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Letter from Francis Wurtz, President of GUE/NGL grou in European Parliament
To: Mr Jose Durao Barroso, President of European Commission
Friday 20 June 2008
Brussels, 11 June 2008
Mr Jose Durao Barroso
European Commission
Mr President,
Allow me to address you on the subject of an issue reported in different European press organs and which evidently calls for urgent clarification.
It seems that secret negotiations have taking place over the past year between the European Union and leaders of the State of Israel. Not, unfortunately, to try to unblock the peace process with the Palestinians - in this respect, the impunity which the Israeli authorities benefit from can only be deplored, despite the serious and permanent violations of international law of which they are guilty -, but to examine quite an unimaginable request by Tel Aviv: that of acquiring the rights of a quasi European Union Member State!
According to certain sources, it appears that Israel asks for nothing less than to participate at all levels in EU meetings on issues of security and strategic dialogue; in the Council’s deliberations on the Maghreb and the Mashreq as well as in EU activities within the UN! Tel Aviv is asking, moreover, to be able to participate in Council meetings dealing with issues such as the economy, finances, energy, the environment, transport, the media, youth, higher education or even to constitute a joint European Union-Israel parliamentary structure.
In addition, we have learned that the Israeli request in question dates from 5 March last year; that a “group of reflection” met on the issue on 4 June 2007; that a second meeting was held on 9 October last to prepare the Council Declaration. All that without the slightest information being given to the Union’s parliamentary representation!
On 16 June next, the European Union-Israel Association Council is to meet to examine this file officially. Given the international context in which this examination is taking place - I mentioned this above - it would appear totally inconceivable that a favourable response could be reserved to the Israeli request. Authorised information on the subject of this extremely sensitive issue would seem indispensable to me.
Francis WURTZ