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Le siège de l’UAWC, à Ramallah, attaqué, pillé et dévasté (ndlr)
Last night, the Headquarter Office of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) was subjected to a brutal attack
Vendredi, 8 avril 2011 -21h14
vendredi 8 avril 2011
Quels que soient les auteurs de cette effraction, de ce pillage, ils ne peuvent être qualifiés que de « nuisibles » piétinant délibérément et bestialement une organisation professionnelle modèle qui, depuis des décades, rend des services inappréciables aux familles et aux collectivités rurales palestiniennes.
Il est à souhaiter que la justice, quelle qu’elle soit, trouve les auteurs de cette méprisable exaction et que l’Autorité palestinienne apporte à l’UAWC tout le soutien qu’elle mérite en pareille circonstance.
A suivre.
Coordination de l’Appel de Strasbourg (site européen)
Collectif judéo-arabe et citoyen pour la paix (Strasbourg)
Farrah-France ( Réfugiés)
AIPPP (Ass. internationale pour la protection du patrimoine palestinien)
Les Femmes en Noir (Strasbourg)
Civimed Initiatives (OING méditerrannée)
Press Release issued by Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)
Ramallah- Last night, the Headquarter Office of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) was subjected to a brutal attack, where unknown people stormed the main door of UAWC’s office and stole the backup server and two laptops as well as tempering with its files and records in an intention to obtain its electronic files.
What happened at UAWC’s office last night targets clearly the Union as a leading institution in the field of development, but also it targets its national role which is represented in protecting land from confiscation and from Israeli threat as well as strengthening the farmers’ steadfastness on their land. Moreover, this attack targets the Union active role in the Palestinian coalitions and local networks.
We, UAWC’s Board of Directors strongly condemn this programmed attack against our organization which we believe that it falls within the framework of targeting the civil society institutions and their role.
In addition, we call on the Palestinian Authority to protect national institutions and to make every effort possible to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
We invite as well the various national parties to raise their voices against targeting the active civil society institutions.
Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)