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Illustrations Prize 500 € and Texts Prize 200 €

3rd International PEACE & ART COMPETITION entry deadline : December 15th

mardi 22 juillet 2008

« Illustrations » Prize 500 €
« Texts » Prize 200 €
Illustrations - drawings- paintings- graphics - pictures - texts - poems- slogans - dialogues
competition organised for the campaign
"We are not accessories ! I refuse to be a part of it !" :
Entry deadline :15 december 2008 (15 november for texts longer than 10 pagesl.

The Peace & Art competition 2008 is still focused on « Equity and justice to promote peace » and addresses the following themes :

1.’’We are not accessories’’/ ’’ I refuse to be a part of it’’ : logo for the campaign
2.Friendship among people and communities
3.Mutual respect and fair relations
4.Youth, childhood and peace
5.Deconstruction of western colonial mentalities
6.Military occupation and war in the world
7.Islamophobia as war propaganda
8.Racism, anti-Semitism
9.Bombing projects and war planned on Iran
10.Annexation and the apartheid wall created by Israel on Palestinian land
11.Colonisation of the Palestinian territories (West Bank)
12.Slogans and graphic designs for T-shirts on the themes listed above
13.Poems, texts, analysis on the themes listed above (for the "texts" Prize)

Art work can be sent via either e-mail to : projets.zemzem(AT)laposte(DOT)net or mailed by post. Please also include a short biography of the author or workshop (name, address, telephone, email and picture (optional).
Art work should preferably be created for the design of T-Shirts, bags, clothing, or to be printed as posters. Participants agree that their work can be used freely by individuals, associations, NGOs and cooperatives in the frame of peace campaigns.

They should be at least 1000 pixels wide in jpg format and at least 150 dpi or A3/A4 on paper. Artists should keep a high definition version for travelling exhibitions.

Number : each participant can send up to 10 illustrations. Groups (socio-cultural centres, artistic and educational worshops, etc.) can choose one or several themes and send as many illustrations as they have members.

The best art pieces will be published on the website (the campaign website)

Contest secretary and organisers for mailing :
Zemzem Association - Concours Artistique
32 boulevard de Lyon F-67000 STRASBOURG - FRANCE
email : projets.zemzem(AT)laposte(DOT)net
Tel : (+33) 9 52 77 77 11 - Tel in France : 09 52 77 77 11

Thematic prizes (the above list is not exhaustive) could be awarded by partners willing to contribute to this campaign, contact address : eutopic(AT)laposte(DOT)net

Prizes of this first contest are financed by Zemzem Association in Strasbourg which works for cultural cohesion and for the deconstruction of colonial mentalities of any kind.


Organizers : Zemzem and Eutopic associations supported by the ’’Coordination de l’Appel de Strasbourg pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient’’, the ’’Collectif judéo-arabe et citoyen de Strasbourg’’, the Bank of projects Alsace.

Please help us to promote this Competition and the Campaign by putting a weblink to :

See complete official rules of the contest HERE (in french)