Accueil > Rubriques > Paix et Justice - Géopolitique > Two Kinds
La vérité en vers
Two Kinds
By Raja Chemayel
mercredi 25 juillet 2007
There are two kinds of Palestinian-Land,
the first part is (already) stolen
and the second part is occupied.
There are two kind of Palestinian-people
the first are exiled and refugees
and the second are occupied and hostages .
There are two kind of Israeli-citizens
the first part thinks that Israel has stolen enough Land
and the second needs....... much more Lands .
There are two kinds of Israeli-Governments
the first may attend to our funerals after killing us
and the other builds their settlements over our graves.
There are two kinds of US Presidents
the first kind does what Israel wants him to do
and the second repeats what Israel wants him to say.
There are two kind of Terrorists
the first ones wear Uniforms
and the others .....cannot even afford one .
There are two kind of Arab Leaders
the first are Dictators,Tyrants and Monarchs
who have never held any elections
and the others never have lost any elections .
There are two kinds of UN Resolutions
the first are applied on all countries,
even by force
and the second ones are only ,
just for Israel’s chronological records.
There are two kinds of Justices
the first one is in the name of US-home-security
and the other is to protect US interests abroad .
There are two kinds of Iraqis
the first ones know what the USA-UK want
and the others are naive opportunists-collaborators.
There are two kinds of Truth
the first one hurts us
and the second hurts the others.
Raja Chemayel