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Lettre ouverte d’un citoyen militant à certains membres du Conseil de Sécurité

Immediate and unconditional ceasefire that has been persistently demanded by Lebanon, Syria and Palestine

par Guenter Schenk, citoyen européen

Monday 7 August 2006

Dear Members of the Security Council,

Joining Ms. Karas, I also urge you firmly to demand that Israel agrees to an immediate and unconditional ceasefire that has been persistently demanded by Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.

The deployment of international forces are a partial act and cannot be seen usefull. In contrary it would constitue an infraction in lebanese national right and authority over its territory. It is up to the lebanese government only to integrate the armed-forces of Hizbollah into a national defence.

Deployment of other internationals other than blue helmets would solely serve israeli interests and thus be a understood as a threat against its arab neigbours, especially against Syria, which has not yet regained full control of its own territory on the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel and illegally populated by israeli citizen.

Israel blatantly has no limits in exercising its inhumanity and criminal acts of war against Palestinian and Lebanese civilians.

Sanctions should be imposed on Israel for its daily savage strikes on Palestine and its invasion of Lebanon that far exceed Saddam Hussain’s 1990 military operations in Kuwait. Israeli leaders should be charged with war crimes.

It is heartbreaking for decent people to watch on the news the desperation, grief and trauma that Palestinian and Lebanese families suffer. We look to the Security Council to fulfil the conditions of the United Nations Charter forthwith in relation to protecting the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon.

It should also concern you that the Security Council’s delay and ineffectiveness to act responsibly to end these hostilities reveals to the world a potential redundancy that neatly aligns with the USA’s call to dismantle the United Nations. In fact, Israel’s precise targeting of the UN position in Lebanon resulting in the deaths of UN personnel endorses the USA/Israel complete lack of regard for the United Nations and reinforces the US aspirations for unhindered power. The repeated US obstruction of peace for Palestinian and Lebanese civilians in the Security Council should also hasten the implementation of the Security Council reforms especially on the power of the veto.

Once again, on humanitarian grounds I ask you to deal with the matter of the ceasefire urgently and vigorously.


Guenter Schenk
5, rue des cigognes
F-67930 Beinheim
- Aktionsbündnis für einen gerechten Frieden in Palästina, Deutschland
(Alliance for a juste peace in Palestine, Germany)
- membre du “collectif judeo-arabe et citoyen pour la paix” Strasbourg, France
- Coordination pour l’Appel de Strasbourg pour une paix juste au Proche-Orient

Post scriptum, for special attention to HE Jean-Marc de la SABLIERE, Ambassador of France and
H.E. Sir Emyr Jones Parry, UK Ambassador and Permanent Representativeto the United Nations:

Gentlemen, especially France and the United Kingdom should stay, militarily speaking, out of Lebanon, because of the still remembered resposibility of your countries for the colonial SYKES-PICOT agreement, which was one of the causes of all the following regional troubles. Please be aware of the public opinion in this region about this treachery on arabs

(I permit myself to send this mail to the following members of the UN security council:)

H.E M.Jean-Marc de LA SABLIERE, Ambassador of France to the United Nations france@un.int
(President of the Security Council)

H.E. Mr. Kenzo OSHIMA , Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations mission@un-japan.org

H.E. Mr GUANGYA WANG, Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China, chinamission_un@fmprc.gov.cn

H.E. Mr Basile IKOUEBE, Ambassador of the Republic of the Congo to the United Nations, congo@un.int

H.E. Mr Oswaldo de Rivero, Ambassador of Peru, misionperu@aol.com

H.E. Mr Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the United Nations, qatar-e@qatarmission.org

H.E. Mr Peter Burian, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, mission@newyork.mfa.sk

H.E. Sir Emyr Jones Parry, UK Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, uk@un.int

H.E. Ms Ellen Margrethe LOJ Ambassador of Demark to the United Nations nycmis@um.dk

H.E. Mr Cesar F. MAYORAL, Ambassador of Argentina to the United Nations, argentina@un.int

H.E. Dr. Augustine P. Mahiga Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the United Nations tzny@tanzania-un.org

H.E. Mr Nana Effah-Apenteng, Ambassador of Ghana to the United Nations, ghanaperm@aol.com

H.E. Mr Adamantios Th. Vassilakis, Ambassador of Greece to the United Nations, info@greeceun.org