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“The Forgotten Ones” Une des faces cachées de la Jordanie (ndlr)

Videos from the Gaza refugee camp in Jerash, Jordan

Samedi, 4 juillet 2009 - 16h21

Saturday 4 July 2009


The Gaza refugee camp in Jerash Jordan is home to 24,000-34,000 Palestinian refugees who fled from Gaza, Palestine in 1948 and 1967.

Unlike Palestinian refugees from other districts of Palestine, the Palestinians in the Gaza refugee camp are considered persona non grata in Jordan (i.e. they are denied an identity, not granted identification papers and, therefore, denied the right to work and travel freely throughout the country).

Most Jordanians and Palestinians living in the capital of Amman remain unaware of the Palestinians in the Gaza refugee camp prompting many experts to describe these refugees as the “Forgotten Ones”.

The videos in the links below provide a lucid glimpse into the living conditions many of these refugees have had to contend with given the lack of political, social, and economic options at their disposal.

Please keep them in your prayers and feel free to contact us on how you can help. Be sure to read description on right of each video (in info area)

1. Palestinian children playing on swing made of yarn and rug

2. Palestinian children looking through garbage dumpster for food

3. Asbestos prevelant in all homes in Gaza camp

4. Extreme poverty in Gaza refugee camp (read description on right for details)

5. Inside a home in the Gaza refugee camp (read description on right for details and watch this one until the end)

6. Living with the corrugated iron roof (read description on right and watch until end)

7. “el Neel” (the Nile river) in Gaza camp (overground sewage)

Please contact for more details on how you can help with ongoing efforts focused on the Gaza refugee camp. thawra48@aol.com