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Seattle buses to carry ads about ’Israel war crimes’ during Gaza War

Jeudi, 30 décembre 2010 - 8h43 AM

Thursday 30 December 2010


By Haaretz Service

A dozen Seattle buses to bear posters depicting Palestinian boy staring at demolished buildings under headline ’Israeli War Crimes: Your tax dollars at work.’

From December 27, a dozen Seattle buses will carry advertisements about “Israeli war crimes” to mark the second year since the operation Cast Lead in Gaza.

According to a report on Seattle’s KING5 TV, a group calling itself the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has paid more than $1,794 so that twelve buses circulating the city’s downtown area will carry an ad reading “Israeli War Crimes: Your tax dollars at work,” featuring a group of children looking at a demolished building in Gaza.

According to the report, Seattle buses accept advertisements as long as they are not pornographic, publicize alcohol and tobacco, or incite a riot and endanger public security.

“As a government, we are mindful of the provisions in state and federal constitutions to protect freedom of speech,” King County Metro Transit spokesperson Linda Thielke told King 5 News. “So we can’t object these campaigns simply because they offend some people."