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Concrete action

Caravan of Justice for Palestine

Wednesday 9 March 2005

“The Caravan for Palestine and Justice” has become a major international event and almost all the countries of the EU will have participants in this initiative of civil society whose aim, let us recall, is multiple:

- to call for a mobilisation of public opinion in all the countries through which the Caravan passes, by means of clear and objective information about the real living conditions of the Palestinian people subjected to a barbarous colonial occupation enjoying scandalous impunity;

- to demonstrate, through the presence of representatives of civil society from all the participating countries, unshakable solidarity with the Palestinian people and with all the Israeli associations and movements fighting alongside the Palestinians in defence of Human Rights and the achievement of a just and durable peace between two States whose populations are tired of being victims of obscurantist and destructive politics;

- to denounce loudly and clearly the incredible partiality and the campaigns of disinformation which daily characterise most of the media that transform, by means of a carefully chosen vocabulary, the aggressor into a victim and which, thanks to the very powerful means at their disposal, manipulate global public opinion, thus making it difficult to arouse the indignation of all in the face of an intolerable but little-known situation;

- to put in an appearance together with European and other elected representatives, at the borders of occupied Palestine in order to observe ’in situ’ the fate meted out to Palestinians by the Occupation forces, the Israeli police, and the settlers;

- finally, to make it possible for this manifestation of solidarity and information to become the point of departure for a vast and determined movement of civil society so that Law and Justice can once again become that which they should never have ceased to be: the pillars of a society built on solidarity which participates in the life of the City and hence of the World and has every right to demand an account of those chosen to represent it.

Traducted from french by Raymond Deane