Accueil > Rubriques > Paix et Justice - Géopolitique > Fureur Place Tahrir, dans toute l’Egypte et, semble-t’il, à (...)

President Hosni Mubarak – haggard and apparently disoriented ............

Fureur Place Tahrir, dans toute l’Egypte et, semble-t’il, à Washington (ndlr)

Vendredi, 11 février 2011 - 6h43

vendredi 11 février 2011


Robert Fisk of The Independent : As Mubarak clings on... What now for Egypt ?

To the horror of Egyptians and the world, President Hosni Mubarak – haggard and apparently disoriented – appeared on state television last night to refuse every demand of his opponents by staying in power for at least another five months.