Accueil > Rubriques > Paix et Justice - Géopolitique > SALUTING THE GOVERNMENT

Large special ad published in the Hebrew and English editions of Haaretz


by Gush Shalom

lundi 19 mars 2007

Gush Shalom welcomes the establishment of the Palestinian Unity Government. Since it represents all major factions of Palestinian society, it constitutes our appropriate and practical partner for negotiations and peace.

Gush Shalom calls upon all governments to end the blockade on the Palestinian people, and to establish normal relations with the elected Palestinian government, in the interest of peace and for the sake of both peoples of this country.

Gush Shalom calls upon the Government of Israel to put an end to the failed policy of boycotting the leadership of the Palestinian people.

Gush Shalom calls upon Ehud Olmert : This is your last chance to save your own career from collapse and ignominy.

This is your last opportunity !

For the good of all of us : Give Peace a Chance !

972-3-5221732 - P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -

Large special ad published in the Hebrew and English editions of Haaretz
on March 20, and in Jerusalem Post on March 21, 2007.