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by Ellen Rohlfs

Sunday 16 April 2006

“Only” crimes against humanity? Or a creeping Genocide?

A Documantation by Ellen Rohlfs, 2005/6

Summary of the contents 1
A A political poem: “Never again!” 2
What makes me write this documentation?
B I a) Legal definition of genocide 3
b) As German this issue?
c) Israeli/ Jewish quotations 4
d) What was before? The first era of Zionism 5
1. Denial of existence of the natives, the Palestinians
2. No-Human, nameless, present-absentees 6
3. Dehumanisation, demonizing, discrimination 7
4. Repressions, arbitrariness, humiliation, loathing
5. Without rights - no human rights 9
No rights to build a house; house demolition
No / too little / contaminated water - less land 10
No right to work, subsistence, no living wage
No right to family life, no right of return
6 . No right on freedom of movement (education, health)
7. Devastation of culture and the symbols of the people 12
8. Palestinian in prisons : 9-10 000, women too and ca. 300 children
9. They may be shot: about 4000 during second Intifada 13
10. The injured : about 56 000 and 6000 handicapped
11. the Wall/ the Fence - terminals, checkpoints 15
III Questions : The Secondary or indirect victims of the Holocaust ? 16
Why creeping Genocide ? ( Israel. quotations)
C. What’s the impact on the Israeli society? 17
Fife thoughts after 18
1. Is Israel measured with another standard?
2. Is Israel’s right of existence questioned?
3. May resistance be allowed/ a right ?
4. Is there a possibility to stop this process?
5. Why I engage just with this issue?
References and sources 19
Quotation by Arno Lustiger: About Jewish resistance during Nazi-era 20

Personal statement
I hereby state, that this documentation has only been written on my own initiative - without any obligation or
connection to an Israeli-Jewish, Palestinian or Arabic or a German Organisation or group . I alone am
responsible .
Ellen Rohlfs

“Never Again!”

by Ellen Rohlfs, according to Erich Fried “A dry Poem”
German colonial officers and soldiers
Under the leadership of General von Trotha
Committed the genocide of the Hereros in South-West-Africa.
That was in 1904.

The German government
Was well informed by the German ambassador in Aleppo
About the expulsion and the genocide of the Armenians
In Turkey - they did not interfere.
That was in 1915.

The German Nazi government
Committed the genocide of the Jewish people.
A huge part of the German population
Knew or at least suspected it and shut their eyes,
That was from 1933 to 1945.
After that, not only the survivors of the KZs in horror said:
“Never again! Nowhere!”

The German government today “maintains special relations
With Israel” and knows the plans
Of the extreme right-wing, racist government:
To clean Palestine and East-Jerusalem from the native Arabs.
This is ethnic cleansing -
That means transfer and/or politicide*.
Nevertheless, our government sends submarines
And spare parts for tanks
And thus support a brutal, oppressive occupation,
As well as the building of the monstrous apartheid and land robbing wall.
Realizing only the victims of one side and being silent
About the many more victims and destruction of the other side.
They are silent about the war crimes.
This is complicity by all accounts
It is happening today for all to see - in 2005 and six.

One resumée:
In only hundred years Germany
Actively and directly, indirectly and passively
Participated in four crimes against humanity.
I am outraged.
“J’accuse!” I accuse.

“Never again? Nowhere?”

*Baruch Kimmerling: his book “Politicide”, 2003 “The Politicide is just going on”
Shulamit Aloni: “Who says that a genocide always proceeds with the same pattern?”
Tanya Reinhardt: her book: “Operation Thornfield” 2002, p. 92: “Ethnic cleansing”.
Ada Ophir: “Behind each transfer a genocide is hiding.”

Enough is enough!
“Only” crimes against humanity? Or a creeping genocide?
A Documentation by Ellen Rohlfs, 2005/ 06
A) I had an interesting discussion with two human rights advocates about the term “genocide” which I
used in my poem “Never again!” Afterwards I made some changes in the text of the poem, followed
by juridical/legal examination of the concept in question - as far as it was possible for me - and also
an intense examination of the terrifying phenomenon in the context of the Middle East conflict; for the
term “genocide” to my surprise crossed my way in translation work more and more frequently. In
linguistic variations, sometimes belittled (not necessarily consciously), yet also in amazingly
provocative versions - chiefly in Israeli politicians, journalists, historians, military people, rabbis,
settlers, and also in European and US Jews...and every time I was horrified and alarmed.
Thus, in the course of the last months, an incredible and shocking documentation, which above all
should concern our responsible politicians and church officials, came into being. I compared the
statements with my own experiences of more than 20 trips to Israel/Palestine since 1967 and with the
almost daily reports in human rights magazines, peace and international solidarity groups, emails,
internet news (e.g. the Israeli daily Ha’aretz) and the updated maps of the building of the Wall, by
B’tselem, Pengon, and the OCHA- UN
B Ia.)Here, at first, the legal definition:
1)“According to the Declaration of International Law: Extermination of people, ethnic, religious and
other groups. The occurrences of World War II, especially the attempts of exterminating Jewry and
the measures against the Polish people led to the agreement of prevention and punishment of the
crime of genocide on December 9, 1948.( The Federal Republic of Germany acceded to the Law on
August 9, 1954 by way of a law). Among the non-signatories are Great Britain, Russia and the USA
which claimed that the implicit responsibilities were not sufficiently transparent, due to a lack of
adequate precision. In Article 1, the signatory states agree to punish genocide, regardless whether it
was committed in peace or in wartime. A punishable act is provided by the complete or partial
annihilation of a national, ethnic or religious group. This includes:
1. the killing of members of the group;
2. the causing of serious physical or psychic damage to members of the group;
3. the intentional imposition of living conditions, which are suitable to induce a complete or
partial physical destruction, on the group;
4. the imposition of measures aiming at the prevention of births in the group.
Article 3 concerns the punishment of genocide, of the immediate and public incitement to commit
genocide, of the attempt of committing genocide and of the participation in genocide. (Source:
Bertelsmann Encyclopedia, 1971, key-word „Voelkermord“).
2) Nearly the same in the Israeli “Crime of Genocide Law , 5710 - 1950”
“Genocide” - interpretation
1.a In this Law, “genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in
whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group ...as such
(1) killing members of the group:
(2) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group ...
(3) inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction,
in whole or in part;
(4) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
2. A person guilty of genocide shall be punishable with death......

9.The Minister of Justice is charged with the implementation of this Law
(“ Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel”, Joseph Badi, Editor ... Twayne Publisher, New York
b) After 40 years of thorough observation, on site, and (as mentioned) after constant
communication with human rights and peace groups, and the study of the relevant analyses of
Israeli/Jewish („new“) historians, sociologists and political scientists, I claim that in Israel „crimes
against humanity“ are being committed. Or is it even a "genocide in slow motion" (as someone wrote
in 1994 with respect to Bosnia). I am very much aware that this is an egregious statement, even though
it is framed in a question - and by a German. I am aware of my walking on a tightrope and would
prefer to be wrong.
In my considerations about whether I should write down what I think I have to write I have been
helped by Yvonne Deutsch, one of the Women in Black in Israel. In 1993, she wrote in the magazine
“Public Forum”: “The Germans must learn to cope with the reproach of anti-Semitism. Criticism of
the policy of Israel has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. It is time to separate the Holocaust and
Israel. The annihilation of the Jews is one thing; the persecution of the Palestinians is another. Who
condemns the first, cannot be silent about the second." I have thanked Yvonne Deutsch personally for
her statement at an international peace conference of the Women in Black in Jerusalem in 1995. She
encouraged me to write two books on the Middle East conflict 1993 and 2000, in which I called a
spade a spade - and actually, it should be shouted aloud...
Thus, I investigated the subject and came across statements, quotations and facts, which frighten me in
their abundance and obscenity. Probably many more might be found - I did not go through all of the
specialized literature, the hundreds of Haaretz articles, all the reports of human rights organizations
and the articles I have translated by request of the respective authors, and other sources which are at
my disposal. Yet I think that the following statements, quotations and facts illustrate in a sufficiently
alarming way what is happening: ”ethnic cleansing”. Even though the individual quote and the
individual deed may sound harmless (and even be harmless in individual cases) in comparison with
what happened in the Nazi-concentration camps within a short spell of, in their abundance and over
38 years of occupation they have, in the end, the same effect that all Israeli governments have aimed
at: the ethnic cleansing of Israel, East Jerusalem, and the occupied Palestinian territories. A single
pinprick is harmless - thousands of pinpricks, set tightly next to each other, have a deadly effect.
Besides, many of the acts are, in fact, not only pinpricks, but severe violations of human rights and
war crimes (compare: “Isolated fragments of the reality are read as being tolerable or understandable
...” Amira Hass, Dec. 28, 05, Ha’aretz).
The things I have researched and documented here with references to the sources and as exact as
possible are things I can no longer keep to myself. I will cautiously forward the paper to responsible
politicians, to the staff of Foreign Offices, EU legislators, to responsible church people, human rights
organizations, etc.
c). First , here are about 40 random quotes by Israelis/Jews some of whom have long realized what
is actually being practiced beneath the surface of the Israeli policy of all governments. More and
more people are realizing it now. There are others, however, who do not shy away from saying
expressly that they are not afraid of stating such as anything “Only a dead Arab is a good Arab.”
(Note: quotes partly retranslated, German page numbers of books omitted)
Greta Berlin (Women in Black, Israel) Jan. 15, 2006:
"Will the world continue to close its eyes to the genocide of Palestinians?"
Tom Segev in his book “One Palestine, Complete” (2000): “To make the Arabs disappear ... was a
central issue of the Zionist dreams...”

Yigal Allon, Palmach Leader, 1948: “To clean the territory of Arabs...”
Ben Gurion when entering Nazareth in 1949: “Why are so many Arabs still here? Why haven’t you
chased them away?”
Ben Gurion’s “Committee for Removal and Expulsion” (Simcha Flapan: “Myths ...)
Uri Avnery wrote on Jan. 18, 1978 in his weekly magazine Haolam Hazeh
about the “annulment of the Palestinian society as a people”.
Ariel Sharon, as Minister of Agriculture, 1977: “I’ve taken drastic measures, preventing strangers
(Arabs in Galilee) to take over state land.”
General Matti Peled, after extended curfews, spoke as early as in 1980 of “systematic starvation”.
Z. in an Amos Oz’ interview, Dec. 18, 1982 in Davar “...Today I’m willing ... to kill Arabs as
required, to ban them, to chase them, to burn them ....” ( Z. = probably Sharon, a Jewish friend told
Sharon in Yedioth Aharonot, Dec. 29, 1982: „Cut off their testicles!“ referring to the Palestinians.
Yehudi Menuhin (USA) warns of the ”permanent strangulation of a dependent people”.
Yitzhak Rabin, Apr. 01, 1988, NY Times: “We will annihilate the Palestinians like grasshoppers and
beat their heads onto the walls.”
Chief of General Staff Shomrom, June 18, 1989: “To finish the uprising, there are only three
possibilities: transfer, starving or physical annihilation, thus genocide. (according to
Settler students during class in Hebron: (Documentary: In God’s Bunker) “The most
important thing is to kill one by one...”
Arnon Sofer, Haifa, JP 21.5. 2004: “If we want to remain alive, we have to kill and kill and kill all
day every day”
Settler-students in Hebron:( Film In God’s Bunker ,1994) “The most Important is, to kill one after the
other ...
Gabriel Piterberg (USA) speaks of “erasing” and “cultural extinction” (“Prophets outcast”)
Pablo Regalsky (USA): I am deeply concerned because of the genocidal policy of Israel
Gideon Spiro/ Y. Leibowitz, 1992: ”From time to time the settlers organize pogroms among the
Palestinian population”. (Semit Times, May 1992)
Sarah Roy draws parallels between Jewish experiences in Europe and Israel’s treatment of
Palestinians. (“Prophets outcast”) SR has lived and worked for years in the Gaza Strip. Her
parents are Holocaust survivors.
Benny Morris (Ha’aretz interview on Jan. 19, 2004) compares the history of the USA with the genesis
of the state of Israel: “Even the great American democracy could not have been created
without the annihilation of the Indians ...” Morris justifies all that happened or should have
happened to the Palestinian people in 1948: “If the circumstances require it.... the
extermination will be the endloesung”. (“Israeli Dissidents”, quoted in Adi Ophir)
Effi Eitan: “We have to kill them all!” he said to Jeffrey Goldberg, NY, May 31, 2004. “The Muslim
mosques on the Temple Mount must be demolished” (Ha’aretz, March 20, 2002)
Tanya Reinhart: “We are witnesses of the daily invisible killing of the ill and the injured ... and of
those who yearn for starvation.” (Yedioth Achronot, June 30, 2002)
Adi Ophir: “Genocide hides behind expulsion.“ (2004, answer to B. Morris)
Shulamit Aloni: “As we know, a genocide does not always come about in the same pattern.“ (March 6,
B. Kimmerling: “The ‘politicide’ is fully operating” (2003, “Politicide”)
T. Reinhart writes about “ethnic cleansing” (“The second Half of 1948” Sharon, 2002)
Cordesmann (USA 1996): The Operation Thorn Field was planned as a “forced evacuation of
Palestinians from sensitive areas”
Lev Greenberg after the killing of Sheikh Yassin (in Ha’aretz, March 23, 2004): “Symbolic genocide”
General Mofaz (2004, according to Gideon Levy): “We don’t count Palestinians who are killed.”
Gilad Atzmon (GB) writes deeply shocked of the “Palestinian Holocaust” (Dec. 2003)
Amira Hass: “That is part of (Sharon’s) master plan: split up Palestine into cantons, crush it,
strangle it, annihilate it.” (Nov. 6, 2005, see bibliography at the end)
Grafitti in Hebron: (2004, Shabtai Gold, PHR) : “Arabs to the gas chambers!” “Shoa for the Arabs!”
“I hope God burns all the Arabs in hell” (Nov. 27, 2005 HRO)

Rabbi Israel Hess (Newspaper of Bar Ilan University) “We all must commit genocide, for the
Palestinians are Amalek.”
Sharon in a conversation with Powell (according to H. Meyer): “We do nothing else than what the US
did to the natives of North America.” And: “We must extinguish these savages!” (in
the beginning of the 2nd Intifada (according to Warschawsky)
Rabbi Ovadia Joseph: “You must shoot missiles on them to extinguish them!”
Rabbi in Hebron: “The Bible teaches us that Amalek (= Palestinians) must be destroyed.”
Rabbi Aviner, Summer 2005: “if the Arabs have brains, they will disappear like the
Girgashites; and if not - we will do what Joshua did. (Haaretz 12.4.06,
Religious Zionisme)
Rabbi Shalom Aberfil, Petah Tikva in Hebron: „May the Arabs’ name be eradicated!”
Zadok Jehezkeli (May 31, 2002), bulldozer driver in Jenin refugee camp: “If one thing bothers me
most, it is that we didn’t wipe out the whole camp.”
Dr. Uzi Arad (in News Republic, Nov. 28, 2005) proposes the expulsion of the Arabs in Israel:
“Ejecting Arab communities from Israel” (Ha’aretz, Dec. 12, 2005; Arik Carmon)
Benvenisti writes about Sharon (Ha’aretz, Jan. 12, 20.06): He wanted "to remove the Arab
demographic threat unilaterally".
In Machsom Watch Report, December 2005: “The malicious intention of tightening the stranglehold
on the West Bank’s civilian population is becoming ever clearer.”
Dov Weissglas ( 14.2.06) wants a “Diet” for them; to cut money, water and electricity - but they
shan’t starve!”
Israeli peace activist: "I can only cry. I feel we are amidst a Palestinian Holocaust."
(According to a personal report, January 2006).
Since January 2006 there is a new Jewish group: “Jews against Genocide”
I think, this is sufficient to make clear that my suspicions and fears do not spring from a brain infected
by anti-Semitism, but rather that the monster of “transfer” - or something worse - is indeed haunting
not only the governmental circles of the Likud and the broad right-wing national-religious margins of
Israeli society.
c) But what happened before these statements of Israelis/ Jews were formulated?
It was the first stage of Zionism:
II 1. Denial of the existence of Palestinians/Palestine
In the beginning there is the denial of the existence of an entire people. In 1901 Israel Zangwill
claimed: Palestine is a “land without a people”
In 1917 Ben Gurion claimed: “Palestine is a land without inhabitants both in the historical and in the
moral sense.” (Amos Elon, “The Israelis”)
In the Balfour Declaration the native population (after all, 92%) is mentioned parenthetically and only
in terms of the “non-Jewish” population. The Russian Zionist leader Ussiskin dismissed the Arabs of
Palestine as a “quantité négligeable”. In 1931, Yakov Thon proposed a transfer of the Palestinians -
“but secretly”.
In 1948, the indigenous population was not asked about the division of the country, as if they did not
In 1969, Golda Meir asserts in the Sunday Times: “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people.”
A British-Jewish group of students has claimed that the Palestinians do not exist, as quoted on the
internet in May 2005 by a group called Honestly Concerned.
Besides, the Palestinians, who stayed in Israel in 1948, are not called Palestinians, but Arabs. They are
3rd grade citizens with some democratic rights - but by far not with all the rights that Jewish citizens
have. Time and again there are public considerations about how to get rid of them (see e.g. Ha’aretz
Dec. 12.2005, article by Arik Carmon). Perhaps with a land swap to the Palestinian authority (2006)
Rabin: “I wish to wake up one morning and learn that the Gaza Strip has sunk into the
Mediterranean.” What a pious wish for 1.4 million human beings!
Ehud Barak and Arik Sharon : “There is nobody to negotiate with.” (2005)

If there is no Palestinian people, then - as a matter of logic - there is no land with the name of
Palestine, either. There only is Erez Yisrael and the (occupied) “territories”, or the “West Bank”,
respectively, but they are not called “Palestinian” territories. Sometimes people call this land “Judea
and Samaria”, like in biblical times, or, in one word: “Jesha”. It is the name of a people that disappears
first, followed by the name of the country.
This shows that the Palestinian people does not exist in the minds of Zionists - a good precondition for
ethnic cleansing; because someone, who “never existed”, will not be mourned when he really has
ceased to be existent in his country, or has almost ceased to exist. He might be granted a small
reservation like the Native Americans in North America.
I will now give some non-ambiguous examples from the Occupied Territories and from Israel
(Galilee, Negev) which show that at first members of the Palestinian-Arab people go unperceived and
unnoticed. After that they are deprived of their rights, despised, discriminated against, de-humanized,
demonized, humiliated, victimized, provoked, beaten, injured, traumatized, expelled, arrested und
killed... in such a way that all necessities for life are taken away from them slowly, so that the world
hardly take notice. “Make their lives as unbearable as possible, so that they go away by themselves!”
said Benny Allon. The word for it is “human transfer”. What are the consequences? Here are some
more details and implications:
2. Non-humans
One consequence is that the native inhabitants are considered “non-humans”, “phantoms”, “present
absentees”, “the nameless”, “the invisible” (as in Rachel Avnery’s 1989 exposition in Tel Aviv). Since
1948 more than 45 Bedouin places exist as “unacknowledged villages” (with 80.000 inhabitants).
Thus they are not supplied with electricity, water, schools, streets, traffic infra-structure, and medical
care - just as if they did not exist. Nevertheless, these non-humans are used as lowest-price-workers
for dirty and heavy work (Yoram Binur calls them: “slave workers”). Herzl proposed to use the
natives for combating wild animals like snakes before they were to be transferred. “Palestinians are no
people”, said a soldier near Salim in October 2005, while preventing Palestinians from the harvest of
their olives (Source: ISM). At best they are “non-Jews”.
3. Dehumanization, discrimination, demonization
At one point some Zionists, like Nordau, realized that the land was inhabited: “Oh, there are Arabs
here!” This was when they turned to regarding them as “savages from the desert”, as half-savages, as
“scoundrels” and as “blacks”, as “non-humans”, “beasts on two legs” (Begin, June 25, 1982),
“carcinoma, which must be erased by chemotherapy” (Moshe Yaalon, August 2002), “drunken bugs in
a bottle” (Y. Shamir, Apr. 1, 1988), “beasts of prey and sub-humans” (Rabin, Dec. 1992), “worms”,
“locusts that must be crushed” (Y. Shamir, Apr. 1, 1988), as “insects which should be treated with
insect-spray” (Nachum Orland, New Outlook, Oct. 1989) Moshe Dayan: ”You Palestinians shall live
like dogs and who does not like it can go away.”
Graffiti: “Arabs are an inferior race!” „Find the lice and throw them out!“ (Rechanam Zeewi);
“Palestinians are like crocodiles” (E. Barak, Aug. 28, 2000, in Jerusalem Post); “demographic time
bomb”, “All Arabs are animals” (Source: Gush Shalom report, Sept. 05); „Arabs are no men but
dogs!” (Hebron, Nov. 27, 2005, HRO); “They stink like dogs”, a young Israeli woman, who
immigrated to Canada in 1991, told some of my friends; A Palestinian Arab lawyer from Arrabeh in
Israel told me: “In court they treat me like a dog.” In Israeli textbooks Arabs are demonized: “They are
conspiratorial, dishonest, lazy, insidious and murderous” (Yoev Peled in Guardian, May 24, 2002);
They are “regarded as inferior people who lack a culture and identity of their own” (in a study about
Israeli psychology by Bartel/Soltek). “One cannot trust them”; “they only understand the language of
violence”; Arafat was demonized also and probably poisoned (according to Kapeliuk: Biography of
Arafat). - Arafat = „Scorpion! (Rehanam Zeewi) and = Hitler and = Osama bin Laden ... etc

In religious schools in Hebron the Palestinians are equated with Amalek. A military rabbi said to his
group: “Those (Palestinians), who refuse to go, will suffer what the ‘seven peoples’ have suffered.”
Also note the TV documentary “In God’s Bunker” (Feb. 1994), where children of settlers with the
Bible in the hand get incited to a distasteful hate against Palestinians - isn’t this pure racism? Shulamit
Aloni, speaking about settlers in Hebron, confirms: “The children are indoctrinated: the Bible teaches
us that Amalek must be destroyed”. In Hebron one can read graffiti on the walls like: ”Kill the Arabs!”
“Arabs to the gas chambers!” “Arab = sub-human”. No one is demanded to remove this graffiti, unlike
the Palestinians during the first Intifada, when they wrote graffiti against the occupation (in which they
did not call for murder). It is mostly in Hebron and in the southern Hebron hills where the settlers are
turning the lives of the Palestinians into hell. More than 2000 shops in Hebron were closed (CPT,
ISM, Ta’ajush, Meyer Reports). Soldiers at the checkpoints humiliate the Palestinians in an incredible
manner (Machsom Watch Reports). After 1972 (Olympic Games in Munich) and even more after the
First Intifada all Palestinians were considered “terrorists”, even stone-throwing small children. In
2003 one general claimed that “Palestinians have special genes which make them terrorists.”
The discrimination displayed here is verbal, yet, as graffiti, a manifest call for murder - like the one of
the Iranian President against Israel in October 2005 about which the world was rightly alarmed. But in
Hebron nobody is alarmed about the calls to murder Palestinians --- double standards?? Moreover,
thus no-one has been alarmed until now about the notion and the plans of a transfer of the Palestinians
(i.e. to Iraq). On the other hand, when Iran promotes the (unrealistic) proposal to move the State of
Israel to Europe (the original place of the roots of the conflict), there is a worldwide outrage about it.
4. And how are these non-/subhumans treated? With humiliation, repression, arbitrariness,
loathing and as outlaws
It was possible in 1949 and later, even between 1967 and 2005, to confiscate the land of “present
absentees” - just like that, without compensation; in addition they must pay excessive taxes; they can
be deported (like the 400 alleged Hamas members to no man’s land in 1993), they can be
“neutralized”, “eliminated”, their land gets cleansed, “araber-rein” (in Hebrew, a German word!), free
of Arabs, i.e. judaized. Originally, there was a plan in 1997 to expel many more, e.g. also the
inhabitants of Bethlehem, as witnesses informed me; the next upcoming war situation was meant to be
instrumentalized for the expulsion of another 7-800.000, General Yariv said on May 23, 1980 in
Ha’aretz. Palestinians can be arrested and tortured without charge in administrative detention
(B’tselem 1990/91), raped, collectively punished, their bones can be broken (Rabin), one may urinate
on them (B’tselem) and they may be buried alive (F. Langer in Kafr Salim, Feb. 5, 1988); they can be
burnt alive (March 3, 1988 and Aug. 11, 1988 in Tel Aviv); be thrown on the garbage in Halhul (July
88); thrown out of a helicopter (Feb. 8, 1988) or forced to drink the urine of a soldier (taz, April 17,
1989, and in 2002 in el-Azarije); they can be forced to walk on all fours barking, like a dog and to lick
the bottom of a donkey (narrated by the grandson of a concerned person during a conference of the
German Academic Exchange Service in Bonn in the presence of Dan Diner), to undress on the streets
in Hebron in the middle of the day (photo source), the same happened to four Palestinians in Arrabeh
near Jenin on Sep. 6, 2005 (B’tselem). They can be forced to drink from a bottle with a chemical
essence in a hairdresser’s shop in Hebron; to perform a piece of music on the violin at a checkpoint; to
draw a lottery paper on which the part of the body is mentioned which “may” be broken (in Hebron
Jan. 3, 2003, Washington Post and CPT); they can be bound to a galloping donkey with a rope and be
dragged to death (in Umm Toubas, Gideon Levy, Dec. 23, 2005); a pregnant woman can be denied the
passage through the checkpoint to get to the next hospital, this happened to 60 pregnant women: they
gave birth in the streets which caused the death of 34 babies and about 19 mothers (UN and HRO
reports); see also the reports of “Break the Silence - Israeli soldiers’ report”; There are miscarriages of
pregnant women. In addition, we find the thousands of daily humiliations at the 700 checkpoints and
road-blocks (see reports of Machsom Watch, Amira Hass, Nov. 16, 2005, Gideon Levy/Ha’aretz).
In the Gaza Strip soldiers left a private house which they had used as a military basis in August 2005.
Although they had also used the bathroom, they left all the kitchen pots full with excrement.
(Guardian). In 2002 in Ramallah, excrement was found in a copy machine in one of the Palestinian
ministries, and interlopers had urinated in many rooms; likewise in a sports club in Jabalya refugee

camp: in every room there were excrements (Oct. 27, 2005, V. book). So these are not isolated cases
of single crazy soldiers. It is a method to show deep loathing — and an Israeli child learns this as
early as during the years of kindergarten (see New Profile researches).
In March 1988, CS gas grenades were thrown by soldiers into a classroom in Beit Jala. One of the
soldier said after the event: “The children fell down on us like butterflies sprayed with poison.” (Boaz
Evron in Yedioth Aharonot, Dec. 8, 1978). On Feb. 12, 2001, nerve gas grenades were thrown into
crowds, documented also in three more spots in the West Bank during the subsequent three months
(see documentary film by Longley, also reported by James Brook, also Prof. Pongratz, Aachen). The
physicians did not know how to treat the concerned patients who no longer had control over their
limbs. Apparently, no-one died, but the patients had suffered from psychic and physical disorders for
several weeks. The Israeli press finally admitted it later. (Three people confirmed the incidence to me.)
The stress, which has been prevailing since three generations, causes more and more heart attacks,
diabetes and other illnesses in young people (Rosemarie Reinhardt, Oct. 17, 2005, Ramallah).
There is an infant mortality-rate of 15 % ( Gideon Levy, 20.2.06)
In Deheishe -Camp near Bethlehem 98 % of the children have psycho-social problems. (IBDA)
5. Palestinians have no human rights, no rights whatsoever
a) The judiciary system in many respects measures with two different standards (Amira Hass, Aug. 10,
2005; Gideon Levy, Sep. 18, 2005). During a conference on June 2nd 1946 the Minister of Justice
Yakov Shapiro said about the Defence Laws: “The system established in Palestine since the issue of
Defence Laws is unparalleled in any civilised country; there were no such laws even in Nazi Germany
...”: “The powers granted to the authorities under the Emergency Laws deprive the Palestinian citizens
(in the Land of Israel) of the fundamental rights of man.... When the State of Israel was established in
1948 ... the laws not only remained on the Statute Books ....but they were employed by the new
regime to the same extent as under its predecessor...”( Sabri Jiryis “The Arabs in Israel “ ,1969, p.5)
Felicia Langer and other Israeli solicitors, as well as B’tselem, have described this legal deprivation
many times. In the words of Kapeliouk: “The Arabs are deprived of their elementary rights”. For
example: in 1999 a settler could kill a 10 year old Palestinian boy and was “punished” with six months
of charitable service. A Palestinian in such a case would face long lasting imprisonment, like Rami
from Deheishe. Aged 14 he was throwing stones, and now, aged 16, he will get a sentence up to 20 (!)
years in prison (News from Within AIC, August 2005). Or take the re-settlement of Jewish settlers
from Gaza: with cautious sensitivity and without violence they were taken out of the Gaza Strip. What
a contrast to the Palestinians in Rafah or Jenin whose houses were demolished while the inhabitants
did not have the time to save their possessions from inside their houses. Some were even buried under
the rubble of their houses. The Palestinian refugees do not have the right of return - contrary to Jews
from anywhere, who may "return" to Israel at any time, although they have no personal or family roots
in Palestine. The Palestinian people has no right of self-determination (1917/1947) - no right of
human dignity. No right to an own state that deserves this name.
b) Frequently they have no right to build a house on their own land, or to enlarge or repair it.
They may not even dwell in caves on their own land. If, despite this, a Palestinian builds or enlarges a
house, e.g. for reasons of family growth, it gets demolished. According to B’tselem, there have been
more than 6.500 houses have been destroyed since 2000. The following pretexts are given under
which houses are demolished: illegally built, collective punishment, military reasons, security reasons,
standing in the way of the wall. Hundreds of houses have systematically been demolished in Rafah
with the approval of the High Court of Justice, allegedly in order to improve the security on the border
to Egypt. The concerned people ( 16 000) do not receive a substitute home or compensation like the
Jewish settlers do. Not even included in this number are the thousands of scheduled demolitions of
Bedouin homes near Maaleh Adumim and in the Negev and Jordan valleys. The Bedouins, who live
south of Hebron in caves, are the weakest part of the Arab-Palestinian society and the most likely
victims of harassment and expulsions by settlers. This happens almost unnoticed and is hardly
mentioned in the media (Ta’ayush, B’tselem: Means of Expulsion).
On Dec. 23, 2005, three houses were demolished in Lod/Lydda (in Israel!) an the order for the
impending demolition of another 2000 was given - with the argument that they were built illegally.

The illegally built settlers’ homes in about 200 settlements on stolen land are not demolished, e.g. in
Modiin-Illit (Peace Now, and report by David Shulman from Jan. 1, 2006, and Akiva Eldar, Dec. 27,
2005). From 1999 until 2004, 400 houses were destroyed in East Jerusalem alone (Amnesty
International). In the neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, in Silwan, orders were given to demolish 88
houses in Summer 2005 - in order to build an archaeological park (Amnesty International Dec. 6,
2005). An international action against the order was launched which stopped this demolition in Silwan
for the time being. In East Jerusalem, no Palestinian is allowed to build a home on his land. In East
Jerusalem - as in Acco, Haifa, Jaffa, Hebron, Beer Sheba, in the Negev, Nazareth, an alternative kind
of ethnic cleansing is happening. Another example from 1989: on Dec. 6, 11 Bedouin huts were
demolished in the Negev - 8.000 huts were threatened to be demolished (medico international
1/1990). I have not documented all the relevant violent acts here, but the Israeli Committee Against
House Demolitions (ICAHD, Jeff Halper) and B’tselem have done so.
c. Palestinians do not have the right to use their own resources e.g. water, soil. Palestinians are
granted only 20% of their water from underground - 80% is collected and diverted to Israel proper.
Palestinians in Gaza receive ¼ - 1/18 of the quantity settlers receive (Sarah Roy, De-development in
Gaza, p. 107) In summer, they often do not get any water through pipes, only from water tanks which
they have to buy for a fourfold price... In the Gaza Strip water is highly contaminated. It is forbidden
in Europe to water the garden with such water. I experienced it myself: the tap water tasted disgusting.
Many of the children have kidney disease - there is most likely an uncountable number of people in
Gaza with diseases. Due to insufficient medical care and a lack of specialized physicians these facts
have so far neither led to a thorough investigation nor to a public debate. To my mind, this water is a
ticking chemical time-bomb which will harm the health of all 1.4 million inhabitants. To
intentionally grant people nothing but highly contaminated water - this is a crime, is state terror.
Concerning the Jewish settlers, also those in the Gaza Strip, they, of course, had clean drinking water
from their own pipes at their disposal and enough water for swimming pools, greenhouses and lawns.
From 2000-2005 420 water reservoirs, 1713 wells and 29 730 dunum irrigation plants were destroyed
Here are some more examples: settlers from Yitzhar destroyed the well of Madama near Nablus
(Amira Hass, Feb. 20, 2005, in Ha’aretz). A number of wells in the Jordan Valley and elsewhere have
dried up as Israelis dug their wells much deeper than the Palestinians who, since 1967, are forbidden
to dig new wells. The wall has separated many villages in the Tulkarem/Qalqiliya area from their
vitally needed wells, in the village of Aboud this concerns all the water resources. South of Hebron,
wells were made unusable by throwing animal carcasses into them (Ta’ayush report). Old Bedouin
wells in the Negev were destroyed (medico international 3/91) along with the destruction of 8.000
Bedouin huts in the Negev in 1989 and beyond (D. Macintyre, Independent, Nov. 29, 2005).
The Arabs in Israel constitute more than 18 % of Israel’s population, but they now only have 3.5 % of
the land in their possession. The village of Sakhnin, for instance, has no possibility to grow (D.
Rabinowic, Ha’aretz, Dec. 20, 2005), the same is true for Nazareth - it is stifled by Jewish settlements
around the town. (Also cf. Akiva Eldar: „Real organized crime“, Jan. 3, 2006/ Dec. 27, 2005 in
Ha’aretz, only one example of land robbery in Bil’in where, since February 2005, non-violent
resistance has been practised on every Friday - together with Israelis and the ISM. (Do we find reports
on this in our media?). Sharon intended to grant the Palestinians not more than 48 % of the West
Bank, in small scattered enclaves. “Israel cuts Jordan Rift from rest of West Bank” ( A. Hass, Haaretz,
13.2.06) So only 10 % of Palestine of 1948 remain for the Palestinian People - soon they are literally
“The People without Land!” - and the world is looking on. Who is the violent partner? The
Palestinians or Israel?
d. Palestinians have no right to work, of subsistence, no right to an basic minimum of existence .
It was possible to take the cheap labour in Israeli factories, on building sites, in restaurants and in
agriculture away from them at once: their permission to work in Israel was not only cancelled from the
year 2000, however in 2000 it was cancelled for all. Since 1967, Palestinians have been forbidden to
establish their own industries (for employment) in the West Bank and also in the Galilee, in order
that Israeli companies have no competition. The result is a high rate of unemployment , up to 60 -75 %
in the Occupied Territories. In Israel, the Arab unemployment rate is twice the national average (cf.

Akiva Eldar, “A dangerous anger”, Nov. 11, 2003, Ha’aretz). The branch of tourism has been systematically
destroyed - with disastrous results for the Bethlehem area. It is reported that about 5.000 Christians
emigrated between the years 2000 and 2005.
Palestinians are robbed of their land ( used for settlements, roads - “for Jews only” - and for the wall)
on which they grow vegetables, fruits, olive trees for their own consumption and that of their cattle -
more and more, the basis for subsistence ceases.
A total of about 1.389 190 olive trees has been destroyed by burning, uprooting, poisoning - half a
million alone for the wall. In this way, whole regions of old and cultivated land are destroyed and
turned into “deserts”. 33 594 palm trees, 550 277 citrus trees, 87 600 almond trees, 91 303 vine
plants, 20 400 bananas, 30818 other fruit trees have been destroyed (Pal. Agriculture Ministery Febr.
06). Some more examples: during the last four years Bedouin fields in the Negev were sprayed with
poison by helicopters - just before the harvest season (Bustan report). The pastures of the Bedouins
south of Hebron were poisoned, too (in 2005), and many animals died (Ta’ayush). Fishermen in the
Gaza Strip are not allowed to fish with boats in the Mediterranean Sea, but only close to the shore
(Oct. 2005). Some weeks ago, one of the fishermen was killed in his boat - allegedly, he had moved
too far from the coast. In the Gaza Strip/Mawasi the movement of goods has been reduced by 90 %.
During harvest in winter 2006 the Gazans were not allowed to export their fruits to the West Bank,
Israel, Europe. So there were Millions of Dollars of deficit for them.
The farmers are not allowed to cultivate their olive groves and might not be able to pick the olives if
there is an Israeli settlement in the vicinity or if they are situated west of the wall. The groves are
turned to military zones. In this way, the population is prevented from making a living. They need to
be secured by Israelis and internationals to pick the olives. (ISM, RHR, Gush Shalom Reports). On Oct.
17, 2005, soldiers confiscated the cattle of the poor shepherds in Akaba near Jenin and burned the
pasture (Gush Shalom). In the village of Qaravat Bani Zeit there was a sudden assault by soldiers
during the night - allegedly, they were hunting a “killer”. They blindly destroyed medical and
educational instruments and material (New Profile). In Hebron, such assaults by settlers on shops and
homes happen on a daily basis - it is pure vandalism.
Yet the Palestinians, like all other human beings, cannot live without sustenance. It is “systematic
starvation”, said General M. Peled as early as in 1980, after long curfews which had reoccurred for
weeks sometimes during the Intifadas, and now especially in the isolated, locked Gaza Strip.
„Intentionally bringing about a starvation“ is the way B. Kimmerling (in “Politicide”) describes
incidents like the demolition of a three-story UN storehouse in Beit Lahiya which was filled with food.
According to FAO (Oct. 13, 2005), 40 % of the Palestinian population is suffering from hunger; 70 % of
the Gaza Strip population live below the poverty level. A major part of the Palestinian population -
not only those in refugee camps - is dependent on UNWRA, or on the support of their relatives in
Europe and the USA, respectively. Now -March 2006 - the isr. Government wont return the
Palestinian tax and custom monies ( 50-65 Mill.$ a month) to punish the Palestinian People for voting
for Hamas. They want them to put “on diet”.
“This barbarity one does not expect from the people, who cried for protection from fascist forces when
they were under siege.” (William Cook, IMEMC, 24.3.06)
e) They have no right of family reunion - “quiet deportation” (B’tselem)
There is a new law, issued on July 31, 2003, which, among other things, denies married couples the
right to live together in Jerusalem if they bear differently coloured identity cards (blue for Jerusalem,
green for the West Bank). Until 1994 it had been possible to apply for a family reunion concerning
children - this is no longer so (NZZ, Dec. 1, 2005). The aim is the judaization of Jerusalem, or, in other
words, keeping the percentage of the Arabic population as low as possible (de-arabization of
6. No Freedom of movement
Freedom of movement is massively restricted: by 471 roadblocks, destroyed and bad roads, forbidden,
“Jewish only”, (though good) roads (for settlers only, see Gideon Levy, Oct. 23, 2005), checkpoints (A.

Hass, Oct. 30, 2005, and Gideon Levy), curfews, closed frontiers, real prisons and detention centres,
weeks-long closures of the Gaza Strip, no airport, no seaport, restriction of movement of goods and
medicine. There is a restriction of travel for the ill, for pregnant women, even before child birth, for
family reunions, for students, physicians, teachers, merchants; there is hardly any cultural, economic,
or scientific exchange; there is no access to schools and universities which are blocked by the wall,
there are checkpoints; there are attacks from settlers in and south of Hebron. There is the closed
border. Many people are denied attendance of conferences, held abroad, e.g. Dr. M.N. and Dr. A. Sh.
Thus, all in all, there is no right of health care and education (Amira Hass, Dec. 19, 2005). Many ill
and elderly people have died because of this. There are 61 children have been born at a checkpoint, 36
of whom died and 19 mothers. During the First Intifada more than 100 women in the Gaza Strip had
miscarriages because of teargas attacks (PHRIC).
As little contact to the outside world as possible: the access to the Gaza Strip is aggravated and made
impossible to journalists and other witnesses: many ISM people are not allowed to enter
Israel/Palestine. There is no freedom of the press for journalists (Hal Wymer in NY Times, Oct. 8,
1989; Ha’aretz, March 18, 2002; Gideon Spiro, ND, May 25, 2003).
7. The culture and the symbols of the Palestinian people are being destroyed
Not only the most necessary things (home, food, water, cultivated land, trees) are taken away from this
people, but also its history, culture and architecture can be taken and destroyed. Apart from the 418
villages, which were destroyed in 1948/49 and in 1967, including the destruction of whole quarters in
old Palestinian cities. I saw this in Jaffa, in Haifa, Beer Sheva, Acco, Jerusalem. Jewish friends
showed it to me. These towns were de-arabized (s. Algazi , October 2005 in Le Monde Diplomatique).
Meir Margalit: “Israeli governments eradicate all signs of Palestinian heritage ...” (Oct. 31, 2005).
“Ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem” (P. Findley in ME Times, June 14, 2005). In Nablus and Hebron,
too, historical monuments were destroyed - in “Operation Thorn Field” in 2002. In 1948 and in 1967
mosques and churches were destroyed, left in ruins, collapsing slowly. They are misused as stores,
stables and garbage places (Benvenisti, Sep. 9, 2005, Ha’aretz). Hotels and other buildings have been
built on Muslim cemeteries (Erich Fried: „Tel Aviv, Hilton“). On the very old Mamilla-Cemetery in
West-Jerusalem they are planning to build a Museum of Tolerance( Benvenisti,9.2.06)
Historical documents of Palestinian history, e.g. documents of land ownership, were stolen by the
Israeli military/secret service, perhaps destroyed (Avnery, April 27, 2002: “They were interested in
destroying the Palestinian society”), so it happened in Beirut (Palestine Research Center, Dec. 16,
1982), in the Orient House in Jerusalem in 2001 and in ministries in Ramallah in 2002. On April 27,
2002, Uri Avnery wrote: “In Israeli schools, Arab children are learning nearly nothing about Arab-
Palestinian history. They must not read Palestinian authors like Kanafani.” In the West Bank, 73
educational institutions were destroyed in part or completely (NfW 2005).
A different example: the Arab speciality of “felafel” is regarded to be an Israeli speciality in Israel.
Once a known Palestinian said to Uri Avnery: “First you are robbing our houses and now our dishes.”
Once I attended the lecture of an Israeli author in Germany. She wore an embroidered Palestinian cloth
- and used it for Jewish folklore ....To me this is stealing another people’s culture.
8. Palestinians in Israeli prisons
There are about 8-9000 Palestinian prisoners now (2005) in Israeli prisons. Since 1948, about 650.000
Palestinians ( 4000 children) have stayed in Israeli prisons or detention centres. The imprisoned are
kept in degrading circumstances and they are treated inhumanly. They do not receive sufficient
nutrition and lack medical supply, i.e. they do not get medicine (see report of Menschenfreunde
International, Association for Human Rights, April 16, 2005). Women are also kept as political prisoners in
inhumane, neglected, dirty rooms (full of dead mice), without a supply of fresh air, in Tel Mond prison
in darkness (according to WOFPP report, Dec. 22, 2005). I once visited this prison with Hava Keller to
speak with the visiting family members.

There is hardly a Palestinian family without a member who was in prison. Not only do they stay in
prison for months without a sentence and without a court order, most of them do not even know why
they are kept there: for security reasons, because of the throwing of stones, alleged membership in a
“terror” organisation, because of growing vegetables in competition with Israeli vegetables. They are
imprisoned, because they read a book by the Palestinian Kanafani (Anton Shomali, 1985, Beit
Sahour); because of non-violent resistance against the occupation and against the wall (in Beit Sahour,
1989, in Bil’in 2005).
Those responsible for non-violent demonstrations, for example, in Bilin were taken into custody often
during night raids. They were released only on bail ( 5000-10 000 - 15 000NIS). But the families are
economical devastated and unable to pay (ISM 18.2.06).
Many (85 %) Palestinian prisoners are tortured. As they are not considered to be human beings they
can be treated inhumanely (B’tselem reports 1990/91). Why was the world so shocked about torture in
the prison of Abu Ghreib - the world has learned about torture in Israel since 1970 from Felicia
Langer. Palestinians are also tortured in order to force them to become collaborators (and thus to
destroy Palestinian society). In addition, in this way they can be prevented from having children for
years. A former prisoner of the first Intifada once told me that it was a feeling - or a taste, respectively
- as if their drinks contained an ingredient that affected their fertility. Besides, one of the torturing
measures is the squeezing of genitals. At least one of them they had to be amputated (Zwi Harel,
Haaretz, 1.2.06)
182 captives have died in prison. Thousands were traumatized by the incredibly inhumane stay in
prison, by torture and psychic terror. Many of them are severely harmed when they are released after
years in prison - and become a problem for their families. Children and young people are also held in
prisons in overcrowded cells, in 2005 they were about 325. They are allowed to go to the bathroom
only once a day. Most of them (95 %) are charged of throwing stones (News from Within, March 2005).
They are tortured, too. Just imagine! Will this not be a hotbed for “terrorists”? (cf. assault in Hadera
on Oct. 26, 2005 by a former prisoner)
9. One can kill them (“Shoot to kill!”)
Palestinians are killed on a daily basis, one or two or more. They are only Palestinians, the Amalek of
today... Here is a terrible example: "A soldier picks up the three year old, holds him overhead and
smashes him to the ground." ( comp. Psalm 137,9) (In Beit Lahiya, March 3, 1988, PHRIC). Snipers can
simply shoot them: “Executed in cold blood in their own homes.” (s. Aloni) It also happens to
children, allegedly bearing a (toy) weapon; on their way to school, in the classroom, while feeding
pigeons, shot by snipers and undercover units, from out of helicopters and tanks. A whole gun
magazine was emptied into the body of a child to confirm her death (Khan Yunis, October 2004, also
see Gideon Levy: Shooting field of the IDF, Feb. 15, 2004). The Jewish settler Baruch Goldstein
killed 29 praying Muslims in the Mosque of Hebron in February 2004; on May 20, 1990, seven
workers were shot in Rishon Le Zion while waiting to be employed; the massacre on the Temple
Mount on October 8, 1990, with 17 people killed; during the first Intifada about 1.400 Palestinians
were killed (235 of them children), during the second Intifada more than 3.982 people were killed
(B’tselem), 708 of them children. Most of the killings are subsumed under the rubric “collateral
damage”: people just were in the wrong place in the wrong time, only that it happened to be in
Palestine... In order to hit one wanted individual, a one-ton-bomb can be dropped on a residential
area. The result was the death of 150 civilians, among them many children (in Khan Yunis on July 22,
2002). Since Autumn 2005, unmanned drones are used over Gaza. They often bombs cars of alleged
terrorists - it is an extra-judicial killing
One can drop napalm and fragmentation bombs on Palestinians (so done on Dec. 2, 1975 in Lebanon,
107 dead). They can be made objects of targeted killings which constitutes an extra-juridical death
penalty for suspects of terrorism (more than 500 between 2000 and 2005). In the refugee camp in
Jenin a massacre took place in April 2002, the number of the victims was obscured (according to T.
Reinhart there were about 200). In Nablus, a bulldozer buried a family with seven members under the
rubble of their house (in 2002). The police may shoot 13 Israeli citizens of Palestinian Background

with impunity in Galilee in October 2000 with the charge of participation in a demonstration and
alleged disturbing of the traffic. (Settlers, on the other hand, were allowed to disturb the traffic with
impunity in August 2005) Friends reported to me that a boy was sitting on a small wall in Arrabeh
watching the scene, when the police suddenly attacked him and shot from short while he was already
lying on the ground. He was a member of “Seeds of Peace” and wore their T-shirt. (The legal trials of
this case are still continuing.)
Ben Gurion told his General Staff: "We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation
and the cutting of all social services to rid Galilee of its Arab population." (in May 1948. From: Ben
Gurion’s biography by Michael Ben Zohar, NY 1978).
Israel Shahak in “ Jewish History, Jewish Religion, the Weight of Three Thousand years”(1994): p.76: In a
booklet for religious Israeli soldiers ( 1973) was written: “In war when our forces storm the enemy, soldiers
are allowed and even enjoined by the Halakhah to kill even good civilians ...”
And let us not forget the massacres of 1948: ca. 250 deaths in Deir Yassin. According to Ilan Pappe
there were ten more massacres in 1948, according to the historians Dr. Abdel Jawad and Uri Milstein
there were dozens of massacres in 1948; later: Kafr Qassem in 1956 with 49 deaths, the Qibiya
massacre in 1953 with more than 60 deaths. “Maximize loss of life and property” was Sharon’s order
(according to Aloni), and: “In Rafah I killed 750 with one blow”, Sharon said in an interview with
General Merham in 1956; then the massacre in Sabra and Shatila in 1982 with 700 - 2.000 deaths for
which Sharon was held partly responsible. In 1996 in Kana in Lebanon about 100 died due to a
grenade. In August 2005, a settler killed four Arabs in Shafr’am, another settler killed four of his
Palestinian colleagues near Ramallah. Just like that. Is there anyone who cares ?
Before the outbreak of the first Iraq war in January 1991, news leaked from settler circles to the Peace
Now group concerning the ongoing preparation of a mass expulsion. Lorries were ready for the
transportation and mass graves were already being prepared, as people expected this would imply a
massacre... (Jan. 9, 1991, The Other Front).But then the war did not follow the desired course and the
transfer did not take place. At the beginning of the second Iraq war the same plan was pursued. The
news reached the German intelligence service on March 20, 2003, via the Israeli intelligence service.
On some detours I heard about it and I called Uri Avnery on the phone immediately who in turn
contacted the German journalist H.H. (Der Spiegel) at once. So it became public and maybe this is
what prevented it from happening.
Benyamin Netanyahu, as early as on June 24, 1982, spoke at Bar Ilan University about a “mass
transfer from the territories” scheduled for a time during a new war when the public would be
concentrating on a different part of the world.” (Israeli newspaper Hotam). In the context of the
impending war on Iraq in 2002 there had been such a frank discussion about the deportation of all
Palestinians that the Government of Jordan demanded an official denial from the Israeli government.
Sharon refused (Ha’aretz, Aluf Benn, Nov. 28, 2002).
Uri Davis, Ilan Pappe and others feared that after the disengagement of the settlers on June 22, 2005,
Sharon/Mofaz would provoke a Palestinian terror assault which was to be answered with "increased
state terror and massacre in the Gaza Strip".
Please compare B’tselem-Report of March 2006, too: Lethal Ambiguity ( video) and “Killing Zones”
10. The injured and the handicapped
I have not yet mentioned the over 56.000 injured ( 28 822 children) and the 6.000 handicapped (most
of them with life-long handicaps). Hardly any of them receives adequate medical and psychological
treatment or compensation - they became life-long burdens for their families. In the Gaza Strip, since
the departure of the settlers in September 2005, there is a collective punishment of the 1.4 million
people, especially the children, who for weeks are being terrorized and traumatized by noise bombs of
supersonic jets. 80 % of the children in the Gaza Strip are traumatized - says psychiatrist Eyad Sarraj,

Psycho-terror. Psychiatrists claim that the whole Palestinian people is severely traumatized - the fact
of suicide assaults does not astonish these psychiatrists anymore. In addition to the violence performed
on the Israeli side there is the violence within the Palestinian clans and families, where frustrated and
humiliated men are using their wives and children for working these feelings off - in this way the
Palestinian society is also being destroyed from the inside. This is surely one of the reasons for the
chaos in the Gaza Strip now. After 36 years of occupation the Palestinian society is finished.
11. The latest suffocating device: the wall/ the fence / the roads “for Jews only”
The latest suffocating measure is the 1 m broad , 8 - 14 m high, ca. 700 km long, so-called “separation
wall/fence/device”. It takes a strip of about 50 - 100 m in width and it does not only take away half of
the remaining 22 % of the rest of Palestine, including wells and water - moreover, it has already
destroyed half a million of olive trees. The population is being imprisoned in reservations - not in
Bantustans. “It is not only Apartheid - it is worse”, says Professor Moshe Machover. The wall and 471
Roadblocks not only separates the farmers from their land and their olive trees, their basis for
existence, but the ill and the pregnant are separated from doctors and hospitals, pupils, students,
teachers and lecturers from their schools and universities, workers from their working places,
Christians and Muslims from their churches and mosques, children from parents and grandparents, the
living from the dead (the cemeteries); pilgrims and tourists from the holy places and the hotels... The
Gaza Strip is already the biggest open-air prison with 1.4 million inhabitants without air sovereignty,
without a seaport, without a connection to the West Bank, only one strictly controlled and easy to
close terminal toward Egypt. This is where a population, which is deeply divided and traumatized by
the conditions of the occupation and which is therefore ready for violence, frustrated, desperate and
starving, after the destruction of the Palestinian Authority, is supposed to educate itself in
The rope around the neck of the Palestinian people, about which I already wrote in 1992 in my book,
is now being tightened in the manifestation of the wall. For how long can such a people stay alive,
how long does dying take in such a case? It is said that during the last five years about 5000 people
have been emigrating from the Bethlehem area. Is there an intention to begin with the expulsion of
the Christians from the Bethlehem and Jerusalem areas - and what is the intention behind it?
Will it be the “human transfer” which goes unnoticed by the public, invisible, inaudible, without
explosions? The suffering of the concerned is silent and not reflected in the headlines. Prominently
concerned by the transfer/ethnic cleansing are the people in more than seventy villages and places
(242.000 / 10 %) between the wall and the Green Line; and in over 150 villages and places which have
lost most of their land because of the wall/fence, the roads of the settlers, and the settlements,
especially in the towns of Qalqilia, Bethlehem, Hebron and East Jerusalem. . .
Please, read tomorrow part II, Fundamental questions, arising upon recent devellopements

II This documentation does, of course, raise some more fundamental questions
a) Why is this incredible, indescribable violence exerted on this people by the Israeli government and
the Israeli army? I have, by no means listed every item here. Why is a normal life in peace and
security denied to them? Why do they have less rights than others? Why do the human rights and
international law not apply to them? Why is there no need to respect the more than sixty UN
resolutions which concern the occupied Palestinian territories, in the same way that was demanded e.g.
from Saddam Hussein with respect to the resolutions on Iraq? Why does the world ignore this pain
and decade-long traumatization of a whole people due to state terror? Why is the Israeli government
allowed to put the peace process „in formaldehyde“, to delay it until the “next generation”, without
any indignant reactions? Why do the EU and the US media hardly report about the life-threatening
situation of the Palestinians, neither about the non-violent resistance in which Israelis and
internationals participated in solidarity in many places against the occupation and against the wall?
Why is the EU allowed to keep its report on East Jerusalem from October 2005 secret? There are
thousand unanswered questions, which we as Germans, are not allowed to pose aloud .
It is only because these questions concern the Palestinian people and no other people - as if
Palestinians were not human beings: yet they are the late, indirect victims of the Nazi genocide of
the Jewish people - although they did not do anything with this genocide. Europe exported the socalled
Jewish problem with the help of British imperial interests (Tom Segev) into the Middle East with
the Balfour Declaration, and thus disposed of this problem - for none of the western European
countries wanted to assimilate the so-called Eastern Jews. As there was a mythical religious
connection between the Jewish religion and Jerusalem - even if it was 2.000 years back in time - it
was obvious, and particularly in the colonial interests of the British, to establish a Jewish homeland
there. This is the way how many Germans, politicians, theologians, many Christians, who uncritically
support Israel, “master their past” on the back and at the expense of the Palestinian people. They also
call it “rectification”, for whoever criticizes the policy of the Israeli government gets stigmatised as an
anti-Semite (cf. Ilan Pappe: Letter to Blair, Sep. 2005 and N. Finkelstein: “Anti-Semitism as a political
weapon”, March 2006). So many are silent - and become guilty. Gideon Levy, however, says that
everybody should criticize Israel (Nov. 1, 2005, in taz).
Now take another look at points 1 to 4 in the first paragraph of the United Nations Convention on
genocide, which I mentioned on page 1, and decide for yourself whether my egregious question at the
beginning of these thoughts and research were irresponsibly exaggerated or whether they were
b) And why is it a creeping genocide?
"It is Israel’s aim to make the Palestinians disappear from the International Agenda, so that the
slaughter, the starvation, the forced transfer, and the ‘emigration’ can continue undisturbed - so
Sharon’s long desired vision can be realized." (Tanya Reinhardt, "Unleashing of the Evil", Mid East
Realities, Dec. 17, 2001)
Gadi Algazi (Ha’aretz) writes: “Transfer is not a dramatic moment, but a continuous strangulation
under closure and sieges...”
Prof. Adi Ophir, answering an interview with Benny Morris under the title: "Genocide hides behind
expulsion" in Ha’aretz supplement, Jan 9, 2004: "(...) Transfer is being carried out slowly by the
ministry of the interior .... with sophisticated means." ("Voices of Israeli dissidents").
Amira Hass, Jan 16, 2005: "The totality of the damage is not recognized, because it is happening
slowly, scattered on broad areas, and people got used to it -it is not worth to be news anymore."
"Every week a few shacks are demolished" it reads in a report on the creeping process of expelling the
Bedouins from the Negev - in this way the expulsion is not so conspicuous.
Gadi Algazi (Haaretz) writes it, too: "Transfer is not a dramatic moment ... but a continuing
strangulation under closure and sieges..." I repeat: Shulamit Aloni surely is right when she poses the
rhetorical question: “Who said that a genocide always happens after the same pattern?”
Here a people, or part of a people (3.5 million today), the part which remained in its homeland of
Palestine, is being eliminated, not within a few years with the help of industrial means (there are no
gas chambers), but very, very slowly, bit by bit. In many sophisticated ways this people is made
jobless, frustrated, angry, ill, handicapped, traumatized, brought to starvation, destroyed, in short:
annulled. The indifferent, one-sided or not/halfway not uninformed world hardly realizes, ( Neta Golan)
or it only realizes the acts of terror the Palestinians which is extraordinarily terrible and extensively
covered in the news. There is little talk about the daily brutal acts of Israeli state terror. They are
understood as reactions - yet it is exactly the other way around.

Always remembering the obscene German history, I can only observe with great concern the
development of the Middle East conflict as a tragedy for both peoples, Israelis and Palestinians. This
is more than “only” a crime against humanity, but it already is a creeping genocide. It is creeping (see
Amira Hass, Nov 10, 2005) in such a way - with deception and lies in the Israeli media - that it goes
unnoticed in the Israeli population: a Jewish woman from Jerusalem recently (Nov. 2005) asked
friends of mine in confusion what this wall would be that they were talking about? Only a few of them
notice, those who watch critically the proceedings of their government and who actively work against
the policy of occupation. “The suffering of the Palestinians is hardly ever mentioned in the Israeli
media”, says Gideon Levy in Ha’aretz. And according to Alison Weir, USA: it’s the same with the
media in the USA . (www.imemc.org/content/view/ 16309/1)
I have no alternative but to draw the attention to the shameful, crying injustice that is
happening to the Palestinians. Even more so as the Israeli government clearly stated in summer
2005 that a peace process is “put in formaldehyde”, or delayed until “the next generation”,
respectively, which means never. Or it means the day when the “facts on the ground” can no
longer be reversed and when there is nothing left to negotiate about with the Palestinians.
C. Another important question: How does this brutal occupation affect the Israeli
1) First of all, there are now about 1080 unnecessary Israeli victims of Palestinian suicide attacks to be
mourned. "Victims of my Israeli government which does not find its way to peace" said Nurit Peled
after the death of her daughter, and Amir A., today severely handicapped, after an assault on his bus.
2) In the army, more and more suicides are committed by soldiers.
3) In addition, there is the completely over-proportioned financing of the army (Ha’aretz, Oct 19,
2005, Y.Cohen/ Shuky Sadeh), of the settlements (550 million $ alone for the expansion of settlements
in 2005), settlers’ streets, the wall (3.4 billion $); the new checkpoints/terminals (38 million $), 10
Billions for evacuation of settler from Gaza in August 2005 and
4) in connection, the irresponsible neglect of the socially weak; „One in three Israeli children goes to
bed hungry” is a daily advertisement in Ha’aretz; A.B. Yehoshua, Haaretz Dec 16, 2005, “The moral
choice”. In the last five years alone, poverty in Israel increased by 45 % (Ha’aretz, Jan. 22, 2006,
Poverty Report, Ha’aretz, Jan. 24, 2006)
5) The militarization of the population from kindergarten age on was revealed by New Profile; also
Amiram Oren, Nov. 27, 2005, www.geo.haifa.ac.il); and
6) There is an increase of lethal violence against Israeli women: 38 murders with weapons of soldiers
and security people. “Violence spread like wildfire in society” Nehemia Shtrasler, 21.3.06
More and more Israelis deliberately see the latent danger of the oppressing occupation for their own
people, even for Jewry itself. The people who draw the attention to this danger are predominantly
people from human rights and peace groups, even survivors of the Holocaust.
But who wants to listen to them? One of the Machsom Watch women expresses this fact in a very
clear and honest way in a letter (Nov. 2005) to a friend of mine, one of the “Women in Black”:
“This is more shocking to me than the fact that General Halutz by direct order of ... Sharon gave the
order to carry out the attacks (with supersonic shock bombs above the Gaza Strip). Why? It means
that the majority of the Israelis would never bother genocide at their backdoor as long as they are not
involved themselves. This is not a repetition of Nazi Germany. This is the new local Israeli version of a
de-humanized society, ethically mutilated, morally blind, under a democratically elected, corrupt and
fascist government. This is the face of a Jewish-democratic state, of a monster created by the Zionist
Lawyer Michael Sfard (Nov 7, 2005, in Ha’aretz): „ ...the vast and terrible moral decline that occurred in
Israel ...I’m ashamed of my country and feel a deep guilt at the manner in which it treats human
beings...” In November 2002, there was an article in Ma’ariv („What have I done?“) about the Intifada
Syndrome and the rehabilitation village of Izun near Caesarea. There, young soldiers with severe
psychic disorders are treated after their military deployments. Cf. also: „Breaking the Silence!“
Reports by soldiers who can no longer be silent about what they did and were compelled to do („Dehumanization“)
...Israel Shahak foresaw: „My imagination is not wild enough to predict what they are

going to do.“ (March 3, 1988) „The Jewish Religion - The Weight of 3000 Years“; Fred Schlomka
(ICAHD): ”One wonders where the humanity has gone in a society that allows these atrocities (i.e.
house demolitions).
More prominent and other voices, who formulate or formulated similar things (in the following in
names, quotes and key-words), are: Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein: “Zionism = intolerant
nationalism”; Martin Buber: “Among yourselves calamity is spreading”; Jehoshua Leibowitz talks
about “Judeo-Nazis”, Yediot Aharonot, July 2, 1982, and about “self-destruction”, 1987); Peace Now,
1980: “Fascism must not prevail.” Juda Magnes, Noam Chomsky; Abraham Burg („nationalist
mania“), Michael Warschawski**, Adi Ophir talks about the „sick society“; Simcha Flapan (s. „Myths
and Reality“: „Our distorted view of the conflict“, 1987); Yehudi Menuhin; Daniel Barenboim;
Yehoshafat Harkabi (1982): „With the occupation of the West Bank we are committing suicide“.
Kapeliuk, Isaak Stern, Yizhar Smilansky, 1992: „The current Prime Minister is the enemy of the future
of Israel.“ Felicia Langer (in her books), Yossi Sarid („The Jewish state lost his head and Jewish
heart“, Nov 12, 2005), Yitzak Laor: „School of rotten apples.“ (= settlers); M. Benvenisti, (June 12, 19
in Die Zeit) is worried that „Israel is developing into an apartheid-like tyranny and a people of masters
democracy „for Jews only“. Dan Diner in 1982 talks about an „increasing brutalization of the Israeli
armed forces“; Kimmerling (Politicide), Ilan Pappe, Akiva Orr, 1997: “Zionism is in a phase of
decay.” Ran HaCohen: „A society at the abyss“, Uri Avnery („Judea against Israel“), Gush Shalom:
„It’s a shame...“ Uri Davis, Yitzhak Frankenthal; Gideon Levy („I am afraid of ourselves!“), Amira
Hass, Akiva Eldar (Haaretz), B.Michael („Rottenness in the moral texture of the state“); Meron
Benvenisti („Barriers of arrogance“); Nehemia Shtrasler, 21.3.06: “Israel has become a brutal
occupiers’ state”. Jeff Halper, Nov. 7, 2005, in Counterpunch: „Self-destructive features of occupation
for Israel itself.“ Dan Diner: „No future on the graves of the Palestinians“, 1982; Victoria Buch; Nurit
Peled-Elhanan, Neve Gordon; Yossi Sarid Dec. 1, 2005: “To clean out the filthy stables“ (of justice);
Oren Ben-Dor: „Zionism is an ethical failure“, Oct. 22, 2005). Norman Finkelstein; Sarah Roy; Gila
Swirski, („In Israel’s soul rules anarchy“ Apr. 25, 2004); Ran HACohen („seeds of fascism“, July 20,
2005); Daniel Barenboim, Brian Klug; Benjamin Merhav: „Israel is a Zionist terror state.“ Marc Ellis
talks about the „loss of the fundament of Jewish ethics“. Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom; Rabbi Arik
Ashermann, Yesh Din; Reuven Moskowitz („Injustice remains injustice“); the refusenics; Amir
Peretz: „The occupation is a recipe for the loss of human values“; Meir Margalit: „The State of Israel
is seized with a cancer-like racism ulcer”. Hajo Meyer3* („Crisis in the Israeli society“), Prof.
Avraham Oz („This is my homeland! ....“) Shulamit Aloni about Shaul Mofaz (Yedioth Aharonot,
July 29, 2005) “Only in a country like this can a murderer reach the post of a Minister of Defense.“
And: „Indeed, we are the ones who are committing crimes against humanity.“
Let us return now to the opening question: “Crimes against humanity” or creeping genocide? Next to
many others, in clear and unequivocal formulation, it is affirmed by Shraga Elam (commenting on the
article by Shulamit Aloni from March 6, 2003, called: “The murder of a population under the cover of
righteousness: “The planned and continuing ethnic cleansing (of Palestine) meets the definition of
genocide according to the UN convention.” (on the prevention and punishment of the crime of
genocide, 1948)
Five afterthoughts:
1. Is Israel measured by different standards in this documentation, compared e.g. with Ruanda and
Darfur, places where an even crueller and by no means creeping genocide has been going on for years,
quasi in front of our eyes? The answer is “yes”. The reason is that Israel calls itself the “only
democracy in the Middle East.” I am not the only one who measures a democracy with different
standards, in respect to human rights and international law, especially one that is supported by the
greatest democracy and greatest military superpower in the world. (Generally, Israel is indeed
measured by different standards - but to its advantage; which other country may violate United
Nations resolutions, the Fourth Geneva Convention, international law, the International Court of
Justice in Den Haag with impunity?)

2. By no means is Israel’s right to exist questioned with this documentation, yet as a complement it is
expected from Israel - a state that was created on Nov 29, 1947 by United Nations resolution 181 -
firstly, that it complies with the UN resolutions connected to the separation of the country, the East
Jerusalem question, a regulation for the refugees acceptable to all sides, the just distribution of water
and the human rights of the Palestinians in general; secondly it is expected that Israel comply with the
guidelines of the Fourth Geneva Convention and of the International Court of Justice in Den Haag in
respect to the building of the wall.
3. When you read this terrifying documentation attentively and when you have realized that this is
about the lives of millions of individuals, who in many respects have been concerned for decades and
have been driven in their lawlessness into hopeless situations, in such a way that they can no longer
see a future for themselves and their families - then not much religious extremism is needed for them
to become suicide killers, called “terrorists” by Israel. The occupation in its thousand-fold forms of
expressing inhumanity is the root of terror - not the genes of the Palestinians. Let us give these people
their freedom and dignity back, and the chance to care for their families and to live like human being.
“Let us open the window to life for them” (Mahmoud Darwish). They will then not seek early, cruel
death and carry others away with them. Then the lives of the Israeli neighbours become safer again,
too. However, time and again it seems as if the Israeli governments were not at all interested, and even
worse: they accept their own victims in a cynical way. If it were not so, would they continue to go on
with their provocations and thus bring new energy to the hotbed of terror? Cf. also the Preamble of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: there, rebellion is regarded to be a legitimate “last resort
against tyranny and oppression” (look to 5* about resistance)
And another question: Who still can be amazed by the fact that Israel is not especially well-liked by its
neighbours and that an anti-Israeli attitude is gaining ground, erroneously called “anti-Semitism” in
our publics?
4. Can this terrible, inhumane, racist, already far developed process still be stopped? Until now it
doesn’t not seem so, because this policy has always and deliberately been supported by the USA. But
should the policy of the Israeli Government change after the elections in March 2006 and should a
new government be able to pursue a real peace policy in partnership and on equal grounds with the
Palestinians, then there is a small hope which I would like to cherish. Yet this process would have to
be supported by the EU, the UNO, the churches - the USA can hardly be counted on. (It is busy
with its own war crimes in Iraq, e.g. the use of depleted uranium). Even more support is needed for the
numerous small, but very important human rights and peace groups which for years have sedulously
been preparing the process, with personal commitment and often attacked by the army and by settlers.
(If we in Germany during the Nazi period only had had more of such brave groups and individual
fighters!) I am a member of Gush Shalom myself and try to support it as much as possible...
5. I am personally concerned with this problem - not only because I have friends on both sides -and
because it is the result of the European, especially the German, history. Because I cannot bear the fact
that another people must suffer because of our monstrous history, a people having nothing to do with
the Holocaust. I think I have expressed this notion adequately in my poem “Never Again!”
(References, sources literature (German and English): Bertelsmann Lexikon vol, 19; „The Middle East
Conflict and Human Rights“, cf. Eurabia, 1981; Rohlfs, „Say, Mother, what does Peace look like?“1993
(Foreword by Uri Avnery); Sabri Jiryis, “The Arabs in Israel” Beirut, 1969; Medico International; Shulamit
Aloni, Shraga Elam, Tanya Reinhard: „Operation Thorn Field“ 2003; Uri Avnery articles; Adi Ophir; B.Michael;
B’tselem and Amnesty International reports, UN-expert report 8.3.06 in Haaretz ; Kimmerling: „Politicide“,
almost daily there are reports by Gideon Levy, Amira Hass, Akiva Eldar in Ha’aretz, affirming the things
described above; reports by New Profile, Gush Shalom, Israeli Centre against House Demolitions ICAHD,
Rabbis for Human Rights, RHR, Physicians for HR, Yesh Din, Women in Black, Machsom Watch, New Profile,
Alternative Information Centre/ NfW, PHRC, Christian Peacemakers’ Team, International Solidarity
Movememt, ISM; International Women Peace Solidarity, IWPS; Magazins: Challenge, New Outlook, The Other
Israel; Between the Lines, The Other Front; NZZ, taz, Spiegel ...; Meir Margalit: „Like a Thorn in the Heart,
Settlements and Settlers in East Jerusalem“ Oct 31, 2005; 100 Years of Zionism, ISP Cologne 1998; Universal
Declaration of Human Rights from Dec 10, 1948. The Crime of Genocide Law, 5710 - 1950; Rabkin: The
Threat from Within, Jewish Opposition to Zionism”, 2005

1*Abraham Burg: „Failed Israeli Society“ 2003;
2* Michael Warschawski: “A tombeau ouvert - La crise de la Société », 2004;
3* Hajo Meyer: „The End of Jewry“ (2004), also see „Voices of Israeli Dissidents“ ISP Publishing House,
2005; and „Prophets outcast“ by Adam Shatz, USA, 2005 ; European Jews for Just Peace (EJJP) and US
Jewish groups; „The Other Jewish Voice“.... „Jews with a Conscience“, „Not in my name and not in the name of
my religion, Tikkun, “Jews against Genocide” and others
4* E. Rohlfs: „The Children of Bethlehem“, a Documentation, Foreword by Mitri Raheb, Bethlehem 2000 .
Surely it is interesting, there is another book about the same issue, edited in the USA, 2004?: “The
Israel’s Holocaust against the Palestinian People” by Michael Hofman and Moshe Liebermann. I
don’t still know it. After all, there are more ( Jewish) people - even in the USA - who realize the
situation in the Middle-East.
5* About the question of resistance: by Arno Lustiger (“Why the Jewish resistance in Europe must
concern us”) What gains recognition for one people - does count for other members of resistance too
- or?
“According to the definition of Henry Michel, the famous historian of the Europe resistance:
resistance is the accomplishment of the patriotic duty to free one’s homeland, the struggle against occupation
and for liberty and human dignity. 1,5 Million Jews realized this postulate. - The German pursuer and their
collaborators used sophisticated means of deception, lies, disinformation, extortion, collective punishments and
individual and collective terror...”
The Palestinians experience these on a daily basis. (My question: Who has learnt from whom?)