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Israeli violations in Jerusalem
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Sunday 11 November 2007
Saturday November 10, 2007 22:25 by CCDPRJ
The Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians’ Rights in Jerusalem (CCDPRJ) on Friday published its monthly report concerning illegal Israeli activities in occupied Jerusalem. The following information was published on the CCDPRJ website.
Israeli occupation authorities committed more war crimes against the occupied Palestinian territories and against the Palestinian civilians in the Jerusalem Governorate, continued to commit more serious and gross violations of human rights, which are incompatible with the provisions of international law, rules of international humanitarian law, and the International Bill of Human Rights. In this report,
The Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians? Rights in Jerusalem, in cooperation with the Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights (JCDHR), and the Center for Land Research will give a summary of these violations during the month of September 2007. The following are highlights of these violations:
The occupation authorities continued to confiscate Palestinian land and property, to destroy property and to demolish Palestinian houses in the occupied Jerusalem, contrary to international law and international humanitarian law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. The seizure of Palestinian property constitutes a violation of article 52 of the Hague Regulations of 1907. And the construction of the apartheid wall in occupied Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, causing massive destruction of Palestinian property, is a blatant violation of article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 on the protection of civilians under occupation.
Land Confiscation
Israelis military governor of Beit Eil has issued an order on June 13th 2007, and stated the confiscation of Anata lands that belong to Mosa Abdul-Salam Salamah (6,6 dunums), Mohammad Abdul-Salam Salamah, and Saleh Eid Abdul-Salam (Oraykat’s heirs). Mentioned properties are located in Fheidat quarter east of annexation wall, and confiscation is meant to prevent Palestinians from getting close to that area. Israeli occupation has constructed two walls separate Anata from its lands to the east, in addition to a military base that consumed 4500 dunums.
For now, Fheidat quarter residents (50 persons) has only a tunnel that provided exit from their jail to the rest of? Anata, since the entire quarter is surrounded by the base (south, east, and north), road No. 70 (west), and two walls split it from Anata. The wall on the west side is the point of concentration, for Israelis paved roads on both sides, the western is for Arab use and the eastern is for Jewish settlers’. When Fheidat quarter residents demand free access to Anata, the Israeli response was, “the quarter lays within Maale Adumim settlement’s boundaries”, but the mentioned settlement is 15 km away from them.
Beit Soreek: “Har Adar” settlement spilled gutters water on properties:
On a field visit, Land Research Center’s human and housing observer learned that "the settlement of ’Har Adar’, which was built on 1500 dunums of Beit Soreek’s lands and 1500 dunums of Qatannah lands, used to open its sewerage pipeline on fertile lands, which is severely harmful to olive, fig, peach, and almond trees, and forms a major source of insects and diseases’’. Residents complained to Palestinian liaison office of Arram, but nothing was changed.
Beit Duqqo: Director of local council reported that “a request was delivered to Israelis to open a gate in the annexation wall to facilitate a Palestinian’s movement to his land, and so they did, but they closed it commenting, ’You may use Beit Ijza gate to enter’. But this gate is 2 km away, and the whole thing is meant to seize our lands”.
Rafat: Director of local council reported that “annexation wall isolated 600 dunums, 280 of which are for its path, and the rest contains 600 olive trees that belong to Roman era, 200 to 300 trees were plucked. Accordingly, Palestinians are deprived from reaching their lands and planting them as they used to do since a long time”.
Council’s director pointed out that Rafat’s area before 1967 occupation was estimated at 5000 dunums, 800 were taken to install a military base and Ofer detention center south of Beitonia, as well as further lands near the base for ring roads. Rafat’s current skeletal chart is only 429 dunums, and they are piled up with 3000 people.
The Wall of Annexation and Expansion
Jerusalem north-western villages are greatly harmed by Israeli annexation wall, Jerusalem governorate office of Biddo reported that more than 40,000 dunums were seized, and a field visit exposed the following violations:
Beit Soreek: 4000 dunums of the village’s lands ended behind that wall, most of them are implanted with olive trees, and occupation forces prevented landowners from harvest their olive, fig, grape and almond trees. Israeli military has full control of wall gates; one of them is that near “Har Adar” settlement, which is temperamentally opened at 06,30, 07,00, or even at 08,00 a.m., then shut at 04,00 p.m. When farmers are trying to reach their lands, they are frequently faced with the phrase, “Go home, no entry today”.
Qatannah: Secretary of local council reported, "Palestinians are gravely suffered when trying to get to their lands, and this is only achieved with an Israeli permit or via Red Cross. Olive crop was lost, and so grapes and fig, making residents’ financial situation declined. As a result, unemployment rate boosted dramatically from 67 percent to 70 percent.
Al-Jeeb: Local council’s secretary said, "Israeli annexation wall isolated 6000 dunums of land, 3500 are of which for the interest of “Gavo’on” settlement. These lands are implanted with olive trees, which eventually became out of reach, since Israel refused to grant permits to do so.
Israeli occupation has considered that 790 dunums (out of 9000) are to be allocated for a skeletal chart (C area), and 123 dunums as authority boundaries (B area).
Wall construction began from west, causing village’s full separation and isolation, and work is still progressing with east side of tunnel road, since part of it is already completed".
Jadeirreh: Director of local council stated that “Israeli annexation wall has isolated 400 dunums full of olive trees, and they belong to village residents. Israeli authorities rejected permit applications although Red Cross is permanently dunning them to do so. Israeli barrier and an alternative road took 600 to 700 dunums, 450 of which are for the sake of a ring road. Final area was sat down after 4 confiscations at 1300 dunums (it before was 3500 1967 occupation), and population is estimated at 3000”.
Dahiyat El-Barid: Israeli occupation is working fast on annexation wall to make Jerusalem full isolation unchangeable fact. Work was done of the section that extends from north of Welfare Association to Abu Garbeih building, and work persists with a 20 meters section (from Shweiki’s house to the military base), which is almost finished, except for a 4 meters gap east of Suleiman’s building (Mustaklem’s formerly). Since the beginning of September 2007, Israeli occupation closed that gap with a metal gate, making Palestinians’ movement much difficult, and forcing them to use a longer road that wastes time.
Occupation authorities maintained the policy of closures and siege in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, violating the right of Palestinians of movement and residence, and is pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination in all aspects of life, contrary to Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Barriers and blockade
Assault and humiliation at Beit Iksa barrier: Being jobless for several months, Aziz Ahmad Mahmoud Jamal (47) had no choice but jeopardizing his own life by attempting to enter Jerusalem, since there is no way else to support his family. In the affidavit which has been taken accidentally in Beit Soreek, Jamal said, “On September 5th 2007, I was on my way home back from Jerusalem at 04, 00 p.m., the car was heading to Beit Iksa road that leads to my town, Israeli soldiers stopped me there. I was kicked, punched and dragged by six of them to Beit Iksa barrier, where the 3 hours beating party proceeded. Then, they threw me near to Bedouins at old Beit Hanina after I was forced to sign an obligation that deprived me from entering Jerusalem. If I was caught in there, I’m to be jailed for one year”.
Israeli occupation army hindered fire brigade while on way to put out a fire: When a Ramallah fire squad was on way to Beit Soreek, responding to a rescue call reported that 1000 dunums of land are burning; Israeli soldiers at Beit Iksa barrier stopped fire engines and forced them to go back. Consequently, lots of peach and almond trees turned into ash. Residents believe that the fire was started by a gas grenade thrown by soldier were patrolling the street adjacent to apartheid wall.
Israeli police, along with their dogs, attacked and arrested a child at Shufa?at barrier: Palestinians were queuing at the barrier, waiting to be searched by a police dog before passing, which terrified Taha Amjad Musleh Jaber (aged 15,5) and asked to keep the dog away, but the impenitent police officers unleashed the dog to attack him. The little child was then arrested, and officers asked the parents to take him to a hospital.
Humiliation and offence at Shufa?at barrier continue: An Israeli military commander threatened residents of Shufa?at refugees’ camp with collective punishments if ammo and military gears taken by protesters have not been restored. The protesters snatched the gears while a demonstration against humiliation policy, such as what happened to child Taha Jaber, is taking place.
Police checkpoint to collect taxes and fines
Sunday 16 September 2007: Israeli authorities issued high fines against Arab motorists in Jerusalem, especially around old city wall. That occurred while car owners were saying noon prayers in Al-Aqsa mosque.
Closures and raids on institutions
Beir Nabala: Israeli raid left local council with no doors and no computers: Israeli troops broke into Beir Nabala’s local council for the second time in less than 6 months, council sources said, “On the first hours of September 9th 2007, Israeli military troops irrupted council’s premises, cracked internal doors, and seized what they have previously taken on February 4th 2007, along with permissions files and skeletal plans”.
Occupation and history do not match:
Israeli occupation authorities did not let historical ruins in peace, when they infringed Sultan’s pool west of David gate and north of Jorat Al-Ennab. Israelis removed the last stone of the pool so as to turn it into a theatre. This violation proved that occupation pays no respect for historical landmarks, unless they are his own.
Sur Baher:
On September 17th 2007, Israeli border guard and Special Forces broke into Sur Baher’s cultural forum to ban a Ramadan meal. Israeli soldiers ordered attendees to leave after photographing them and taking IDs’ numbers, after that, they conducted searching all over the place.
Sheikh Jarrah:
On September 20th 2007, Israeli intelligence banned a charitable Ramadan meal arranged by Faisal Husseini foundation to support Jerusalem’s social and educational establishments, since the foundation is licensed to carry out such activities.
The banning order was issued by the Israeli minister of interiors, Avi Dichter, and intelligence informed hotel’s administration ?where the meal was supposed to be held- of minister’s order, then agents deployed around and sealed the place.
Israelis alleged that hotel was to accommodate a PNA meeting; the intelligence agents allowed invitees to enter the hotel, but using microphone was restricted, and invitees were not allowed to reach hotels’ garden, so the whole event was eventually spoiled.
The Israeli occupation authorities continue to carry out excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem, under Al-Aqsa Mosque, and near a building adjacent to the Al-Aqsa Wall in violation of the sanctities of religious sites; and maintains closures that violate Palestinians? freedom of worship and access to the holy places, which constitute a serious violation of their religious freedoms guaranteed under all international laws and conventions, especially the International Bill of Human Rights, article (53) of the Geneva Protocol I of 1977, and article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this respect the monitoring unit reports the following violations:
Saturday, 1 September 2007: Israeli authorities stopped manuscripts restorations undertaken by Islamic antiquities department. Islamic Organization for Education, Science, and Culture strongly condemned Israeli rejection to import necessary equipment and chemicals for restoration work, and it considered that as an Israeli attempt to sabotage valuable Islamic manuscripts, and to obliterate Jerusalem’s Arab persona. The organization highlighted that Israelis actions infringe international laws, and they are just tip of the iceberg.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007: Israeli authorities handed 3 Jerusalemites a ban order that is meant to keep them away from Al-Aqsa mosque. Israeli police called for Majed Raghib Ju’beh (old city resident), Mohammed Arna’oot (Mount of Olives resident), and Musbah Abu Sbeih (Silwan resident) to its Yaffa Gate post, and ordered them not to get close to the mosque or its gates for six months.
Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights learned that Arna’oot and Abu Sbeih were previously banned from entering the mosque for six months, whereas Ju’beh was banned in the middle of the year 2005 for 2 years, so he could get access to the mosque for the last time on 6/8/2007.
Friday, 14 September 2007: On the first Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, Israelis military authorities made Jerusalem looks as if a war is about to start. Thousands of soldiers were deployed in the city and prevented Palestinians from approaching Al-Aqsa mosque, although Israelis announced they are to let elders from the West Bank to make their way to the mosque. Israel has proved itself as an occupation force, Special Forces were spotted at checkpoints, road junctions, and old city gates, so Palestinians were forced to undergo a chain of procedures that make their prayer journey a terrible nightmare. Israeli authorities blocked Palestinian territories under the pretext of ’Jewish holidays’; therefore, holders of PNA IDs were not allowed to pass checkpoints at all. Qalandia checkpoint was an example of Israelis’ brutality, where soldiers threatened to arrest anyone who disobeys their orders. Witnesses said that Palestinians were misled by Israeli propaganda and headed to the checkpoints, where Israelis have prepared an oppress party, and lots of scuffles took place.
Palestinians who managed to enter Jerusalem found themselves trapped between fixed and mobile checkpoints installed near to the city’s environs, and on every possible road that could be used to reach the mosque.
Likewise, Israelis forced PLC deputy and former Palestinian minister of media Mustafa Barghothi to turn back at the first checkpoint, and did not let him to make his way to the city.
Sunday, 16 September 2007: Strict procedures were imposed all around the city of Jerusalem; troops used vehicles and horses to patrol the city and along cease-fire line of 1949. Soldiers installed checkpoints in the middle of main roads, and police forces were alerted for that day was Hebrew New Year’s Eve.
Friday, 21 September 2007: On the second Ramadan Friday, Israeli authorities went over the same procedures they applied during the first one. Jerusalem seemed enveloped with troops and checkpoints, and West Bank residents who have special permits weren’t allowed to pass. The Jewish holiday of Kippur (absolution) made the city looks as if Israelis are reoccupying it, and it was turned into real barrack.
Sunday, 23 September 2007: A Jewish holiday was the pretext that made Israelis lay down an intensified closure on Jerusalem; accordingly, Al-Aqsa mosque was completely isolated with road blocks, and no one could win a chance to pray inside, contrarily to the statements made by Israeli officials that the mosque could be freely accessed during the holy month of Ramadan.
Friday, 28 September 2007: The same scene was repeated during the third Friday of Ramadan: the concurrence of Jewish holidays with Friday prayer made access to Jerusalem for Palestinians almost impossible. City roads were jammed with vehicles stuck because of checkpoints, while police personnel were seen everywhere checking IDs.
In an affidavit to the Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein said, “What Israeli media is trying to propagate are pure lies, and it is meant to decorate occupation’s image before the whole world”. Sheikh Hussein, Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestinian territories, clarified that Palestinians have the right to enter the city and worship at Muslim sacred places, and this right is already insured by religious and human laws, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 on the protection of civilians under occupation. Sheikh Hussein launched a warning regarding the reopening of a Jewish synagogue near Al-Aqsa mosque’s western wall, adding that synagogue is exactly next to Silsilah gate and less than 100m away from the Dome of the Rock mosque. Mufti denounced permitting Jewish settlers to carry out drilling works to open synagogues, and to attack Islamic sacred places freely, whereas Muslims are forbidden from saying their prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque.
Friday, 28 September 2007: Armed Israelis troops, accompanied by special forces, invaded Al-Aqsa mosque’s yards following Isha’a (evening) prayers, and the Center learned that Israelis were attempting to put off E’tikaf (spending night) at the mosque. Police forces ordered worshippers to enter frontal mosque, then officers impounded IDs so as to prevent worshippers from staying in the mosque after Taraweeh prayers.
Destruction of property and demolition of Palestinian homes in occupiedJerusalem by the occupation authorities is contrary to international humanitarian law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and incompatible with article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The following violations were reported:
The right to housing violations
1- A demolish order against Nabulsi family in old city neighborhood of Aqbat Al-Sarayyah, for the interest of “Ateiret Kohanem” Jewish settlers: Israeli municipality employees demolished a 75 sq meters house that dwelled Husam Eddin Adel Nabulsi’s family (9 persons including 2 children). The family owned the house for decades, and before Israelis showed up in this land.
2- Destruction visits Qabbo’a house for the second time: Israeli troops invaded the south-east Jerusalem town of Anata, and then headed to the dwelling of Jadou’a Khalil Qabbo’a. Israelis brought a bulldozer that demolished the 70 sq meters house completely, along with cattle farm covers an area of 100 sq meters, leaving 6 people with no reside to contain them. This is the second time Israelis bulldozers targeted Qabbo’a’s belongings, but they did leave one thing behind: a fine that Qabbo’a has to pay.
3- Barracks and cattle ranches were swept to pave a path for apartheid wall: on September 10th 2007, Abu Dahouk and Jahhalin families, Bedouins live east of Anata suburb, were awestruck by the scene of Israeli forces and bulldozers raiding their premises. The targets were a 2002-constructed house of Mohammad Ibrahim Abu Dahouk (29), in which he lived with his mother, Khadra, and covers an area of 70 sq meters. The second prey was an 80 sq meters house that dwells Khalil Hasan Jahhalin’s family (10 including 8 children). The whole thing took place while residents were about to say noon prayers.
4- Demolition of other establishments: The Israeli military governor of Beit Eil decided to pluck a wall surrounds a property of 280 sq meters belongs to Fayyek Mohammed Mahoud Rifaei in Anata. The execution day was set onSeptember 10th 2007, and in spite of Rifaei was going through licensing procedures, he was shocked when Israeli bulldozers ran into his land. Magistrate Court has set a session to be held next month to review the fine, but the Israelis were the fastest to get there.
Therefore, only 1500 dunums out of 33,000 are left for 10,000 residents in Anata, and another 18,000 in Assalam (peace) suburb.
Five barns owned by members of Ka’abneh family were totally destroyed for there are close to apartheid wall; even though they were installed 2 years before wall construction begins. The actual reason for this, however, is achieving one goal: expelling Bedouins out of there assets, and making the live of 55 people (including 33 children) an unbearable hell.
?- Anata: Israeli bulldozers paid a visit to houses under construction cover an area of 300 sq meters, as well as two storehouses of 240 sq meters, and left after bringing them down. Those properties belong to Zachariah Natsheh and Khalil Saeideh, and the Israelis did not forget to show their pretext: unlicensed building. Israeli authorities alleged that area on which houses were constructed is classified as “C” area (complete security and civil responsibilities for Israel), whereas Anata’s local council considers it as “B” area, in which Palestinians have the right to build without referring to the Israelis.
Eight houses belong to Houshyya family located in south-east of Qatannah still suffer total isolation after being enveloped by apartheid wall from the east. Israelis had previously damaged the road and water network, bringing lots of troubles to the 8 families.
5- Anata: Demolition horror reached Natsheh and Sa’ed families: on September 13th 2007, huge Israeli troops blocked Bayader Assader quarter north-east of Anata, then two bulldozers made their way toward a building of two apartments (150 sq meters each) and two storehouses (120 sq meters each). The first property belongs to Zachariah Natsheh and the other to Khalil Saeideh, and they were legally licensed by Anata local council, but the Israeli ministry of defense claimed the whole area is under its control (C area).
6- The curse of “C” area: On September 3rd 2007, Israeli authorities totaled Randa Mosa Hamed Sharif’s house in Tabel quarter of Beit Hanina, for Israelis have absolute power in this area.
Demolition and destruction
“We will build a synagogue that has a dome much bigger, higher and shining than the one Muslims have”
“Ateirit Kohanim” settlers went along with synagogue construction, substituting Israeli occupation state in achieving this duty. The Jewish temple is located in the Waqf property of Khalidi family, and tens of meters away from Al-Aqsa mosque, besides that settlers did not bother themselves with permit procedures, because they have not applied for one from the first place. Sources of Israeli municipality said that settlers’ acts provoke and confrontArabs and Muslims; especially they put hand on a land that exceeds 5% over the original plan. The fact that the whole building was not licensed by the municipality did not urge it to proceed with legal prosecution, like it did with Arab buildings. A house belongs to Abdul Razzaq family was destroyed on July 13th 2003 for the same purpose, and that made settlers insist more on building a Jewish temple on a Muslim property.
Occupation authorities continue to raid towns and neighborhoods ofJerusalem, incursions and raids on homes, arrest campaigns against citizens, in contravention of international humanitarian law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the principles of the International Bill of Human Rights, and contrary to Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Raids, arrests, torture, and Kangaroo trials
Tuesday, 9 September 2007: Israeli occupation troops stormed the premises of Beir Nabala municipal council, took 3 computers, seized lots of documents and files, and pulled back after smashing internal doors. General Manager of local governance in Jerusalem, Hassam Abedrabbuh, pointed out this was council’s second irruption, since the first one took place on February 2nd 2007, and Abedrabbuh asserted that Israelis are aiming to get things more tightened around Palestinian municipal bodies, and interrupt services provided for Arab residents, particularly at areas adjacent to apartheid wall in Jerusalem.
Monday, 17 September 2007: Israeli armed troops broke into culture forum in Sur Baher and conducted a thorough searching.
In an affidavit to the Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights, forum administrator, Sofian Jadallah, said that “Israeli soldiers stormed the place while preparations where underway to set a meal of iftar organized by forum’s college of religious studies, and More than 60 people attended the event”. Jadallah added that this was not the first Israeli harassment against the forum, for it was searched several times under security pretexts.
Wednesday, 18 September 2007: Israeli forces raided governor’s house at Bethany south of Jerusalem and made abrupt searching.
Mr. Mohammad Oraykat gave an affidavit to the Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights, in which he stated, “number of soldiers, accompanied by intelligence agents and Special Forces, broke into governor’s office at noon; the whole raid squad was led by Jerusalem intelligence commander. Soldiers threw down official document and disconnected phones”. Oraykat added, “That was meant to deliver a message that Jerusalem is the united capital of Israel, and governorate has nothing to do with it”.
Wednesday, 27 September 2007: Israeli Police imposed house arrest on Hazim Gharableh, secretary of Jerusalem institutions, until Sunday. Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights learned that an Israeli police and intelligence agents irrupted Gharableh’s house, turned it up-side-down, and took him out.
In an affidavit to Jerusalem Center for Democracy and Human Rights, Gharableh said, “Israelis stormed my house with no one inside 7 times without prior warning. The house looks like as if a tidal wave swept it after the last break, and children were badly horrified, then I was moved to Maskobia detention center since Israelis claimed they got ’secret file’ against me. Magistrate Court imposed house arrest to Sunday till my information is confirmed”.
?Israel has signed and ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1966, and went in force in 1976. Israel therefore is obliged to apply its provisions in relation to the occupied Palestinian Territories, including Jerusalem. And Israel is also obliged, as the occupying military power, to abide by the provisions enshrined in the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, on the protection of civilians under occupation. The Civic Coalition for Defending the Palestinians? Rights in Jerusalem determined to:
1) Call on Israel, the occupying power, to put an end to violations of international humanitarian law and principles of the International Bill of Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the occupied city of Jerusalem.
2) Call on Israel, the occupying power, to cease forthwith the work on construction of the separation wall being built in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem and its environs, to dismantle forthwith the structure therein situated, and to repeal or render ineffective all legislative and regulatory acts relating thereto, pursuant to paragraphs 133, 152, 153 of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on 9 July 2004.
3) Urge the Palestinian National Authority to present the advisory opinion on the separation wall, issued by the International Court of Justice on the 9th of the month of July, 2004, to the United Nations bodies, particularly the General Assembly and the Security Council for consideration and implementation.
4) Demand that Israel stop the policy of Judaization, displacement and ethnic cleansing practiced against Palestinians of occupied city of Jerusalem, lift the closures and blockades on the city, stop the separation and dispersal of Palestinian families, institute family unification policy for Palestinians, cease and reverse all illegal actions and measures that violated the right of families and individuals as a result of the wall construction or other discriminatory measures, and to allow Palestinians freedom of movement and residence in any part of the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem.
5) Urge the occupation authorities to cease the practices of raiding neighborhoods and civilian facilities, the closure of Palestinian institutions in Jerusalem and to allow Palestinians (teachers, students, workers, and sick people) to access the City unconditionally, to stop the policy of racial discrimination against the educational process in occupied Jerusalem, to stop the arrest campaign of citizens and public officials and enable them to exercise their right and duty of democratic representation of their constituents, in accordance with international humanitarian law, and to apply the principles of the International Bill of Human Rights, and relevant Charter of the United Nations resolutions.
6) Demand that the occupation authorities stop drilling activities, construction and demolition of buildings and of archaeological historical Arab and Islamic sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, under and around Al-Aqsa Mosque and in the vicinity thereof, and to stop construction of Jewish-only structure on stolen Palestinian land, and stop the violation of religious sanctities in Jerusalem and in other occupied Palestinian areas.
7) Call on the occupying power stop interfering with the freedom of worship, and to allow the worshipers access to the holy places to perform prayers, and practice religious rites in full freedom and without conditions.
8) Call on all parties, signatories to the Fourth Geneva Convention, to assume their legal and ethical responsibilities and fulfill their obligations, including action to compel Israel to respect and apply the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories, under Article I of the Convention, and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians from the continuing Israeli aggression.
9) Call on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal obligations contained in Article (146) of the Convention relating to the prosecution of those responsible for grave breaches of the Convention, including war crimes, and in particular the prosecution of Israeli officials who perpetrate such crimes against the Palestinian people.
10) Urge the Secretary-General of the United Nations and all international organizations and bodies, regional organizations, Amnesty International, the Red Cross and other organizations concerned about human rights, to expose and to denounce these Israeli violations.
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