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Coordination de l’Appel à l’Action du 12 juin
A Proposal for Ethical Standards for the people’s artistic campaign
We will not betray you - I will not betray you
mardi 27 septembre 2005
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Promoters of the campaign -namely, active members of the Strasburg Appeal’s stirring committee for spring and summer 2005- submit a set of Ethical Standards and of Rules of Operation for this worldwide and European Campaign.
A Proposal for Ethical Standards and Operating Rules and Guidelines for the people’s artistic campaign
We will not betray you / I will not betray you
Any person or organization who fully and irrevocably subscribes to those terms is invited to act as a relay and an actor of the Campaign by freely calling unto his own creative capabilities as well as those of his environment, entailing no right of property of whatever kind of the promoters of the Campaign on such production.
Ethical Standards
The Campaign’s motto “We will not betray you / I will not betray you” questions individual and collective consciousness prior to any kind of ties which may occur in the political, community, or professional fields. Refusal to be an accomplice, refusal to betray mankind raises questions which have to be faced, irrespective of time and epoch, by Europe’s memory as well as recent history on one part, while it also questions our consciousness and refusal of iniquity of whichever origin and in whichever times, including ours, it may take place. Hence :
Article 1 Refusal of collusion -refusal to betray man and mankind- is, prior to any other consideration, refusal to accept iniquity, despoliation, theft, murder, dispossession, alienation, genocide, destruction of society, monopolizing for one’s exclusive profit of land, water, air, or any kind of natural resources or wealth produced by past generations or by human endeavour.
Article 2 Refusal of collusion is refusal of the use of double standards in the evaluation of words, of acts and of their consequences, depending upon racial, ethnical, social, political, philosophical or religious criteria, or based on considerations which tend to impose arbitrary guilt on one group or another as a result of political calculations or as an effect of emotion, hatred, or spirit of revenge, be such words and acts ours or those of other parties
Article 3 Refusal of collusion is not doing, and not allowing it to be done, whatever wrong that has been pointed to hereinbefore, and for that purpose call upon very means -compatible with the final goal- to help the victim against the robber and the robber against his own folly.
Article 4 Refusal of collusion is resisting the spirit of revenge and refusing to legitimate revengeful actions. It means providing assistance to the victims and the oppressed, letting them feel the warm reality of solidarity and the strength of their right, in order to restore their full human dignity and capability of forgiveness.
version 1.01