, hundreds of intellectuals, writers and artists gathered today (November 7, 2010) to protest against the wave of racism that is flooding the country.
This time, too, the protest took place opposite the (...) -
L’armée américaine resserre sa coopération avec Israël
12 November 2010================================================
Alors que Hillary Clinton, en visite dans la région, tente de relancer le dialogue entre Israéliens et Palestiniens, la coopération des Etats-Unis avec Israël s’intensifie. Dans les deux années à venir, affirme le quotidien israélien (...) -
Encore un parlementaire palestinien arrêté par les forces d’occupation israéliennes
11 November 2010================================================
11 novembre 2010 PCHR Condemns the Detention of Dr. Mahmoud al-Ramahi, Secretary of the PLC, by IOF
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the detention of Dr. Mahmoud al-Ramahi, the Secretary (...) -
The Israeli Army raids Bil’in the fourth time in three days
11 November 2010================================================
The Israeli Army raids Bil’in the fourth time in three days Today, the 10 November a raid happened again in the village of Bi’lin.
The Army entered at around 8 pm for the second time that day.
In the morning, at around (...) -
Israeli government documents show deliberate policy to keep Gazans at near-starvation levels
10 November 2010================================================
Documents whose existence were denied by the Israeli government for over a year have been released after a legal battle led by Israeli human rights group Gisha. The documents reveal a deliberate policy by the Israeli government in which the (...) -
UK reassures Israel on arrest fears
7 November 2010================================================
C’était trop beau ! tous les défenseurs du droit international admiraient cette disposition législative britannique qui impliquait, notamment, que tout criminel de guerre, présumé ou qualifié, mettant un pied sur le territoire anglais (...) -
PSC Weekly update - November 5th 2010
5 November 2010================================================
BDS week of Action: Join the Ahava Protest Respond to the call from Palestinian civil society to people of conscience around the world to join them in the growing movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until the country (...) -
Brève et suffisante preuve de l’efficacité du boycott (ndlr)
5 November 2010================================================
“Caterpillar” has suspended
The supply of D-9 bulldozers
To the IDF.
The Dutch police have raided
The offices of a company
That builds in the settlements.
The British Foreign Minister
Has met with
The Bil’in and (...) -
War criminals not welcome - No change to universal jurisdiction
5 November 2010================================================
Dear supporter, Yesterday, the Foreign Secretary William Hague reiterated the government’s commitment to urgently resolve the “unacceptable situation” with regard to universal jurisdiction during his visit to Israel. The (...) -
Israeli Settler Violence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
3 November 2010================================================
While Israeli settler violence against Palestinians is a daily occurrence in the occupied Palestinian territory, the past three months have seen a steady increase in settler violence against (...) -
1 November 2010================================================
On October 10, 2010, the Israeli government proposed a bill obligating non-Jewish naturalized citizens to swear loyalty to a “Jewish and democratic state.” The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) deplores this attempt (...) -
Turkey put the blame on Netanyahu for the latest terrorist operations in Istambul
31 October 2010================================================
Turkey’s intel severs ties with Mossad
ANKARA, Turkey, Oct. 26 (UPI) — Turkey’s intelligence establishment has severed working ties with Israel’s Mossad, further proof of strained relations between the countries, (...) -
Segregation of Jews and Arabs in 2010 Israel is Almost Absolute
31 October 2010================================================
For those of us who live here, it is something we take for granted. But visitors from abroad cannot believe their eyes.
October 30, 2010 “Haaretz”
— Under the guise of the deceptively mundane name “Amendment to the (...) -
Bread and the Circus (Du pain et des jeux... on connait la suite ndlr)
30 October 2010================================================
October 30, 2010
I WAS surprised when, towards the end of 1975, I received an invitation from the Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, to meet him at his residence. He opened the door himself, poured me a glass of whisky, poured one for himself, (...) -
La science du lavage de cerveau
30 October 2010================================================
Copiez cette adresse électronique dans votre barre d’adresse, en haut de votre écran et cliquez sur “enter” -
Caterpillar en ligne de enfin: coup d’arrêt (ndlr)
30 October 2010================================================
Dear ......,
I have remarkable news. The Israeli press is reporting that Caterpillar is withholding the delivery of tens of D9 bulldozers—valued at $50 million—to the Israeli military.(1) These are weaponized bulldozers that are (...) -
Burying Nuclear Waste in the Palestinian Territories
29 October 2010================================================
Palestinian farmers from Yatta village south of Hebron in the West Bank have revealed that the Israeli military continues to bury nuclear waste in their farmlands at Al-Masafer near the armistice line in the West Bank. The farmers said that the (...) -
Knesset panel approves controversial bill allowing towns to reject residents
28 October 2010================================================
By Jonathan Lis and Jack Khoury
Israeli Arab MKs al-Sana and Tibi walk out on committee discussion, calling it a ’criminal law’ aiming to prevent Arabs from joining Israeli towns. The Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice (...) -
L’indignité d’une armée de tortionnaires
26 October 2010================================================
Name: Yahia A. Date of Arrest: 5 August 2010 Age at arrest: 15 Accusation: Throwing stones
On 5 August 2010, a 15-year-old boy from Azzun, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, is arrested with three other children outside his village near a (...) -
“US: The dishonest broker”
26 October 2010================================================
Europe, honest broker ? when ?
Michel Flament, Coordinateur
By Avi Shlaim
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been both a major concern of American diplomacy since 1967 and the arena of (...) -
“Israel has undermined the efficacy of the UN system.”
25 October 2010===============================================
Dr. Saeb Erakat:
On this day, commemorating the 65th anniversary of the United Nations, Chief Palestinian Negotiator, Dr. Saeb Erakat, has reminded that “Palestine remains occupied and the Palestinian people’s right to self (...) -
Bilan et nouvelles du 3ème trimestre 2010
23 October 2010================================================
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
6,180 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli detention, including: 212 administrative (...) -
"Zionism and Peace are Incompatible”
23 October 2010================================================
By Alan Hart
At last somebody has said it in the most explicit way possible. The somebody also said: “The problem is Zionism and the solution is dismantling the Zionist framework and instituting a secular democracy that does not (...) -
23 October 2010================================================
IN BERLIN, an exhibition entitled “Hitler and the Germans” has just opened. It examines the factors that caused the German people to bring Adolf Hitler to power and follow him to the very end.
I am too busy with the problems of (...) -
Important release
21 October 2010================================================
Dear supporter, Please help campaign for Palestine by lobbying your MP as part of our Annual Lobby of Parliament on Wednesday 24th November from 2-6pm. It is more important than ever that we lobby as many MPs as possible.
There are 232 (...) -
19 October 2010================================================
After a wait in Syria lasting sixteen days, the convoy of 150 vehicles and 370 people is just setting sail from Latakia, Syria, on the final leg of the epic journey to deliver aid to Gaza. The last formalities have been completed and the (...) -
Israel’s right needs perpetual war
19 October 2010================================================
In the right’s view, Negotiations on partitioning the land are an existential danger because they recognize the Palestinians’ equal rights, and thereby undermine the Jews’ unique status in Eretz Israel.
By Zeev Sternhell
The (...) -
Dutch police raided the offices of a company leasing cranes for building the West Bank Separation Fence and settlements
19 October 2010================================================
Dutch police raided the offices of a company leasing cranes for building the West Bank Separation Fence and settlements. Company executives, including the Israeli Doron Livnat, may face trial for violating International Law. Dutch government (...) -
Boycott, LE moyen
19 October 2010================================================
Ci-dessous la lettre adressée à Mike Leigh par Yael Lerer, éditrice et militante anticolonialiste israélienne, après la décision du réalisateur d’annuler sa venue en Israël.
Dear Mike Leigh,
I wish to thank you for your decision to (...) -
Five countries boycott tourism conference in Jerusalem
17 October 2010================================================
Press Release: Posted by BNC Palestine on Fri, 10/15/2010 - 11:44 Five countries boycott tourism conference in Jerusalem
• UK, Sweden, Turkey, South Africa, and Ireland will not attend controversial (...) -
PSC Weekly update October 2010
15 October 2010================================================
UJ: War criminals not welcome - Take two minutes to send an email to your MP Following the successful issuing of an arrest warrant for Tzipi Livni last December for committing war crimes during Operation Cast Lead, the Conservative government (...) -
“Courageux, mais pas téméraires, ni le colon israélien Sammy Ghozlan, ni son acolyte du CRIF William Goldnadel (également israélien), ne se sont montrés au procès.”
15 October 2010================================================
Chères amies, Chers amis,
Les parties civiles et le ministère public qui attaquaient la sénatrice Alima Boumediene-Thiery (Verts) et Omar Slaouti (NPA) pour leur participation à une actin de boycott des produits israéliens dans le magasin (...) -
US backs Palestinian demand to see borders
15 October 2010================================================
Published yesterday (updated) 14/10/2010 21:48 WASHINGTON (Ma’an) — The US on Wednesday supported the PLO’s request to see a map of Israel’s borders, but said such demands must be made face-to-face, not through the media. (...) -
Norvège: Appel de personnalités pour un boycott culturel d’Israël
14 October 2010================================================
Download the petition as PDF LINKS:
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
British Committee for the Universities of Palestine
U.S. Campaign for the Academic (...) -
Turkey to boycott OECD conference in Israel, minister says
14 October 2010================================================
Turkish daily Hurriyet describes move as Turkey’s first official boycott of Israel on international level since deadly Gaza flotilla raid. By Haaretz Service
Tags: Turkey OECD Jerusalem Gaza flotilla
Turkey will not send a (...) -
“We will not be citizens of a fascist state purporting to be Israel”
11 October 2010================================================
“We will not be citizens of a fascist state purporting to be Israel” say hundreds of Israeli academics and public figures.
A protest rally against the government’s “Loyalty Oath Bill” was held outside the Tel Aviv (...) -
Calls for international criminal court
9 October 2010================================================
Gaza flotilla attack: calls for international criminal court to step in Turkish victims ask international criminal court to pursue Israeli gunmen over raid on ship
The international criminal court is being urged to prosecute members of the (...) -
8 October 2010================================================
Lobby your MP – Britain must not become a safe haven for war criminals
Following the issuing of an arrest warrant for Tzipi Livni last December, and the threat of arrest warrants against other Israelis accused of war crimes, the (...) -
Une armée de robots, goguenards, hilares, à la limite de la démence (ndlr)
7 October 2010================================================
Published 00:57 06.10.10 Latest update 00:57 06.10.10
Israel is now punishing Palestinians shamelessly
What is delaying treatment of a 47-year-old Palestinian woman, if not punishment of someone who opposes her foreign rulers?
By Amira Hass (...) -
Israeli rabbi: Honey-pot sex is kosher for female Mossad agents
6 October 2010================================================
Rabbi Ari Schvat’s ruling appeared in a study, ’Illicit sex for the sake of national security,’ published by the Tzomet Institute, which studies the interface between religion and modernity.
An Israeli rabbi has given (...) -
Ignoble assassinat
5 October 2010================================================
Execution at Dawn in Holy Jerusalem
By Kawther Salam • Oct 4th, 2010 at 19:11
The darkness was still a lowered curtain in the early hours of dawn in the holy occupied city of Jerusalem. The crows were flying in the sky, witnesses of the (...) -
Interview with Richard Falk, U.N. Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Israeli-Occupied Territories of Palestine
5 October 2010================================================
Richard Falk, the United Nations Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Israeli-Occupied Territories of Palestine, is sceptical whether the negotiations between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, guided (...) -
A Bruxelles les 5 et 6 octobre 2010 devant des députés européens
5 October 2010================================================
Dear Friends, The Israeli organization “Breaking the Silence” (BTS) has been nominated for the Sakharov Prize by two political groups. Breaking the Silence was created in June 2004 by recently discharged Israeli IDF (...) -
Massacre organisé
3 October 2010================================================
Reham Alhelsi – This is Our Land and This is Our Blood
By Reham Alhelsi • Oct 2nd, 2010 at 14:14 • Category: Analysis, Culture and Heritage, Palestine, Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance original from My Palestine, October 1, (...) -
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and the Jewish peace sailor - both resisting deportation
1 October 2010================================================
The Nobel Peace Prize laureate and the Jewish peace sailor - both resisting deportation
Both were put in jail Tuesday for resisting deportation, Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire being stopped at Ben Gurion Airport; Dr. Edith (...) -
Obama-in-personal-appeal-to-netanyahu (signification en français en 2ème partie de l’article)
30 September 2010=================================================== •Published 13:32/ 30.09.10 Obama in personal appeal to Netanyahu: Extend settlement freeze for two (...) -
South Africa’s Israel boycott
29 September 2010===================================================
An international boycott helped end apartheid – now South Africans are leading world opposition to racism in Israel
Ronnie Kasrils, Wednesday 29 September 2010 08.00 BST
Prominent South Africans including Desmond Tutu (...) -
Des passagers du catamaran détourné soumis bestialement “à la question”
29 September 2010===================================================
Coming out of the police investigation, Yonatan looked like someone coming out of prisoners’ camp: Long pale distorted face. It was the same monstrous soldiers who attacked the Marmara. They were all after him. They beat him up, kicked (...) -
Peace Activists Demonstrating at Ashdod Port to Protest Capture of Ship
28 September 2010===================================================
Peace Activists Demonstrating at Ashdod Port to Protest Capture of Ship
Dozens of peace activists gathered on the beach near Ashdod port, to which the Jewish Peace Ship is being towed by the Israeli Navy, to protest the capture of the ship (...) -
Breaking Israel’s Stranglehold over American Foreign Policy
28 September 2010===================================================
By Maidhc O Cathail
"Information Clearing House"
If Israel’s stranglehold over U.S. foreign policy is to be broken, Americans will need to be informed about the harm that Washington’s unconditional support for the Jewish state (...) -
IJAN Denounces FBI Actions Against Anti-War and Solidarity Activists
27 September 2010===================================================
Sunday, September 26, 2010 First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Trade Unionist. (...) -
Is Gideon Levy the most hated man in Israel or just the most heroic?
26 September 2010===================================================
By Interview by Johann Hari
For three decades, the writer and journalist Gideon Levy has been a lone voice, telling his readers the truth about what goes on in the Occupied Territories.
Gideon Levy is the most hated man in Israel - and (...) -
24 September 2010===================================================
24 September 2010
No one was safe,’ once Israeli soldiers began using live ammunition on board the Mavi Marmara, says (...) -
“On the situation in Jerusalem”
23 September 2010===================================================
Vieux Marché aux Grains 21 / 1000 Bruxelles / Belgium
Tel : ++32.2.502.55.50 / Fax : ++32.2.502.46.26 / /
Human Rights Council
Fifteenth Session 13 September – 1 October 2010
Pax Christi, the (...) -
“Our Man in Palestine” by Nathan Thrall
21 September 2010===================================================
From time to time, the Palestine Center distributes articles it believes will enhance understanding of the Palestinian political reality. The following article by Nathan Thrall was published in the New York Review of Books on 16 September (...) -
Facts Behind MFA Report on “Easing” of Gaza Closure
21 September 2010===================================================
In advance of today’s meeting of the Ad-hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) for assistance to the Palestinians, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) released a report detailing steps taken to improve Gaza’s economy pursuant to (...) -
American Public Opinion and the Special Relationship With Israel
20 September 2010===================================================
Source: Clearing House
By John Mearsheimer
— There is no question that the United States has a relationship with Israel that has no parallel in modern history. Washington gives Israel consistent, almost unconditional diplomatic (...) -
Israeli Company Hired by State Government to Spy on Pennsylvanians and Other Americans
20 September 2010===================================================
— The surprise disclosure that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through its state Homeland Security Agency, along with a number of local police departments in the state, have been employing a private Israeli security company with (...) -
Tax-Exempt Funds Aid Settlements in West Bank
20 September 2010===================================================
.HAR BRACHA, West Bank
— Twice a year, American evangelicals show up at a winery in this Jewish settlement in the hills of ancient Samaria to play a direct role in biblical prophecy, picking grapes and pruning vines.
Believing that (...) -
Eminent Scholar Endorses Boycott of Israel
17 September 2010===================================================
Below is a statement released by Ann Stoler in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement aimed at Israel:
As someone who has worked for some thirty years as a teacher and student of colonial (...) -
PSC Weekly Newsletter
17 September 2010===================================================
BDS Victory: TUC votes for campaign of boycott and disinvestment to free Palestine Britain’s unions have thrown their weight behind a campaign of disinvestment and boycott from companies which are profiting from Israel’s illegal (...) -
16 September 2010===================================================
On September 15, an Israeli military court will announce the sentence to be passed on Abdallah Abu Rahma, the well-known coordinator of nonviolent protest against the settlement and wall construction policies in the (...) -
Due to Gaza closure, 40,000 students refused from UNRWA schools
16 September 2010===================================================
News Release - For immediate release -
•UNRWA can’t meet enrollment demand because of ban on construction materials •UNRWA needs to build 100 schools, none built since 2007 closure •UNRWA schools have specialized (...) -
The Israeli military carried out air strikes on three regions of the Gaza Strip late last night
10 September 2010===================================================
Source: I.S.M.
10 September 2010
The Israeli military carried out air strikes on three regions of the Gaza Strip late last night, as inhabitants were preparing to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr, the (...) -
Ireland delays EU deal with Israel on data transfers
4 September 2010===================================================
By Laurence Peter BBC News The Dubai case raised suspicions about Israel’s handling of foreign passports Irish objections have delayed an EU deal to allow the transfer to Israel of personal data on EU citizens.
The Republic of (...) -
The silent treatment
3 September 2010===================================================
By William Parry
Published 03 September 2010
Del Naja of Massive Attack tells William Parry why he is boycotting Israel.
The movement for a cultural boycott of Israel in response to its treatment of the Palestinians, modelled on the (...) -
Palestine is Not for Sale!
3 September 2010===================================================
Sign on to Statement: Palestine is Not for Sale!
By uspcnPublished: September 1, 2010Posted in: Features, News, Statements
Please sign below to endorse this statement against the negotiations!
Also, click here to read about the September 2 (...) -
Palestinians protest the PA cabinet’s announcement of an “indefinite” delay in municipal elections
2 September 2010===================================================
What happened in Hebron proved our point; we need a unified Palestinian position," Palestinian National Initiative leader Mustafa Barghouthi said following a mass rally in Ramallah on Wednesday.
The protest, planned immediately after PA (...) -
Fundraise for the convoy to Gaza!
2 September 2010===================================================
PSC financial appeal
In just a few weeks, a Viva Palestina aid convoy, supported by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, will leave London and travel through Europe, Turkey, Syria and Egypt to reach Gaza.
We broke Israel’s brutal and (...) -
Buzek on the resumption of direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians
2 September 2010===================================================
Brussels, 2 September 2010 European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek made the following statement on the resumption of direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians in Washington DC today.
======= "We welcome the resumption of (...) -
Un cas parmi tant d’autres ! Insoutenable, inhumain, sadique ! (ndlr)
1 September 2010===================================================
Date of birth: 22 October 1993 (16) Place of residence: Abu Dis, occupied East Jerusalem Occupation: Student Date of arrest: 6 February 2010 Place of detention: Ofer Prison
Postal address: Ofer Prison Givat (...) -
Who’s suppressing opposition rallies in Ramallah?
30 August 2010===================================================
They carried photos of Abbas, but the PA president’s office says he had nothing to do with the hundreds of young men who prevented an opposition conference from taking place in Ramallah.
By Amira Hass
Tags: Israel news West Bank (...) -
27 August 2010===================================================
Three weeks ago the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) published a notice, as it is legally required to do, announcing that Israel has ordered massive quantities of various fuels suitable for military use, and in the case of the (...) -
PSC Weekly Update Friday 27 August 2010
27 August 2010===================================================
•Demonstrate outside AHAVA – Saturday 28 August 12 – 2pm, Monmouth Street, Covent Garden, London
•Help PSC send a vehicle to Gaza with the Viva Palestina convoy – breaking the siege by land and sea. (...) -
Refusal to engage in direct negotiations without a clear settlement freeze
26 August 2010===================================================
We have followed with great concern the increasing external pressure, especially from the U.S. and Israel, on the P.A. leadership to shift from indirect negotiations which have not resulted in any progress to direct negotiations without (...) -
Act Up for Abdallah Abu Rahmah
25 August 2010==================================================
Se rendre sur le site suivant
En bas de la page, cliquer sur le mot France et vous trouverez une proposition de lettre à envoyer au Ministre des Affaires étrangères, Bernard Kouchner. Il y a (...) -
Statement by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on conviction of human rights defender Abdallah Abu Rahma
25 August 2010===================================================
Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission made the following statement:
"The High Representative is concerned by the conviction of 39-year-old (...) -
Open Letter to the Panorama BBC Team
23 August 2010===================================================
2lst August, 2010
Dear BBC Panorama Team
I write to you regarding your programme of 16th August, 2010, about The Freedom Flotilla and particularly the killings of unarmed civilians by Israeli Navy Seals on the ship MV “Mavi (...) -
22 August 2010===================================================
“This morning I set out to write a piece about the looting of the aid Flotilla to Gaza, by your soldiers. As you may have read, an Israel Defense Forces officer, has been remanded by a military court, suspected of stealing laptop (...) -
UN receives over 100 complaints of police, IDF abuse of West Bank teenagers this year
21 August 2010===================================================
Since September 2009, DCI has given the UN details of more than 100 cases in which the military authorities allegedly abused minors who were held in detention.
The way the army and police treat Palestinian minors arrested in the West Bank is (...) -
" First Murder, then Theft and Lies from the “World’s Most Moral Army”
21 August 2010===================================================
London – Free Gaza Movement
An investigation revealed by Israeli news sources confirms that an Israeli military officer and soldiers stole and sold laptops belonging to passengers on board the Freedom Flotilla, which was illegally (...) -
19 August 2010===================================================
Thank you to all PSC members who wrote to the BBC following its Panorama broadcast on Monday (16 Aug). Many of you will have by now received a reply from BBC Audience Services, justifying the broadcast about Israel’s deadly assault (...) -
The Israel Lobby Archive has just released a major set of newly declassified records of the Senate’s investigation into illegal Israeli public relations and lobbying activities in the United States.
19 August 2010=================================================== The AZC’s internal “Information and Public Relations Department” reports.
Between 1962-1963 the Senate Foreign Relations Committee subpoenaed internal reports of the American (...) -
Christian Students to Defend Israel Abroad
17 August 2010===================================================
Il est bien entendu que le “stage de formation” en Israël, occulte très méticuleusement l’existence des zones géographiques occupées de la Palestine ainsi que la visite des geôles israéliennes où sont entassés les milliers (...) -
Formalizing Israel’s Land Grab
17 August 2010===================================================
By Chris Hedges
August 17, 2010 “Truthdig”
Time is running out for Israel. And the Israeli government knows it. The Jewish Diaspora, especially the young, has a waning emotional and ideological investment in Israel. The (...) -
Harvard University fund sells all Israel holdings
16 August 2010===================================================
Harvard University fund sells all Israel holdings
No reason for the sale was mentioned in the report to the SEC.
15 August 10 17:15, Hillel KorenIn another blow to Israeli (...) -
Postal Workers’ Union: Get Mail to Gaza on the Boat
16 August 2010===================================================
For Immediate Release
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers wants mail delivered to Gaza.
Following an announcement by Canada Post that Israel Post has suspended mail delivery to Gaza, the union is encouraging people who wish to send mail to (...) -
In the interest of resisting external pressure aimed at imposing direct negotiations under Israeli conditions
16 August 2010===================================================
To our Palestinian People:
We have followed with great concern the increasing external pressure, especially from the U.S. and Israel, on the PLO leadership to shift from indirect negotiations (which have not resulted in any progress) to (...) -
From the Jordan Valley, once the breadbasket of Palestine
16 August 2010===================================================
An interview with Luisa Morgantini: From the Jordan Valley, once the breadbasket of Palestine Where today residents must resist just to exist A delegation from the organisation Associazione per la Pace led by Luisa Morgantini, former Vice (...) -
Repercussions of an Israeli attack on Iran
15 August 2010===================================================
An Atlantic article argues there’s a high chance of an Israeli attack on Iran next summer. What might happen next if they did?
By Dan Murphy, Staff writer
Boston —
If Israel is likely to decide to attack Iran next summer, as (...) -
Letters from Palestine – a very special book
14 August 2010===================================================
By Mary Rizzo • Aug 14th, 2010 at 0:09 • Category: Biography, Culture and Heritage, Interviews, Israel, Newswire, Palestine, Resistance, Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance, Zionism REVIEW BY MARY RIZZO Very often, among (...) -
PSC Weekly update August 12th 2010
13 August 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
■ Gideon Levy in conversation with Jon Snow London 24 August ■ BDS Victory: Ahava 4 acquitted – Join Protest on Saturday ■ Trade Union News: International Transport Federation calls for (...) -
Urgent Appeal – Palestinian Child in Administrative Detention
13 August 2010===================================================
Emad Al-Ashhab, 17, was arrested by the Israeli military on 21 February 2010 at the Container Checkpoint between Bethlehem and Ramallah.
In an affidavit given to Addameer attorney Anan Odeh, Emad reported that during the transfer to an (...) -
Lettre ouverte contre une réunion de l’OCDE.....à Jerusalem
12 August 2010===================================================
OECD conference in Jerusalem? Mercredi, 11 Août 2010 12:06 Rete-ECO Array
Sir, Madam
As members of Rete-ECO (Rete degli Ebrei contro l’Occupazione - the Italian Network of Jews against the Occupation), we wish to express our total (...) -
Will Israel Really Attack Iran Within a Year?
12 August 2010===================================================
After interviewing dozens of Israeli, American and Arab officials, Atlantic Magazine correspondent concludes Israel may not even ask for American ’green light’ to attack Iran nuclear sites.
By Natasha Mozgovaya
August 11, 2010 (...) -
Boy Begs Soldiers Not To Take His Dad
9 August 2010===================================================
Boy Begs Soldiers Not To Take His Dad Palestine Monitor 3 August 2010 TV cameras have captured the terrible moment of a five-year-old Palestinian boy seeing his father arrested by Israeli soldiers, nearby Hebron.
To Watch Video : (...) -
Activists Launch “US Boat to Gaza” Campaign
6 August 2010===================================================
Hundreds of people boarded a New York boat on Thursday night to support a planned aid mission to the Gaza Strip. Organizers with the US Boat to Gaza campaign are hoping to raise at least $370,000 to join the new international aid flotilla (...) -
Israeli rabbis clamp down on burka
6 August 2010===================================================
Israeli rabbis are to clamp down on the growing number of devout Jewish women wearing the burka by declaring the garment an item of sexual deviancy. By Adrian Blomfield in Jerusalem
Published: 6:40PM BST 30 Jul 2010 The move was prompted (...) -
Concerne prochaine flottille - Next Flottilla
6 August 2010===================================================
Since the beginning of Israel’s illegal siege on Gaza, individuals across the world have come together — participating in journeys to Gaza themselves, donating and raising awareness at home, and working to persuade the (...) -
UN Human Rights Committee concludes that Israel violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
5 August 2010===================================================
On 29 July 2010, the Human Rights Committee (the Committee) adopted its Concluding Observations on Israel’s implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political (...) -
4 August 2010===================================================
(Stockholm, August 4, 2010)
It has been over two months since Israel’s 31 May 2010 deadly assault on the Freedom Flotilla and little to nothing has been done to hold Israel accountable for its savage attack that led to the killing of (...) -
Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli Negev
31 July 2010===================================================
The razing of a Bedouin village by Israeli police shows how far the state will go to achieve its aim of Judaising the Negev region
By Neve Gordon
A menacing convoy of bulldozers was heading back to Be’er Sheva as I drove towards (...) -
PSC Weekly update July 29th 2010
31 July 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
§ Palestinian members of Knesset speak at packed meeting in House of Commons about Israel’s lack of democracy
§ Letter: Universal jurisdiction – the right to arrest war criminals
§ (...) -
Israel Classifies Its Past Top Secret
31 July 2010===================================================
Israel is a land built on myths. It is, of course, not unique in this. Indeed in this way Israel is very much like its patron, the United States. In order to build and maintain a mythical status a nation must create a picture of itself (...) -
Registration now open for the next Viva Palestina convoy to Gaza
25 July 2010===================================================
Dear friend,
Registration for the new convoy, Viva Palestina 5
- a Global Lifeline to Gaza, is now live. The VP team has put a lot of work into reviewing everyone’s feedback from the previous three successful convoys, and from the (...) -
On The Israeli Right’s New ’Peace’ Agenda
22 July 2010===================================================
“Information Clearing House” —
As the Israelis are becoming conscious of their inevitable tragic circumstances, a final desperate attempt to rescue the Zionist project has come to life. Astonishingly enough it is the (...) -
PSC Weekly update
22 July 2010===================================================
■Register now for Lifeline 5: Convoy to Gaza
■Take action on Universal Jurisdiction – contact your MP before Monday
■Scale of ethnic cleansing and apartheid in East Jerusalem shocks UK peers
■Netanyahu brags (...) -
Chris Patten urges bolder EU approach over Middle East conflict
21 July 2010===================================================
The European Union must shake off US dominance and take a bolder approach in pressing for a settlement of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the former Conservative cabinet minister and EU commissioner Chris Patten said today on a visit to (...) -
Al Khalil/Hebron: Israeli Border Police Demolish Cistern in Al Beqa’a Valley
17 July 2010===================================================
Video footage from the incident is available at:
Israeli border police demolished a rainwater cistern and removed irrigation pipes from several Palestinian fields in Al Beqa’a Valley just east (...) -
Ci-après, version en anglais - version française suivra.
17 July 2010===================================================
Le trés important appel à mobilisation ci-dessous ne signifie nullement que, d’ici le départ de ces gigantesques convois maritimes et terrestres, d’autres initiatives n’auront pas lieu, voire sont déjà en cours.
Le Comité (...) -
Par Uri Avnery - Ad in Ha’aretz, July 16, 2010
17 July 2010===================================================
Every boat
Sailing for Gaza
Puts Israel on alert
For weeks.
Wouldn’t it be better
To open the
Port of Gaza
Under international
Commentaire de la rédaction du site:
l’essentiel du but est atteint ; Israël, en (...) -
In this week’s update:
17 July 2010===================================================
PSC Weekly Update Friday 16 July 2010
■Knesset revokes Arab MK Zuabi’s privileges over Gaza flotilla
■Court admits mistreatment of Gaza protestors
■Order new leaflets now: Don’t break your fast with Israeli (...) -
Thanks and agenda
15 July 2010===================================================
Dear members and supporters of PSC,
Thank you for all your support. To the thousands of you who came out on the streets to protest against Israel’s attack on the Mavi Marmara. To the thousands of you who jammed the Foreign Office with (...) -
Ireland seeks to block Israel access to data on EU citizens
11 July 2010===================================================
Irish government retaliates over use of forged Irish passports by alleged Mossad spies in Dubai assassination. By Ora Coren Ireland is seeking to stop a European Union initiative that would enable Israel to receive sensitive information about (...) -
’Unprecedented police brutality’ at East Jerusalem protest
11 July 2010===================================================
By Nir Hasson - Haaretz
Left-wing activists protest weekly alongside Arab residents of Sheikh Jarrah over settlers’ takeover of locals’ homes.
Tags: Sheikh Jarrah East Jerusalem Israel settlers Some 300 left-wing activists (...) -
Libyan aid convoy to break Gaza siege
10 July 2010===================================================
Font size : The charity is headed by Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, the second son of the Libyan leader. One month after Israel’s deadly attack on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, a Libya-based charity group is sending another humanitarian (...) -
Cochin Port Union Boycotts Israeli Ships and Cargo
7 July 2010===================================================
THE trade unions in Cochin Port have reached an understanding amongst themselves to boycott Israeli ships and cargo arriving at Cochin Port in protest against the siege of Gaza by Israeli forces. The boycott began on June 17 on receipt of (...) -
“Tony and the Shah of Palestine”
6 July 2010===================================================
Ever since a group of ordinary people from more than 40 different countries came together and set sail for Gaza have we seen various world leaders scramble to persuade Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. Why? To honour the memory of those (...) -
Assisted Suicide
4 July 2010===================================================
The attack on the Gaza relief flotilla jeopardizes Israel itself.
John J. Mearsheimer
Israel’s botched raid against the Gaza-bound humanitarian flotilla on May 31 is the latest sign that Israel is on a disastrous course that it seems (...) -
There must be a reason! Which one ? ( en hébreu en 2ème partie d’article)
4 July 2010===================================================
•Ms. Sharif has been working as a lawyer to promote human rights in the Gaza Strip in a non-partisan setting since 2005.
•The goal of the study program is to train professionals to help build a democratic Palestinian society. (...) -
“A massacre is not a massacre” by Ghassan Hage
4 July 2010===================================================
. – By Guest Post • Jul 3rd, 2010 at 14:10 • Category: Counter-terrorism, No thanks!, Human Rights, Israel, Music, Poetry, Events, Newswire, Palestine
I don’t write poems but, in any case, poems are not poems.
Long (...) -
PSC Weekly update July 1st 2010
2 July 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
■BDS Day of Action –9 July
■Flotilla: IHH report on the Mavi Marmara
■BDS Victories: Swansea say no to Veolia, Methodist Church boycott settlement goods; Bristol council calls for (...) -
“Open letter to IKEA”
2 July 2010===================================================
Swedish Radio has revealed that IKEA delivers furniture to illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, despite the fact that these settlements are illegal according to international law.
Thus IKEA has no problem with (...) -
The expulsion of Abu-Tir – the latest provocation
26 June 2010===================================================
“Netanyahu and his partners consider every day in which they do not instigate a new provocation in East Jerusalem to be a lost day”, said Uri Avnery in response to the decision to expel Mohammed Abu-Tir from Jerusalem. (Avnery met (...) -
Shalit, for example
26 June 2010===================================================
I AM composing these lines while looking through the window at the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and thinking about the young man who is being held not far from this sea, a few dozen kilometers from here.
Can Gilad Shalit look out on (...) -
Weekly Update Thursday 24 June 2010
25 June 2010===================================================
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Weekly Update Thursday 24 June 2010
In this PSC weekly update:
BDS: take action 9/10 July; and activists prevent Israeli ship from unloading at US and Swedish ports
Gaza flotilla: call on the government to (...) -
“Connecting the Zionist Dots”
25 June 2010===================================================
"Information Clearing House"
A few weeks ago the Jewish Chronicle published a list of Jewish MPs in the UK parliament. It named 24 in total, encompassing 12 Conservatives, 10 Labour, and two Liberal Democrats. Author and peace activist (...) -
Turkish Dock Workers Union Joins Boycott against Israel
25 June 2010===================================================
Face à une politique démoniaque qui bloque une partie de la Palestine (Zone de Gaza) et occupe sauvagement l’autre partie de cette même Palestine (Cisjordanie), petit à petit, c’est le monde entier et notamment ceux qui (...) -
Knesset Bills Threaten to Restrict Israeli NGOs
24 June 2010===================================================
June 24, 2010
CWP Update:
1. European Parliament Meeting on the Situation of NGO’s and Civil Society in Israel
On Wednesday, 23 June 2010, the European Parliament held a meeting regarding the situation of NGOs and (...) -
United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 2010
24 June 2010===================================================
L’effrayant bilan (trés partiel) des ignominieuses exactions de l’Etat bourreau dont vous devinez le nom !
Le Comité de rédaction
[Ramallah, 24 June 2010]
As the United (...) -
Labor for Palestine Salutes West Coast Dockers for Embargo on Israeli Cargo
22 June 2010===================================================
Labor for Palestine Salutes West Coast Dockers for Embargo on Israeli Cargo
ILWU President Bob McEllrath
Dear Pres. McEllrath:
Labor for Palestine salutes ILWU Local 10 and its members for refusing to unload the (...) -
Egypt opposition angered at government for allowing the fleet of more than 12 ships to cross Egyptian manned waterway
21 June 2010===================================================
Al-Quds Al-Arabi reports.
By Jack Khoury
June 19, 2010 “Haaretz” — More than twelve United States Naval warships and at least one Israeli ship crossed the Suez Canal towards the Red Sea on Friday, British Arabic (...) -
Iranian aid ships set sail for Gaza
15 June 2010===================================================
One ship left port on Sunday with another to depart by Friday, loaded with food, construction material and toys, Iran media say.
By Reuters
Tags: Israel news Iran Gaza flotilla Iran is sending aid ships to blockaded Gaza, state radio said (...) -
PSC Weekly Update – Friday 11 June 2010
11 June 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
■Watch: Gaza flotilla – the shocking truth emerges
■Gaza flotilla speaker tour + Manchester regional demo this Sunday
■BDS Day of Action - 9th July
■PSC National Conference (...) -
Three-day Strike for Israel commercial vessels - Trois jours de grève.
10 June 2010===================================================
Solidarité avec le Peuple Palestinien
Grève de trois jours contre les navires commerciaux d’Israël
Camarades, syndicalistes, travailleurs et travailleuses:
Le Secrétariat de la Fédération Syndicale (...) -
Gaza flotilla update June 8, 2010
8 June 2010===================================================
1.Public rally - hear eyewitness accounts from the Mavi MarmaraReleased hostages have returned home to give accounts of Monday’s attack that differ greatly from that pushed by Israel in the immediate aftermath of the incident. Contrary (...) -
Moeurs et comportements criminels des “soldats” israéliens
7 June 2010===================================================
Kidnapped by Israel, forsaken by Britain
By Jamal Elshayyal in Middle East on June 6th, 2010 . Firstly I must apologise for taking so long to update my blog. The events of the past few days have been hectic to say the least, and I am still (...) -
Le “Rachel Corrie” refuse d’obéir à un second appel de se dérouter vers Ashdod.
5 June 2010===================================================
Sky News now: RC refused a second call to go to Ashdod -
Israelis Subdued Captain by Pointing Gun at a Child
5 June 2010===================================================
Algerian activist gives chilling account of atrocities
By Layelle Saad, GCC & Middle East Editor, and Ramadan Al Sherbini, Correspondent
June 04, 2010 “Gulf News” --- Dubai/Cairo:
According to a report in The Guardian, an (...) -
Tentative de suivre la situation minute par minute
5 June 2010===================================================
According to the IOF, the boat was stopped in international waters six minutes ago and that it is legal. #Flotilla
Il y a 1 minute via web Répondre Retweeter . From the BBC: IOF issued initial request to ship to identify. No warning to (...) -
Témoignage accablant d’un rescapé anglais de la Flottille
5 June 2010===================================================
Eyewitness Kevin Ovenden from the Freedom Flotilla: ’I saw people shot’ . Kevin Ovenden, a representative of Viva Palestina, was on the main ship of the Freedom Flotilla when Israeli soldiers descended onto the deck – he (...) -
Rachel Corrie on Her Way
4 June 2010===================================================
Posted in Press releases
[Cyprus, June 4, 2010]
The Rachel Corrie is 150 miles away from Gaza in international waters and on her way. They will arrive on Saturday morning. The 1200 ton cargo ship is the last ship from the Freedom (...) -
Everyone Is NOT Released
4 June 2010===================================================
(Cyprus, June 3, 2010) Yesterday, the The UN Security Council called for impartial, credible investigation of the Israeli attack on our boats. In addition, the council requested the immediate release of the ships as well (...) -
Aid ship sailing towards Gaza, prefers U.N. escort
4 June 2010===================================================
DUBLIN (Reuters) - An aid ship expects to arrive in Gaza by Saturday morning if given clear passage by Israel, just days after another aid vessel was boarded by Israeli commandos who killed nine people, crew member Derek Graham told (...) -
Informations reçues de Palestinian Solidarity Campaign - Londres
3 June 2010===================================================
Redoubling our efforts - The Rachel Corrie and future convoys
Our activists, shaken but defiant, are determined to keep up the pressure on Israel and the international community to end the inhuman siege of Gaza.
Right now, another flotilla (...) -
Daily Update: 3rd June 2010
3 June 2010===================================================
Palestine Solidarity Campaign –
Message From Sarah Colborne The last 72 hours have been the most harrowing in my life. Even for an experienced campaigner like myself, nothing prepared me for the barbaric onslaught by the Israeli Army (...) -
Terrible récit des évènements par une survivante britannique
3 June 2010===================================================
British survivor of Gaza flotilla raid: ’Israelis ignored SOS calls’Sarah Colborne said pleas for aid were dismissed by the troops who fired live rounds at the activists and handcuffed medical staff Sarah Colborneo insists (...) -
The Rachel Corrie due to arrive in Gaza in the next few days
3 June 2010===================================================
Avant qu’il ne soit trop tard
Les nouvelles concernant les autres navires de “La Flottille” encore en mer, “The MC Rachel Corrie” notamment, voire d’autres en cours d’appareillage, sont forcément (...) -
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Emergency Daily Update.
3 June 2010===================================================
1. Hostages on the Way Home – But How Many
The latest news on those peace activists who have been illegally held by the Israeli Government is encouraging. We understand that the majority of those being held have been released and are (...) -
“Au monde”
2 June 2010===================================================
Full Text of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Speech! (English, Turkish)
By Guest Post • Jun 2nd, 2010 at 11:10 • Category: Counter-terrorism,
Translated and transcribed from Turkish by Güzin Bilgi for (...) -
GAZA FLOTILLA - PSC Daily emergency update 1st June 2010
2 June 2010===================================================
Message from General Secretary Betty Hunter
Even by the Israeli Governments own barbaric standards, the events of yesterday were some of the most shocking I have witnessed. The cold blooded and brutal attack on the flotilla of boats carrying (...) -
“All States and The international community must urgently take measures against Israel’s violations of international law”
2 June 2010===================================================
All States and The international community must urgently take measures against Israel’s violations of international law
The attack by Israeli commandos on the “freedom Flotilla” on 30 May 2010 off the coast of the Gaza (...) -
Nothing has done more to establish Israel’s status as a pariah state among its neighbours than the actions of its armed forces
1 June 2010===================================================
If an armed group of Somali pirates had yesterday boarded six vessels on the high seas, killing at least 10 passengers and injuring many more, a Nato taskforce would today be heading for the Somali coast. What happened yesterday in (...) -
Call for Action by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
1 June 2010===================================================
Palestinian civil society calls for intensifying boycott and sanctions as Israel massacres humanitarian relief workers and international solidarity activists
The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) strongly (...) -
Message de soutien et solidarité
1 June 2010===================================================
Tunis, le 31 mai 2010,
Coordination de l’Appel de Strasbourg
Dear Michel,
We at Civimed Initiatives and El Taller International express our strong solidarity with the Palestinian people and the civil society activists and we present (...) -
Titres d’infos qui seront développées plus tard
31 May 2010===================================================
.Il y a 1 minute: We will not stop.We will go again.Please, donate for the next trip.We have the Rachel Corrie and another boat.We WILL go until Gaza is free
Il y a 29 minutes via web .Israel cannot confiscate every bit of footage, every (...) -
Buzek on attack on flotilla heading to Gaza
31 May 2010===================================================
The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, together with the MEPs who visited Gaza at the end of last week as part of an official EP fact-finding delegation* led by Eva Joly, Chairwoman of the Committee on Development, are deeply (...) -
Extrait de dialogue à bord alors que les bateaux pirates approchaient
31 May 2010===================================================
Original Message ----- From: Irish To: Free Gaza Coordinators ; FG free for all discussion group ; fg-medialist ; gazafriends Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 10:05 PM Subject: [GazaFriends] Urgent: Received at 11:00 pm
lubna: greta urgent we (...) -
Parmi les messages qui filtrent, celui-ci qui est éloquent et terrifiant
31 May 2010===================================================
Israeli radio says that the boats are going to be hauled into Haifa. This was not a confrontation. This was a massacre
Il y a 41 minutes via web
=================================================== -
28 May 2010===================================================
From Catherine Ashton, spokesperson of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs end Security Policy
We strongly urge that all involved act with a sense of restraint and responsability and work for a constructive (...) -
Médias aux ordres prenez garde au réveil des consciences ! (ndlr)
28 May 2010==================================================
Dear all, 1) One day before the Flotilla is scheduled to reach the waters of Gaza, and with media reports growing by the day, BBC World Service (radio) has until now chosen to totally boycott any mention of it! (Unless I missed something, (...) -
Humanitarian flotilla vs evil navy
27 May 2010===================================================
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 2010 AT 12:26PM
Haaretz reports today that Israel will attempt to block the humanitarian Freedom Flotilla heading toward Gaza. However, according to the Israeli paper, the humanitarian cargo would then be unloaded, (...) -
Appel solennel de la famille d’Ameer Makhoul
27 May 2010===================================================
Van: [] Namens baladi Verzonden: donderdag 27 mei 2010 8:24 Aan: Onderwerp: [Spam] [AL-AWDA-News] Press release by the family of Ameer Makhoul
Press (...) -
“We will resist Israel’s attempts to stop us ”
27 May 2010===================================================
Current Feed Content
(Hearklin, Crete, ) As Israel continues to insist it will stop the seven-ship international Freedom Flotilla, two more ships departed from Greece to Gaza today 25/05.
A 2000 ton cargo ship and fifty-person passenger (...) -
Turkey wants Israel to allow in aid convoy
26 May 2010===================================================
* Nine ships carrying supplies set off for Gaza
ISTANBUL, May 25 (Reuters) - Turkey urged Israel on Tuesday to lift its blockade of Gaza and allow a Turkish-led convoy of ships carrying humanitarian aid to enter the Hamas-controlled enclave. (...) -
Documents reveal how then-defence minister Shimon Perez tried to sell South Africa’s apartheid government the bomb
24 May 2010==================================================
A suivre, documents produits par The Guardian
Chris McGreal
This is the secret memo by South Africa’s military chief of staff, General RF Armstrong, asking for nukes (...) -
Israeli troops demolish biggest UNRWA summer camp in Gaza
24 May 2010===================================================
Information Clearing House Military and Security 5/23/2010 10:06:00 AM GAZA, May 23 (KUNA) — Israeli armed troops Sunday attacked one of the largest camps set up by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (...) -
Report: Abbas may double territory offered to Israel in peace deal
23 May 2010===================================================
Source: Information Clearing House
Wall Street Journal quotes officials briefed on proximity talks between Israel, Palestinians and Mitchell as saying that Palestinian president is prepared to increase territory to be swapped with Jewish (...) -
“Ameer Makhoul torturé en Israël”
20 May 2010===================================================
Serious Suspicion of Shabak (GSS) Use of Illegal Methods of Interrogation Against Human Rights Defender Ameer Makhoul
Today 18 May 2010, Mr. Ameer Makhoul, the director of the Arab NGO network « Ittijah » and a human rights defender, met (...) -
Giving the Finger to Iran, Humiliating Turkey and Brazil
20 May 2010===================================================
Well, that didn’t take long.
In my previous note (yesterday) I wondered if we were smart enough to declare victory and take yes as an answer from Tehran. Today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, testifying before the Senate Foreign (...) -
Gush Shalom réagit et dénonce les abus anti-démocratiques des autorités israéliennes.
19 May 2010===================================================
After Chomsky affair, Gush Shalom considers high court appeal Published today (updated) 19/05/2010 12:31 Bethlehem - Ma’an - Following the Israeli Interior Ministry’s decision to bar prominent US academic Noam Chomsky from (...) -
Boycotting the boycotters
19 May 2010===================================================
While the international boycott against apartheid South Africa is credited with leading to the regime’s downfall, here it is considered irrelevant and unworthy of comparison.
By Gideon Levy
Most people here are appalled at the notion (...) -
Intéressant entretien
19 May 2010===================================================
Mohammed elBaradei on the Iranian Nuclear Issue
A conversation with Mohamed ElBaradei
Mohammed ElBaradei took part in an extended Q&A session with Graham Allison; the event was hosted by the Institute of Politics at Harvard (...) -
Turkey Urges West to Forget Iran Sanctions
18 May 2010===================================================
Iran agrees to ship uranium to Turkey in nuclear fuel swap deal signed late Sunday evening through Brazil, Turkey mediation.
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday he saw no need for United Nations Security (...) -
How US Weapons Grade Uranium was Diverted to Israel
17 May 2010===================================================
Le coeur du problème, le coeur de l’atome, le noeud gordien qu’un nouvel “Alexandre” saura peut-être trancher:relire le discours d’investiture du Président Obama.
Michel Flament, Coordinateur (...) -
14 May 2010===================================================
Next week I am going to be traveling between Istanbul, Athens and Nicosia. I will be giving concerts and talks in support of the coming Free Gaza flotilla. In the last few days, I gave many interviews to Greek papers. Here is one. I guess (...) -
14 May 2010===================================================
ICAHD adds its voice to the calls of Palestinian, Israeli and international civil society organizations demanding the immediate release of Ameer Makhoul, the General Director of Ittijah and President of the Popular Committee for the Defense (...) -
PSC Weekly update May 13th 2010
13 May 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
§ Commemorate the Palestinian Nakba this Saturday outside Downing St and nationwide
§ Breaking the siege on Gaza – ships set to sail
§ National Palestinian trade union speaker tour
§ (...) -
Addameer Submits Urgent Appeal to UN
13 May 2010===================================================
UPDATE: Addameer Submits Urgent Appeal to UN Protesting the
Arbitrary Arrest and Detention of Ameer Makhoul as Israeli Crackdown on Palestinian Civil Society Intensifies
Gag Order Lifted in Makhoul Case, but Ban on Contact with Lawyers is (...) -
The Birth of Israel : a Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism
13 May 2010===================================================
(Based on classified documents from the Jewish Agency and its affiliated organizations seized by the British Mandate Police, materials that confirm that the Zionist controlled Jewish community intended to remove the Arab inhabitants of (...) -
New Israeli order allows for mass expulsion from West Bank
9 May 2010===================================================
RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) -
After finishing his prison sentence, Ahmed Sabah was deported to the Gaza Strip, away from his family in the West Bank. (Wissam Nassar/MaanImages)
Several Palestinians have set up a protest tent in (...) -
General ’tried to cover up truth about death of Rachel Corrie’Nouvel article
9 May 2010===================================================
Israeli war hero accused of suppressing testimony that could reveal what really happened to Gaza activist
The peace activist Rachel Corrie died on 16 March 2003
Seven years after the American activist Rachel Corrie was killed by an (...) -
War, this summer?
8 May 2010===================================================
Israel has only fought pre-emptive wars. All indications show it is gearing up to fight another, one that may change everything, writes Galal Nassar
The strong language the US secretary of state recently used reflects heightened tensions in (...) -
Flotilla to break Gaza siege
6 May 2010===================================================
Flotilla to break Gaza siege
On May 15th, an international flotilla of cargo and passenger ships will depart from various European ports and set sail for Gaza. 3 cargo ships will carry over 5,000 tonnes of medical and building supplies, and (...) -
Is There Room For Gandhi in Palestine?
5 May 2010===================================================
Mustafa Barghouthi: 2010-05-04
A medical doctor, born in Jerusalem in 1954, trained both in the old Soviet Union and in the US, he is the advocate of a strong, non-violent push to a two-state deal with Israel. He got his break in the show (...) -
BDS Tour: Come with us ! BDS Tour, venez avec nous !
5 May 2010===================================================
BDS Tour: Come with us!
Posted by marcy/مارسي newman/نيومان under Boycott, Economic Boycott, French Organizing
Palestine will be in the French countryside from this July 10 (...) -
A Cloud over Jerusalem
3 May 2010===================================================
EVERYONE HAS the right to change his or her mind. Even Danny Tirzeh.
Colonel Tirzeh was responsible for planning the wall that “envelopes” Jerusalem – the one that cuts the city off from the West Bank in order to turn it (...) -
30 April 2010===================================================
PSC Weekly update April 29th 2010
In this week’s round up:
One final push – Lobby your candidates for Palestine Elvis Costello ‘Don’t perform in Apartheid Israel’ Commemorating the Nakba – May 15th In (...) -
Chomsky: What’s At Stake in the Issue of Iran
30 April 2010===================================================
By Noam Chomsky
April 29, 2010 “Pravda”
In an interview with the German publication, Freitag, Noam Chomsky talks about U.S. pressure on Israel and Iran and its geopolitical significance. “Iran is perceived as a threat (...) -
Sowing Hate and Reaping Death
28 April 2010===================================================
April 28, 2010 “Occupation Magazine” —
My name is Rami Elhanan. Thirteen years ago, on the afternoon of Thursday the fourth of September 1997, I lost my daughter, my Smadar, in a suicide attack on Ben-Yehuda street in (...) -
“A Middle East Peace That Could Happen (But Won’t)”
28 April 2010===================================================
In Washington-Speak, “Palestinian State” Means “Fried Chicken”
The fact that the Israel-Palestine conflict grinds on without resolution might appear to be rather strange. For many of the world’s conflicts, it (...) -
Can The U.S. Beat Israel At Their Game?
27 April 2010===================================================
"Information Clearing House"
Americans can now see the light at the end of a long dark tunnel—if only they will look.
We entered this tunnel in 1948 when an enclave of religious fanatics induced President Harry Truman to portray them (...) -
Addameer Submits Arbitrary Detention Complaint to UN
26 April 2010===================================================
Ramallah, 25 April 2010
On 25 April 2010, Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association submitted a complaint to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on behalf of Moatasem Muzher, 16, who is currently held under Israeli (...) -
21 April 2010===================================================
We’ve had a fantastic response to our lobby of parliamentary candidates, with thousands of emails sent and over 1200 candidates lobbied. With only two weeks left until election day use our campaigning tool to contact your candidates (...) -
Noam Chomsky Has ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’
20 April 2010===================================================
April 19, 2010 “Truthdig”
Noam Chomsky is America’s greatest intellectual. His massive body of work, which includes nearly 100 books, has for decades deflated and exposed the lies of the power elite and the myths they (...) -
When the order comes into effect, tens of thousands of Palestinians will automatically become criminal offenders liable to be severely punished.
11 April 2010===================================================
A new military order aimed at preventing infiltration will come into force this week, enabling the deportation of tens of thousands (...) -
PSC Weekly update April 9th 2010
9 April 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
Corin Redgrave 1939 – 2010 Obituary for PSC patron
May 6th: Use our lobbying tool to contact your parliamentary candidates
May 15th: commemorate Nakba Day by calling on government to act!
London protest (...) -
Major Jewish American Organizations Defend Israel’s Humiliation of America
8 April 2010===================================================
By James Petras
“The Government of Israel has insulted the Vice President of the United States, and spat in the face of the President ... they wiped the spit off their faces and smiled politely ... as the saying goes: when you spit in (...) -
7 April 2010===================================================
LOBBY YOUR PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES The issue of justice for the Palestinians has never been more urgent. 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza are now into their fourth year of living under a horrific and brutal (...) -
“Coalition to Break the Blockade on Gaza Announced”
4 April 2010===================================================
April 3, 2010
Istanbul, Turkey
Following months of preparation, a coalition bringing together a number of organizations and movements working to break Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza was announced yesterday in Istanbul. The (...) -
Free Gaza Movement to Launch Cargo Ship from Ireland
1 April 2010===================================================
Wednesday March 31st 2010
Yesterday the Free Gaza Movement bought a 1200 tonne cargo ship at an auction in Dundalk, Ireland.
The vessel had been impounded a year ago following an inspection by the International Transport (...) -
Swedish pension fund bans investment in Israeli company on ethical grounds
31 March 2010===================================================
Swedish pension fund bans investment in Israeli company on ethical grounds
The biggest Swedish pension fund has barred Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems from its investment portfolios on ethical grounds, Israel Radio (...) -
Samson and the 2nd Nakba
30 March 2010===================================================
- March 30, 2010 "Information Clearing House"
As much as many of us enjoyed watching the humiliation of Israel and PM Netanyahu in Washington this week, I am reluctant to suggest that the emerging crisis between America and Israel may also (...) -
Petraeus Backs Down
28 March 2010===================================================
Petraeus to Ashkenazi: I never said Israel policy endangers U.S.
By Natasha Mozgavaya, Haaretz Correspondent
March 26, 2010 “Haaretz” — Commander of the U.S. Military’s Central Command Gen. David Petraeus phoned (...) -
PSC Weekly Update
28 March 2010===================================================
Global BDS Days of Action – this weekend! Find out what is happening in your area
As the Palestinians commemorate ‘Land Day’ - when Israeli security forces shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel 33 years (...) -
“Israel Gives The Finger To The USA”
24 March 2010===================================================
March 23, 2010 “Pravda” —
" It is a case of the dog biting the hand that feeds it. After years of protection by Big Brother USA, covering up for its having nuclear warheads when Iran cannot even have a nuclear program, (...) -
Zionism’s Dark Forces Don’t Want the Lights On
23 March 2010===================================================
By Alan Hart
March 23, 2010 -
- At the opening of AIPAC’s annual foreign policy conference its new president, Lee Rosenberg, was not a happy man. As he put it, “In recent days we have witnessed something (the Obama (...) -
The Doomsday Weapon
23 March 2010===================================================
Uri Avnery 23.3.10
IT IS already a commonplace to say that people who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat their mistakes.
Some 1942 years ago, the Jews in the province called Palaestina launved a revolt against the Roman (...) -
The Dark Face of Jewish Nationalism
20 March 2010===================================================
Source: Clearing House
By Dr Alan Sabrosky
March 19, 2010 “Redress” - -Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu once remarked to a Likud gathering that “Israel is not like other countries”. Oddly enough for him, (...) -
Significant BDS Victory: UC Berkeley Student Senate passes Israel divestment bill!
19 March 2010===================================================
Significant BDS Victory: UC Berkeley Student Senate passes Israel divestment bill!
Par un vote écrasant, 16-4, le Sénat des Etudiants de l’Université de Californie [Berkeley] a passé la motion BDS ci-jointe soutenant le (...) -
US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of the Israeli Government
19 March 2010===================================================
March 18, 2010 - WASHINGTON, March 17, 2010 “IRMEP” - PRNewswire via COMTEX/ ----The US Department of Justice has been formally asked to begin regulating the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as the (...) -
U.S. Tough Love is the Kind Israel Needs
19 March 2010===================================================
March 18, 2010 “Haaretz” —
Israel - addicted to the occupation, and showing symptoms of overdose and accumulated damage - has finally found a savior to rescue it from its plight. Israel’s redeemer hasn’t just (...) -
“I will mourn on Nakba Day”
18 March 2010===================================================
The “Nakba law” passed in a first reading lastle Tuesday . The law forbids mourning the Nakba on ISrael’s Idependence Day. Breaking the law will result in high fines and withdrawal of gevernmental financing from municipal (...) -
Today in Palestine!
18 March 2010===================================================
Subject: [PACUSA] March 17, 2010
Settlements/Land Theft and Destruction
New housing units in occupied Jerusalem The planning and construction committee in the Israeli controlled municipality of Jerusalem has endorsed new building plans (...) -
Turkish PM: why pressure Iran, not nuclear Israel?
18 March 2010===================================================
Erdogan: countries with nuclear weapons not in moral position to lecture other nations on nuclear.
LONDON - Turkey’s prime minister said Tuesday it was “only rumours” that Iran was making nuclear weapons, stressing (...) -
Nuclear Threat
18 March 2010===================================================
Nuclear Threat Report: US shipping arms ahead of strike on Iran
Scottish newspaper says US transferred ammunition containers with ’bunker-buster’ bombs to Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean. Expert: They are gearing up (...) -
URGENT ACTION ALERT : No reward for war crimes – No upgrade for Israel in the EU
16 March 2010===================================================
URGENT ACTION ALERT: No reward for war crimes – No upgrade for Israel in the EU
One of Europe’s decision making body, the Council of the EU, will be discussing upgrading the EU-Israel association agreement next Tuesday 23rd March (...) -
“This is Starting to Get Dangerous”
16 March 2010===================================================
By Scott Horton
March 15, 2010 "Harper’s" -
Last week, Vice President Joe Biden was publicly slapped in the face by the Netanyahu Government during his trip to Jerusalem. The Israeli Government used the occasion to announce the (...) -
Buzek: “Peace talks must resume as soon as possible. The region needs them. The people need them.”
14 March 2010===================================================
Brussels, 14 March 2010
Buzek concludes visit to Jordan for EMPA plenary session
Jerzy Buzek, the President of the European Parliament is concluding his weekend long visit to Amman, Jordan, for the plenary session of the Euro-Mediterranean (...) -
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Weekly Update
12 March 2010===================================================
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Weekly Update –
In this week’s update:
Thank you for lobbying your MEP’s: EU endorses Goldstone report Protest against Jerusalem Mayor, 22nd March, London Video and photographic evidence (...) -
12 March 2010===================================================
The day on which
The negotiations with
The Palestinians
Were to begin
Was marked by
The confirmation of a
Huge new settlement
In East Jerusalem
And a slap in the face
Of the US Vice President.
Anyone who is surprised
By this (...) -
Two Humiliations - Can Obama Live With A Third?
11 March 2010===================================================
By Alan Hart
March 10, 2010 "Information Clearing House" — Amazing! While in Israel, an American vice president explicitly condemns an Israeli decision to build yet more homes, 1,600 apartments, in occupied Arab East Jerusalem. "I (...) -
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Weekly Update
4 March 2010===================================================
– Thursday 4 March 2010
Despite the intense pressure by the Israeli government, the government has ruled out any change in (...) -
Israel Penalizing Nakba Commemoration: One More Step Down the Path of Apartheid
3 March 2010===================================================
Badil Resource Center [3 March 2010]
The Israeli parliamentary Law Committee has recently approved a law proposal the (“Nakba bill”) that, if passed by the Knesset, would impose economic sanctions on the organizers of Nakba (...) -
In U.S., Barak signals Israeli autonomy against Iran
2 March 2010===================================================
WASHINGTON (Reuters) –
Israel’s perspective on Iran’s nuclear program differs from that of the United States, and the two may part ways on what action to take, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Friday. (...) -
A call from Montreal artists to support the international campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israeli apartheid…
1 March 2010===================================================
A call from Montreal artists to support the international campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israeli apartheid…
Today, a broad spectrum of Montreal artists are standing (...) -
Do you have to be Jewish to report on Israel for the New York Times?
26 February 2010===================================================
A recent assignment of mine covering Israel’s presumed links to the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh provoked some more thoughts about the New York Times reporter Ethan Bronner. He is the Jerusalem bureau chief who has (...) -
Viva Palestina to Send Convoy to Gaza
25 February 2010===================================================
Thursday February 25, 2010 12:28
British Legislator, George Galloway, stated that Viva Palestina is preparing to send another convoy filled with humanitarian aid to the impoverished Gaza Strip. Convoy members from different countries around (...) -
Emergency protest: Justice for Gaza-London protesters this Friday
25 February 2010===================================================
The protest will take place at 9.30am this Friday 26th February 2010 at: Isleworth Crown court, 36 Ridgeway Road, London, TW7 5LP (nearest tube: Osterley, Piccadilly line)
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative and Stop (...) -
Israel works to change international law
24 February 2010===================================================
Pal Telegraph; by Jeff Halper -
The Israeli attack on Gaza in December 2008/January 2009 was not merely a military assault on a primarily civilian population, impoverished and the victim of occupation and besiegement these past 42 years. It (...) -
Cut The “Ambiguity”, Ambassador, Or Pack Your Bags
23 February 2010===================================================
February 22, 2010 “Redress” — Hey, Mr Foreign Secretary Miliband,
Let me tell you something. If I were the British foreign secretary there would be no more “friendly chats”. The Israeli ambassador would have 24 (...) -
Could former UN nuclear boss ElBaradei bring democracy to Egypt?
20 February 2010===================================================
A boisterous crowd greeted former UN nuclear boss Mohamed ElBaradei in Cairo Friday and urged him to run for president. He says it’s time for ’real democracy.’
By Kristen Chick Correspondent posted February 19, 2010 at (...) -
Weekly update 19th February 2010Take
19 February 2010=================================================
Take Action for BDS: 27th to 30th March 2010
Following the call made by the Palestinian BNC for a day of Action on 30 March 2010, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, the PSC (...) -
Passport to the Truth in Dubai Remains Secret
18 February 2010===================================================
" - - It’s a propaganda war. Whoever killed the Hamas official in Dubai – let’s speak frankly – it’s part of an old, dirty war between the Israelis and the Palestinians in which they have been murdering their (...) -
Zionist propaganda tools
16 February 2010==================================================
February 13, 2010 “” - - For those who still cannot make their minds up about Jewish nationalism and the Zionist violent abuse of Western academic culture (tolerance, academic freedom, pluralism etc) Rabbi Shmully Hecht of (...) -
Weekly Update
12 February 2010===================================================
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Weekly Update – Friday 12 February 2010
In this weeks update:
Ban settlement goods – Email your MP and order new campaigning material.
Date for diaries:
Global BDS Day of Action – 30th March (...) -
Comme David avec Goliath ! (ndlr)
10 February 2010===================================================
Rep. Mike Pence: Israel Should Dictate U.S. Policy
By Gregg Carlstrom
February 09, 2010 “The Majlis” -
Matt Duss flagged this video of Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana), a senior member of the Republican leadership in the U.S. House (...) -
LATEST NEWS : Stop the Wall offices hit in late night raid
8 February 2010===================================================
February 8th, 2010
Late last night Occupation forces raided the Stop the Wall offices in Ramallah.
Part of the mounting repression of the anti-Wall movement, this attack on the Campaign offices comes after arrests of Stop the Wall staff (...) -
PSC Weekly Update
4 February 2010===================================================
In this week’s update:
Protest Monday 8 February: Daniel Ayalon in London – 10.30am Temple Place
Nobel Peace Prize contender Dr Mustapha Bargouthi headlines PSC
Annual General Meeting Day of Action – 25th Feb: Re-open (...) -
4 February 2010===================================================
February 4, 2010
CWP Update: The Goldstone Deadline and the Persecution of Palestinian and Israeli Human Rights Organizations
Dear friends of the Coalition of Women for Peace,
1. Call for Action to Mark the UN Goldstone Report (...) -
This Time We Went Too Far
4 February 2010===================================================
“Better than any other book, This Time We Went Too Far shows how the massive destruction visited on Gaza was not an accidental byproduct of the Israeli invasion but its barely concealed objective.” — Raja Shehadeh, author, (...) -
Hamas calls for legal action against Israel at ICC
2 February 2010===================================================
Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:43:33 GMT Font size : Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum Hamas called for the prosecution of Israeli leaders at the International Criminal Court (ICC), after Tel Aviv admitted the use of phosphorous munitions against (...) -
“I can identify with Palestinian youth”
30 January 2010===================================================
Hajo Meyer (Christiane Tilanus)
Hajo Meyer, author of the book The End of Judaism, was born in Bielefeld, in Germany, in 1924. In 1939, he fled on his own at age 14 to the Netherlands to escape the Nazi regime, and was unable to attend (...) -
European Parliamentarians for strong actions against Israel on Gaza plight
28 January 2010===================================================
A delegation of European Union Parliamentarians have demanded economic and political sanctions on Israel to force the Jewish State to end its blockade of Gaza where the people continue to be denied essentials of (...) -
“Resolution to Spend $300 Billion on Detroit, not on Israel”
28 January 2010===================================================
Resolution to Spend $300 Billion on Detroit, not on Israel:
Ann Arbor’s Human Rights Commission must speak clearly now.
It must repudiate any statement from its Commissioners claiming that the Palestinian people are a (...) -
“In the West They Say It’s Rain”
28 January 2010===================================================
“Haaretz” —
Israel, via the Interior Ministry, continues to spit in the face of friendly countries, and those countries continue to admire the falling raindrops. The ministry’s most recent gob of spit was the (...) -
Anti-Israelism: Why Zionism Doesn’t And Can’t Get It
27 January 2010===================================================
By Alan Hart
January 26, 2010 “Information Clearing House” — There is no doubt it. More and more people all over the world, and probably many of their governments behind closed doors, are beginning to see the Zionist state (...) -
26 January 2010===================================================
Land theft / Settlements
Netanyahu: Settlement blocs forever Israeli “The message is clear – we are here and will remain here. We are planting and building; this is an inseparable part of the State of Israel,” Prime (...) -
Merkel: February will be decisive month in West’s standoff with Iran
26 January 2010===================================================
By Assaf Uni, Haaretz Correspondent (Berlin), and Haaretz Service
German Chancellor Angela Merkel told visiting President Shimon Peres on Tuesday that February will be a (...) -
Time for George Mitchell to Resign
26 January 2010===================================================
By Stephen M. Walt
January 25, 2010 “FP”
— If Mideast special envoy George Mitchell wants to end his career with his reputation intact, it is time for him to resign. He had a distinguished tenure in the U.S. Senate (...) -
The tree-lined bunkers that could change the face of the Middle East
25 January 2010===================================================
The border looks peaceful, but Hizbollah and Israel are preparing for war
It looks like a hop, skip and a jump. There’s the first electrified fence, then the dirt strip to identify footprints, then the tarmac road, then one more (...) -
Palestinian peace activist brutally arrested- testimony
24 January 2010===================================================
Muhaned Abu Awad, 20, son of Khaled Abu Awad - the general manager of ISraeli-PAlestinian Bereaved PArents for Peace - and a peace activist himself, was brutally arrested Friday night, as part of ISraeli policy to arrest Palestinian Fatah (...) -
Thieves Go Home – Sheikh Jarakh is Palestine!”
24 January 2010===================================================
Every one of those who came took into account that he could be arrested and held in detention for at least a day. The more experienced brought with them a toothbrush. Still, at the appointed time, 3 p.m., hundreds were already waiting (a most (...) -
Israeli Minister Warns of New War With Hezbollah
24 January 2010===================================================
January 23, 2010 “AFP” —
JERUSALEM — Israel is heading toward a new war with Lebanon’s Shiite movement Hezbollah, a cabinet minister warned Saturday in remarks carried by military radio and the popular (...) -
PSC Weekly Update
22 January 2010===================================================
In this weeks update:
No impunity to war criminals – e-mail the PM now; Complain to the BBC for whitewashing Israel’s massacre and get an eye-witness from the Gaza convoy to speak at a meeting near you!
Plus: Palestinians in (...) -
Model of Diplomacy: A Greek Returning Gifts
21 January 2010===================================================
Theodoros Pangalos, a 70-year-old Member of the Greek Parliament, received three bottles of wine as a holiday gift, with best wishes from Israel’s Ambassador, Ali Giachia. (Wikipedia lists him as Ali Yihiye.)
In a Trojan horse (...) -
Masha’al renews invitation to meet with Abbas
21 January 2010===================================================
Bethlehem – Ma’an – Senior-most Hamas leader Khaled Masha’al on Wednesday renewed his call meet with President Mahmoud Abbas, Saudi media reported.
“My stance remains the same: I am ready to meet [Abu Mazen] (...) -
Britain must not become a safe haven for war criminals
19 January 2010===================================================
The British government have announced they wish to change the law to avoid future attempts to prosecute suspected war criminals. It is reported that they may come forward with proposals this week.
Please act NOW:
1/ Email Gordon Brown and (...) -
19 January 2010===================================================
Land theft / Settlements / Matrix of control
Palestinians turn to jobs building settlements Like most Palestinians, Ismail Harb resents the Israeli settlements that crown the hilltops of the West Bank, but every day he lines up before (...) -
Israel, Germany hold joint Cabinet meeting amidst protests; Israel to receive nuclear submarine
19 January 2010===================================================
Tuesday January 19, 2010 04:47 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC News
Orthodox Jews at Monday’s Protests in Germany (photo press tv)“Judaism Yes, Zionism No!” read signs carried by a group of Orthodox Jews who joined dozens of (...) -
“A Closer Look at Israel’s Role in Terrorism”
19 January 2010===================================================
January 18, 2010
— Response of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when asked on September 11, 2001 what the attacks meant for U.S.-Israeli relations
Game theory war-planners rely on mathematical models to anticipate and (...) -
Haniyeh – Inter-Palestinian reconciliation, Arab Unity, strategic choice and national need
18 January 2010===================================================
By Guest Post • Jan 17th, 2010 at 15:06 • Category: Middle East Issues, Newswire, Palestine, Resistance
GAZA, (PIC)– Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya on Friday called for having a new Arab strategy based on the (...) -
“Israel bullied Abbas into deferring UN vote”
18 January 2010===================================================
Sun, 17 Jan 2010 07:21:52 GMT Font size : Acting Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas was bullied by Israel to postpone a UN vote on the Goldstone report last year, an Israeli newspaper says.
Abbas’ decision to request (...) -
For Israel, a Reckoning - “And this is just a beginning”
17 January 2010===================================================
The farce of the climate change summit in Copenhagen affirmed a world war waged by the rich against most of humanity.
It also illuminated a resistance growing perhaps as never before: an internationalism linking justice for the planet earth (...) -
Des militants pacifistes et communistes arrêtés en Israël
17 January 2010===================================================
De la démocratie au fascisme en passant par la dictature militaire.
Pour celles et ceux qui ont peur des mots:
De l’Etat de Droit à l’Etat Police
Le Comité de rédaction
=================================================== (...) -
PSC Weekly Update –
15 January 2010===================================================
In this weeks update:
Gaza convoy returns home – reports and news, plus report back and rally Tuesday 19 Jan, 7pm Conway Hall, London
Plus: Israel threatens ‘second Gaza war’; Jamal Juma’ released; debate on (...) -
Apparent changement de ton à Ramallah
15 January 2010===================================================
A senior US envoy told the Palestinian president on Thursday that Washington is working hard to find a way to broker a resumption of peace talks with Israel, a senior Palestinian official said.
Earlier, (...) -
EU delegation to assess Gaza damage
15 January 2010===================================================
Infrastructure was severely damaged during Israel’s 14-day offensive on the Gaza Strip [EPA] Fifty parliamentarians from across Europe are on their way to the Gaza Strip to assess conditions in the Palestinian enclave following (...) -
The United States, Israel and the Retreat of Freedom
15 January 2010===================================================
The United States, Israel and the Retreat of Freedom
January 14, 2010 “Electronic Intifada” — The world is suffering from a “freedom recession” according to a new report from the American think tank Freedom (...) -
Netanyahu: “Israel will never share Jerusalem with Palestinians”
13 January 2010===================================================
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent, and Agencies
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared on Tuesday that Israel would never cede control of united Jerusalem nor retreat to the 1967 borders, according to a bureau statement.
The (...) -
12 January 2010===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
A Palestinian woman reacts next to cut olive trees in the northern West Bank village of Burin Jan, 7, 2010. According to Burin’s mayor, Jewish settlers cut more than 20 olive trees in the village in (...) -
“No army, no prison and no wall can stop us”
10 January 2010===================================================
Abdallah Abu Rahmah being arrested by Israeli soldiers at demonstration in Bilin in 2005. (Oren Ziv/ActiveStills)
To all our friends,
I mark the beginning of the new decade imprisoned in a military detention camp. Nevertheless, from (...) -
“Imposing Middle East Peace”
9 January 2010===================================================
This article is based on a longer study commissioned by the Norwegian Peacebuilding Centre in Oslo.
Israel’s relentless drive to establish “facts on the ground” in the occupied West Bank, a drive that continues in violation (...) -
The French Heroes of the Gaza Freedom March
8 January 2010===================================================
A great many heroes have emerged from the Gaza Freedom March’s efforts in Cairo, where more than 1,400 internationals from 43 countries have come to demand an end to the Israeli siege on Gaza. The South African delegation have inspired (...) -
Viva Palestina a ouvert la voie: ensemble (tous) transformons l’essai réussi (ndlr)
8 January 2010===================================================
Normalement, en double-cliquant sur l’adresse électronique si dessous vous devriez accéder aux vidéos recommandées
Copier et coller, en un seul bloc, les 6 lignes de l’adresse dans votre barre d’adresses et taper (...) -
Putting Lens on Lives in Suspended Animation in Gaza
8 January 2010===================================================
GAZA — In the year since Israeli fighter jets and troops invaded this coastal Palestinian strip to stop rocket fire, time seems to have stood still. A blockade imposed by both Israel and Egypt to isolate the Hamas government bars the (...) -
7 January 2010===================================================
Settlements/Land Theft and Destruction
Israel presses ahead on settlements Palestinian leader calls for halt as building works in East Jerusalem gain momentum. (...) -
Après de nouveaux affrontements, le convoi progresse trés lentement vers Gaza
6 January 2010==================================================
Dans des affrontements avec des Palestiniens qui protestent contre l’attitude de l’Egypte un garde-frontière egyptien aurait été tué.
La Coordination de l’Appel de Strasbourg (...) -
6 January 2010===================================================
PSC Update and Urgent Action Alert
– Contact the Egyptian Embassy
– Contact the BBC
The Aid Convoy to Gaza has been attacked last night in Egypt, and is experiencing further delays. Please take action now!
Press Release (...) -
6 January 2010===================================================
Settlements/Land Theft and Destruction
Settlement Construction Continues in Kiryat Netafim Israel has informed the High Court of Justice that it will continue construction in a West Bank settlement, despite promises of a settlement freeze (...) -
Malgré la véritable persécution des autorités egyptiennes, l’essentiel du convoi devrait parvenir à Gaza.
6 January 2010===================================================
Pendant ces interminables heures d’attente à El Arish, de trés importantes manifestations se déroulent dans la Zone de Gaza pour protester contre le comportement du gouvernement egyptien qui depuis plus d’une semaine maintenant (...) -
Odieux chantage au milieu du silence méprisable des médias et des “autorités” internationales.
6 January 2010===================================================
Sommes-nous dans une république bananière ? nos représentants élus nous représentent-ils encore ? sont-ils frappés de surdité soudaine ?
Pas un mot sur quelque média que ce soit de cette tragédie qui se déroule à 2h d’avion de (...) -
Entre 10h et 11h45 AM, ce mercredi 6/01/2010
6 January 2010===================================================
Tenir compte du décalage horaire ( là bas = + 1 h)
12am: on the move?
hearing convoy accepted to leave 59 vehicles behind. Turkey to hold them –
The dust has cleared after last night’s clash with the police, and we’re (...) -
Trés bref message reçu à 10h AM
6 January 2010===================================================
Recovering after riot police attack last night.
All convoy remain in compound at El Arish.
Still hope to reach Gaza today…
Difficult night,many injured-not us.
Negotiations took place & looks like we might go into Gaza (...) -
To all friends of Palestine - Mobilisation !
6 January 2010===================================================
Our situation is now at a crisis point! Riot has broken out in the port of Al- Arish.
This late afternoon we were negotiating with a senior official from Cairo who left negotiations some two hours ago and did not return. Our negotiations (...) -
Joint “Stop the Wall” and Addameer Update on the Arrest of Jamal Juma’
5 January 2010===================================================
Joint “Stop the Wall” and Addameer Update on the Arrest of Jamal Juma’, Human Rights Defender and Coordinator of the “Stop the Wall” Campaign
[Ramallah, 5 January 2010]
On 4 January 2010, an Israeli military (...) -
“The Blockade is Terrorism!”
5 January 2010===================================================
On the first day of the Gaza War, one year ago, activists of Gush Shalom and other peace organizations demonstrated against it. Today (2.1.10), many of them took part in a large demonstration, whose main demand was to lift the siege of Gaza. (...) -
La détermination est intacte malgré tous les obstacles: admirable !
4 January 2010===================================================
Day 28 – Sunday Jan 3 2010
11pm: ULUSOY-6 has arrived in El-Arish!
Nick: our ship has got to El Arish! & Mike: We fly tomorrow at 4 pm. – @YorktoGaza
hi from Latakia, SYR. the TUR ship carrying Viva vehicles sailed this (...) -
The Iron Wall
3 January 2010===================================================
About 1400 activists from all over the world gathered there on their way to the Gaza Strip. On the anniversary of the “Cast Lead” War, they intended to participate in a non-violent demonstration against the ongoing blockade, which (...) -
End Israeli Apartheid Cairo Declaration
2 January 2010===================================================
End Israeli Apartheid Cairo Declaration
Gaza Freedom Marchers issue the « Cairo Declaration » to end Israeli Apartheid
(Cairo) Gaza Freedom Marchers approved today a declaration aimed at accelerating the global (...) -
Viva Palestina Convoy Continues Journey To Tartus Port
1 January 2010===================================================
From Kuzaimah Idris
DAMASCUS, Dec 31 (Bernama)
While the rest of the world usher the arrival of 2010 with cheers and fireworks, members of the Viva Palestina convoy of 450 are expected to usher the New Year on a ship in the Mediterranean (...) -
Probable monstrueuse falsification de documents
30 December 2009===================================================
CIA Determines Documents Were Fabricated
The Iranian Nuke Forgeries
U.S. intelligence has concluded that the document published recently by the Times of London, which (...) -
EGYPT: activists barred from Gaza “freedom march”
30 December 2009===================================================
Exemple de diffusion d’information dans un grand média étranger contrastant avec le quasi silence assourdissant des médias français sous contrôle.
Michel Flament -Coordinateur
=================================================== (...) -
“Genocide in Slow Motion.”
28 December 2009===================================================
By Alan Hart
On the first anniversary of the beginning of Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip – in my view it was a demonstration of Israeli state terrorism at its most naked – it’s not enough to say that the governments (...) -
International Aid Convoy Members Prepare for Hunger Strike
26 December 2009===================================================
26 December 2009
Press Release – for immediate release
Members of the Viva Palestina international aid convoy to Gaza will begin a hunger strike at 11.25 am tomorrow (27th) in protest at the Egyptian government’s refusal to (...) -
Egypt blamed for Gaza convoy delay
26 December 2009===================================================
British politician George Galloway has criticised Egypt for denying a humanitarian aid convoy permission to enter the Gaza Strip.
The Viva Palestina aid convoy, containing some 210 vehicles and 500 people, is currently stranded in Jordan (...) -
Egypt refuses entry to Viva Palestina Gaza Aid Convoy!!
25 December 2009===================================================
The Egyptian government has denied entry to the Viva Palestina Aid Convoy carrying medical and humanitarian aid to Gaza.
Hundreds of tonnes of aid, including specialised medical equipment and powdered milk for babies, is now stockpiled in (...) -
“America is not a Democracy, nor was it intended to be.”
25 December 2009===================================================
By Noam Chomsky
America is not a democracy , nor was it intended to be. [
et=1102906231494&s=50481&e=0015IArzqci7NHIzFOszKZWhJUPZvdaHQ_5fqBjI-uarBXj_kfodqiL -
’Israel poisons Palestinian soil, newborns’: researchers*
23 December 2009===================================================
“The 2006 and 2009 Israeli bombings on Gaza left a high concentration of toxic metals in soil, which can cause tumors, fertility problems, and serious effects on newborns, like deformities and genetic pathologies.” (...) -
Viva Palestina aid convoy to Gaza received Syrian boost.
23 December 2009===================================================
The international convoy carrying humanitarian aid from London to Gaza has swollen in size during its journey from Syria into Jordan.
More than 400 people from around the world are now travelling on the convoy after volunteers from as far (...) -
Free Jamal Juma’! - Free the anti-Wall prisoners!
22 December 2009===================================================
Latest News, Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign,
Jamal Juma’ was arrested by Israeli authorities on December 16. This arrest follows the imprisonment of Mohammad Othman, another Stop the Wall activist, and Abdallah Abu (...) -
Israeli doc admits harvesting organs
21 December 2009===================================================
The chief Israeli pathologist and director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine at Abu Kabir, professor Yehuda Hiss, has admitted harvesting organs from the bodies of dead Palestinians without the consent of their (...) -
Hamas invites all factions to discuss unity with Haniyeh in Gaza
19 December 2009===================================================
Published yesterday (updated) 18/12/2009 21:42
Hamas leaders in Gaza invited members of all Palestinian factions and independent figures to come to Gaza for a meeting with de facto Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh on Sunday where sides will (...) -
CIA working with Palestinian security
18 December 2009===================================================
CIA working with Palestinian security agentsUS agency co-operating with Palestinian counterparts who allegedly torture Hamas supporters in West Bank
Buzz up!
Digg it
Ian Cobain in Ramallah, Thursday 17 December 2009 18.16 (...) -
Please act now! Contact your MP!
16 December 2009===================================================
Following the news that Tzipi Livni, who served as Foreign Minister in the Israeli government that planned and executed Israel’s brutal bombing and massacre in Gaza, faced arrest if she entered Britain, tell the government there must be (...) -
“Saving Israel” or Assisting it to Commit Suicide?
15 December 2009===================================================
December 15, 2009 "Information Clearing House"
I had to struggle with myself to decide which of two headlines was most appropriate for this article - the one above or “The hard core of lunatics are pulling up the drawbridge”.
A (...) -
“For Palestinians, Every Day Is Kristallnacht”
14 December 2009===================================================
December 14, 2009 "Information Clearing House"
“Settlers attack West Bank mosque and burn holy Muslim books” was a London Times headline on December 11, 2009.
These attacks, together with the demolition of Palestinian homes, (...) -
Affermissement de la position européenne, notamment au sujet du statut de Jérusalem ( ndlr)
13 December 2009===================================================
"The Council adopted the following conclusions:
1. The Council of the European Union is seriously concerned about the lack of progress in the Middle East peace process. The European Union calls for the urgent resumption of negotiations that (...) -
Israeli settlers attack mosque
12 December 2009===================================================
The graffiti on the mosque bodes badly for settlers accepting a return to 1967 borders (AFP) Israeli settlers in the occupied Palestinian West Bank have vandalised a mosque, torching its library and spraying hate messages in Hebrew on (...) -
Today in Palestine! Headlines December 2009
11 December 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Israel approves 84 new buildings in West Bank JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel approved the construction of 84 buildings in West Bank settlements. The approvals of buildings whose foundations have not yet been (...) -
Please help publicise this vigil as widely as possible.
11 December 2009===================================================
On 27 December 2008, Israel launched ‘Operation Cast Lead’: raining bombs, white phosphorus and other horrific weapons upon the population of Gaza. The Israeli army killed over 1400 Palestinians and injured over 5000. One year (...) -
Egypt starts building steel wall on Gaza Strip border
10 December 2009===================================================
Egypt starts building steel wall on Gaza Strip border By Christian Fraser BBC News, Cairo There are thought to be hundreds of tunnels along the border Egypt has begun constructing a huge metal wall along its border with the (...) -
Civil war for peace or the end of Zionism? :
10 December 2009===================================================
By Alan Hart
December 09, 2009 “Information Clearing House”
I have been writing about what must happen in America if there is to be more than a snowball’s chance in hell of peace on the basis of an acceptable amount of (...) -
Does Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S. Have a Point?
9 December 2009===================================================
December 08, 2009 "Information Clearing House"
— Writing in The Wall Street Journal (which has a preference for Israeli propaganda), Michael B. Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the U.S., said that advancing a peace process now (...) -
Pétition et site du Convoi en route pour Gaza
7 December 2009===================================================
Sign the Petition – Britain Must Implement the Goldstone Report
One year since Israel launched Operation Cast Lead, raining bombs on 1.5 million Palestinians, killing over 1400 and wounding over 5,000, the Israeli government has (...) -
Israel refuses Irish FM permission to visit Gaza
7 December 2009==================================================
Jour après jour, laborieusement mais stupidement, l’Etat d’ Israël au pouvoir d’influence de plus en plus réduit, “entasse” contre lui des pelletées de rancoeur, voire de haine, en se livrant à des actions (...) -
Diplomacy: Franco friendly
5 December 2009===================================================
The Foreign Ministry started looking to its friends in Europe this week to push back against a Swedish proposal on the Middle East that essentially calls for the recognition of east Jerusalem as the capital of “Palestine,” (...) -
The Israeli Lobby appeals before the US Congress to stop the Ergenekon trial in Turkey
5 December 2009===================================================
The investigation into the illegal network known as Ergenekon, which was plotting to overthrow the Erdogan Government and replace it by a pro-U.S. military dictatorship, revealed that this terrorist organisation was a remodeled version of the (...) -
The Height of Kitsch
5 December 2009===================================================
IT WOULD have been the epitome of political kitsch.
Binyamin Netanyahu and ten of his ministers were to hold a joint meeting with Angela Merkel and ten members of the German cabinet.
What for? To demonstrate Germany’s love for Israel. (...) -
4 December 2009===================================================
1. Gaza convoy leaves on Sunday!
Follow the Convoy to Gaza
The Convoy to Gaza leaves London this weekend with a fleet of vehicles filled with medical and other essential needs as it attempts to break Israel’s illegal siege that has (...) -
No water for the neighbours
4 December 2009===================================================
Rows of neat suburban houses stand on the parched, barren hillside. A water tower looms over them, irrigating lush greenery in the gardens. But outside this West Bank settlement’s perimeter fence sits the tiny Bedouin community of Umm (...) -
“…And A Little Child Shall Lead Them”
29 November 2009===================================================
THOMAS FRIEDMAN, the New York Times columnist, has an idea. That happens to him quite often. One might almost say - too often.
It goes like this: The US will turn its back on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The entire world will follow. (...) -
The US Congressman who sold his soul to the Israel lobby
25 November 2009===================================================
By Adam Shapiro
Adam Shapiro tells the story of a hitherto principled friend and campaigner for justice and human rights, Tom Perriello, who ran for Congress and, once elected, betrayed all of his principles and became a mere tool of the (...) -
Sixty Days after his Arrest, Human Rights Defender Mohammad Othman Receives his First Administrative Detention Order
24 November 2009===================================================
[Ramallah, 24 November 2009]
On 23 November 2009, after 61 days of detention for the purpose of interrogation by Israeli Security Agency officers, human rights defender Mohammad Othman received his first administrative detention order. The (...) -
Holland to probe if Ahava products made on occupied land..........
19 November 2009===================================================
Il existe certains pays qui, ayant encore quelque notion du droit et de la nécessité de le respecter, font ce qu’il faut pour établir les responsabilités de chacun.
La floraison des articles en langue anglaise concernant ce sujet met (...) -
“The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews”
19 November 2009===================================================
November 18, 2009 “Information Clearing House”
It is rather impossible to grasp the magnitude of the crimes against humanity performed by the Jewish state in the name of the Jewish people unless one elaborates on Jewish culture (...) -
Liste exhaustive de 178 informations parues ce jour; par défaut, constatez ce que nous cachent les médias dominants (pour l’instant), complices et principaux responsables du sommeil des consciences ! (ndlr)
18 November 2009===================================================
PACUSA Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 5:55 AM Subject: [PACUSA] VTJP Headlines - Occupied Palestine and Israel 11/17/2009 News
Two Homes Demolished In Jerusalem International Middle East Media Center - 17 Nov 2009 U.S Asks Israel To (...) -
18 November 2009===================================================
Public Meeting
Israel’s Occupation of Palestine: who profits and who doesn’t
Dr Dalit Baum – Who Profits
Salwa Alenat – Kav LaOved
Thursday 19 November
6:30pm - 8 pm
London School of Economics
Clement (...) -
Israël et ses “alliés” le mur (ndlr)
18 November 2009===================================================
We shall welcome the declaration of the Free State of Palestine
Uri Avnery
Addicted To Occupation
18 November 2009===================================================
LIA TARACHANSKY, PRODUCER, TRNN: Gideon Levy is one of the most prominent Israeli journalists working with the daily newspaper Haaretz since the early ’80s. Previously, he served as an aide to then-leader of the Labor Party, (...) -
Scoundrel With Permission ( crapule en toute légalité)
15 November 2009===================================================
Uri Avnery 14.11.09
WHEN THE TV news starts with a murder, people are relieved.
This means that no war has broken out, no suicide bomb has exploded, no Qassam rocket has been launched at Sderot. Ahmadinejad has not test-fired a new missile (...) -
An Open letter from a Palestinian Resident of Gaza to the President Obama
15 November 2009===================================================
November 14, 2009 By Haidar Eid
Dear Mr. President,
You will probably not read this letter due to your busy schedule and the huge number of messages you receive from Presidents, Kings, Princes, Sheiks, and Prime Ministers. Who is a (...) -
14 November 2009===================================================
IAIS Building University of Exeter Stocker Road Exeter UK EX4 4ND
14 November 2009
Dear Lord Mayor.
I was shocked and offended by your (...) -
Israel ’personally attacking human rights group’ after Gaza war criticismHuman Rights Watch denies having political agenda or seeking funds from Saudi Arabia
14 November 2009===================================================
Friday 13 November 2009 15.53 GMT Article history
The Goldstone report, which HRW supported, accused Israel of a disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorise a civilian population.
America’s leading human (...) -
America’s Dismal Future
13 November 2009===================================================
November 13, 2009 "Information Clearing House"
It did not take the Israel Lobby long to make mincemeat out of the Obama administration’s “no new settlements” position. Israeli prime minister Netanyahu is bragging about (...) -
Cut Off Economic and Military Aid to Israel?
12 November 2009===================================================
November 11, 2009 “FP”
Two eminent mainstream journalists — Tom Friedman and Joe Klein — recently called for United States to disengage from the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, on the grounds that Palestinians (...) -
Programme d’actions de notre partenaire britannique: PSC (Palestinian Solidarity Campaign)
10 November 2009===================================================
Phone Morrisons and Waitrose this Wednesday 11 November – National week of supermarket boycott actions
Our boycott week of action is attracting media attention: The Jerusalem Post writes: ‘Activists are targeting two supermarket (...) -
Israel: The Army Will Fight the Next Battle Soon in Gaza Strip
9 November 2009===================================================
Pal Telegraph
- Gabi Ashkenazi, chief of staff of the Israeli Army, made a statement this week that “the army will come back to face the rocket launching stages in the overcrowded areas and fight in cities, villages, mosques, (...) -
US Generals Flood Israel for Exercise against ‘Specific Threats’
9 November 2009===================================================
November 08, 2009 "( —
An unprecedented number of American generals, along with 1,400 U.S. army soldiers, are participating with top IDF brass in the high-level Juniper Cobra military exercise that one U.S. Navy commander (...) -
PM heads to U.S. under threat of Palestinian statehood declaration
8 November 2009===================================================
Tags: Netanyahu in Washington
Concerns are growing in Israel’s government over the possibility of a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence within the 1967 borders, a move which could potentially be recognized by the United (...) -
U.N. Affirms Israeli-Hamas War Crimes Report
7 November 2009===================================================
November 06, 2009 — UNITED NATIONS,
- A 575-page blistering report by Justice Richard Goldstone detailing war crimes in Gaza last December is refusing to die despite an aggressive Israeli smear campaign to kill it.
The report, which (...) -
Goldstone and Gaza
7 November 2009===================================================
“New York Times”
Judge Richard Goldstone and the United Nations fact-finding mission on the Gaza conflict have issued a report about Gaza that is strongly critical of both Israel and Hamas for their violations of human rights. (...) -
PSC Weekly Update -
30 October 2009===================================================
1. Britain must support the Goldstone Report: Write to David Miliband now 2. Boycott Week of Action: Organise protests at supermarkets nationwide 3. Speaker tour: Palestinian Child Prisoners next week 2 (...) -
30 October 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction/Settlers
Palestinians homeless again after eviction - 29 Oct 09 The United Nations is calling on Israel to immediately stop demolishing Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem. The UN says 60,000 Palestinians may (...) -
Israel’s European Lobby
30 October 2009===================================================
"Dissident Voice" —
In their 2006 article “The Israel Lobby,” John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt famously assert, “Other special-interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert (...) -
30 October 2009===================================================
In a democratic country,
The Minister of Defense
Represents the civil authority
Vis-à-vis the army.
In Israel, the army
Has vetoed the appointment
Of a Commission of Inquiry
Into the harm done to
Gaza (...) -
President Obama Signs Hate Crimes Bill
29 October 2009===================================================
Le type même d’information dans laquelle il est important de savoir lire entre les lignes.
Washington, DC | October 29, 2009 | |
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination (...) -
After All, I Am A Proper Zionist Jew...I Am A Holocaust Survivor
29 October 2009===================================================
Yes, I am a survivor, for I have managed to survive all the scary accounts of the Holocaust: the one about the soap (1), the one about the lamp shades, the one about the camps, the mass shooting, the one about the gas (2) and the one about (...) -
Self-defence Stories from Gaza
27 October 2009===================================================
October 26, 2009 “Information Clearing House” — According to Amnesty International, some 1,400 Palestinians were killed in the 22-day Israeli offensive between 27 December 2008 and 17 January 2009, which agrees broadly (...) -
24 October 2009===================================================
If we want to understand why the ideology of Zionism came into existence at all and how it took the form in which it is presently realised in the state of Israel, we must first concentrate on the (...) -
Student Palestine Solidarity Campaign Conference
23 October 2009===================================================
Justice For Palestine – Free Gaza!
Saturday 31st October 2009, 10.30am – 5.30pm, University of London Union
Israel’s brutal and indiscriminate massacre on Gaza earlier this year outraged an entire generation. Prompting a (...) -
Israeli’s bid to buy Al-Jazeera from Qatar
21 October 2009===================================================§ionid=351020202
An Israeli media tycoon has offered to buy the pan-Arab Al-Jazeera satellite television network from the government of Qatar.
Haim Saban, has submitted an offer to the (...) -
State won’t prosecute officers filmed beating Palestinians
21 October 2009===================================================
Deputy State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan rejected an appeal against the decision not to investigate Border Police officers who documented themselves abusing Palestinians.
The appeal was filed by the Yesh Din human rights group.
Senior deputy to (...) -
UN Body Adopts Goldstone Report
21 October 2009===================================================
October 20, 2009 — -UNITED NATIONS (IPS) -
The 47-member Human Rights Council (HRC) approved a resolution Friday endorsing war crimes charges against Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, as spelled out in a report by a (...) -
Game Plan: If Israel Strikes Iran First
20 October 2009===================================================
Retired General Says Israeli Attack to Take Out Iran’s Nuclear Facilities Not Only Possible, the U.S. Should Join In
October 18, 2009 (CBS) Expect the unexpected, at a conference (...) -
15 October 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Another House Destroyed In Occupied East Jerusalem As Israel Orders Another 150 To Be Demolished A Palestinian home was demolished on Monday and the foundations of another dismantled in the town of Beit Hanina (...) -
“Embarrassed and denounced”
14 October 2009===================================================
In monumental fashion, recent events in Geneva have roundly earned Fatah and Abbas’s Palestinian Authority the contempt of ordinary Palestinians, reports Khaled Amayreh from Ramallah
The Palestinian Authority (PA) is facing an (...) -
The United Nations Human Rights Council will reopen a debate about alleged war crimes in Gaza later this week ( ? )
14 October 2009===================================================
The United Nations Human Rights Council will reopen a debate about alleged war crimes in Gaza later this week, officials said Tuesday, after Palestinians succeeded in gathering enough support to call a special meeting.
“The holding (...) -
From Delusion to Vindictiveness
13 October 2009===================================================
“The socio-economic structure of the Jewish people differs radically from that of other nations. Ours is an anomalous, abnormal structure.” (Ber Borochov- The Economic Development of the Jewish People 1917)
“You [Jews] lack (...) -
How Israel Was Disarmed
10 October 2009=================================================== October 6, 2009
NEW YORK—When American diplomats sat down for the first in a series of face-to-face talks with their Iranian counterparts last (...) -
8 October 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Israel ’in new settlement drive’ Israeli report says Tel Aviv constructing new housese despite agreements to stop.
Al-Aqsa (...) -
Another PA Betrayal
7 October 2009===================================================
The Palestinian Authority (PA) decision to defer until March a vote on the “Goldstone report” at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva constitutes a huge betrayal of Palestinian people.
Likewise, the stupid and (...) -
Israel’s vice-prime minister has cancelled a planned trip to London over fears that he could be arrested for alleged war crimes.
6 October 2009=================================================== Yaalon was the military chief of staff when an Israeli air raid killed 15 people in Gaza City [EPA] Israel’s vice-prime minister has cancelled a planned trip to London over fears that he could be arrested for alleged war crimes, (...)
True Lies : The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers
5 October 2009===================================================
For many years the American media said that “Israel receives $1.8 billion in military aid” or that “Israel receives $1.2 billion in economic aid.” Both statements were true, but since they were never combined to give (...) -
Weekly Update
3 October 2009===================================================
This week’s update includes:
Pinochet’s attorney represents Israeli Defence Minister from arrest on war crimes
US puts ‘intense pressure’ on Palestinian Authority not to act on Goldstone Report
Answering critics of (...) -
Statement of Solidarity with the Palestinian General Strike
2 October 2009===================================================
Cette fois-ci, c’est un formidable mouvement qui est en marche et qui réussira.
Là où les “politiciens” de tous les horizons échouent depuis des décades et même sapent honteusement le travail entrepris par les plus (...) -
Israel gets two more German submarines
1 October 2009===================================================
29 September 2009 JERUSALEM - Israel has taken delivery of two German submarines ordered four years ago, a military spokesman said on Tuesday.
“We have received two Dolphin-class submarines built in Germany,” he said, on (...) -
Joint Addameer and “Stop the Wall” Update on the Arrest of Human Rights Defender and Activist Mohammad Othman
1 October 2009===================================================
[Ramallah, 30 September 2009]
On Tuesday 29 September 2009, a court hearing at Kishon (Jalameh) interrogation center extended Mohammad Othman’s detention period for 10 days. A long-time human rights defender, Mohammad Othman, aged 33, (...) -
The Pathology of Evil
30 September 2009===================================================
September 29, 2009 “Information Clearing House” —
Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech at the UN is a major insight into the Israeli’s mentality, psyche and logic. In his speech Netanyahu, a prolific and charismatic (...) -
29 September 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Settlers chop down Nablus olive grove on eve of harvest Nablus – Ma’an – Dozens of chainsaw-wielding Israeli settlers cut down more than 150 olive trees in to the northern West Bank village of (...) -
24 September 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction/Settlements
The Israeli military invade northern Gaza Strip and destroy farm lands Israeli tanks invaded on Wednesday farm lands in northern Gaza Strip town of Khuza’a and destroyed them. (...) -
The Rise of Israel’s Military Rabbis
23 September 2009===================================================
Nous vous recommandons d’aller sur le site suivant pour, video à l’appui, entendre les déclarations des intéressés.
=================================================== (...) -
22 September 2009===================================================
September 21, 2009
Land theft/Destruction/Settlement/Settlers
Israeli military set to demolish 55 Palestinian homes in Nablus Despite the outcry raised by Palestinian and international human rights organizations, the Israeli military (...) -
Obama Should Attack Israeli Jets if They Try to Attack Iran
22 September 2009===================================================
September 20, 2009 “ABC News” —
The national security adviser for former President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew (...) -
Spain boycotts Ariel college for being on “occupied territory”
22 September 2009===================================================
Spanish government, sponsor of Solar Decathalon, disqualifies architecture department of Ariel University Center of Samaria from finals. ’10,000 students hurt by fight that is against international law,’ claims college
======== (...) -
L ’ AVEU du Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan (ndlr)
20 September 2009=================================================== » Israel » Article
IAF chief: We must stop S-300 delivery
By YAAKOV KATZ Print Subscribe E-mail Toolbar + Recommend: What’s this? Talkbacks for this article: 103 Article’s topics: Ido (...) -
IAEA urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection
20 September 2009===================================================,7340,L-3778884,00.html
International Atomic Energy Agency says Jerusalem must join Non-Proliferation Treaty, allow it to monitor its facilities. Iranian ambassador hails decision as ’triumph’; (...) -
EU calls for halt to settlement activity
20 September 2009===================================================
The European Union on Friday urged Israel “to immediately end all settlement activities, including in East Jerusalem,” in a statement issued by the EU’s Swedish presidency.
Stressing the urgency of a durable solution in the (...) -
Britain’s unions commit to a mass boycott movement of Israeli goods
18 September 2009===================================================
18 September 2009
In a landmark decision, Britain’s trade unions have voted overwhelmingly to commit to build a mass boycott movement, disinvestment and sanctions on Israel for a negotiated settlement based on justice for Palestinians. (...) -
Uri Avnery on U.N. report
17 September 2009===================================================
September 18, 2009
Published in Haaretz
During the Gaza war
We have warned
That it will lead
The leaders and commanders
To the Hague.
Instead of defaming
The Jewish-Zionist judge
A creditable, independent
And public Israeli (...) -
U.S. pension fund giant confirms divestment from Israel firm
14 September 2009===================================================
The U.S. pension fund giant, TIAA-CREF, confirmed in statements to the media on Friday that it divested from Africa Israel Investments, owned by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, earlier this year. The statements came in response to a (...) -
11 September 2009===================================================
On Wednesday, September 9th, 2009, the Israeli army destroyed a trailer located on “Flag Hill”, several hundred meters west of Susiya settlement.
A short while later, around 11:00, dozens of settlers showed up at the small (...) -
11 September 2009===================================================
Land theft and destruction/Settlements
Wild boar attacks persist in Salfit Salfit – Ma’an – More than 100 wild boars descended on a farming area west of Salfit Saturday, destroying several small agricultural structures and (...) -
AIPAC and C° (ndlr)
11 September 2009===================================================
September 10, 2009 "Information Clearing House’ — The attacks on September 11, 2001 have been a defining moment for America. The political and psychological impact on Americans of a concerted and visible attack in America was (...) -
Israel’s Arab Citizens Call General Strike
11 September 2009===================================================
The increasingly harsh political climate in Israel under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government has prompted the leadership of the country’s 1.3 million Arab citizens to call the first general strike in several (...) -
Chavez accuses Israel of genocide against Palestinians
10 September 2009===================================================
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has accused Israel of genocide against the Palestinian people, telling a French newspaper that the bombing of Gaza late last year was an unprovoked attack.
“The question is not whether the Israelis want (...) -
8 September 2009===================================================
Al-Quds Center issues report on continued home demolitions in J’lem Al-Quds center for social and economic rights posted a report on Wednesday about house demolition in Jerusalem. The report said that since the first of 2009 (...) -
Israel Gets Tough on Intermarriage - Israeli ads warn against marrying non-Jews
8 September 2009===================================================
September 07, 2009 "Information Clearing House"
The Israeli government has launched a television and internet advertising campaign urging Israelis to inform on Jewish friends and relatives abroad who may be in danger of marrying non-Jews. (...) -
Today in Palestine !
4 September 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction/Apartheid
Bilin’s next generation Every Friday, Palestinian residents of the West Bank village of Bilin march to Israel’s apartheid wall, which has stolen more than half their land. But this day was a (...) -
4 September 2009===================================================
- For immediate release - 03/09/2009
The World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee called on the Israeli government to freeze and begin to dismantle settlements in occupied Palestinian territories. It also encouraged a commitment to (...) -
Naomi Klein Shows You Can Boycott Israel Without Cutting Off Dialogue Over Palestine
4 September 2009===================================================
Posted on September 1, 2009, Printed on September 3, 2009
Few global-justice campaigns are more polarizing, even explosive, than the effort to use international boycotts, divestment and sanctions to (...) -
The Bogie Horror Show
23 August 2009===================================================
MY FIRST thought was: Good God, this man was responsible for the lives of our soldiers!
The second thought was: What’s the big surprise? You always knew what kind of person he was! After all, during his years as the army’s Chief (...) -
Boycott Israel
22 August 2009===================================================
August 21, 2009 “Los Angeles Times” —
— Israeli newspapers this summer are filled with angry articles about the push for an international boycott of Israel. Films have been withdrawn from Israeli film festivals, (...) -
Egypt media accuses Israel of zooming in on its water sources
22 August 2009===================================================
Source: Ha’aaretz
“One day, Anwar Sadat asked me to publish a fictitious report,” the journalist Anis Mansour, who was a close friend of the late Egyptian president, wrote two months ago. "He explained that in any case it (...) -
Murdering Palestinians for their organs
21 August 2009===================================================
Israeli officials and spokespersons have been railing against a leading Swedish newspaper for publishing a report claiming that the Israeli occupation army murders Palestinians in order to use their organs (...) -
Israel toughens entry for foreigners with West Bank ties
20 August 2009===================================================
Israel has recently been putting up more obstacles for foreign nationals who enter the country if they have family, work, business or academic ties in the West Bank. It now restricts their movements to “the Palestinian Authority (...) -
Manufacturing Consent For Attack On Iran:
20 August 2009===================================================
The world’s nuclear weapons watchdog is hiding data on Iran’s drive to obtain nuclear arms, senior Western diplomats and Israeli officials told Haaretz. (...) -
AIPAC Sends In The Clowns
19 August 2009===================================================
Suddenly they were all over the place, arriving not as singles but in battalions. Many, like Maryland’s 5th District Rep. Steny Hoyer had been to Israel nearly a dozen times; career stalwarts once more showing fealty to Israel’s (...) -
Top Sweden newspaper says IDF kills Palestinians for their organs
19 August 2009===================================================
Un grand journal [ Il y a des pays où la liberté de la presse n’est pas un vain mot... ]
Last update - 20:00 18/08/2009
=================================================== A leading Swedish newspaper reported this week that (...) -
“Litigating Palestine: Holding Israel Accountable in the Courtroom”
11 August 2009===================================================
Read the magazine online at:
Bethlehem, August 2009: The BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights announces the release of its Spring / Summer 2009 issue of al-Majdal, (...) -
Lover of the Country
9 August 2009===================================================
Uri Avnery 8.8.09
ON THE morrow of the Six-day War, Amos Kenan came to my editorial office. He was in a state of shock. As a reserve soldier, he had just witnessed the emptying of three villages in the Latrun area. Men and women, old people (...) -
Five Years of Illegality
9 August 2009===================================================
Time to dismantle the Wall and respect the rights of Palestinians
In an advisory opinion, rendered on 9 July 2004, the International Court of Justice stated that Israel’s construction of the Wall in the occupied Palestinian Territory (...) -
6 August 2009===================================================
[PACUSA] Today in Palestine! August 5, 2009
Land Theft and Destruction
Israeli forces enter At-Tuwani amid demolition fears Bethlehem – Ma’an – Israeli military jeeps and a bulldozer entered the West Bank village of (...) -
Israel Seeks Ways to Silence Human Rights Groups
5 August 2009===================================================
First goal is to stop Gaza war crimes revelations
Groups reported to be in the foreign ministry’s sights are: B’Tselem, whoseactivities include providing Palestinians with cameras to record abuses bysettlers and the army; Peace (...) -
Palestinians evicted in Jerusalem
3 August 2009===================================================
Palestinian officials say the families lived in the houses for over 50 years Israeli police have evicted nine Palestinian families living in two houses in occupied East Jerusalem.
Jewish settlers moved into the houses almost (...) -
“Your Representative and Senators Need to See You Next Month”
3 August 2009===================================================
We are very happy to report that our joint delegation with Interfaith Peace-Builders arrived safely yesterday in Jerusalem. The 23-person delegation, co-led by US Campaign National Organizer Katherine Fuchs, will spend the next two weeks (...) -
“A Jeremiad”
2 August 2009===================================================
I have received the distressing letter that you recently sent to a limited number of friends. You paint the Israeli reality in dark – but true – colors, and end by cutting your ties with it.
“Therefore I, (...) -
Tell Israel: Cool the Jets!
1 August 2009===================================================
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, who is wired into the cabinet of “Bibi” tanyahu, warns that if Iran’s nuclear program is not aborted by December, Israel will strike to obliterate it. (...) -
To day in Palestine
28 July 2009===================================================
PACUSA] Today in Palestine! Monday, 27 July 2009
Land theft / Settlements
IDF: More than 300,000 settlers in West Bank As of June 30, the settlements had 304,569 residents, an increase of 2.3 percent since January. Most of the growth was (...) -
“Mr. Obama: Yes, You Can!”
26 July 2009===================================================
First, an honest disclosure: I loved the Shepherd hotel very much.
In the first years after the Six-Day War, I was a frequent guest there. My work in the Knesset demanded that I stay in Jerusalem at least two nights every week, and after the (...) -
TO DAY IN PALESTINE (second diffusion)
26 July 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Activists say Israel gave key site to settlers (AFP) AFP - Israel has handed control over much of a key Palestinian area in annexed east Jerusalem to hardline settler groups in a creeping takeover kept away from (...) -
25 July 2009===================================================
[] Today in Palestine! July 23, 2009
Land Theft and Destruction
Activists say Israel gave key site to settlers (AFP) AFP - Israel has handed control over much of a key Palestinian area in annexed east Jerusalem to hardline settler groups (...) -
24 July 2009===================================================
Land theft / Destruction / Settlements
Palestinians ordered to evacuate Beit Safafa home Jerusalem – Ma‘an – The West Jerusalem municipality ordered Palestinian Ali Ibrahim Salah out of his home and off his lands Thursday (...) -
Nuisance “tous azimuths” de la politique israélienne (ndlr)
22 July 2009===================================================
Statement The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela firmly and strongly rejects the absurd statements issued by Dora Shavit, director of the Foreign Affairs Ministry to Latin America and the Caribbean, through which she (...) -
“We Have Given Our Blessing to Israel’s Crimes”
21 July 2009==================================================
If you keep on excusing, you eventually give your blessing to the slave camp, to cowardly force, to organized executioners, to the cynicism of great political monsters; you finally hand over your brothers Albert Camus
July 20, 2009 (...) -
How Israel Lobby Took Control Of US Foreign Policy
19 July 2009===================================================
July 19, 2009 “Information Clearing House” — LOUISIANA - In the early 1960s, Senator William J. Fulbright fought to force the American Zionist Council to register as agents of a foreign government. The Council eluded (...) -
The Johnny Procedure
18 July 2009===================================================
LIKE THE ghost of Hamlet’s father, the evil spirit of the Gaza War refuses to leave us in peace. This week it came back to disturb the tranquility of the chiefs of the state and the army.
“Breaking the Silence”, a group of (...) -
Israel blasts ’dangerous’ EU call for deadline on Palestinian state
13 July 2009=================================================== European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana Share |
The Foreign Ministry on Sunday dismissed a call by the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, for the United Nations to set a deadline for the establishment (...) -
Matter of the Heart
12 July 2009===================================================
EVERY GERMAN child knows the story of the Captain of Koepenick.
The scene is 1908 Germany, with the Second Reich at the peak of its power, ruled by a Kaiser who is almost always decked out in a splendid military uniform.
A shoemaker named (...) -
L’Egypte va-t’elle autoriser l’entrée de ce convoi à Gaza ? Le test ! Le bras de fer !
11 July 2009===================================================
After days of gathering supplies and last-minute organizing in Cairo, the Viva Palestina U.S. convoy is beginning to mobilize. This morning 87 members of the caravan traveled to pick up 47 never-used trucks which will be loaded with medical (...) -
Today in Palestine !
8 July 2009===================================================
Land left and destructions
The Israeli military destroy five Acers of Palestinian owned lands in southern West Bank The Israeli military destroyed, on Monday, five Acers of lands owned by villagers form Al Towani village in the southern West (...) -
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran
5 July 2009===================================================
The head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas intelligence service, has assured Benjamin Netanyahu, its prime minister, that Saudi Arabia would turn a blind eye to Israeli jets flying over the kingdom during any future raid on Iran’s (...) -
5 July 2009===================================================
NOT EVERY day, and not even every decade, does the Supreme Court rebuke the Military Advocate General. The last time this happened was 20 years ago, when the Advocate General refused to issue a proper indictment against an officer who ordered (...) -
Videos from the Gaza refugee camp in Jerash, Jordan
4 July 2009===================================================
The Gaza refugee camp in Jerash Jordan is home to 24,000-34,000 Palestinian refugees who fled from Gaza, Palestine in 1948 and 1967.
Unlike Palestinian refugees from other districts of Palestine, the Palestinians in the Gaza refugee (...) -
Today in Palestine
3 July 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction PA: Israel planning to expropriate another 2% of West Bank land The Palestinian Authority this week accused Israel of planning to declare another 2 percent of the West Bank state land, thus effectively expropriating (...) -
National Conference in Birmingham : Justice for the Palestinians - the Moral Issue of our Time
1 July 2009===================================================
Dear Friends, we would like to kindly ask you to please circulate the notice for this upcoming event to all you contacts etc..
Many thanks and best wishes.
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
National Conference in Birmingham
Justice (...) -
30 June 2009=================================================== [23 miles off the coast of Gaza, 15:30pm] -
Today Israeli Occupation Forces attacked and boarded the Free Gaza Movement boat, the SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, abducting 21 human rights workers from 11 countries, including Noble laureate Mairead (...) -
Privately run checkpoint stops Palestinians with ’too much food’
30 June 2009===================================================
A West Bank checkpoint managed by a private security company is not allowing Palestinians to pass through with large water bottles and some food items, Haaretz has learned.
MachsomWatch discovered the policy, which Palestinian workers (...) -
Between Tel Aviv and Tehran
28 June 2009=================================================== HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Iranian citizens pour into the streets in order to protest against their government! What a wonderful sight! Gideon Levy wrote in Haaretz that he envies the Iranians.
And indeed, anyone who tries these days (...) -
Today in Palestine!
24 June 2009===================================================
Land theft / Destruction / House demolitions / Settlements
$250 million for settlements in Israel budget JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israel plans to allocate 250 million dollars over the next two years for settlements in the occupied West Bank (...) -
The Racist Nature of Zionism and of the Zionist State of Israel
20 June 2009===================================================
republished in English in The Non-Jew in the Jewish State: A Collection of Documents
edited and prepared by Israel Shahak pages 131-138 1975
It is my considered opinion that the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of this (...) -
Cast Lead Offensive in Numbers
16 June 2009===================================================
Reference: 31/2009
News Briefing
Al Mezan Publishes Statistical Report on Persons Killed and Property Destroyed by Israeli Occupation Forces during Operation Cast Lead
On Sunday 14 June 2009, Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights published a (...) -
12 June 2009===================================================
Land Theft
Residents foil Israeli settlers attempt to take over Palestinian land in East Jerusalem A group of Palestinian residents managed on Thursday afternoon to stop Israeli settlers from taking over their land located east of (...) -
Peled Proposes Israeli Sanctions On US
11 June 2009===================================================
In what may be his most controversial suggestion, Peled
recommends intervening in American congressional races to weaken Obama and asking American Jewish donors not to contribute to Democratic congressional candidates.
He predicted that (...) -
“God Blessed America”
9 June 2009===================================================
— -I am very lucky to be in America this week, to watch a place being transformed, to smell the refreshing scent of restored liberty, to glance at the euphoric rise of hope. When I visited America two years ago it was a different (...) -
“Panic in Jerusalem: Obama is the new Pharaoh”
4 June 2009===================================================
The concern in Jerusalem after the Obama-Netanyahu meeting has turned into panic, once it was made clear that the administration wants Israel to really stop building in the settlements. Haaretz reports:
We’re disappointed,” said (...) -
Netanyahu Cites Secret Deal with Bush to Justify more Settlements
4 June 2009===================================================
Revelation puts more strain on relations with US as Obama heads for
Middle East
The Israeli government of Benjmain Netanyahu is seeking to deflect
Washington’s demand for a total settlement freeze by complaining that it
ignores (...) -
Most Arabs Know This Speech Will Make Little Difference
3 June 2009===================================================
“The Independent”
More and more, it looks like the same old melody that Bush’s lads used to sing. We’re not against the Muslim world. In fact, we are positively for it. We want you to have democracy, up to a point. (...) -
1 June 2009===================================================
Land theft / Demolitions
US-Palestinian contacts to stop home demolitions in Jerusalem The suggestion, according to the source, is that the Palestinian Authority will ask Jerusalem residents to temporarily stop building homes or adding (...) -
“Racist for Democracy”
1 June 2009===================================================
HOW LUCKY we are to have the extreme Right standing guard over our democracy.
This week, the Knesset voted by a large majority (47 to 34) for a law that threatens imprisonment for anyone who dares to deny that Israel is a Jewish and (...) -
During His Trip to Egypt, Obama Should Visit Gaza
30 May 2009===================================================
Obama won great support from the American people during the presidential campaign when he said that America must talk to its adversaries, without preconditions. But his administration now puts ridiculous conditions on talking to Hamas:
May (...) -
28 May 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction
Settler Rabbis call for mutiny against eviction orders While several Rabbis of settlements in the occupied West Bank gathered at anillegal outpost, slated for evacuation, several settler Rabbis called on the settlers (...) -
Armageddon Now?
27 May 2009May 26, 2009 “Information Clearing House”
Of all the analysis generated by the Obama-Netanyahu meeting Robert Satloff’s is the most significant. Satloff is executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, which serves as AIPAC’s think tank. His (...) -
26 May 2009===================================================
After having talks with the platforms promoting the boycott of Israel and with representatives of Catalan institutions and gathering as much information as possible about the events taking place on (...) -
Half of Israelis back immediate strike on Iran
26 May 2009Fifty-one percent support an immediate Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear
sites, while 49 percent believe the Jewish state should await the outcome of efforts by the US administration to engage with the Islamic republic, said the survey published by Tel Aviv University. (...) -
25 May 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction
Jews, Bedouins protest Negev evacuation Hundreds demonstrate against plans to evacuate members of Tarabin tribe from homes to make way for New Omer neighborhood, carry signs saying ’We are residents of the Negev (...) -
Only settlers are taking Obama seriously in Israel
25 May 2009===================================================
The acute shift in the United States’ attitude toward Israel interrupted the public in the middle of its springtime nap. This nonstop sleep has continued for at least a decade. Sleep? Heck, this has been a coma.
Only one group of (...) -
“Netanyahu Adviser Steps Out of the Shadows”
23 May 2009=================================================== Counterpunch
As might be expected of a former senior official with Israel’s spy agency Mossad, Uzi Arad — the most trusted (...) -
"Obama Calls for Demilitarized PA “State”
22 May 2009===================================================
"- Amid much speculation over US President Barack Obama’s upcoming address to the Muslim world, reports published on Wednesday outlined the details of his Middle East peace plan, which are said to include a demilitarized Palestinian (...) -
Today in Palestine!
21 May 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction
Protected by Israeli army, settlers uproot olive trees near Salfit Nablus – Ma’an – A Palestinian agricultural area was declared a closed military zone as settlers infiltrated the area and uprooted (...) -
VICTORY! Israeli tourism posters being removed from London Underground!
21 May 20091. VICTORY! Israeli tourism posters being removed from London Underground!
2. Protest today and tomorrow supporting hunger strike on Gaza Border at Egyptian Embass
1. VICTORY!! Israeli tourism posters being removed from London Underground!
Israeli tourism ads are being removed from the (...) -
What Obama and Netanyahu really said to each other
19 May 2009===================================================
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, listen, I first of all want to thank Prime Minister Netanyahu for making this visit. I think we had a extraordinarily productive series of conversations, not only between the two of us but also at the staff and agency (...) -
PSC Weekly Update
14 May 2009===================================================
1. Demonstrate this Saturday 16 May
2. Birmingham education conference 11 July
3. PSC BDS Workshop 20 June
1. Protests as Lieberman visits London
2. Lieberman’s party proposes to imprison anyone commemorating the (...) -
UN calls for Palestinian state, Israel bites back
13 May 2009Home > Middle East > Palestine
Tue, 12 May 2009 05:35:41 GMT
Font size : The US ambassador to the meeting said the White House would fully and unequivocally support the push toward a two-state solution. “We share a sense of urgency. This is a moment that should not be lost,” (...) -
Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s openly racist Foreign Minister, is coming to London.
12 May 2009===================================================
Join us from 10.30am-12 noon on Wednesday 13 May to protest outside the Foreign Office, Whitehall, London.
Lieberman will be meeting with David Miliband – tell the Foreign Office that there is no place for racists here.
Protest called (...) -
Lieberman presses for population transfer of Arab citizens of Israel
11 May 2009===================================================
Monday May 11 2009 —
In an exchange with Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini in Rome on Monday May 4, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman again raised the possibility of transferring the Palestinian Arab minority from (...) -
Sir Winston Peres
10 May 2009===================================================
First of all, I want to apologize to all the good women who are engaged in the world’s oldest profession.
I recently described Shimon Peres as a political prostitute. One of my female readers has protested vigorously. Prostitutes, she (...) -
Israel has not given up on its plans to bomb Iran
9 May 2009===================================================
The Obama administration may think bombing Iran’s nuclear installations is a bad idea, but that does not seem to have made much impact on Israel’s thinking, if recent comments by Israeli President Shimon Peres are to be believed. (...) -
Today in Palestine !
6 May 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction
PCHR Strongly Condemns Israeli Plans to Confiscate 12,000 Donums of Palestinian Land in Order to Link the Illegal "Ma’ale Adumim" and "Qedar" Settlements The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly (...) -
Iran and the Israel Lobby’s Frustration
4 May 2009===================================================
May 03, 2009 “Counterpunch” — On August 4, 2005 American Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC) operatives Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman were arrested on charges relating to espionage on behalf of Israel.
This had (...) -
Today in Palestine!
4 May 2009===================================================
Land theft
Israeli interior minister okays enlarging West Bank settlement Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai has decided to approve recommendations by a special committee within the Israeli Interior Ministry to expand the illegal West Bank (...) -
The danger of an Israeli strike on Iran
28 April 2009===================================================
The US needs to make it clear it will not tolerate a first strike.
Oakton, Va. - The new Israeli prime minister recently appeared to give President Obama a blunt ultimatum: Stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons – or we will. (...) -
Today in Palestine!
27 April 2009===================================================
Land theft / house demolitions
Demolitions build Jerusalem tension Five young children cling to their mother. All of them are crying. This morning, without warning, Israeli bulldozers came to destroy their home in Jabal Mukabar area of East (...) -
Badil Resource Center Organizes Exchange between South Africa Trade Unionists and Palestinian Civic Leaders
24 April 2009===================================================
Bethlehem – BADIL Resource Center – South African anti-Apartheid leader and union official Ziko Tamela is in the Israeli occupied West Bank this week to gain insight into the Palestinian reality on the ground and to forge stronger (...) -
Scottish TUC commits decisively for Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions
23 April 2009> *Breaking news....*
> Scotland today joined Ireland and South Africa when the Scottish > Trade Union Congress, representing every Scottish trade union, voted > overwhelmingly to commit to boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.
>. This is the third example of a national (...) -
Today in Palestine !
23 April 2009==================================================
Land Theft and destruction
Fayyad: Our priority is to stop settlement activity Ramallah - Ma’an - De facto Prime Minister Dr Salam Fayyad a 60-member French delegation of Palestinian peace workers and solidarity activists visiting the (...) -
“The Obama Administration will put forth new peace initiatives only if Israel wants it to”
23 April 2009===================================================
Lieberman: U.S. to accept any Israeli policy decision:
The Obama Administration will put forth new peace initiatives only if Israel wants it to, said Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in his first
comprehensive interview on foreign policy (...) -
UN racism conference adopts final declaration
22 April 2009===================================================
Posted : Tue, 21 Apr 2009 17:59:56 GMT Author : DPA Category : Europe (World) Europe World News | Home Geneva - All but nine of the 192 United Nations member states adopted by consensus Tuesday a declaration at the Durban (...) -
Today in Palestine !
21 April 2009] ===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Hundreds to be affected in Hebron demolitions
April 18th, 2009— Hundreds of residents in the Beqa’ neighborhood in Hebron face the demolition of their homes and agricultural infrastructure in what (...) -
Today in Palestine!
20 April 2009===================================================
Land / Jerusalem
US pressuring Israel not to evict Arabs in East Jerusalem neighborhood The U.S. government and other foreign governments, including Turkey and a number of European countries, have asked Israel over the past few days to (...) -
A Little Red Light ("little"=doux euphémisme - ndlr)
19 April 2009===================================================
PERHAPS Avigdor Lieberman is only a passing episode in the annals of the State of Israel. Perhaps the fire he is trying to ignite will flicker briefly and go out by itself. Or perhaps the police investigations into the grave corruption affair (...) -
Today in Palestine !
17 April 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Destruction
Palestinians Say Israeli Regulations Unfairly Hinder Quarry Industry (West Bank) — Complaints over Israel’s conduct on Palestinian land are well-known. Less commonly heard, however, is the accusation that (...) -
U.S. shipped 989 munitions containers to Israel week before Gaza invasion
13 April 2009===================================================
In the dying days of the Bush administration, and a week before Israel launched an aerial bombing campaign, followed by a land invasion of the Gaza Strip, the U.S. military shipped 989 containers of munitions to Israel. Each container was (...) -
13 April 2009===================================================
Despite closure, [some] Palestinians celebrate Easter in Jerusalem
Thousands of Palestinian Christians prayed and sang in and around East Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher on Sunday, where Catholics marked Easter at (...) -
Today in Palestine!
10 April 2009===================================================
Land Theft and Destruction
Sheikh Jarrah residents organize in the face of mass house evictions “We are like the roots of a tree. The Israelis may cut us in places, but we will never die. We will not be transplanted from Jerusalem. I (...) -
Changing The Rules Of War
6 April 2009===================================================
The extent of Israel’s brutality against Palestinian civilians in its 22-day pounding of the Gaza Strip is gradually surfacing. Israeli soldiers are testifying to lax rules of engagement tantamount to a license to kill. One soldier (...) -
“On THE first day of the new Israeli government, the fog cleared: it’s a Lieberman government”
5 April 2009===================================================
The day started with a celebration at the President’s office. All the members of this bloated government – 30 ministers and 8 deputy ministers – were dressed up in their best finery and posed for a group photo. Binyamin (...) -
Gaza War Crimes Investigation- les crimes d’un Etat voyou (ndlr)
31 March 2009Les crimes d’un Etat voyou contre des personnes et installations sanitaires et hospitalières. Ignoble.
Attacks on Medics
Clancy Chassay asks why 16 medical workers were killed and more than half of Gaza’s hospitals hit (...) -
The Absurdity of Spending US Tax Dollars on Israel
31 March 2009===================================================
The Absurdity of Spending US Tax Dollars on Israel
Paul J. Balles argues that if enough ordinary Americans “feel the pinch and connect the dots between their own financial losses and America’s continued unbridled support of (...) -
Biberman & Co.
30 March 2009IS THIS the government of Biberman (Bibi Netanyahu and Avigdor Liberman) or perhaps of Bibarak (Bibi and Ehud Barak)?
Neither. It is the government of Bibiyahu.
Binyamin Netanyahu has proven that he is a consummate politician. He has realized the dream of every politician (and theatergoer): a (...) -
Turkish media expose Israeli Mossad plan to assassinate Prime Minister Erdogan
30 March 2009===================================================
Turkish media revealed on Friday that an electronic mail was found at the personal computer of one of the members of the secret Ergenekon organization exposing an Israeli Mossad scheme to kill Turkish Prime Minister, (...) -
PSC Weekly Update
28 March 2009PSC Weekly Update – Friday 27 March
1. Focus on Israeli war crimes in Gaza
2. PSC letter in the Guardian
3. Veolia binned in Sandwell
4. Palestinian workers tour Britain
5. Israel arrests five more MPs
6. Israeli settler and state violence increases as Israeli Labor Party votes to (...) -
Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT): UN Tracks Rising Violence Against Women in Gaza
27 March 2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT): UN Tracks Rising Violence Against Women in Gaza
GAZA CITY, 24 March 2009 (IRIN) - The UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in Gaza, local Palestinian NGOs and mental health professionals are reporting (...) -
The Budget’s Foreign Policy Handcuffs
27 March 2009===================================================
Foreign Policy In Focus
Hopes that a Democratic administration with an expanded Democratic congressional majority might lead to a more ethical, rational, and progressive foreign policy were challenged with last week’s (...) -
How some military rabbis are trying to radicalize Israeli soldiers.
26 March 2009===================================================
“Slate” — Recent reports of atrocities committed by Israeli soldiers in the course of the intervention in Gaza have described the incitement of conscripts and reservists by military rabbis who characterized the battle as a (...) -
Today in Palestine!
23 March 2009===================================================
Land theft
US furious over Israel’s demolition of East Jerusalem homes The dispute between the United States and Israel over the razing of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem is intensifying and will likely become the first clash (...) -
US Eyewitness in Gaza: ’The reality of a very real bloodbath set in...’
22 March 2009===================================================
The following was written by Rose Mishaan, a participant on the recent National Lawyer’s Guild delegation to Gaza. Rose is a student at the University of California Hastings College of Law. I know Rose from when we were both members of (...) -
A Judicial Document
22 March 2009===================================================
THE MOST important sentence written in Israel this week was lost in the general tumult of exciting events.
Really exciting: In a final act of villainy, typical of his whole tenure as Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert abandoned the captive soldier, (...) -
Israel’s war crimes - Une première: rapport de Richard Falk, envoyé du Président Obama
20 March 2009===================================================
Israel blamed its earlier wars on the threat to its security, even that against Lebanon in 1982. However, its assault on Gaza was not justified and there are international calls for an investigation. But is there the political will to make (...) -
Today in Palestine !
16 March 2009===================================================
Land Theft/Demolitions/Bantustans/Settlers
Court temporarily halts demolition of East Jerusalem school A Jerusalem court issued an injunction on Friday to temporarily halt the demolition of the Al-Huda school in East Jerusalem, a senior (...) -
Settler Violence Report: January - February 2009
12 March 2009===================================================
January and February 2009 Hebron and South West Bank Region
1st of January Near the village of Nahhaleen an Israeli Army Officer issued order n. 29-08-T for the confiscation of an area of 10 dunam. The land will be used to create a (...) -
U.S. Military Aid to Israel
7 March 2009===================================================
In these days of economic crisis, budget overruns, earmarks, and
multi-billion dollar bailouts, when Americans are being forced to tighten
their own belts, one of the most automatic earmarks-a bailout by any
measure-goes to a foreign (...) -
Remember Ophira?
7 March 2009Uri Avnery 7.3.09
THIS WEEK I had a nostalgic experience. I met a parliamentary delegation from one of the European countries. What turned this meeting into a special occasion for me was its location.
The “Pasha Room” of the “American Colony” Hotel in East Jerusalem is (...) -
Clinton: Israel’s demolition of East Jerusalem homes harms peace
5 March 2009===================================================
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday blasted Israel’s plans to demolisg Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem as a violation of its international obligations and “unhelpful” to Middle East peace efforts. (...) -
Is A Major War A Possibility In 2009? - The Historical Antecedents
3 March 2009===================================================
Please, consult the following web site
The goal of US imperialism, conflated with that of Israel , is the
destruction of Iran , the ally of both Hamas and Hezbollah. This is not (...) -
Israelis Are Beginning to See the Power of BDS
2 March 2009Sunday, 01 March 2009
In recent years, there has been a gradual growth in the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement, calling to put economic pressure on Israel until it recognizes the rights of the occupied Palestinian people and puts an end the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza (...) -
Today in Palestine!
27 February 2009Land Theft Audio: Jerusalem: 1400 Palestinians will lose their homes due to Possible Israeli demolition
Palestinian landowners kept in dark over Efrat settlement expansion
Bethlehem – Ma’an – An Israeli military tribunal has issued a (...) -
Today in Palestine!
26 February 2009===================================================
Land Theft
New land seizure orders issued during the Gaza operation Settlement Watch Team - Peace Now - The Peace Now Settlement Watch Team latest report discloses that a number of new land seizure orders were issued during the Gaza (...) -
The political detention of Comrade Samieh Jabbarin
23 February 2009===================================================
On the 10th of February, the day of the elections for the Israeli Knesset, a new stage was reached in the blatant racist approach of the Israeli state toward the Arab Palestinian masses.
One of the most violent and outspokenly racist mob (...) -
The Great Gamble
23 February 2009“IACTA ALEA EST” – the die is cast – said Julius Caesar and crossed the River Rubicon on his way to conquer Rome. That was the end of Roman democracy.
We don’t have a Julius Caesar. But we do have an Avigdor Liberman. When he announced his support the other day (...) -
Today in Palestine!
19 February 2009Land Theft
West Bank Land Seized As Israel Looks to Build EFRAT, West Bank, Feb. 16 — Plans to expand a West Bank settlement by up to 2,500 homes drew Palestinian condemnation Monday and presented an early test for President Obama, whose Middle East envoy is well known for opposing (...) -
U.S. fends off Israeli pressure, decides to help plan ’Durban 2’
18 February 2009w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m
Last update - 04:20 16/02/2009
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent, and The Associated Press
The Obama administration said late Saturday it would participate in planning a United Nations conference on racism, despite concerns the meeting will be used by (...) -
“War On Terror” Eroded Rights Worldwide: Experts
18 February 2009===================================================
“Reuters” — - Washington’s “war on terror” after the September 11 attacks has eroded human rights worldwide, creating lingering cynicism that the United Nations must now combat, international law experts (...) -
Iran Next Target, Warns Israeli Diplomat
15 February 2009===================================================
February 14, 2009 “The Age” — A SENIOR Israeli diplomat has warned that Israel is ready to launch a military offensive against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.
In an interview with The Age, Dan Gillerman, (...) -
Today in Palestine!
10 February 2009Land theft/Home Demolitions Demolition in Jahalin community leaves 30 homeless Occupation forces destroyed tents belonging to five ’Arab Jahalin families, leaving 30 people, 15 of them children, homeless. These families are part of a community that has been threatened with expulsion (...)
Israel needs to invade The Hague
8 February 2009=================================================== , While the government and IDF strenuously strove to implement lessons learned from the last war and provide the troops in Gaza with every possible means to shield themselves against enemy fire, they negligently allowed our soldiers’ (...)
“Why no Neocon Assassination? Because the War on Terror is a Hoax”
6 February 2009===================================================
Posted: 05 Feb 2009 02:39 PM PST
I would propose to everyone in this room that the first question on our minds when dealing with a humanitarian crisis of this magnitude is not whether or not these people are terrorists, but how we can help (...) -
“It is time to say enough”
6 February 2009===================================================
Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli -born leading professional jazz musician, composer and writer evaluated Israel’s Gaza carnage and Erdogan-Peres clash in Davos for TIMETURK. TIMETURK / NEWS (...) -
3 February 2009Presently we have two urgent calls out to our members and supporters.
Disinvestment Letter to Arch Bishop of Canterbury
Firstly we are asking all supporters of Palestine people and their legitimate demands for a free and independent Palestinian state to write to the Bishops’ of the (...) -
Transcription intégrale des propos tenus à Davos par MM. Erdogan, Moussa, Peres (and Erdogan again…)
1 February 2009===================================================
Palestine Think Tank Transcripts of Erdogan, Moussa, Peres (and Erdogan again…) at Davos
Posted: 31 Jan 2009 02:29 PM PST
Moderator: I’m David Ignatius, a columnist for the Washington Post and I’m going to moderate (...) -
The Israeli Ambassador in Australia asks for the media to stop filming after letting slip plans concerning Iran.
1 February 2009Source: Clearing House.
1 Minute Video
The Israeli Ambassador in Australia asks for the media to stop filming after letting slip plans concerning Iran. [ (...) -
Stop the deceit and whitewashing
30 January 2009===================================================
Almost four years after attorney Talia Sasson published a report exposing the cooperation, by commission and omission, of successive Israeli governments in the establishment of dozens of settlement outposts, an internal defense document (...) -
Turkey PM storms off Davos stage over Peres remarks on Gaza
30 January 2009===================================================
Pour votre édification, regardez svp, la vidéo suivante de l’échange entre Perez et le Premier ministre turc Erdogan, ainsi que le comportement du soi-disant “modérateur” (...) -
“supporters of Israel” are in reality supporters of its moral degeneration and probable ultimate destruction
29 January 2009===================================================
On Saturday December 27, the latest US-Israeli attack on helpless Palestinians was launched. The attack had been meticulously planned, for over 6 months according to the Israeli press. The planning had two components: military and (...) -
OPEN LETTER TO MR. XAVIER SOLANA, “EU Foreign Minister”, Brussels
27 January 2009===================================================
These are War crimes! War crimes committed by Israel.
No question, Mr. Solana! We can say it. And YOU must say it!
You’re wrong if you tell in Interviews that NOW nobody can say it!
You have to act, in your office in the European (...) -
The Silence of Barack Obama
27 January 2009Thursday January 15, 2009 “Oh Father, I cried. There was no shame in your confusion. Just as there had been no shame in your father’s before you. No shame in the fear, or in the fear of his father before him. There was only shame in the silence fear had produced. It was the (...)
En Palestine (Cisjordanie) les persécutions continuent
27 January 2009Seven children, including 12-year-olds, are arrested for throwing stones at the Wall
[RAMALLAH, 22 January 2009] - Seven children from Toura al-Gharbeiah village (Jenin Governorate) were arrested on Tuesday by the Israeli authorities; they are currently detained in Salim detention and (...) -
On The Wrong Side, by Uri Avnery
24 January 2009==================================================
OF ALL the beautiful phrases in Barack Obama’s inauguration speech, these are the words that stuck in my mind: “You are on the wrong side of history.”
He was talking about the tyrannical regimes of the world. But we, too, (...) -
Israel’s Lies,
24 January 2009Western governments and most of the Western media have accepted a number of Israeli claims justifying the military assault on Gaza: that Hamas consistently violated the six-month truce that Israel observed and then refused to extend it; that Israel therefore had no choice but to destroy (...)
Hillary, Tzipi to Stop Iran Enrichment
24 January 2009=================================================== And what about the isralian nuclear center of Dimona ? (ndlr) ===================================================
January 23, 2009 “Press TV” — US secretary of state and Israel’s foreign minister have (...) -
Israel Accused of Executing Parents in Front of Children in Gaza
23 January 2009Israel has refuted allegations of war atrocities in Gaza after Palestinian children described how their parents had been “executed” by Israeli troops.
By Murray Wardrop
January 21, 2009 “The Telegraph” — One nine-year-old boy said his father had been shot dead in (...) -
The Gaza Bombshell
22 January 2009After failing to anticipate Hamas’s victory over Fatah in the 2006 Palestinian election, the White House cooked up yet another scandalously covert and self-defeating Middle East debacle: part Iran-contra, part Bay of Pigs. With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and (...)
Chomsky: Undermining Gaza
20 January 2009Editor: Emily Schwartz Greco
DOSSANI: The Israeli government and many Israeli and U.S. officials claim that the current assault on Gaza is to put an end to the flow of Qassam rockets from Gaza into Israel. But many observers claim that if that were really the case, Israel would have made much (...) -
Today in Palestine!
19 January 2009IDF begins Gaza troop withdrawal, hours after ending 3-week offensive The IDF would not say how many troops it is pulling out, but Channel 10 showed tanks rolling out and smiling infantry soldiers walking toward the border. Some ground forces remained at key points in Gaza amid the withdrawal. (...)
Olmert’s Poodle
19 January 2009January 18, 2009 “American Conservative” --- As Israel entered the third week of its Gaza blitz, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regaled a crowd in Ashkelon with an astonishing tale.
He had, said Olmert, whistled up George Bush, interrupted him in the middle of a speech and told him to (...) -
19 January 2009Jan 18th, 2009 at 23:00�
They withdraw unilaterally
They ceasefire unilaterally
They invade unilaterally
They win unilaterally
They destroy�unilaterally
They massacre unilaterally
They bathe in blood unilaterally
They spread white phosphorus unilaterally
They kill women (...) -
Having trouble viewing this email?
17 January 2009
Information Clearing House Newsletter
News You Won’t Find On CNN (...) -
The Boss Has Gone Mad
17 January 2009169 YEARS before the Gaza War, Heinrich Heine wrote a premonitory poem of 12 lines, under the title “To Edom”. The German-Jewish poet was talking about Germany, or perhaps all the nations of Christian Europe. This is what he wrote (in my rough translation):
“For a thousand (...) -
Attack against the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the French Republic
16 January 2009Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the French Republic STATEMENT
During the night from January 14 to January 15, 2009, the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the French Republic was the victim of attacks with stones and metallic (...) -
National Demonstration
12 January 2009Day 17
Not in our wildest dreams did we imagine that Saturday’s national demonstration would attract the massive numbers it did. There is little point getting into a numbers game with either the police of the BBC, but let’s just say the Mets estimation of 12,000 people is risible, (...) -
12 January 2009(Ramallah, January 12, 2009) – In light of the persistent aggression, humanitarian crisis, arbitrary killing and continued systematic devastation of all Palestinian institutions and civilian facilities in the Gaza Strip, Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Organization (...)
How Many Divisions?
10 January 200910.1.09
NEARLY SEVENTY YEARS ago, in the course of World War II, a heinous crime was committed in the city of Leningrad. For more than a thousand days, a gang of extremists called “the Red Army” held the millions of the town’s inhabitants hostage and provoked retaliation from (...) -
Ensemble de la Palestine
9 January 2009Numéro : fda 001
Date : 09/01/09
Eléments : 10
Source : MA’AN
Lien :
Sujet : Le Hamas déclare que Abbas a cessé d’être un président légitime, mais que la priorité est de mettre un (...) -
Palestinians Will Never Forget
7 January 2009========================================
How can anyone watching Gaza burn escape the bitter realization that history repeats itself? Many have compared Israel ’s treatment of Palestinians to Apartheid South Africa . But not in their cruelest hour did the Apartheid regime wreak such (...) -
Today in Palestine!
6 January 2009Aid agencies say Gaza needs food, medicine — and body bags
Medical committee appeals for Ramallah-area blood donors
Limited aid in Gaza: 80 truck loads to 1.5 million (...) -
“The retaliation by Israel (to what was called Hamas rocket attacks) was not only disproportionate, but totally unacceptable,”
5 January 2009India strongly condemns Israel’s excessive use of military force in Gaza and calls for an ’immediate’ halt to Israel’s offensive in the strip.
“The retaliation by Israel (to what was called Hamas rocket attacks) was not only disproportionate, but (...) -
Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (24 – 31 December 2008)
4 January 2009Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (24 – 31 December 2008) 1. IOF Offensive on the Gaza Strip At approximately 11:25 on Saturday, 27 December 2008, dozens of IOF warplanes launched a wave of air strikes almost the same time throughout the Gaza Strip. This (...)
Molten Lead
3 January 20093.1.2009
JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT, Aljazeera’s Arabic channel was reporting on events in Gaza. Suddenly the camera was pointing upwards towards the dark sky. The screen was pitch black. Nothing could be seen, but there was a sound to be heard: the noise of airplanes, a frightening, a (...) -
The Donkey Who Scared the Israeli Army
3 January 2009==============================================
The weakest and most coward army in the world, which considers itself as the strongest one targeted and bombed a donkey on the streets of Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip. The cowards of the Israeli Air forces fired a missile at the donkey (...) -
Massacre in Gaza: Demonstrate Saturday 3 January
2 January 2009Assemble 12.30pm Embankment, London (Embankment tube)
Protests taking place across the country - details
The demonstration will march from Embankment to Trafalgar Square for a rally, where speakers include Annie Lennox, Alexei Sayle, Ken Livingstone, Richard Burden (...) -
The Truth About Those Hamas Rockets
1 January 2009January 01, 2009 "Online Journal"
— Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to dupe us into supporting an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq.
A few days ago, Israel trotted out only an infinitesimally more credible excuse — the Hamas rockets (...) -
Gaza massacre over 300 killed - Emergency Protests
29 December 2008LONDON
Monday 29 December 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Protest opposite Israeli Embassy W8 - Kensington High Street. Nearest tube: High Street Kensington. From station turn right.
Protests organised and supported by PSC, Palestine Return Centre (PRC), Palestinian Forum of Britain (PFB), British (...) -
Gush Shalom and Coalition of Women for Peace call :
27 December 2008· Stop immediately siege on Gaza! Set no conditions for ending the inhuman suffering of innocents!
· Negotiations with Hamas and renew of the truce!
· Stop the military offensive and propose a political solution for ending the occupation!
· Learn from the Second (...) -
To extinguish the fire
25 December 2008To extinguish the fire,
To end the blockade,
To bring calm to all.
To recognize facts:
Hamas is a part of
The Palestinian people.
No peace without it.
To stop playing at
“Divide and conquer”.
We are all in
The same (...) -
Human Rights Review of Israel Must Scrutinize Racial Discrimination
5 December 2008============================================
Badil Resource Center, Bethlehem, 5 December 2008 –
Badil joined several human rights organizations in presenting information and evidence of Israeli violations of international human rights law to the United Nations Human Rights Council. (...) -
28 November 2008Voices for Bethlehem 08 tickets now available from the PSC website
Report from the Lobby 19 November
Upcoming events in the UK
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Christmas concert
Friday 5 December 2008 - 7pm
Bloomsbury (...) -
UN General Assembly head accuses Israel of apartheid
25 November 2008Nov. 25, 2008
UN General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann accused Israel of apartheid and called for “a campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions” against it.
During Monday’s UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Brockmann, of Nicaragua, (...) -
Protest outside Westminster tomorrow
18 November 2008Wednesday 19 November 4-5pm: Jews for Justice for Palestinians and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign are organising a protest to coincide with President Peres’s address to Parliament, opposite St Stevens Entrance in Abingdon Street.
As Israel ’s President Shimon Peres enjoys the (...) -
L’adoration collective atteint l’ancien monde - Obama: collective adoration hits the Old World
13 November 2008==============================================
So Obama is the man, and the wave of collective adoration has embarked the shores like the Normandy Invasion. As I wrote in a recent article, to people who live in other parts of the world (and that means almost the absolute majority of humanity), (...) -
Palestinian rhythms of resistance
13 November 2008Al Jazira
Jackie Reem Salloum, a film director and activist, has been one of the key players in the movement to increase global interest in Palestinian art.
Born to Palestinian and Syrian parents in Dearborn, Michigan, her artwork was influenced by her experiences as a young woman in the Arab (...) -
Palestinians seek right to live, die in occupied homeland
11 November 2008=================================================
Ramallah – Ma’an – Ali is terminally ill; his doctors have given him about two years to live. Israel refused to give him a visa for even one.
Too weak to push himself, others helped the wheelchair-bound, 75-year-old (...) -
WAR alert : Obama Advisors Discuss Preparations for War on Iran
10 November 2008On the eve of the US elections, the New York Times cautiously pointed on Monday to the emergence of a bipartisan consensus in Washington for an aggressive new strategy towards Iran. While virtually nothing was said in the course of the election campaign, behind-the-scenes top advisers from the (...)
Hamas would accept state on 1967 borders
9 November 2008Bethlehem – Ma’an – Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas-affiliated prime minister in Gaza, said on Saturday that his government would be willing to accept a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with Israel.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Haniyeh made this pledge to (...) -
WHAT IS RAHM EMANUEL? (Rahm Israël Emanuel - ndlr)
8 November 2008================================================
Emanuel’s made it a point to cozy up to big business, making him one of the most effective corporate fundraisers in the Democratic Party. He’s also a staunch advocate of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. . . . (...) -
Israel and the Palestinian Medical Relief Society :
8 November 2008–:
As of Sunday, 2.11.08, new Israeli army guidelines are in force, requiring Palestinian medical personnel from the West Bank who work in Jerusalem hospitals to come in only through the Qalandiya checkpoint in Ramallah. Medical personnel from the West Bank are prohibited from coming (...) -
Obama choist un pro-sioniste de choc pour un poste de très haut niveau
6 November 2008Jeudi 06 novembre 2008
Au cours de la campagne électorale étasunienne, des racistes et des extrémistes pro-sionistes ont essayé de faire campagne contre Obama en attirant l’attention sur son second prénom, Husseïn. Ces gens peuvent être tout à fait rassurés en relevant un autre second (...) -
L’autre cirque électoral
5 November 2008Le lobby juif a sabordé un autre dirigeant politique, observe Khalid Amayreh à Jérusalem Est occupée
Avec le premier ministre désignée Tzipi Livni qui abandonne ses efforts pour former un gouvernement basé sur une coalition restreinte, l’avant poste des Etats Unis au Proche Orient est (...) -
Un monument à la mémoire du temps perdu et des espoirs évanouis
31 October 2008================================
Shimon Peres, comme toujours, a fait les choses avec style. Les cérémonies du 10 ième anniversaire du Centre Peres pour la Paix ont été un évènement scintillant, rempli de célébrités internationales et d’artistes célèbres, et bien sûr donnait une place de (...) -
Yes, hate
30 October 2008[ Nous recommandons tout particulièrement, en cette période où des choix essentiels se préparent, de lire sérieusement cet article et les réactions des lecteurs, très nombreuses, que vous trouverez aisément en allant sur le lien ci-dessous.
On trouve deux camps très tranchés:
Le premier, (...) -
’Dignity’ boat arrives in Gaza as a third boat, breaking Israel’s blockade
30 October 2008The Free Gaza Movement (FGM) announced on Wednesday morning the arrival of its second journey to the besieged Gaza Strip through Gaza shores. In a press release, emailed to the IMEMC, the FGM said it’s the second boat that breaks the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, in place since (...)
Egypt decides to ban international parliamentary delegation from entering Gaza
29 October 2008]
BRUSSELS, (PIC)— The European campaign for lifting the siege on Gaza has strongly condemned the Egyptian government’s decision not to allow a big international delegation of MPs enter Gaza Strip, describing such decision as (...) -
“Au doigt et à l’oeil des sionistes”
29 October 2008Sous la prétexte manifestement faux de « la restauration de la loi et de l’ordre », des centaines de militaires Palestiniens formés par les Américains ont commencé à arrêter des militants politiques Islamiques et des personnes suspectes de sympathie pour le Hamas dans la région de Hébron. (...)
Israel finally looking in the mirror
26 October 2008Things, and people change over time. As we grow older, we cling to the ‘glory days’ of our youth and our past self perceptions. In our minds we sometimes lock ourselves in at a certain age, usually our twenties, while our bodies and hearts continue to change with age. Then one day (...)
Israel ’Brand’ Will Magically Smell Sweeter
26 October 2008As many others have remarked, Israel is among the worst brand-names on the planet. That’s understandable considering the regime was founded on terror, is massively armed and subsidised by the US, thrives on lands seized from its neighbours at gun-point, and is bent on making its illegal (...)
Towards a winning Palestinian strategy
25 October 2008===========================
I must say I wasn’t surprised when I read the statements made by outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I had been informed by an Israeli friend of mine about Olmert’s dramatic conversion over the past few (...) -
Tractatus Logico Palestinicus
22 October 2008Atzmon essaie de reprendre le « Discours de la Palestine » au point où Wittgenstein l’a laissé...
1 « Tout ce qui vaut d’être dit peut être dit clairement, et, ce dont nous ne pouvons parler, nous devons le passer sous silence. » ( Ludwig Wittgenstein 1918 )
1.1 L’humanisme (...) -
Is Akko Burning ?
20 October 2008THROUGHOUT ITS thousands of years of history, Akko has never been an Israelite town.
Even according to the mythological story of the Bible, the Israelites did not conquer the city, which was already an ancient port. The first chapter of the Book of Judges, which contradicts much of the (...) -
Pardon Me, but.... I’m Jewish
18 October 2008Palestine Chronicle
By Miko Peled The racist discourse in America is alarming and often people don’t even notice when it takes place. When the lady at the town hall meeting asked John McCain if Barak Obama was an Arab he replied: “No, no he is a decent family man.” Where is (...) -
Will EU Be a More Just Mediator?
18 October 2008================
Europe has showed greater willingness in recent months to play a larger part in the Middle East’s most protracted conflict, that of Israel and Palestine. But willingness doesn’t necessarily indicate readiness. For the European Union (EU) to be truly ready to take (...) -
“ peace would look like...”
7 October 2008===================================================
Recently I was asked by the German Else-Laker-Schueler-Gesellschaft, which commemorates the German-Jewish-Israeli poetess, to describe how peace would look like. On the eve of Yom Kippur, the day of reconciliation, I would like to distribute (...) -
----------------------------- I ACCUSE -------------------------------
5 October 2008I Accuse
On the night from the 24th to the 25th of September it happened again. Prof. Zeev Sternhell, an internationally acclaimed political scientist and historian, recipient of this year’s Israel prize for political science was wounded by explosives put at his doorstep.
As yet we do (...) -
Enough talk ! Assez parlé !
30 September 2008The most unstable country in the Middle East is changing its government again.
Soon Israel will have a new government, with “continued peace negotiations with the Palestinians” engraved on its banner. Well, now it’s time to end the farce after more than 15 years of futile (...) -
The Rights of Palestinian Refugees and the Final Status Negotiations
25 September 2008To: President Mahmoud Abbas Chair of the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee President of the Palestinian National Authority
CC: League of Arab States Non-Aligned Movement Organization of the Islamic Conference
Dear Mr. (...) -
The right of no return
25 September 2008The debate on the Palestinian refugee problem has been confused and badly mishandled. While Israel maintains a consistent position, the Palestinians and the Arabs are often contradictory, vague and inconsistent.
For some unclear reason, the refugee problem has, with time, been limited to only (...) -
Palestinian Unity: Goal or Mantra?
23 September 2008Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa used exceptionally tough language during a Cairo news conference 9 September, when he lashed out at Palestinian factionalism, saying that the League is going as far as studying the possibility of imposing sanctions on quarrelling Palestinians. “I (...)
And so it continues: 26 years after the massacre
21 September 2008This week marks the 26th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, one of the bloodiest events of the second half of the twentieth century. A Google search for recent news reports on this year’s commemoration of the atrocity, however, brought up very little. Yes, there were some (...)
The Joke of Palestinian “democracy” under Fatah, Israel
20 September 200819 September, 2008
Jockeying for an advantageous public posture vis-à-vis Hamas, the Fatah movement has been calling for the organization of presidential and parliamentary elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The proposal is being touted as the only way to resolve the enduring crisis (...) -
Could a Binational State Be Olmert’s Legacy?
19 September 2008September 17, the Kadima party will vote for a new leader, thus ousting the corruption-riddled Ehud Olmert from his seat of power as both Party leader and eventually, as Prime Minister of Israel.
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is expected to succeed Olmert, with a projected lead of 47 (...) -
« The forgotten fighter »
19 September 2008Many Palestinians that I met during my travels in the West Bank told me that to know what Palestine really was about and meant, I had to go to Nablus. Most of them also told me that Nablus was their favourite city. After spending 5 weeks there this summer, I understand why. Arriving from (...)
Obama’s VP pick right for Israel?
18 September 2008hi everyone - sharing my latest op-ed, which appears today in the Washington Times. Please note the comment section on the website if you’re inclined to express your opinions, as I suspect they will be getting a lot of heat from pro-Israeli campaigns to prevent them from publishing such (...)
Security and Defense: After Abbas - a looming threat
8 September 2008On January 9, 2009 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s political career is scheduled to come to an end. After completing a three-year term and in line with PA legislation, the 73-year-old Abbas is set to leave the Mukata in Ramallah and return to civilian life.
The question (...) -
Tel Aviv to Tbilisi: Israel’s role in the Russia-Georgia war
18 August 2008This article was originally published on the Electronic Intifada, on 12 August 2008, and is reproduced with the author’s permission.
From the moment Georgia launched a surprise attack on the tiny breakaway region of South Ossetia last week, prompting a fierce Russian counterattack, (...) -
Ofra first
17 August 2008Sun., August 17, 2008 Av 16, 5768
For two years now, a raging debate has centered on the question of when, if ever, the government will evacuate the illegal outpost of Migron. Meanwhile, observe as the settlers add yet another caravan to the outpost, Peace Now monitors warn us. Watch as the (...) -
That dishonors all officers of our army
14 August 2008Shooting, of any kind,
At a handcuffed prisoner
Is a war crime.
A commander
Who gives a soldier
Such a criminal order
Must be kicked out
Of the army.
This week the
Chief of Staff
Decided that this officer
Is fit to command soldiers.
That dishonors
All officers of
Our (...) -
Au delà de la chutzpah (*)
12 August 2008(*) chutzpah : terme yiddish qui correspond, avec une nuance familière, à l’impudence, à l’effronterie, au « culot » ===================================================
Israël se comporte tout à fait comme une prostituée qui presse la municipalité de sa ville à dresser une grande (...) -
L’inculture US et le machiavélisme (obtus et primaire) d’Israël :un flop militaire mais...... incendiaire (ndlr)
11 August 2008Israel ’has a hand in S. Ossetia war’:
The report added the Israeli advisers were deeply involved in the Georgian army’s preparations to attack and capture the capital of South Ossetia on Friday.§ionid=351020202 (...) -
A Knight on a Gray Horse
10 August 2008En français: “La peste ou le choléra ?”
OH DEAR, what has happened to the knight on the white horse?
This week, many of Barack Obama’s admirers were shocked. Up to now, it had been believed that the huge sums of money flowing into the coffers (...) -
Report: Worrisome findings at Israeli prisons
4 August 2008Justice Ministry’s Department of Public Advocacy visits 33 detention facilities, revealing numerous cases of abuse, suicide attempts, etc. Israel Prison Service says in response improvements are underway
Published: 07.27.08, 10:11
A closer look into Israeli prisons revealed, violence (...) -
An open letter by Bassam Aramin, co-founder of Combatants for Peace
3 August 2008Dear Hisam, father of Ahmed, may he rest in peace,
I learned of the death of your son, Ahmed Musa, through a one-sentence newsflash on the Palestinian news station Ma’an last Tuesday: “Ahmed Musa, a young boy, was killed by a bullet of the occupying forces in Nil’in.” (...) -
Source: Clearing House
29 July 2008Hamas says militant killed in West Bank:
Israeli occupation troops killed a Hamas militant in the West Bank town of Hebron early Sunday, according to a statement from the Islamic group and Palestinian officials. (...) -
Are You Ready to Face the Facts About Israel?
27 July 2008“On October 21 (1948) the Government of Israel took a decision that was to have a lasting and divisive effect on the rights and status of those Arabs who lived within its borders: the official establishment of military government in the areas where most of the inhabitants were (...)
From clearing house
26 July 2008If Iran is Attacking It Might Really be Israel
By Philip Giraldi
There are a number of possible “false flag” scenarios in which the Israelis could insert a commando team in the Persian Gulf or use some of their people inside Iraq to stage an incident that they will make to look (...) -
Gush on shooting
25 July 2008The shooting at
A handcuffed Palestinian
Is not exceptional.
What is exceptional
Is that it was photographed.
Clearly, for every act
Of photographed harassment
There are dozens
Which are not photographed.
It is also clear
That the army
Will neither investigate
Nor punish.
And that (...) -
Israel’s slap in the face from America
24 July 2008Israel gives the impression that it was completely unprepared for the recent dramatic switch in American policy toward Iran.
The Bush administration did not consult with Israel before deciding to add a senior American diplomat to the talks the Europeans are conducting with the Iranians, nor (...) -
Today in Palestine!
24 July 2008Headlines July 23, 2008
Another Palestinian family fighting Israeli efforts to expel Jerusalem — The Palestinian Jerusalem Affairs Ministry, reiterated that East Jerusalem remains under intense Israeli attack. Ahmed Ruidi of the Ministry said that the city of Jerusalem is under a (...) -
British PM Warns Iran in Landmark Israel Speech
22 July 2008His comments on Iran’s nuclear drive echoed a warning by US Secretary of State CondoleezzaRice that Tehran had two weeks to respond seriously to an international offer or face further “punitive measures.” (...) -
Israel’s collective psychosis: The denial syndrome
21 July 200820/07/2008 - 12:29
This week, Israel sank in an avalanche of national lethargy, hypocrisy and self-righteousness.
Seeking to cope with Hezbullah’s success in getting Israel to release all Lebanese prisoners, dead and living, in exchange for the remains of two Israeli soldiers, Israeli (...) -
20 July 2008Dear friend,
The mounting legal costs of the joint Palestinian-Israeli struggle against the occupation, and the heightening legal persecution of Palestinian activists, are forcing us to send this urgent appeal for funds. We are asking for your support to continue the work of the Israeli (...) -
Different Planets
19 July 2008I SPENT the whole day flipping between the Israeli channels and Aljazeera.
It was an eerie experience: in a fraction of a second I could switch between two worlds, but all the channels reported on exactly the same occasion. In one section of the breaking news, the events happened at a distance (...) -
19 July 2008Palestinian house to be demolished after Israeli Court reverses decision
The house of an Arab family in East Jerusalem, the Al- Kurds, is set to be demolished on Thursday after the High Court reversed its decision to allow the family to remain in their home. The decision comes after a long (...) -
Little Crimes Get Punished, Big Ones Don’t - War Crimes Paradox
18 July 2008National Public Radio has been spending much news time on Darfur in Western Sudan where a great deal of human suffering and death are occurring. The military conflict has been brought on in part by climate change, according to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Drought is forcing nomads in (...)
Today in Palestine
17 July 2008205 Gazans dead this year as direct result of Israeli siege (13 July) According to a statement released on Sunday by the de facto government in Gaza’s ministry of health, 205 individuals have died as a direct result of the Israeli siege. The statistic, says the statement, includes 45 (...)
15 July 2008Read this newsletter online []
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq “1,236,604” (...) -
Jewish leaders in Germany slam Holocaust omission from citizenship test
14 July 2008w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m Last update - 16:55 13/07/2008
Jewish community leaders in Germany last week criticized the interior ministry’s planned citizenship exam for new immigrants, which features a questionnaire that does not (...) -
Ole - Ole, Ole, Ole
13 July 200828.6.08
WHAT EXCITED the Israelis this week? What glued them to the TV and radio sets? What made them rush to buy newspapers at the kiosks?
The drama in the Knesset, when it seemed for a moment that the Members would act against the laws of nature and vote to dismiss themselves? The (...) -
South African delegation “illegal” in Hebron and not the settlers?
11 July 2008Wednesday, July 09, 2008, the Israel Police blocked a tour of The South African Human Rights Delegation to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories in the city of Hebron.
The police declared the delegation’s visit to the city as an “illegal gathering”, and arrested the (...) -
To day in Palestine
4 July 2008Palestinian land in Silwan, East Jerusalem faces demolition threat Jerusalem — The Jerusalem Municipality sent ten notices stating its plans to reactivate the demolition order of Al Bustan, a neighborhood in Silwan, East Jerusalem this week. The demolition would destroy 50 acres of land (...)
Big Dog, Little Tail: The American Elite Resolves on War With Iran
4 July 2008Let’s be clear about one thing: Israel will not attack Iran without the full knowledge and approval of the United States government. The trigger of the “warning shot” of Israel’s long-range air-strike exercise last week was actually pulled in Washington. The Israelis (...)
Full account of Muhammed Omer’s hair-raising encounter with the Shin Bet
1 July 2008From his hospital bed at the European Hospital in Gaza and with barely audible voice, award-winning Palestinian journalist Muhammed Omer has given a full account of the hair-raising encounter he had last week with Shin Bet agents at the Allenby Bridge border-crossing between Jordan and the West (...)
Today in Palestine
30 June 2008Threat to demolish more Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, legal battle underway
(27 June) Jerusalem / Maisa Abu Ghazaleh - As Israeli settlements continue to expand across occupied East Jerusalem, a legal battle is underway to prevent the destruction of 450 Palestinian homes in the district (...) -
28 June 2008Failed attempts 28/06/08
[Il faut prendre quelques minutes et cliquer sur « Comments », en bas de page : on y trouve une leçon de choses qui montre, par un exemple concret, comment le sionisme est un aliment de choix pour les néo-nazis...]
June 27, 2008 at 8:58 am (ADL Hatemongering, (...) -
Israeli Military’s New Weapon Causes Alarming Risks to Health of Peaceful Protestors
25 June 2008In recent protests against the Wall in the villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin, Israeli Occupation Forces have stepped up the use of violence against peaceful protests in the unveiling of a new tear gas weapon.
Three weeks ago, Israel first used a battery that is capable of launching 30 (...) -
Today in Palestine!
23 June 2008[
Jerusalem subjected to comprehensive process to Judaize the land, rights and sanctities The Christian and Islamic Front for the Defense of Jerusalem and its Holy Sites, accuse the “occupying state of conducting a campaign to Judaize the holy city, its intellectual rights, land and holy (...) -
Report: Israel held military drill as prep for attack on Iran
21 June 2008U.S. officials say Israel carried out a large military exercise this month that appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The New York Times reported on Friday.
Citing unidentified American officials, the newspaper said more than 100 Israeli (...) -
To: Mr Jose Durao Barroso, President of European Commission
20 June 2008President
Brussels, 11 June 2008
Mr Jose Durao Barroso President European Commission
Mr President,
Allow me to address you on the subject of an issue reported in different European press organs and which evidently calls for urgent clarification.
It seems that secret (...) -
Letter to Mr Nicolas Sarkozy
20 June 2008Brussels, le 11 June 2008
Mr Nicolas Sarkozy President of the Republic Palais de l’Elysée - Paris
Mr President of the Republic,
Allow me to address you on the subject of an issue reported in different European press organs and which evidently calls for urgent clarification.
It (...) -
Israel’s Ambassador to the UK and his deception
15 June 2008Israeli ambassador to Britain Ron Prosor has once again claimed that the United Kingdom is becoming a “hotbed” of anti-Israeli propaganda. In an opinion piece published in Tuesday’s Daily Telegraph, Prosor alleged out that Israel was facing an intensified campaign of (...)
An Apology
15 June 2008THIS WEEK, the Prime Minister of Canada made a dramatic statement in Parliament: he apologized to the indigenous peoples of his country for the injustices done to them for generations by successive Canadian governments.
This way, White Canada tries to make peace with the native nations, whose (...) -
Dutch bank agrees: Jerusalem tramway is illegal
11 June 2008Last week, the managing director of SNS Asset Management, a division of the Dutch SNS Bank, sent me a letter explaining the bank’s position on divesting from Veolia. Veiola is a European company contracted to build a tramway on illegally seized Palestinian land that connects Israeli (...)
No, I Can’t!
8 June 2008AFTER MONTHS of a tough and bitter race, a merciless struggle, Barack Obama has defeated his formidable opponent, Hillary Clinton. He has wrought a miracle: for the first time in history a black person has become a credible candidate for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world. (...)
Mofaz: Israel attack on Iran ’unavoidable’ if nukes program continued
6 June 2008An Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites looks “unavoidable” given the apparent failure of sanctions to deny Tehran technology with bomb-making potential, one of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s deputies said on Friday.
“If Iran continues with its programme for developing (...) -
5 June 2008Every child in Israel
Knows by now that
There will be no peace
Without dividing Jerusalem.
But the candidate
Barack Obama
Declared this week that
“United” Jerusalem must be
The capital of Israel alone.
Don’t his advisors know
That this worn-out mantra
Is becoming (...) -
“Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem”
4 June 2008Publisher’s note:
I first met Issa Nakhleh more than fifteen years ago while he was still busily researching for his two volume “Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem”. I learnt first hand of his personal history, a palestinian, a refugee, a man who had lost everything he had (...) -
On the death of Lapid: An era passes in Israel
3 June 2008A champion of a secular Israel, who opposed the growing influence of the religious-national in the country, has died Sunday in a Tel Aviv hospital.
Yosef “Tommy” Lapid, who suffered a heart attack a few months ago, was admitted to hospital in critical condition on Friday. He died (...) -
1 June 2008Rome, 1st June 2008 "The Israeli siege on Gaza continue to punish collectively and illegally civil population, killing them together with their hopes of a dignified life and of a better future: of course rocket launched from Gaza to Sderot are illegal and criminal and must be immediately (...)
When the Kettle Calls the Pot Black
1 June 200831.5.08
I CANNOT say that I ever liked Ehud Olmert. But now I almost feel sorry for him.
It is not pleasant to see how they pounce on him, like jackals and hyenas fighting over a carcass.
And that also raises some questions.
WAS OLMERT the only fallible human being in this paradise? Not at (...) -
The Israeli Wehrmacht
1 June 200831/05/2008 - 16:53
I realize that comparing Israel with Nazi Germany makes many people angry. However, it is perfectly true that when Israel thinks, behaves and acts as Nazi Germany did, Israel becomes deserving of and qualified for the ultimate comparison. And Israel has been and is behaving (...) -
Lettre ouverte de Palestine occupée à Jean-Luc Godard
30 May 2008La version anglaise suit la version française
English version following french one.
publié le jeudi 29 mai 2008.
Les artistes Palestiniens ont été désolés d’apprendre que vous irez bientôt en Israël participer à un festival du film à Tel Aviv [1], malgré des décennies de politique (...) -
U.S. prof. gives Israeli prize money to Palestinian university
29 May 2008Tags: Bir Zeit University
The American mathematician David Mumford, co-winner of the 2008 Wolf Foundation Prize in Mathematics, announced upon receiving the award yesterday that he will donate the money to Bir Zeit University, near Ramallah, and to Gisha, an Israeli organization that advocates (...) -
Escaping Forwards
25 May 2008THE GERMANS call it “die Flucht nach vorne” - escaping forwards. When the situation is desperate, attack! Instead of retreating, advance! When there is no way out, storm ahead!
This method was successful in 1948. At the end of May, the Egyptian army was advancing on Tel Aviv. We - (...) -
“A Declaration of U.S. Independence from Israel”.
23 May 2008Rarely the American media come out with an article that speaks the full truth about the dangers the present American/Zionist relation to both the United States and then theZionist state.
It may not cause the full colapse of the states though it shall harm it, but as for the Zionist entity it (...) -
On a River Heading Home
18 May 2008BEIRUT — The fact that both Israeli independence and the Palestinian nakba (catastrophe) of 1948 are now acknowledged virtually simultaneously around the world is a great achievement for the Palestinians — just as the creation of Israel was a miracle in the eyes of the world’s (...)
With Friends Like These…
18 May 2008LATELY WE are flooded with friends. The Great of the Earth, past and present, come here to flatter us, to fawn on us, to grovel at our feet.
“God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can deal with myself!” says an old prayer.
They disgust me.
LET’S TAKE for example the (...) -
Hamas condemns the Holocaust
15 May 2008As the Palestinian people prepare to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Nakba ("catastrophe") - the dispossession and expulsion of most of our people from our land - those remaining in Palestine face escalating aggression, killings, imprisonment, ethnic cleansing and siege. But instead of (...)
An evil state that will disappear one day
2 May 2008Just as Israel inaugurated its misbegotten birth with genocidal ethnic cleansing sixty years ago, the evil brat of Zionism is marking its 60th anniversary with yet another spate of bloodletting.
On Sunday, 27 April, the Israeli “Defense” Forces (a more appropriate appellation would (...) -
The Lion and the Gazelle
20 April 200819.4.08
TONIGHT THE JEWS all over the world will celebrate the Seder, the unique ceremony that unites Jews everywhere in the defining Jewish myth: the Exodus from Egypt.
Every year I marvel again at the genius of this ceremony. It unites the whole family, and everyone - from the venerable (...) -
20 April 2008Kindly forward the communication which is below , from Japan to the family of Riad Hamad and to the
Palestinian Children’s Welfare Fund.
I first got in touch with Riad Hamad when I saw the appeal for the Palestinian Children’s Welfare Fund hoping to send some relief from India (...) -
Expanding Settlements Means Removing Palestinian People from their Land
19 April 2008Palestinian villagers from a small overcrowded village in the southern West Bank, to the northeast of Hebron, were recently threatened by the Israeli authorities with 32 house demolitions, which were to include a health clinic still under construction. The residents of this village are rapidly (...)
Torture in Israel
14 April 2008confessions
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel has accused the Shin Bet security service of using relatives of individuals under interrogation to extract confessions.
In a report to be submitted Sunday to the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, the organization says (...) -
Israeli Zionists treat Palestinians brutally, mercilessly, worse than animals!
13 April 2008I Saw these Real Images
What the Western Newsmedia, American in particular, do not want the people to know about how the Zionists in Israel treat the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Actions speak louder than words and one picture may be worth one thousand words. Click the web (...) -
UN expert stands by Nazi comments
12 April 2008Falk believes that Israel has been avoiding criticism
The next UN investigator into Israeli conduct in the occupied territories has stood by comments comparing Israeli actions in Gaza to those of the Nazis.
Speaking to the BBC, Professor Richard Falk said he believed that up to now Israel had (...) -
Hamas Accepts State Within 1967 Borders
11 April 2008RAMALLAH — Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal said that his movement supports the united Palestinian position that calls for the establishment of a fully sovereign state within the 1967 borders, including Jerusalem, and refugees’ right to return.
In an interview published yesterday in (...) -
Sixty years after Deir Yassin
11 April 2008As a 10-year-old growing up in Johannesburg, I celebrated Israel’s birth, 60 years ago. I unquestionably accepted the dramatic accounts of so-called self-defensive actions against Arab violence, to secure the Jewish state.
The type of indoctrination South African cartoonist Zapiro so (...) -
It’s worse than ever ! (ndlr)
11 April 20085-year old Abdallah Bahar
Was killed this week
In the Gaza Strip
By army fire.
Not a single word about this
Was published by
Yediot Aharonot, Maariv
Or any TV channel.
Only Haaretz published a photo.
In the democratic State of Israel
There is no need for
A military coup d’etat (...) -
To day in Palestine
10 April 2008Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 7:51 AM
Subject: [PACUSA] VTJP Headlines - Occupied Palestine and Israel Brutal fighting throughout Gaza Strip, Israeli forces kill 7 Palestinians, including 3 children Palestine News Network 4/9/2008
Palestinian militants kill Israeli civilians in Gaza (...) -
“Not You! You!!!”
7 April 2008“Hey! Take your hands off me! Not you! You!!!” - the voice of a young woman in the darkened cinema, an old joke.
“Hey! Take your hands off Tibet!” the international chorus is crying out, “But not from Chechnya! Not from the Basque homeland! And certainly not from (...) -
Today in Palestine
2 April 2008Israel announces new West Bank construction plan after Rice departs
Jerusalem’s city hall announced it would build 600 new apartments in Pisgat Zeev, a Jewish neighborhood in the eastern sector of the city. Shortly after, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish party said Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (...) -
Israeli settlers attack, harass, and intimidate Palestinian schoolchildren on their way to and from school
31 March 2008On 29 March, Israeli settlers harassed, intimidated, and attacked Palestinian children on their way to and from school in the village of At-Tuwani. In the morning, settlers yelled and threw stones at the children coming to school from the villages of Tuba and Maghayir Al Abeed.
The military (...) -
Fatah backpedals
26 March 2008Bethlehem – Ma’an –
Fatah’s official repudiation of the Yemeni-backed reconciliation agreement on Monday was a variation on the themes that has dominated Palestinian politics since Hamas’ takeover of Gaza last June. The details were different but the underlying (...) -
To day in Palestine
25 March 2008Israeli troops gun down unarmed Palestinian farmer in the Gaza Strip Ma’an News Agency 3/24/2008
Qureia: Fatah signed reconciliation draft with Hamas due to mixup News Agencies, Ha’aretz 3/24/2008 Arab-American University under siege Palestine News Network 3/23/2008 Israel (...) -
Caracas to Host Latin American Meeting against Media Terrorism
24 March 2008The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, announced the inauguration of the Latin American Meeting against Media Terrorism, to be held in Caracas, Venezuela’s capital city, between March 27 and March 29.
This event will include the participation of people from (...) -
23 March 2008Uri Avnery 23.3.08
“WAR IS much too serious a thing to be left to military men,” in Talleyrand’s memorable words. In the same spirit, one could say: The American presidential elections are much too serious to be left to the Americans.
The US is now the only super-power on (...) -
Today in Palestine!
20 March 2008Situation of Palestinians on Iraq-Syria border continues to deteriorate
The situation of more than 2,700 Palestinians who have been stranded and are living in inhumane conditions in two border camps at the Iraq-Syrian border continues to deteriorate. Over the past 22 months, UNHCR has been (...) -
“I Came, I Saw, I Destroyed!”
17 March 2008WHAT HAPPENED this week is so infuriating, so impertinent, that it stands out even in our familiar landscape of governmental irresponsibility. On the near horizon, a de facto suspension of hostilities was taking shape. The Egyptians had made great efforts to turn it into an official (...)
Gush Shalom: Assassinations in Bethlehem and Tulkarm – grave provocation
13 March 2008The government does not want a ceasefire, but a new flareup
Those who sent the assassins to carry out “liquidations” today, in Tulkarm and Bethlehem, knew what they were doing – a grave act of provocation which might blow up the serious chance which had opened up, to reach (...) -
Today in Palestine!
13 March 2008Violation Report Against Palestinian Red Crescent Medical Teams for January and February
Violations include firing on ambulances, preventing ambulances from reaching injured civilians, preventing the EMTs from going with the ambulance, firing tear gas canisters into ambulances, stopping (...) -
’Unwavering Commitment’ to
12 March 2008Death hovered over Gaza long before locally-made Palestinian rockets struck near the Israeli southern town of Sderot on February 27, killing Roni Yechiah and sparking an Israeli ‘retaliation’ that has already claimed over 120 Palestinian lives.
Yechiah’s death was actually (...) -
To day in Palestine
10 March 2008News
Israeli authorities seal the West Bank following Jerusalem attack Ma’an News Agency 3/7/2008
Carter, Annan to lead peace delegation to Middle East next month The Associated Press, Ha’aretz 3/7/2008
Israeli forces demolish two houses in Bethlehem in overnight raid Ma’an (...) -
An invention called ’the Jewish people’
9 March 2008Tags: Israel
Israel’s Declaration of Independence states that the Jewish people arose in the Land of Israel and was exiled from its homeland. Every Israeli schoolchild is taught that this happened during the period of Roman rule, in 70 CE. The nation remained loyal to its land, to which (...) -
Heads to the right
9 March 2008Last update - 10:40 10/03/2008
It is still unclear whether the terrorist who entered the Mercaz Harav yeshiva on Thursday night and killed eight of its students knew exactly what place he was entering. But the thousands of people who walked behind the coffins on Friday knew very well. (...) -
“Liberté d’occuper” !
6 March 2008Liberté d’occuper (La jeunesse des collines s’est mariée)
Version anglaise : Freedom of occupation
Hagit et Amihaï Carlebach cultivent des légumes dans le jardin, mangent des œufs de ferme, vident une bouteille d’Arak avec des (...) -
For God’s sake, Dissolve the Palestinian Authority now
5 March 2008CPI
As Zionist Jewish supremacists continue to emulate their Nazi mentors, by carrying out pornographic mass killings of stateless and helpless Palestinians, the so-called Palestinian « national » Authority (PA) is still basking in its impotence and morbid illusions about « peace talks » with (...) -
Restraint’ is deceitful, and ’forbearance’ is vain
3 March 2008Even yesterday evening, after the IDF already had killed about 50 Palestinians, at least half of them unarmed, and including quite a number of women and children, Jerusalem continued to claim, “At present there will be no major ground operation.” It’s incredible: The IDF (...)
Today in Palestine
2 March 2008Since we received these informations yesterday afternoon: more than 20 persons killed in Gaza-Zone (ndlr)
Saturday, 1 March 2008
41 dead in Gaza brings toll to 75 since Wednesday
Sanah’s brother was wailing and screaming for his sister (...) -
Today in Palestine!
29 February 2008Gazans told to boil water as chlorine runs low
The Palestinian water utility urged Gazans on Wednesday to boil their drinking water and said contamination was a risk because an Israeli-led blockade was choking off chlorine supplies. (...) -
Members of European Parliament “deeply disturbed” by reports of Palestinian detainees’ plight
29 February 2008Hebron – Ma’an – Members of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the European Parliament on Wednesday expressed “deep concern” at the plight of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails, calling on the European Parliament should to send a fact-finding mission to (...)
The Untermensch Syndrome: Israel’s Moral Decay
28 February 2008The labeling as anti-Semitic of anyone critical of the state of Israel’s policies in the continued destruction of Palestinian identity, and now Lebanese society and infrastructure, and the increasing domination into American foreign policy no longer has the sting of threat or intimidation (...)
Brussels: New court to try Israel for war crimes
23 February 2008Civil court established by human rights organizations to begin operations in Belgium Friday. First issue on the agenda: Israel’s alleged war crimes in Lebanon, Gaza
A new civil court founded in Belgium by human rights organizations will convene for the first time Friday evening and (...) -
Les démolitions
21 February 2008BEQAA, WEST BANK, 19 February 2008 (IRIN) - A small, overcrowded Palestinian village in the southern West Bank, under threat from Israeli-conducted house demolitions and land confiscations, is rapidly becoming poorer.
“Every house here has one child at least who left because we (...) -
BEIT UMMAR , martyred village (ndlr)
17 February 2008By Khalid Amayreh
Beit Ummar, (PIC)— For the third consecutive day, hundreds of Israeli occupation soldiers and agents of Israel’s chief domestic security agency, the Shin Bet, are savaging and terrorizing this small Palestinian town of 10,000 inhabitants, located just a few (...) -
Le site en question n’est pas notre tasse de thé, mais, pour une fois !
16 February 2008Mode d’emploi:
Copier et coller tout simplement
dans votre barre “adresse” internet et régalez-vous de cette superbe apologie de la “RESISTANCE” -
Today in Palestine!
15 February 2008From: Shadi Fadda To: Cc: ; ;
Subject: [PACUSA] Headlines Tuesday, February 12, 2008
OPT: Protection of civilians weekly report 23 - 29 Jan 2008 (...) -
Majadele: New Arab city will bolster our sense of belonging
13 February 2008 Israeli Arab minister Ghaleb Majadele said on Tuesday that Israel’s plans to construct a new Arab city - the first since 1948 - would strengthen the sectors’ “sense of belonging” in Israel.
The sports, science and (...) -
Turkey can do more to help the Palestinians
7 February 2008Analysis by Khalid Amayreh in occupied E. Jerusalem
Palestinians have welcomed recent statements by top Turkish officials, criticizing the harsh Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has pushed the coastal territory’s 1.5 million inhabitants to the brink of starvation.
Last week, (...) -
George Bush Delivers the Horse’s Head
7 February 2008Two weeks ago George Bush was sent on a mission to the Middle East to deliver a horse’s head. We all remember the disturbing scene in Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Godfather” where Lucca Brassi goes to Hollywood to convince a recalcitrant movie producer to use Don (...)
7 February 2008Acting Chair
Sylvia Borren
Honorary Co-chairs President Tarja Halonen President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Prime Minister Helen Clark
IWC Palestinian Members
Wafa’Abdel-Rahman Tahani Abu-Daqqa Maha Abu Dayyeh-Shamas Hanan Ashrawi Annan Attiri Naela Ayesh Samia Bamieh Siham Barghouti Hania (...) -
From Stalingrad to Winograd
3 February 2008FOR SOME days, the country looked like the Place de la Concorde in 1793. The entire public sat expectantly facing the guillotine, waiting for the tumbril to bring the marquis, for the marquis to lie down, for the blade to fall on his neck and for a soldier to hold up the bloody, severed head (...)
The Breaking of the Gaza Wall
1 February 2008The breaking of the Gaza-Egypt wall is clearly a good thing, and a rare example of the moral — and also wise — use of violence in politics. (For the logic and effects of the Israeli cordon of Gaza see posting of December 7, 2007, “Imposed Hunger in Gaza, The Army in Indonesia. (...)
Border Control / Olmert’s man in Ramallah
30 January 2008Prime Minster Ehud Olmert wouldn’t have had to ask twice: The barest of winks, and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) would have sent every journalist in Israel a petition calling to keep the prime minister where he is. For good reason. People in Ramallah read the public (...)
Gandhi grandson falls victim to Zionist lobby
30 January 2008Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, 75-year-old Arun Gandhi, has been persecuted and hounded out of the M.K. Gandhi Institute, founded by him in the U.S., following his remarks that Israel and the Israelians are the biggest players in a global culture of violence. (...) -
Letter of support from Israelis to the 2008 General Conference of the United Methodist Church
29 January 2008We, as Israelis, express our support of the 2004 resolution adopted by the General Conference of the Methodist Church that states “The United Methodist Church opposes continued military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, the confiscation of Palestinian land and water (...)
Abbas: No talks with Hamas despite Gaza border chaos
28 January 2008Last update - 23:31 26/01/2008
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday stuck to his tough conditions for resuming contacts with Hamas, despite attempts by Egypt to bring the rivals together to solve the growing chaos on the Gaza-Egypt border.
In a speech Saturday, Abbas denounced the (...) -
To day in Palestine
28 January 2008Subject: [PACUSA] Today in Palestine! Headlines Saturday, January 26, 2008
Israeli forces turn away peace groups’ aid convoy at Erez Crossing An estimated 2,000 people, in an action sponsored by a coalition of Israeli peace groups, are outside the Erez Crossing into Gaza. With their (...) -
Worse than a Crime
27 January 200827.01.08
IT LOOKED like the fall of the Berlin wall. And not only did it look like it. For a moment, the Rafah crossing was the Brandenburg Gate.
It is impossible not to feel exhilaration when masses of oppressed and hungry people break down the wall that is shutting them in, their eyes (...) -
Israel: a cancer on Jewish conscience
26 January 2008In his rabid efforts to impose socialism on independent Ukrainian farmers (the Kulaks), Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin ordered his Red Army to completely cut off Ukraine from the rest of the world. All roads were sealed, all border crossings were closed. Nothing was allowed to go into or come (...)
EU Press release on breach of the Wall in Rafah
24 January 2008Rafah: the breach in the wall is an act of freedom and a strong warning to the EU, the Quartet and Egypt
"The thousands of Palestinians crossing the Rafah border point these last hours, the breach in the wall and the breaking of the siege decided by Israel against the civil population, are all (...) -
To day in Palestine
21 January 2008Two Hamas fighters killed in Gaza Saturday; Israeli warplanes destroy a car but occupants escape
Two Palestinian activists affiliated to Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades were killed and three others injured in an Israeli air raid on a group of fighters who attempted to stop the infiltration of (...) -
Missile test / Launched from Palmachim, heard in Tehran
19 January 2008Un “Etat arsenal” assoiffé de puissance destructrice et fanatisé par la haine envers “les autres”. (ndlr)
Last update - 23:11 18/01/2008
First, the facts: A successful test of a new dual-stage missile was carried out at the Palmachim air base at 8:45 A.M. Thursday. (...) -
Where is the EU strong condemnation of these murders?
18 January 2008PRESS RELEASE Strasbourg , 18th January
“23 Palestinians killed and other 55 wounded, children, women and men, by Israeli raids in only two days: where is the EU strong condemnation of these murders?” -asked Luisa Morgantini, Vice President of the European Parliament expressing a (...) -
End the Siege on Gaza -International Day of Action - Saturday 26th January - Parliament, London
17 January 2008View a short film about the 400 strong protest on the 12th of January outside Downing Street: Join us in protesting against Israel blocking desperately ill Palestinians from accessing medical treatment and its escalating military attacks on Gaza (...) -
Occupied Palestine and Israel
16 January 2008To: PACUSA
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 6:09 AM
Death toll in Gaza rises to 19 after new Israeli raid on Gaza CityMa’an News Agency 1/15/2008
Israeli Settlers burn a Palestinian house and the Army up-root trees in Hebron Ghassan Bannoura, International Middle East Media (...) -
Israeli forces kill 15 Palestinians in Gaza
15 January 2008GAZA (Reuters) - Israel killed 15 Palestinians, nearly all of them militants, in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, dealing its deadliest blow to Hamas in more than a year in raids that followed a peace mission by U.S. President George W. Bush.
A volunteer from Ecuador, working on an Israeli kibbutz, (...) -
The Hands of Esau
13 January 2008WHICH OF the two men is the leader of the greatest power on earth and which is the boss of a small client state?
A visitor from another planet, attending the press conference in Jerusalem, would find it hard not to answer: Olmert is the president of the great power, Bush is his vassal.
Olmert (...) -
Palestine Solidarity Campaign Events in 2008
10 January 2008Dear members, friends and supporters
Please find below a list of Palestine Solidarity Campaign events in 2008 for your diaries.
We would like to recommend that you visit the PSC website regularly for updates and new events:
We are very much hoping to see you all (...) -
“People are protesting and fighting back – this is what we want.”
8 January 2008Latest News, Palestinian Grassroots Anti Apartheid Wall Campaign, January 7th, 2008 This morning Dr. Ahmad Maslamani, a leading national figure in the Palestinian grassroots struggle against the Occupation, passed away as a result of a heart attack. In 1985 he was a founder member of the (...)
Plans to kidnap or Assassinate A. Bishara
3 January 2008Israeli Internet News Site “Roter”:
And he mocks the plans!!! As usual Zionist governmental authorities when they fail to silence the opposition to its criminal, non-democratic and racial acts they refer to one of two “solutions”, either assassination or kidnapping (...) -
One Must Choose, Now!
29 December 2007The neoconservative offensive doesn’t leave room for the old no-man’s-land: the camps today are well defined, and every person, organization and movement must decide to which camp it belongs.
Help! A Cease Fire!
23 December 200722.12.07
FORGET THE Qassams. Forget the mortar shells. They are nothing compared with what Hamas launched at us this week:
The chief of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniyeh, has approached an Israeli newspaper and proposed a cease-fire. No more Qassams, no more mortars, (...) -
Olmert answers: “There is nothing to speak about.”
20 December 2007Hamas proposes
A mutual cease-fire:
An end to the launching of Qassams,
An end to incursions and assassinations.
Israeli security experts
Support the acceptance of this offer
But dare not speak up.
The security establishment
Does not want to stop.
As always.
Olmert answers: (...) -
PALESTINE: Red Cross Demands Mid-East Action - S.O.S.
16 December 2007The International Committee of the Red Cross has called for immediate political action to contain the “deep crisis” in the West Bank and Gaza.
The statement was an unusual departure from its normally non-political stance.
The ICRC said the measures imposed by Israel had denied the (...) -
UN counter-terrorism and human rights Special Rapporteur finds Israeli laws and practices incompatible with human rights.
12 December 2007United Nations Special Rapporteur for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Mr. Martin Scheinin, will present his mission report following his July 2007 visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) to the United Nations (...)
Pro-Israel Group Puts Emissaries on Campuses
11 December 2007December 10, 2007 Edition
A group working to promote pro-Israel sentiment at American colleges is hiring students to act as campus emissaries of the Jewish state.
Jewish student leaders from Columbia University, New York University, and Queens College will receive up to $1,000 a year from (...) -
7 December 2007 -
A Real Terrorist Is On The Loose: Humanity And Mother Earth are in danger
5 December 200717 November, 2007
I am greatly honored to be speaking to you. I must tell you from the start that I will not beat around the bushes. I am not here to entertain you or to please you. Truth sometimes hurts. You are adults. You can take it.
I am a Palestinian, an Arab and a (...) -
“The Tumult And The Shouting Dies…”
2 December 2007“THE TUMULT and the shouting dies, / The captains and the kings depart…” Rudyard Kipling wrote in his unforgettable poem “Lest We Forget” ("Recessional")
King George departed even before the tumult had died. His helicopter carried him away over the horizon, just (...) -
Israel doesn’t want UN to adopt Annapolis decisions
1 December 2007Last update - 23:28 30/11/2007
In a sudden about face, the United States on Friday withdrew a United Nations resolution endorsing this week’s agreement by Israeli and Palestinian leaders to try to reach a Mideast peace settlement by the end of 2008, apparently after Israel objected. (...) -
Gush on Annapoli’s Conference
30 November 2007WHILE Olmert was on the way to Annapolis, the settlers carried out a pogrom in the West Bank village of Funduk.
WHILE the leaders shook hands in Annapolis, the Israeli army killed eight Palestinians.
WHILE Olmert expressed “understanding for the sufferings of the Palestinians”, (...) -
- Meeting and Lobby of Parliament TODAY! and upcoming events
28 November 2007Meeting and Lobby of Parliament TODAY!
Voices for Bethlehem on 7th December: book your ticket now!
A Taste of Palestine 1st & 2nd December
Meeting in Parliament on the day of the Lobby of Parliament for Palestine
Justice for the Palestinians
Wednesday 28th November 7pm
Committee (...) -
Omelettes into Eggs
25 November 2007I WAS awakened from deep sleep by the noise. There was a commotion outside, which was getting louder by the minute. The shout of excited people. An eruption of joy.
I stuck my nose outside the door of my Haifa hotel room. I was told enthusiastically that the United Nations General Assembly had (...) -
Today in Palestine!
22 November 2007Jerusalem Fund Information Brief by Diana Buttu
While a recent poll by the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center (JMCC) found that 62 percent of Palestinians expect the Annapolis meeting, scheduled for 26-27 November, to fail, the Palestinian leadership hopes that it will launch talks on (...) -
THE ANNAPOLIS conference is a joke.
18 November 2007Though not in the least funny.
Like quite a lot of political initiatives, this one too, according to all the indications, started more or less by accident. George Bush was due to make a speech. He was looking for a theme that would give it some substance. Something that would divert attention (...) -
Gaza’s Humanitarian Crisis: Who’s to Blame for What?
16 November 2007While all eyes are fixed on the potential and pitfalls of the Annapolis meeting the United States is convening, the Gaza Strip is suffering a humanitarian crisis and ongoing violence from Israeli attacks and intra-Palestinian clashes. Who’s to blame? Fingers are pointed at Hamas for (...)
Israeli violations in Jerusalem
11 November 2007Saturday November 10, 2007 22:25 by CCDPRJ
The Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians’ Rights in Jerusalem (CCDPRJ) on Friday published its monthly report concerning illegal Israeli activities in occupied Jerusalem. The following information was published on the CCDPRJ website. (...) -
Say it with Flowers (probablement des chrysanthèmes ! ndlr)
31 October 2007Yes, indeed. In preparation for the Annapolis meeting, the Prime Minister has put the Foreign Minister in charge of negotiations with the Palestinian Authority.
You might well ask: Isn’t it natural for the Foreign Ministry to deal with foreign policy?
Well, it may be natural in other (...) -
Today in Palestine! Headlines October 26, 2007
30 October 2007PLO disputes Jerusalem rail plan
The Palestinians have begun legal action against two prominent French companies in an attempt to stop work on a contested light-railway project in Jerusalem. When it begins operating in 2010, the railway will stretch for eight and a half miles through West and (...) -
Protests across U.S. call for war’s end
28 October 2007Reuters
Updated: 5:57 p.m. ET Oct. 27, 2007
NEW YORK - Anti-war demonstrators marched in a dozen U.S. cities on Saturday to call for an immediate end to the war in Iraq and a cut-off of funding by Congress.
The “national day of action,” sponsored by the United for Peace and (...) -
27 October 2007Today, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) along with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR),
the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), and
the rench League for Human Rights filed a complaint with the Paris Prosecutor
before the “Court of (...) -
Today in Palestine!
27 October 2007Sixty-second General Assembly
Speakers in Second Committee call on Israel to stop destroying infrastructure, causing environmental damage in occupied Arab lands.
Crisis in Gaza is unnecessary (...) -
Londres, capitale occidentale du courage civil et de la solidarité avec la Palestine.
21 October 2007Dear friends
We would like to ask you to please widely circulate the information below about the upcoming Lobby of Parliament on Palestine.
Please also make sure to make an appointment to see your MP on the 28th of November and to book transport to London as soon as possible.
A briefing for (...) -
Priests Protesting Torture Jailed
19 October 2007By Bill Quigley
Louis Vitale, 75, a Franciscan priest, and Steve Kelly, 58, a Jesuit priest, were each sentenced to five months in federal prison for attempting to deliver a letter opposing the teaching of torture at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. Both priests were taken directly into jail from (...) -
List of Products from Settlements in the Occupied Territories
16 October 2007Please print this list and distribute it to your friends and relatives. Hang it on billboards next to your homes, in supermarkets and in your place of work. More importantly, browse the list when you are buying a product or looking for a service.
A penny to the settlements is a penny against (...) -
Today in Palestine!
16 October 2007PCHR weekly report: “Two Palestinians killed, seven wounded, as the army continues its violations” The Palestinian Center For Human Rights (PCHR), based in Gaza, published its weekly report on the Israeli violations in the occupied Palestinian territories in the period between (...)
Let Khaled Study - lobby your MP to sign EDM 2099
16 October 2007L’action dynamique et permanente des étudiants et universitaires britanniques, soutenue par certains parlementaires, est exemplaire et devrait ouvrir à leurs homologues français la voie d’une réflexion les portant à considérer la responsabilité qui résulte d’une léthargie et (...)
The Mother of all Pretexts
14 October 2007WHEN I hear mention of the “Clash of Civilizations” I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.
To laugh, because it is such a silly notion.
To cry, because it is liable to cause untold disasters.
To cry even more, because our leaders are exploiting this slogan as a pretext (...) -
End Israeli occupation - End the siege on Gaza - Respect Palestinian democracy
10 October 2007Palestine Solidarity Campaign is working with trade unions, Christian Aid, World Vision, charities and faith organisations to lobby parliament for a change in British government policy.
Join with us and call on your MP to: support international law, end the siege of Gaza and respect (...) -
Today in Palestine
8 October 2007Palestinians see rifts with Israel on peace draft
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are deeply divided over the content of a joint document they are drafting for next month’s U.S.-sponsored statehood conference, Palestinian officials said on Sunday. The (...) -
Today in Palestine!
5 October 2007Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. ship
The Israel Air Force warplanes and Israel Navy warships that attacked the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, at the height of the Six-Day War, were aware that the vessel was an American spy ship, according to new testimony published (...) -
Vigil in Support of Legal Challenge on UK Sale of Arms-Related Equipment to Israel
5 October 2007Royal Court of Justice
The Strand, London WC2
Join us to support Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) and Al Haq in their challenge of the UK’s sale of arms-related equipment to Israel.
A full public hearing will be held before the UK High Court of Justice in London on 10 -11 October 2007 in (...) -
“Financial war”
4 October 2007Bethlehem – Ma’an –
The Palestinian caretaker government in Ramallah is preparing to wage a “financial war” on its rival de facto Hamas government in the Gaza Strip to force them to retract June’s military coup, Arab media outlets reported on Wednesday. (...) -
The children of 5767
29 September 2007It was a pretty quiet year, relatively speaking. Only 457 Palestinians and 10 Israelis were killed, according to the B’Tselem human rights organization, including the victims of Qassam rockets. Fewer casualties than in many previous years. However, it was still a terrible year: 92 (...)
End the Occupation – Freedom for Palestine: Building a new Anti-Apartheid Movement
29 September 2007[Please note: due to circumstance beyond our control the event below will now be held at a different venue.]
PSC Public Meeting - 6 October 2007
PSC is holding an international conference on 6-7 October 2007 with representatives of solidarity movements from Europe, North America, South Africa (...) -
So What About Iran?
29 September 2007A RESPECTED American paper posted a scoop this week: Vice-President Dick Cheney, the King of Hawks, has thought up a Machiavellian scheme for an attack on Iran. Its main point: Israel will start by bombing an Iranian nuclear installation, Iran will respond by launching missiles at Israel, and (...)
Press release of the DEVE Delegation to the Palestinian territories
25 September 2007The delegation is deeply shocked by the unprecedented humanitarian crisis it witnessed in the Palestinian Territories. It urges the European Union to take immediate action to stop the collective punishment against the Palestinian people inflicted by the Israeli authorities which deprives them (...)
Middle East Mind Lock
24 September 2007The Occupation Within
How were the terms of US political and economic debate severed from basic standards of evidence and common sense? Why does the word “hypocrisy” seem inadequate to describe the pretzel logic of the neo-conservatives? Why do the people of the United States (...) -
What If Israel Had Never Been Created?
23 September 2007William Hughes is a Baltimore author, attorney, educator and professional actor. He has been writing political commentaries for over 40 years. His latest book, “Saying ’No’ to the War Party,” is a collection of his essays, and photographs, that targeted the (...)
Today in Palestine! Headlines September 19, 2007
20 September 2007Families cannot sue firm for Israel deaths The parents of Rachel Corrie, the US peace activist who was crushed to death four years ago in the then Israeli-occupied Gaza as she was protesting against the demolition of Palestinian homes, have been refused permission to sue the company which made (...)
Israeli Hate Education
17 September 2007Israeli school textbooks as well as children’s storybooks, according to recent academic studies and surveys, portray Palestinians and Arabs as “murderers,” "rioters," “suspicious,” and generally backward and unproductive. Direct delegitimization and negative (...)
16 September 2007THE DIVISION of the Palestinian territories into a “Hamastan” in the Gaza Strip and a “Fatahland” in the West Bank is a disaster.
A disaster for the Palestinians, a disaster for peace, and therefore also a disaster for Israelis.
The Israeli political and military (...) -
Miss C.
21 August 2007INTRODUCING Miss Calculatsia, that fashionable foreigner, the new star in Israeli discourse.
To a Hebrew ear, she sounds like a young beauty, like “Miss Israel”. But Miss-Calculatsia, the Hebrew version of “miscalculation”, is neither young nor beautiful, nor even (...) -
Russo-Chinese war game brought Chinese commando and air units onto Russian soil for the first time
20 August 2007Source: DEBKAfile August 19, 2007, 2:30 PM (GMT+02:00)
On Aug. 3, DEBKA-Net-Weekly 312 carried an exclusive report on the Peace Mission 2007 exercise run simultaneously from command centers 3,000 kilometers apart in Russia and China. Friday, Aug. 17, President Vladimir Putin, while watching (...) -
Dear Friends of the Rebuilding Alliance,
14 August 2007Dear Friends of the Rebuilding Alliance,
Last week in Jerusalem, hundreds of people joined Combatants for Peace and the Parents’ Circle to protest the Israeli prosecutor’s decision to dismiss the case of Abir Aramin for lack of evidence despite numerous witnesses and an autopsy (...) -
A Segregated Road in an Already Divided Land
12 August 2007JERUSALEM, Aug. 10 — Israel is constructing a road through the West Bank, east of Jerusalem, that will allow both Israelis and Palestinians to travel along it — separately.
There are two pairs of lanes, one for each tribe, separated by a tall wall of concrete patterned to look like (...) -
For first time since Iron Curtain’s fall, Russia to set up naval base on Syrian soil
11 August 200708.06/07 , 13:34
Another phase in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s imperialistic aspirations is being realized. It was just a matter of time before the Russian navy returned to the Mediterranean and resumed permanent command over the Syrian ports of Tartus and Latakia, which it (...) -
Jordan Valley: Wave of demolitions
8 August 2007Occupation forces today went on a spree of demolitions in the Jordan Valley, destroying four homes and two water tanks in Bardala, Sahel Libqeya, Frush Beit Dajan and Jiftlik.
Two villages, al-Hadidiya and Humsa, were spared today but are slated for complete demolition, which villagers have (...) -
Flash posted by Dr Christophe Denantes
6 August 2007I was in Gaza strip one week and next week in Jerusalem and West Bank (Jenin, Hebron) in december 2006 -16 to 27- and in july 2007 -1 to 15- as an anesthesiologist volunteer for an american NGO with a team of french surgeons for peripheral nerve surgery, hand surgery and microsurgery training (...)
“The Children of al-Hadidiya are not here any more”
6 August 2007Do you remember the al-Hadidiya tribe, shepherds who lived next to the Roi settlement who were evacuated from their land at the beginning of May? We went then to their place, next to the well (all the waters of which flow to the swimming pools and the green gardens of the settlements and not a (...)
General to rule on ousting officer who attacked anarchists
5 August 2007Last update - 08:05 15/05/2007
IDF overall West Bank commander Major-General Yair Naveh will open a probe this week into an incident in which a reserve captain was filmed kicking and shoving anarchist demonstrators, jabbing one of them violently in the chest with the muzzle of his loaded (...) -
The Cold War Between Washington and Tehran
3 August 2007In the energy-rich Middle East, only two countries have failed to subordinate themselves to Washington’s basic demands: Iran and Syria. Accordingly both are enemies, Iran by far the more important.
As was the norm during the Cold War, resort to violence is regularly justified as a (...) -
A Warning to Tony
29 July 2007LAST WEEK, James Wolfensohn gave a long interview to Haaretz. He poured out his heart and summed up, with amazing openness, his months as special envoy of the US, Russia, the EU and the UN (the “Quartet”) in this country - the same job entrusted now to Tony Blair. The interview (...)
Palestine EDM gets substantial support within Parliament
27 July 2007The Palestine Solidarity Campaign welcomes Richard Burden’s Early Day Motion (EDM) 1841 Release of Alan Johnston which has received a significant total of 114 signatures from British MPs. The EDM highlights Johnston’s acknowledgment of the pivotal role played by Hamas in securing (...)
Bush Speechwriter Calls for Attack on Syria
26 July 2007Neocon officials in the Defense Department call them “low-hanging fruit”--- as though countries were produce ripe for picking and eating. The term refers to nations targeted for regime change that might be achieved with minimal strain, at least when compared with the effort needed (...)
Our apartheid state
26 July 2007Three racist, discriminatory decisions undermine Israel’s democratic character
One of the clearest rules that distinguishes a democratic state from a non-democratic state is the principle of equality when it comes to rights and obligations. In a democratic country, all citizens (...) -
Ask your MP to sign the EDM below before this Wednesday the 25th of July!
23 July 2007Please urgently write or phone your MP to sign up to EDM 1841 before lunchtime on Wednesday the 25th of July as Parliament will break up for the summer. There are now 90 MPs who have signed this EDM, please make sure that your MP signs it too.
Richard Burden has tabled EDM 1841:
RELEASE OF (...) -
America is just starting to wake up to the awesome scale of its Iraq disaster
23 July 2007The American public has decided that its boys should come home, but the ghosts of Baghdad will return with them
Iraq is over. Iraq has not yet begun. Two conclusions from the American debate about Iraq, which dominates the media in the US to the exclusion of almost any other foreign story. (...) -
Star Wars in Iraq
23 July 2007
Majid Al Ghezali They used incredible weapons
Patrick Dillon: Experimental weapons?
Majid Al Ghezali Yes? Yes, I think. They shoot the bus. We saw the bus like a cloth, like a wet cloth. It seemed like a Volkswagen, a (...) -
Israelis control South African airport!
21 July 2007Von: Betreff: [AcademicsforJustice] Israelis control South African airport! Datum: 19. Juli 2007 21:40:04 MESZ “SAMWU feels that it is very alarming that Israeli security has free reign in OR Tambo airport, with apparently even more power than customs officials. The (...)
President Abbas’s aides asked Prime Minister Ehud Olmert not to release the members of Parliament from Hamas
17 July 2007President Abbas’s aides asked Prime Minister Ehud Olmert not
to release the members of Parliament from Hamas that are in Israel ’s
jails. They warned that their release could damage Abass’s ability to
act against Hamas. This was reported yesterday by Asharq al-Awsat, (...) -
Protesters Occupy UK warehouse of Israeli State Exporter
This afternoon a group of Palestine solidarity protesters entered the main UK warehouse of Israeli company Carmel Agrexco in Uxbridge, Middlesex.
Their action is part of the growing (...) -
Quelques nouvelles de Mr Dahlan
12 July 2007Fayyad confiscates $7 million from Dahlan By Ali Waked, Ynet, July 8, 2007 Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyafd recently confiscated $7 million from a bank account belonging to National Security Advisor Muhammed Dahlan.
According to Palestinian sources, the confiscated funds were (...) -
The PSC Welcomes Trade Unions’ Support for Palestinian Rights
12 July 2007PSC Press Release - 11 July 2007
Years of Palestine Solidarity Campaign work with the trade union movement is bearing fruit with a summer of motions from leading UK and Irish trade unions calling for the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and for multifaceted sanctions on Israel.
It (...) -
10 July 2007Subject ICTU Boycott Date: Monday 09 July 2007 20:53 ---- CALLS FOR BOYCOTT AND DIVESTMENT The Irish Congress of Trade Unions - representing trade unions and trades councils from the whole island of Ireland - (...)
Syria removing military checkpoints in Golan
9 July 2007Israel is `concerned` that Syria`s decision to remove military checkpoints on the road to Kuneitra on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights could be a preparation for war, the Arab newspaper Al-Hiyat al-Jedidia reported Saturday.
According to the report, the checkpoints in question had been in (...) -
Reports claim terrorist suspects working for UK police ? ?
8 July 2007Saturday, July 07, 2007
It has been claimed in reports today that up to eight people with possible links to al-Qaida are working for UK police forces.
Today’s Daily Mail says MI5 has helped draw up a list of individuals, including officers and civilian staff.
The newspaper says that (...) -
An Israeli Love Story
8 July 2007NOT SINCE the resurrection of Jesus Christ has there been such a miracle: a dead body buried in a cave has come to life again.
The “Jordanian Option” gave up its soul almost twenty years ago. Even before that, it never was very healthy. But in 1988, some time after the outbreak of (...) -
Pratique de ghetto bien rodée, meurtrière et criminelle
7 July 2007“The closed Rafah border is a shame to all the world”
United Methodists Called to Action
7 July 2007Background
Despite renewed talk of peace between Israelis and Palestinians, the hard reality is that Israel’s actions on the ground in the region, as well as Palestinian militant attacks on Israelis, place enormous obstacles in the way of progress toward peace.
This month marks 40 years (...) -
The PSC welcomes the TGWU motion in support of Palestinian Rights
5 July 2007The Palestine Solidarity Campaign welcomes the TGWU motion 31 on Palestine, passed on 4th July 2007 at their conference in Brighton, in support of Palestinian rights.
The transport and Genreal Workers Union, one of the many national Trade Union affiliates of the PSC, is the UK’s biggest (...) -
Tangling with the Oppressor
5 July 2007Tangling with the Oppressor - What really matters is what Palestinians Do.
Interviewing Gilad Atzmon is never easy, but always interesting.
It’s challenging because when it comes down to it, there is so much material, it has to be drastically reduced to make an interview fill an (...) -
US plans to deploy NATO forces in the Palestinian territories
2 July 2007Bethlehem – Ma’an – The Jordanian daily newspaper ad-Dostour reported on Monday that the United States plan to subdue the West Bank militarily and deploy international forces in the Gaza Strip.
The newspaper’s correspondent quoted US sources as saying that President (...) -
The Dirty Word
1 July 2007THERE NEVER was a darker Middle East summit meeting. The darkest there can be.
The four leaders at Sharm al-Sheik did not sit together at an intimate round table. Each one sat alone behind a huge table of his own. That ensured a striking separation between them. The four long tables hardly (...) -
The British government’s role in the current crisis in West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem
26 June 2007This statement was discussed at the PSC branch forum on 23 June. PSC is urging all members to write to Gordon Brown as the new Prime Minister to ask him to act on the demands and PSC will also be producing a petition for circulation.
Since the Palestinian parliamentary elections in January (...) -
Open letter to Ismael Haniyeh
24 June 2007Robert Thompson is a French citizen and a retired Avocat (Trial Lawyer) at the Boulogne-sur-Mer Bar, living with his wife in a small village in Northern France. He was born at Leek (North Staffordshire, England) in 1931, and, after reading Jurisprudence at Oxford University, he became an (...)
Saving President Abbas
23 June 2007EHUD OLMERT is the opposite of Midas, King of Phrygia. Everything the king touched turned into gold, according to Greek legend. Everything Olmert touches turns into lead. And that is no legend.
Now he is touching Mahmoud Abbas. He lauds him to high heaven. He promises to (...) -
Palestinian incompetence, Western hypocrisy
20 June 2007It’s hard to know who appears more ludicrous and despicable, the Palestinian Fatah and Hamas leaderships allowing their gunmen to fight it out on the streets of Gaza and the West Bank, or an American administration saying it supports the “moderates” in Palestine who want to (...)
PSC welcomes the UNISON vote in support of Palestinian rights and in support for a campaign of boycott
20 June 2007.
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign Welcomes UNISON’s motion 53 on Palestine passed this afternoon Wednesday the 21st June at their conference in Brighton. UNISON represents 1.3 million National Health Service and other public service workers in the UK.
UNISON, one of the many National (...) -
The Failed Sunni Army Solution - Blowback Across Lebanon
20 June 2007June 15, 2007 Tripoli, Lebanon.
Whoever killed anti-Syrian Lebanese MP Walid Eido Wednesday knew Syria would be blamed and that the country would move closer to civil war. Pro-government factions turned out in force along Beirut’s Roauche sea front chanting anti-Syrian and anti-Hezbollah (...) -
Urgent Appeal to the Palestinian Government and Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas”
16 June 2007ef: 40/2007 Date: 15 June 2007 Time: 11:30 GMT Within the context of the current critical and sensitive situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and after Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas has gained complete control over all areas of Gaza Strip including all positions (...)
Remarquable discours de Nurit Peled-Elhanan, laureate of the Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament for Human Rights and Freedom of Thought.
13 June 2007Nurit Peled-Elhanan, laureate of the Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament for Human Rights and Freedom of Thought.
Good evening. It is a great honour for me to stand on this stage beside my friend and brother Bassam Aramin, a man of the Palestinian peace camp, one of the founders of the (...) -
Shin Bet chief Carmi Gillon as vice president of external relations of University administration
12 June 2007The Hebrew University board of governors approved Tuesday the appointment of former Shin Bet chief Carmi Gillon as vice president of external relations.
Twenty-seven faculty members tried to block the appointment, claiming in a letter to the university’s president that it runs counter to (...) -
Leaving the Zionist ghetto
10 June 2007
Last update - 00:00 08/06/2007
We met 25 years ago. Exactly 25 years ago. Avraham - Avrum - Burg and I were then part of a small group of reserve soldiers and officers who came out against the First Lebanon War. “Soldiers Against (...) -
U.S. on a disastrous course
7 June 2007Aid from Washington has effectively sustained the Israeli occupation
Leftist son of Moshe Arens disinvited from academic conference, Israeli government personnel “uncomfortable”
4 June 2007For many years he has supported two states for two peoples, but today he fears “that a two-state solution is no longer practically possible.” Arens believes that Israel should be a state for all its citizens, supports the right of return for Palestinian refugees and is opposed to (...)
UK academics back proposal to boycott Israeli universities by 158 to 99
1 June 2007Bethlehem - Ma’an - On Wednesday, at the UK’s University and College Union (UCU)’s first annual conference, British academics were urged to back calls for a boycott of Israeli universities.
The delegates were asked to consider the “moral implications” of links (...) -
Lieberman: Israel should declare Gaza an enemy state, break off all ties
1 June 2007Bethlehem - Ma’an - Israeli Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Strategic Affairs Avigdor Lieberman suggested on Thursday that the Gaza Strip be declared a hostile political entity and an enemy state.
According to reports in the Israeli media, the Yisrael Beitenu chairman proposed a (...) -
’Stop Dimona’ says Blix
28 May 2007WMD Commission head says Israel and Iran ’should both end fuel-cycles’ Yaakov Lappin Published: 05.24.07, 17:37 / Israel News
LUXEMBOURG - Israel should comply with the same demand being made of Iran, to cease its nuclear fuel-cycle and stop enriching uranium, Hans Blix, Chairman (...) -
Urgent Call from Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO)
28 May 2007The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) calls on the United Nations and the International Community to immediately intervene to stop the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupational forces (IOF) on Palestinian civilians and their properties in the Gaza Strip.
On Wednesday, 16 May 2007, IOF (...) -
Top architects accuse Israelis of oppression
28 May 2007Leading British architects have accused their counterparts in Israel of complicity in schemes that contribute to the “social, political and economic oppression of Palestinians”. The architects, including Will Alsop, Terry Farrell, Richard MacCormac, Royal Institute of British (...)
28 May 2007Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) president Willy Madisha on Thursday called for the Government to cease all diplomatic relations with Israel after its attacks on the Palestinian leadership.
Mr Madisha said the best way to have Israel comply with United Nations resolutions on (...) -
Israeli minister issues death threat to Hamas leaders
22 May 2007Monday May 21 2007 The Guardian
All Hamas leaders should be killed to end rocket attacks from Gaza, a senior Israeli cabinet official said today, as Israeli planes carried out new air strikes in the territory.
“I don’t distinguish between those who carry out the (rocket) attacks (...) -
Marwan Barghouthi
publié le vendredi 18 mai 2007.
Faisons du 5 juin le jour de l’unité nationale pour le peuple palestinien ; que ce jour nous donne l’opportunité de renouveler notre engagement envers nos objectifs nationaux et de protéger toutes (...) -
28 April 20071) We are concerned over the continued escalation in violations of human rights and international humanitarian law perpetrated by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including: civilian deaths resulting from the excessive (...)
Appeal by European Parliamentarians in favour of the recognition of the new Palestinian government of national unity
26 April 2007Please relay as widely as possible this appeal.
Coordination comitee
Following the January 2006 Palestinian legislative elections which brought Hamas to power, the international community decided to sanction the government despite the democratic nature of these elections, which were hailed (...) -
The Legend of the Removed Checkpoints
26 April 2007Last Monday’s paper gave us a small reason to be happy. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for the second time in just a few weeks. Reporting the meeting — described by Palestinian sources as “fruitless” — Ha’aretz (...)
Occupation, colonization, apartheid
24 April 2007Occupation, Colonization, Apartheid
23 April 2007Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott (PACBI) UPDATE No. 19
April 22, 2007 PACBI Press Release Statement on Visits of International Delegations and Individuals to the OPT and Israel
At a time when the international movement to isolate Israel is gaining ground in response (...) -
Children’s rights
22 April 2007Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict United Nations S-3161 New York , NY 10017
16th April 2007
Dear UN Special Representative Coomaraswamy,
On behalf of Defence for Children International – Palestine Section (DCI/PS), I would like to express (...) -
Worldwide call on all theatre people and artists
22 April 2007Following the killing of three resistance fighters of Jenin Refugee Camp, Ahmad Alesi 25, Abas Adamge 21, Mahmoud Abu Jalil 23, The Freedom Theatre has cancelled the performance of a Spanish theatre group, scheduled to perform in Jenin Camp as part of the theatre festival (...)
UN child rights expert criticises Israel’s imprisonment of Palestinian children
20 April 200720 / 04 / 2007 Time: 13:54
JERUSALEM, 20 April 2007 (IRIN) - Radhika Coomaraswamy, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, talked to children in the Askar refugee camp near the West Bank city of Nablus and the Israeli town of Sderot, which has (...) -
Statement – 17th of April marks the Palestinian Prisoners Day
17 April 2007Today, April 17, 2007 marks the Palestinian Political Prisoners Day.
Since 1967, Israel, an occupying power, has detained over 650,000 Palestinians as part of its policy to quash resistance to its occupation and to intimidate the civilian population. This figure forms approximately 20% of the (...) -
“NUJ votes to boycott Israeli goods”
16 April 2007On the Web at:,,2056882,00.html
The National Union of Journalists has voted at its annual meeting for a boycott of Israeli goods as part of a protest against last year’s war in Lebanon.
Today’s vote was carried 66 to 54 - a result that (...) -
Mary’s Anger
14 April 2007Toine van Teeffelen writing from Bethlehem, occupied Palestine, Live from Palestine, 12 April 2007
The following is the story of Mary van Teeffelen-Morcos as recorded by Toine van Teeffelen on 10 April 2007:
I went to the checkpoint with Yara and Tamer, after getting my Easter permit at the (...) -
DECIDE, don’t discuss !
11 April 2007In the wake of the Arab summit, Dina Ezzat talks to Amr Mousssa on the prospects of a Middle East peace and reflects on the growing role of Saudi diplomacy in the region
Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa says that negotiations, not dialogue, is what Israel can engage in with the Arabs (...) -
“reflect deeply before engaging in co-operation with Israeli cultural institutions”
11 April 2007A DIPLOMATIC row erupted last night after the Israeli Embassy accused members of the Irish artists’ body Aosdana of singling the country out for attack.
The embassy was quick to react after the government-funded group passed a controversial motion encouraging Irish artists to reflect (...) -
Shalom, Shin Bet
7 April 2007RECENTLY, THE CHIEF of the Shin Bet declared that the “Israeli Arabs”, a fifth of Israel’s population, constitute a danger to the state.
He requested permission for the General Security Service to act against anyone who aims at changing the official designation of Israel as a (...) -
Call that humiliation?
2 April 2007I share the outrage expressed in the British press over the treatment of our naval personnel accused by Iran of illegally entering their waters. It is a disgrace. We would never dream of treating captives like this - allowing them to smoke cigarettes, for example, even though it has been proven (...)
2 April 2007CAN A pantheress turn into a pussycat? Impossible, a zoologist would say. But last week, we saw it happen with our own eyes.
Condoleezza Rice came here to teach Ehud Olmert, once and for all, who is boss. The President of the United States wants to make order in the Middle East, and the (...) -
FEATURE-Jewish grandmothers patrol West Bank checkpoints
27 March 2007JERUSALEM, March 19 (Reuters) - Hanna Barag remembers the day an Israeli soldier called her a Palestinian whore. She was 67 and had just joined Machsomwatch, an all-woman group set up to curb human rights abuses at military checkpoints in the West Bank.
“It was at the Qalandia checkpoint (...) -
Chirac suggested to “Israel” invading Syria and overthrowing the Assad regime
23 March 2007“Maarive” wrote Sunday 19 March that during last summer’s “Israeli” war on Lebanon French President, Jack Chirac, made an unprecedented suggestion to “Israel” to invade Syria and overthrow the Assad regime. “Israeli” sources said that was (...)
PSC welcomes the Palestinian unity government and calls on the European Union to lift the Palestinian blockade.
16 March 200716 March 2007
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) congratulates the Palestinians on their achievement of an agreement on a national unity cabinet. We call on the British government and the European Union to recognise and fully support the democratically elected Palestinian government, and (...) -
Shared History, a Different Conclusion
14 March 2007— Ilan Pappe, one of the revisionist scholars known in Israel as the “new historians,” began his career in some of the same wartime archives as Benny Morris. But his own ideological journey has taken him to the far shore of Israel’s political gulf and nearly complete (...)
UN committee: Israel should let Palestinians return to their land
13 March 200703/12/07 “Haaretz” — — A United Nations committee has called on Israel to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their property and land in Israel and to ensure that the bodies responsible for distributing property, such as the Jewish National Fund, not discriminate (...)
Israeli soldiers used children as ’human shields’
11 March 2007Daily Update > Terrorism & Security
posted March 09, 2007 at 11:15 am EST
Report: Israeli soldiers used children as ’human shields’ IDF says it will ’thoroughly’ investigate allegations by Israeli human rights group. By Tom Regan | The Israeli human (...) -
Her IOF reflections on recent crimes in Nablus:
8 March 2007. "Dear friends,
I don’t know where to begin. It would make sense to start at the beginning, but the beginning was ages ago, long before I arrived. Nor is there any end in sight. I was plopped into life in Nablus for one short week and I’m not sure if I’ll ever recover. And (...) -
Jewish Opposition to Israeli Human Rights Crimes is Growing
7 March 2007Counterpunch
A grassroots revolt is underway in Jewish communities throughout the world, a revolt that has panicked the elite organizations that have long functioned as official mouthpieces for the community. The latest sign of this panic is the (...) -
Wounded teen speaks about friend’s killing at Gaza Fence
4 March 2007Report, B’Tselem, 3 March 2007
Abd a-Ra’uf Feisal Hussein al-’Adini, 16, is a highschool student and a resident of Deir el-Balah, in the Gaza Strip. His testimony was given to Muhammad Sabah at the witness’s home on 25 January 2007.
I live with my father, grandmother, (...) -
PCHR - Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
2 March 2007Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) · 4 Palestinian were killed by IOF in the West Bank. · 3 of the victims were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Jenin. · 28 (...)
An American Strike on Iran is Essential for Our Existence"
26 February 2007Former CIA counterterrorism specialist Philip Giraldi, comparing the propaganda campaign against Iran to that which preceded the war on Iraq, has recently declared, “It is absolutely parallel. They’re using the same dance steps-demonize the bad guys, the pretext of diplomacy, keep (...)
S. African Jewish minister sends support to `Israeli Apartheid Week organizers
26 February 2007A Jewish member of South Africa`s cabinet has sent a message of support to the organizers of last week`s `Israeli Apartheid Week` at London University`s School of Oriental and African Studies.
Ronnie Kasrils, South Africa`s minister for intelligence, sent the letter to the Palestinian Society (...) -
“You and I and the Next War”
25 February 2007“WE ARE ready for the next war,” a reserve soldier told a TV reporter this week, on the scene of a brigade-size maneuver on the Golan Heights.
What war? Against whom? About what? This was not stated, and not even asked. The soldier saw it as self-evident that war will break out (...) -
Open Letter to Federal Chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel, EU Council President
25 February 2007Dear Mrs. Federal Chancellor and EU Council President
We, the undersigned of this open letter are turning to you with the urgent request to do anything in your power to prevent a US war against Iran.
Everything points to an impending comprehensive aerial war against Iran waged by the United (...) -
Une enfant de 5 ans meurt de terreur
24 February 2007Five year old girl terrified to death after Israeli forces arrest her father
Late last night a five year old girl died in the southern West Bank after a struggle in the hospital. The Palestinian Prisoner Society’s Hebron branch issued the details on Saturday that cite the cause of her (...) -
EU welcomes Palestinian deal but fails to resume direct aid
15 February 2007Le troupeau bêlant d’une partie des élus (nationaux et européens) devrait se remémorer la triste fin des moutons de Panurge mais, drapé dans sa “condescendante attitude”, il est douteux qu’il s’abaisse à la recherche de cette histoire millénaire, trop satisfait de (...)
Rabbi Yosef calling for mass slaughter of Arabs
13 February 2007Sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Merkel sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
vor einigen Tagen (10.02.) sandte ich Ihnen die folgende Mail, eine frühere Nachricht der BBC wiedergebend. Bedauerlicherweise erkannte ich nicht, über welche “Zwischenstation” diese Meldung zu mir kam, beachtete nicht die (...) -
As the International Community Remains Silent, Israeli Occupation Authorities Continue the Judaization of Occupied Arab Jerusalem
12 February 2007PCHR strongly condemns diggings conducted by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the vicinity of the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Arab Jerusalem. PCHR further denounces storming the al-Aqsa Mosque and using excessive force by IOF against hundreds of Palestinian civilians who attended the Friday (...)
“Shut up, I am not your friend”
11 February 2007A true story about the ignominy our people in Palestine are living daily…
Who is the terrorist?
Who is the racist?
Who is the anti-Semite?
Who lived the holocaust before the Nazi holocaust and is still living it long after?
For Palestine
Hebrew: “Shikit eni lau 7afir (...) -
Calls for Immediate Intervention to Stop the Destruction of Islamic Holy Sites in Occupied Jerusalem
8 February 2007PCHR calls upon the international community represented by governments and international organizations, specifically UNESCO, to intervene immediately to put an immediate end to Israeli destruction of Islamic holy sites in occupied Jerusalem, especially around Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Centre appeals (...)
Pauvre la Syrie ? certes, mais généreuse, fraternelle et solidaire !
7 February 2007Associated Press write
DAMASCUS, Syria - Decades after the Middle East was hit by the mass uprooting of Palestinians, it is again struggling with a gigantic refugee problem - this time from Iraq.
The exodus - one million to (...) -
Official Urges Role for Syria And End of Hamas Isolation
6 February 2007Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, February 3, 2007; Page A10 “I don’t think that to resolve this problem, just like any problem that exists in the world, that you could do it through boycott and isolation,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. The Russian (...)
Fatal Kiss
4 February 2007IT SOUNDS like a promo for a second rate soap opera: a 21- year old woman appears with a much older celebrity, who grabs her, forces a kiss on her and pushes his tongue into her mouth.
This scene has been occupying the attention of the Israeli public for months now, more than any other topic, (...) -
UK Parliamentary Committee calls for Sanctions against Israel
INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT The situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is worse now than it was in 2004, politically, economically and socially, despite (...) -
Does Israeli Knesset passes law to revoke citizenship of ’unpatriotic’ Israelis ?
29 January 2007Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies - 1 of IMEMC Editorial Group
A new law passed Wednesday will allow the Israeli government to revoke the citizenship of citizens considered unpatriotic to the Jewish state of Israel. The law is expected to be applied especially to the 20% of (...) -
“If Arafat were Alive…”
28 January 2007“IF ARAFAT were alive…” one hears this phrase increasingly often in conversations with Palestinians, and also with Israelis and foreigners.
“If Arafat were alive, what’s happening now in Gaza wouldn’t be happening…” - “If Arafat were alive, (...) -
New proposal: Transfer-for-cash plan ! ! ! !
22 January 2007Jan. 21, 2007 21:57 | Updated Jan. 22, 2007 8:26
Talkbacks for this article: 40
A new proposal designed to solve Israel’s Arab demographic concerns suggests offering a million Palestinian residents of refugee camps in Judea and Samaria incentives totaling as much as $50 billion to (...) -
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi calls for deployment of international forces in occupied Palestinian territory
20 January 2007See :
Date: 20 / 01 / 2007 Time: 12:37
Ramallah - Ma’an - Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council from the “Third Way” bloc, has demanded that Javier Solana, the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, works on raising the political role of the European Union in the Middle East peace process, and not limit its role to purely economic aspects.
Green Line & Apartheid
20 January 2007“It won’t be long before it’s the liberals who are seeking to have the Green Line erased from the maps, once it has been permanently transformed from a symbol of the aspiration for peace to a line delineating the realms of apartheid.” [closing statement below] (...)
Statement on Death of Jamal Saraheen
Friends of Humanity International:
The incessant deaths are evidence of the insufficiency of medical care The demise of prisoner Jamal Saraheen is a true example of the premature deaths among prisoners (...) -
A New Chance for Peace?
19 January 200701/18/07 “Washington Post” - --- I am concerned that public discussion of my book “Palestine Peace Not Apartheid” has been diverted from the book’s basic proposals: that peace talks be resumed after six years of delay and that the tragic persecution of Palestinians (...)
Manara Square, Ramallah : “it was a murder in broad daylight”
14 January 2007IT WAS murder in broad daylight. Undercover soldiers disguised as Arabs, accompanied by armored vehicles and bulldozers and supported by helicopter gunships, invaded the center of Ramallah. Their aim was to kill or capture a Fatah militant, Rabee’ Hamid. The man was wounded but managed to (...)
Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank
13 January 2007Palestine 2007:
On this stage, not so long ago, I claimed that Israel is conducting genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip. I hesitated a lot before using this very charged term and yet decided to adopt it. Indeed, the responses I received, (...) -
Still Jews only
8 January 2007The problem facing the Palestinian leadership, as they strive to bring the millions living in the occupied territories some small relief from their collective suffering, amounts to a matter of a few words. A bit like a naughty child who has only to say “Sorry” to be released from (...)
6 January 2007The Israeli-built wall is “a sign of all that is wrong in the human heart”, the Archbishop of Canterbury said today in Bethlehem. Speaking to the town’s civic representatives shortly after walking through the wall, Dr Williams said the wall symbolised “the terrible fear (...)
Marking the territory
3 January 2007At 6:30 last Friday morning, two cars waited for soldiers to open the checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Ramallah. This checkpoint is only for diplomats, Palestinian VIPs, journalists, employees of international organizations and anyone whose presence is welcomed by the military authorities. (...)
Think tank: Israel could attack Iran’s nukes program on its own
2 January 2007January 02, 2007 Tevet 12, 5767
The Institute for National Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University said in its annual report, released Tuesday, that Iran will possess nuclear weapons unless military action is taken against it, and Israel would (...) -
Bethlehem University student: I could offer no gift other than stones from our demolished home
2 January 2007
(Bethlehem) Najib Farag Tuesday, 02 January 2007
“I could only provide stones as gifts to the heads of the British churches after Israeli bulldozers demolished our house,” 19 year old Bethlehem University (...) -
UN voices fresh alarm at attacks on Palestinians in Iraq
23 December 200622 December 2006 - The United Nations refugee agency today voiced growing concern for 15,000 Palestinians remaining in Iraq “living in a climate of constant fear,” after a group of 41 of them fleeing Baghdad to escape increasing violence, harassment and targeted killings was blocked (...)
Interview with Hamas-Leader Khaled Meshaal
20 December 200612/18/06 “Information Clearing House”
— - Khaled Meshaal is the political leader of the Palestinian Hamas movement, which earlier this year came to power with a large majority in the free and democratic election in Palestine. In summer 2006 the Israeli Minister of Justice (...) -
“Horrific” wounds in Gaza may be warfare of the future
20 December 2006Implanting four tiny bits of weapons-grade HMTA in lab mice induced terminal cancer in 100 percent of the subjects. A powdered HMTA recipe was tumor-generating and capable of “genotoxic effects”.
By James Brooks
In early July, shortly after the beginning of (...) -
John Berger and 93 other authors, film-makers, musicians and performers call for a cultural boycott of Israel.
15 December 2006In a letter to appear in this Friday’s Guardian, the 94, including as well as the renowned author John Berger, UK musicians and song-writers Brian Eno and Leon Rosselson, film maker Sophie Fiennes, documentary maker Jenny Morgan, singer Reem Kelani and novelist Arundhati Roy call on their (...)
Betreff: in reaction to a HRW statement
13 December 2006Dear Sir,
We generally appreciate your organisation’s human rights work and commitment. However, allow us to react to one of your statements about the events in Jabalya refugee camp (see following link: ).
We suppose that your (...) -
Of Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons
12 December 2006Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:52:37 +0200 Forwarded by: Elana Wesley Subject: [CWJP-discussion] Issa Qaraqa’: Israeli prison system funded by imposing fines on political prisoners
Issa Qaraqa’: Israeli prison system funded by imposing fines on political prisoners
Palestine News (...) -
The African Lakes Plateau is an Israeli water playground
12 December 2006Translated by: Adib S. Kawar concentrating on agricultural projects that rely on pumping its water requirement from lake Victoria. To reach this goal “Israeli” policy aims at increasing tension between Arab and African (...)
Do not miss it: this years Bethlehem Carol concert!!!
11 December 2006With traditional Palestinian music, a classical Christmas choir and a dose of guitar based folk in the serene surroundings of the Bloomsbury Baptist Church... VOICES FOR BETHLEHEM A PSC Christmas Concert 14 December 2006, 7:30pm
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church
235, Shaftesbury Avenue (...) -
Baker’s Cake
10 December 2006On the Mearsheimer-Walt thesis I wrote that “the dog is wagging the tail and the tail is wagging the dog.” It will be interesting to see which will wag which this time: the dog its tail or the tail its dog.
A Grassroots Campaign for the Protection of Foreign Passport Holders Residing in and/or visiting the oPt
In March 2006, the Israeli government initiated a policy of visa denial to individuals of Palestinian descent having foreign passports, many of whom Israel has arbitrarily denied residency rights to in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Many of these persons (...) -
7 December 2006Friends,
The international campaign “GAZA: Stop the Siege! End the War!” was amazing, and embraced the entire globe. While individual actions may have been small, the cumulative impact of 107 cities holding protest and educational activities together is formidable. Some of the (...) -
“Israel came in at the bottom of the ranking in almost every question, even among Americans!”
7 December 2006wrote: From: “Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign” To: “All” Subject: “Israel is ranked last by every country, including the Americans” - Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 06:15:11 -0000
The Nation Brand Index surveys a regular list of 35 nations, with Israel added (...) -
UN calls for Israel to pull out from West Bank, Golan
6 December 2006NEW YORK - The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution Friday calling for the withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. As expected, the resolution passed by a large majority of 157. Seven countries voted against: Israel, the U.S., (...)
The case for unity
5 December 2006A national unity government for Palestine is not only a moral necessity, it is a strategic inevitability.
The question of a national unity government should not be treated merely in terms of the need to regulate relations between the various Palestinian factions. It should also be regarded in (...) -
A Sparkling Bubble
3 December 2006A FRIEND of mine, who was brought up in Egypt, took part in the interrogation of Egyptian officers captured in the 1956 Sinai war.
An Egyptian lieutenant-colonel told him: “Every time David Ben-Gurion gave a speech declaring that he was holding out his hand for peace, we put our forces (...) -
2 December 2006Over one thousand Birzeit University students and over 110 of its faculty members signed an open letter in support of the international boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The signatures were collected by the Right to Education Student Committee in the shape of a letter [full text below] (...)
Le Président Jimmy Carter: Israeli ’domination’ over Palestinians is ’atrocious’
28 November 2006Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter called Israeli “domination” over Palestinians “atrocious” during an interview Monday on ABC’s Good Morning America, RAW STORY has learned.
Appearing on the morning talk show to promote his new book, Palestine Peace Not (...) -
28 November 2006Over ten thousand Orthodox Jews led by dozens of prominent Rabbis gathered outside the ?Israeli? Consulate in New York City on Thursday, November 9, 2006, to protest against the existence of the State of ?Israel?, the atrocities it perpetrates and against the ?Gay Pride Parade? that was planned (...)
24 November 2006A PSC Christmas Concert 14 December 2006, 7:30pm
Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church
235, Shaftesbury Avenue
Performances by:
The London Finzi Consort, spectacular Choir performing music by Sheppard, Poulenc, Lauridsen and classical audience choral music.
Nizar Al-Issa; Acclaimed (...) -
22 November 2006The below statement was submitted by BADIL to the UN Human Rights Council convening for its third session in Geneva on 27 November. It was also presented to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Louise Arbour, during her meeting with Palestinian human rights organizations in occupied (...)
Settlements ’violate Israeli law’
22 November 2006More than a third of the Jewish settlements in the West Bank are built on privately owned Palestinian land, an Israeli campaign group has reported. Peace Now says nearly 40% of the land the settlements sit on is, according to official data, “effectively stolen” from Palestinian (...)
21 November 200617.30 - 1930
Mike Baunton CBE, the Vice President of Caterpillar will attend a function organised by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on November 22nd. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign will (...) -
Preparing for the next invasion
17 November 2006The management of the Beit Hanun hospital decided to dig a well in the hospital’s yard. By Saturday, laborers and bulldozers were already on the job. That is how the hospital is readying itself for the next invasion by the Israeli army.
The hospital, like the rest of Beit Hanun, has (...) -
Gaza: The European Parliament voted for UN Force and International Peace Conference
17 November 2006Strongly denouncing the Israeli military operations in Beit Hanun and Israel’s war against Gaza and the West bank in general, the President of the Development Committee of the European Parliament, Luisa Morgantini MEP today said in reaction to the European Parliament’s resolution on (...)
Join the Demonstration against the Vice-President of Caterpillar’s Visit to London, Wednesday 22 november
17 November 2006Mike Baunton CBE, the Vice President of Caterpillar will attend a function organised by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane (Marble Arch/Bond Street tube (see map at London on November 22nd. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign and (...)
Grossman’s Dilemma
17 November 2006THE KEY word was “Hamas”. It was spoken from the tribune and appeared on printed material - but in two very different ways.
On the tribune of the large annual memorial rally for Yitzhak Rabin, two weeks ago, the writer David Grossman, the sole speaker at the event, gave an (...) -
Research: Dozens of Dutch companies support or facilitate Israeli occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories
16 November 2006Dutch NGO platform United Civilians for Peace (UCP) today publishes a research about “Dutch economic links in support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian and/or Syrian territories”. This research reveals that dozens of Dutch companies through their activities support or (...)
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, expected to be the next Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has strong ties to the Jewish community.
12 November 2006
is heartfelt, supporters say By Jennifer Jacobson WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 (JTA) - Before a packed meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee three years ago, U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) connected her (...) -
In One Word: MASSACRE!
12 November 2006“THANK GOD for the American elections,” our ministers and generals sighed with relief.
They were not rejoicing at the kick that the American people delivered to George W. Bush’s ass this week. They love Bush, after all.
But more important than the humbling of Bush is the (...) -
Russia Warns Israel Over “Madman” Ascending to Power
6 November 2006Anmerkung politonline: Der nachfolgende Artikel kommentiert die Ernennung des rechtsnationalen Politikers Avigdor Lieberman. Dieser ist in Israel heftig umstritten, seine Gegner werfen ihm Rassismus vor. Im Mai hatte er arabische Abgeordnete im israelischen Parlament mit Nazi-Kollaborateuren (...)
Urgent Call from Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO)
6 November 2006The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) calls on the United Nations and the International Community to immediately intervene to stop the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupational forces (IOF) on Palestinian civilians and their property in the Gaza Strip, mainly in the northern town of Beit (...)
PROTEST OUTSIDE 10 DOWNING STREET-Saturday 4th November - 4.30 pm to 6:30pm
3 November 2006The protest organised by: (MAB, PRC, PSC, IFE, IHRC, APC, PFB & FOA) Please be there to show your support.
House of Commons, London SW1
Please make an (...) -
“Lovable Man”
2 November 2006Cet article aurait aussi pu s’intituler: “le règne des coquins” (NDLR)
News from The Norwegian Assosiation of NGO’s for Palestine solidarity
31 October 2006View this article at
The Norwegian Social Forum was held between the 19th to the 22nd of October in Oslo under the title of “The Globalization Conference”. Around 1750 people attended over 60 meetings and seminars. The Norwegian (...) -
28 October 2006rss202
A shocking new scientific study by British scientists Dr. Chris Busby
By Leuren Moret
A shocking new scientific study by British scientists Dr. Chris Busby and Saoirse Morgan asks: “Did the use of uranium weapons in Gulf War II result in the contamination of (...) -
Women`s Organization for Political Prisoners (WOFPP)
28 October 2006P.O. Box 31811, Tel Aviv Tel.: +972-3-5227124 E-mail: There are, at present, about 120 women political prisoners in the Israeli jails. In Hasharon Prison (Tel Mond) about 90, the rest in Neve Tirza Prison (Ramle), in Ayalon Prison (Ramle), in Kishon (...)
Who is Afraid of the Iranian Bomb?
28 October 2006AT THE height of the epic Battle of Britain in 1940, when British airmen were killed at an appalling rate ("never was so much owed by so many to so few"), an official in charge of propaganda had a bright idea to raise morale. On the walls at the Royal Air Force bases a poster appeared with (...)
Ehud “von” Olmert
22 October 2006THE NAME of Franz von Papen is familiar to everyone who knows the history of the German republic that was born after World War I and that died when Hitler came to power.
What made him deserving of a place in history? Not his talents. On the contrary, during his short term as Reichskanzler (...) -
Tanya Reinhart plans to quit as professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University
21 October 2006[By Penelope Debelle — The Age — Oct. 11, 2006] ======================================================================== ===
ADELAIDE, Australia — Prominent left-wing Israeli academic and author Tanya Reinhart plans to quit as professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University in (...) -
17 October 2006When the racist Joerg Haider joined the Austrian government, the Israeli government recalled our ambassador from Vienna.
Now there is an intention to invite Avigdor Linerman, a racist much worse than Haider, to join the Israeli government itself.
The inclusion of Liberman in the government is (...) -
Detached from reality
15 October 2006It is difficult not to be dismayed by Shimon Peres’ call for a new economic order in our region and his insistence on greater investment in weaponry over diplomacy by Israel’s leaders. Espoused by Peres’ recent article in Haaretz ("Upg
State of Palestine - Palestine Liberation Organization