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- Made by the most “moral” army in the world !!!!!!

Israeli Zionists treat Palestinians brutally, mercilessly, worse than animals!

by Imam SMS Razavi, whose dedication to the safeguard of human rights and concern for human life is well known.

Sunday 13 April 2008

I Saw these Real Images

What the Western Newsmedia, American in particular,
do not want the people to know about how the Zionists in
Israel treat the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza

Actions speak louder than words and one picture
may be worth one thousand words.

Click the web here below and see how the Israeli Zionists
are treating Palestinians in Gaza, way below human
dignity, infinitely worse than animals!

And the USA is largely responsible for this because of the
millions of dollars it pours into Israel every day all the year round.


I saw the images and they were disturbing.

Images are of the Israeli assault against civilians in Gaza.
I did not imagine things in Gaza are going as they are;

therefore I forwarded it on to you so that you
witness the crimes against humanity that the
Israelis carry out with tacit US support!


Note: Brought to our attention by Imam SMS Razavi, whose dedication to the safeguard of human rights and concern for human life is well known.