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Israel to Allow 600 Christians from Gaza to Travel to Bethlehem, If They’re Between 35 and 40
Vendredi, 16 décembre 2011 - 18h14
Friday 16 December 2011
En résumé et en français: Israël autorise 600 chrétiens habitant Gaza à se rendre à Bethlehem pour les cérémonies de Noël..............à condition qu’ils aient entre....... 35 et 40 ans !
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Le Comité de rédaction
Khlil Faraj, the director of the Civil Coordination Office in the Gaza Strip, confirmed that an Israeli government contact said they would allow 600 Christians from Gaza to go to Bethlehem to participate in Christmas ceremonies.
Faraj told PNN that the one condition Israel imposed was that the travellers must be between 35 and 40 years, the first time such a specific age limitation has been in place. The Palestinian side rejected the condition.
The Civil Affairs Association in Ramallah told PNN on Tuesday that it would allow a number of Christians who do not hold Palestinian IDs to come through the Allenby Bridge, which is controlled in part by the PA.
Bethlehem Civil Administration head Iyad Sarhan said that security coordination with Israel would prove to be one of the most important obstacles concerning Christmas.
Source: PNN