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Palestine National Liberation Movement
Foreign Relations Commission
Jeudi, 25 août 2011 - 7h58 AM
Thursday 25 August 2011
Palestine Member State No. 194
On behalf of the Palestinian people, whose honorable struggle for the noble cause of freedom has been a source of inspiration to peoples around the world for decades…. On behalf of Palestine, home of the messenger of peace, we send you a message of peace and freedom….
Palestine has suffered for over 6 decades the horrors of war as well as the untold pain of oppression, degradation, and violence. The Palestinian people have endured the brutality of the longest-standing military occupation in modern history. Now it’s time for the world to put an end to this unacceptable indignity. It is time to recognize a free, independent, and democratic Palestine on the 1967 borders, in accordance with UN resolutions and international law.
Our friends; the Palestine National Liberation Movement, Fatah, has led our people’s just struggle for freedom and independence for the past forty-six years. Throughout our struggle, we have left no stone unturned for the sake of justice and peace. Fatah has advanced initiatives and sought peaceful solutions for decades. Twenty years ago, Fatah also had the courage and commitment to lead the Palestinian people towards negotiations with Israel in the hope of ending the occupation and materializing the international vision of the two-state solution as the only viable formula leading to peace in the Middle East.
But two decades after this bold step and historic compromise, the Israeli occupation is further entrenched in our homeland. Through its unilateral and illegal actions, Israel is stealing the land, confiscating our resources and willfully denying our natural and inalienable rights to self-determination.
The right of peoples to self-determination is at the forefront of universal human rights. Palestinians are simply asking the world to re-state what it has committed itself to, its respect for and endorsement of these rights. Human rights are not selective. There are no exceptions and to attempt to make Palestine the world’s exception is unacceptable and objectionable.
The right of peoples to self-determination and independence, including that of Palestinians, is not subject to negotiations. And recognition, like declaring independence, is a sovereign choice of states. In this regard, we believe democracies should not bow to pressures now exercised to veto their sovereign right to recognize Palestine and stand on the right side of history.
Friends; today Fatah calls upon you to stand by the Palestinian people, as you have done in the past, and insist that its natural and historic right to independence is recognized and endorsed by the world. This coming September, we will ask the world, represented by the United Nations, to stand before its permanent responsibility towards the Palestinian people and make clear where it stands. We seek your help in our noble quest and trust that your assistance in vindicating the might of right over the brutality of oppression will advance the cause of freedom and peace around the world.
That is why we ask you, our friends, to carry our voice, through yours, to your peoples; let our sincere call for freedom and human rights reverberate around the world, through your active support and mobilization. As we take these steps towards international recognition and seek the consecration of Palestine National Liberation Movement
Foreign Relations Commission