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Au Parlement européen, des femmes et des hommes courageux ne supportent plus l’innomable. Merci d’être à nos côtés pour s’indigner.


By Luisa Morgantini MEP GUE/NGL

Saturday 17 June 2006


Chair of EP Development Committee and Member of the Euromed Assembly Political Committee

Strasbourg, 14 June 2006

“Enough of massacre, enough of silence: it’s needed as soon as possible a political solution for the aggressions in the Palestinian Territories; and as soon as possible we need to give the entire financial aid to the Palestinian people”, declared Luisa Morgantini, (GUE/NGL), Chair of EP Development Committee and Member of Euromed Assembly’s Political Committee.

"The European Union and the International Community must strongly condemn the reiterated and uninterrupted crimes occurring in these days in the Occupied Territories and in the Gaza Strip.
The list of deaths is becoming longer and longer, children continue to be a target for the indiscriminate violence: just two days ago, Israeli raids caused 11 victims.

We have to say clearly stop to the Israeli incursions in Gaza and to the Palestinian missiles against southern towns of Israel.

Palestine is not only facing a humanitarian crisis, to whom Europe must provide restoring integrally the financial aid to the Palestinian people, as declared also by the Euromed Assembly, in its extraordinary meeting (Brussels, 7 june 2006), expressing also its “deep concern on the deteriorating situation” in Palestinian Territories and in Gaza.

Furthermore, the internal political crisis is getting dramatically closer to a civil war.

The silence of the International Community plays a key role in this catastrophe: what are we still waiting for, before re-launching a political solution, just and sustainable for both sides?
Do we need other deaths to work concretely in order to re-start an effective negotiation, respecting the Road Map and definitively taking a firm position against all unilateral plans of the Israeli Government?

It’s also our responsibility, we need to accelerate the fulfilment of the mechanism of aid proposed by the Quartet, involving, “without restrictions, all daily life aspects of Palestinians, including the bill for the salaries of the administrations”, as reaffirmed by the Euromed Assembly, which asked also clearly to Israel to give back the totality of the tariff barrier and the taxes perceived by the Palestinian Authority.

If we continue to surrender to parties’ pressions, to negligence, to violence, to silence, we will be inevitably always more and more accomplices of this catastrophe.

For info LUISA MORGANTINI 00393483921465 o FRANCESCA CUTARELLI 0032484714862/ 00393405649335