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Source: Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs of Venezuela

Nuisance “tous azimuths” de la politique israélienne (ndlr)

Mercredi, 22 juillet 2009 - 7h58 AM

Wednesday 22 July 2009



The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela firmly and strongly rejects the absurd statements issued by Dora Shavit, director of the Foreign Affairs Ministry to Latin America and the Caribbean, through which she pretends to link the Bolivarian government to activities of political-military organizations that have nothing to do with the political reality of our country.

These ridiculous statements are part of a plan organized by the extreme Israeli right in order to foster and promote actions against the Venezuelan people and government.

The Bolivarian government demands the Israeli authorities to stop their destabilizing policy in the Latin American region, their destabilization of the progressive sovereign governments and peoples; and it ratifies the commitment to implement all the necessary actions so these Israeli war criminal appear in court before the international justice and be severely punished.

Only regimes such as the one of Tel Aviv, whose history has been written with the blood of innocent civilians, have the nerve to accuse pacific governments, like the Venezuelan, of atrocities that they perpetrate daily. The terrorists that today endanger the life of thousands of innocent people do not train in the Venezuelan Guajira, but in the barracks and public buildings of Israel.

Caracas, July 21, 2009