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To bring Israeli perpetrators to international justice.
Urgent Call from Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO)
Monday 28 May 2007
The Palestinian NGOs Network (PNGO) calls on the United Nations and the International Community to immediately intervene to stop the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupational forces (IOF) on Palestinian civilians and their properties in the Gaza Strip.
On Wednesday, 16 May 2007, IOF initiated a wide scale offensive against the Gaza Strip. They moved into the northern Gaza Strip, IOF expanded the offensive to include aerial attacks that targeted civilian facilities, soon after, the Israeli occupation government to carry out a series of extra-judicial executions, IOF have killed 50 Palestinians and have wounded 200 others.
IOF have imposed a strict siege on the Gaza Strip closed Gaza strip border crossings as a form of collective punishment against Palestinian civilians.
In the West bank The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on 23 May 2007 arrested 33 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), cabinet and local authorities. Most of those are elected officials.
The International Community has maintained a silence in the face of disproportionate Israeli aggression in the form of daily attacks and crimes.
PNGO as a coordinating body for more than 100 NGOs calls on the International Community to urgently protect Palestinian civilians and pressure the Israeli occupation Government to stop its aggression on the Palestinian people and end the siege.
PNGO considers the continued Israeli aggression and siege will lead to a health and humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza strip calling on the International community to pressure Israel to ensure it’s respect for the Fourth Geneva Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
PNGO also condemns the detentions targeting elected representatives and political leaders of the Palestinian people, calling upon the international community to immediately secure the release of Palestinian PLC elected officials.
PNGO calls on the International Community and legal and humanitarian organizations to bring Israeli perpetrators to international justice.
PNGO also calls on the international NGOs to intensify their efforts to pressure governments to work on ending the Israeli escalation of aggression on Palestinian civilians.
Palestinian NGOs Network “PNGO
Amjad Shawa
Palestinian NGOs Network PNGO
Gaza strip- palestine
TEL 0097282847518
Fax 0097282835889
Mobile :00972 599401297
Email : pngo@palnet.com
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