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Association of University Teachers (AUT) decides the boycott of israelian universities

This is a great day for the supporters of Palestinian human rights

Sunday 29 May 2005

>Latest News: AUT conference passed Boycott motions.
>The following motions were passed today at the AUT conference:
>- Motion 58: to boycott the University of Haifa
>- Motion 59: to boycott the University of Bar Ilan
>- Motion 56: to circulate the call by 60 Palestinian associations, including
>the Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees for a
>cultural and academic boycott of Israeli institutions.
>- Motion 57 on the boycott of the Hebrew University was referred.
>Full text of motions: http://www.aut.org.uk/index.cfm?articleid=1182
>Sue Blackwell, Department of English, University of Birmingham, declared:
>-This is a great day for the supporters of Palestinian human rights and a
>bad day for the supporters of Ariel Sharon and the illegal occupation of
>Palestinian territories.-
>More information to follow.
>Palestine Solidarity Campaign
>Tel: 020 7700 6192
>Fax: 020 7609 7779