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Brotherhood’s FJP offices in Alexandria ransacked by protesters

Samedi, 24 novembre 2012 - 8h38 AM

samedi 24 novembre 2012

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Protesters storm two Freedom and Justice Party offices in Alexandria during Friday’s nationwide protests against President Morsi’s political ’coup’

Ahram Online,

People watch as protesters burn items ransacked from an office of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party in Alexandria

November 23, 2012. (Photo : Reuters)

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Uknown protesters stormed two Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) offices in Alexandria on Friday, as rival pro- and anti-Brotherhood demonstrations erupted across the country in response to President Morsi’s controversial Constitutional Declaration.
FJP offices in Mahatet El-Raml and Al-Ibrahimiya were stormed early Friday afternoon. The assailants threw furniture out of the windows and burned it in the street.

They chanted « Down with the rule of the [Brotherhood’s] Supreme Guide, » as they carried out the attacks.

Shortly after the first attack in Mahatet El-Raml, FJP supporters, who heard that Ibrahimiya offices were also targeted, rushed to confront the attackers.

Fighting took place but there were no reported injuries on either side.

President Morsi’s Constitutional Declaration released late Thursday changed the focus of rallies that took place on Friday to commemorate last year’s clashes in Mohamed Mahmoud Street.

The declaration gained the ire of opposition forces across the country. They said the president had awarded himself dictatorial powers since the new rules stipulate that no presidential decision taken since he assumed office can be appealed.

The declaration also angered many Egyptians since it shields the Islamist-dominated Constituent Assembly and Shura Council (upper house of parliament) from possible dissolution by pending court orders.

Moreover, the president dismissed the current prosecutor-general and appointed in his place Judge Talaat Ibrahim Mohamed Abdullah, a former deputy head of Egypt’s Court of Cassation.

Anti-Brotherhood protesters gathered in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Friday, while President Morsi delivered a speech to his supporters at the presidential palace in Heliopolis.