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Selon Vladimir Akhmedov, expert russe du Moyen-Orient

J - 12 MEHLIS Est-ce là une part de la vérité ?

Aljazeera.com/me.asp 2/12/2005 5:00:00 PM GMT

Tuesday 6 December 2005

Concerning the killing of Rafiq Al Hariri, as a Middle East expert, Akhmedov asserts that Syria has nothing to do with this crime. He stressed that if Syria wanted to put pressure on Lebanon or Al-Hariri it would have resorted to many other ways rather than violence.

Akhmedov says that the U.S. was behind the bomb attack that killed the former Lebanese Prime Minister. He explains that killing Al Hariri was a way to spoil the good relation between Syria and France because Chirac and Bashar were known to be very good friends. They were allies. So, by killing Al Hariri and accusing Syria, the U.S. managed to ruin relations between Syria and France.