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Arrestation de Jeff Halper

L’axe du mal en pleine action (ndlr)

mercredi 2 avril 2008

Je suis désolée d’envoyer en anglais, mais la nouvelle et surtout nos réactions ne peuvent attendre, j’enverrai la traduction surtout si quelqu’un de plus compétent que moi la fait rapidement

Viviane Cohen
Secretaire de l’UJFP

Prof. Jeff Halper, founder and co-ordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions has just been arrested for trying to prevent the demolition of the Hamdan family’s home in Anata, which is now being demolished. The bulldozers are « only upholding the law », in contradiction to international law, the Geneva Convention, human rights of those under Occupation, etcetera etcetera.

Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Action Advocacy Officer
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, ICAHD, Jerusalem ;