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“Resolution to Spend $300 Billion on Detroit, not on Israel”

Jeudi, 28 janvier 2010 - 10h36

Thursday 28 January 2010


Resolution to Spend $300 Billion on Detroit, not on Israel:

Ann Arbor’s Human Rights Commission must speak clearly now.

It must repudiate any statement from its Commissioners claiming that the Palestinian people are a “myth”.

It must push the City Council to approve a resolution to boycott all products from Israel, and to cut off all aid to Israel. Those billions of dollars belong in Detroit, to begin repairing a half-century of federally-enforced strangulation imposed on Detroit.

I also hope the Detroit City Council will step up to the plate.

I hope the Detroit City Council will approve a Resolution asking Congress to totally cut off the trillions currently spent slaughtering Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.

That Resolution should tell Congress to spend those trillions of dollars to re-build Detroit and every inner city.

What Detroiter would say “no” to that?

–Blaine Coleman

Blaine Coleman has been demanding a Resolution to Spend $300 Billion on Detroit, not on Israel, for years– at Detroit City Council, at Ann Arbor City Council, and at the Michigan Student Assembly. He asks readers to do the same.