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Source: The Guardian - Plainte contre Israël auprès du TPI
Calls for international criminal court
Samedi, 9 octobre 2010 - 6h48 AM
Saturday 9 October 2010
Gaza flotilla attack: calls for international criminal court to step in
Turkish victims ask international criminal court to pursue Israeli gunmen over raid on ship
The international criminal court is being urged to prosecute members of the Israeli defence force for the raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship. Turkish victims have formally requested an investigation, the Guardian has learned.
Lawyers acting for Turkish citizens injured or killed when Israel intercepted the flotilla in May have written to Luis Moreno Ocampo, the court’s prosecutor, claiming there is an “overwhelming” case for prosecution.The request is a significant step towards a criminal investigation by the court, which experts say has jurisdiction to prosecute those involved in the raid despite Israel not recognising its jurisdiction