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Appel de Paris

War crimes in Qana should be judged by the international court of justice !

Please, sign on the following adress: http://solidariteliban.free.fr/

Friday 8 September 2006

And, if you agree, ask the same call for Palestine.

As citizens of the world, attached to the universal values at the basis of civilisation and to the absolute respect for the UN Charter as well as for other international conventions stating the leading principles to be respected by all States worldwide, or human rights will suffer tragic setbacks, we do express our strong condemnation over crimes committed by the Israeli army in Qana, which resulted in the voluntary killing of dozens of civilian Lebanese, including children and babies.

Such potentially describable “war crimes” cannot and should not remain unpunished. Human justice throughout the world and the future of international relations are at stake.

As citizens of the world, we find it our imprescriptible right and duty to bring those guilty of the crimes, especially Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert, before the International court of justice, which is qualified to do so.

The international court of justice can be appealed to in various ways and not on the sole decision of the UN Security council. The ICJ prosecutor can decide so, on the basis and with respect to actions brought to him.

Considering that the other ways to bring actions to the ICJ are now halted due to a possible block on the part of some leading powers and because Lebanon has no current possibility to do so as it is not party to the treaty founding this court, we make the decision to strongly compensate for the failures of current institutions and on a world scale to bring together all those willing to defend law and justice and also to put a strong halt to policies of indifferent and brutal force by sanctioning them.

This « Paris Appeal” has been launched worldwide. The aim is to bring together all individuals of a broad range of backgrounds respectful of human rights and determined to bring their contribution to fully implement them on earth.

If the sad and insufferable past of what happened in Qana and also in Gaza is not to be indefinitely repeated in the future, the international court of justice must be appealed to and issue a judgement.

Our signatures are tantamount to complaints. Actions will be brought to the Court prosecutor as soon as there will be enough of them to make our citizen approach efficient.

This is a matter of emergency. Without any delay, we decide to set up a human chain over all continents to demand justice and compensation. Justice and right for the Middle East