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FLASH d’information de 18h30 concernant convoi Viva Palestina
Après de nouveaux affrontements, le convoi progresse trés lentement vers Gaza
Mercredi, 6 janvier 2009 - 18h30
Wednesday 6 January 2010
Dans des affrontements avec des Palestiniens qui protestent contre l’attitude de l’Egypte un garde-frontière egyptien aurait été tué.
La Coordination de l’Appel de Strasbourg
Convoy is moving at less than snail’s pace through gates of port compound, bound for Gaza. Every passport being checked. –
Some vehicles moving – but at snails’ pace –
4pm: Clashes intensifying at the border 35 PLEs now injured
15 convoy members who were held by the police last night have been released. Their prison was a van outside our compound. –